Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance) (46 page)

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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Austin scooped me up and carried me up the stairs, I knew I was letting go of
who I'd been and becoming who I was meant to be. I didn't have any idea what I
was going to do about my marriage or what was in store for Austin and I. All I
knew was that at this moment, I wanted Austin more than anyone or anything I'd
ever wanted in my life.

When he gently laid me down on the bed, I
knew we were headed somewhere that was unlike anywhere I'd ever been before. I
could feel it as he lifted the hem of my dress and pulled the deep blue fabric
up, up, up until it was bunched around my waist. He slipped his arm under my
shoulder and pulled me up, kissing my lips as he pulled the dress up to my neck
then leaning back, he pulled it up over my head as I held my arms up. I was
only wearing a pair of lacy panties and I heard Austin inhale deeply as he
looked at me lying on the bed nearly naked.

I sat up, reached out, and grabbed the hem
of his shirt and lifted up until he, too, was topless. His chest was so broad
and smooth, I couldn't help but run my hand across it and I heard him sigh as
my fingers lightly teased his nipples. I stretched up and wrapped my arms
around his neck so I could pull him back down to kiss me.

When our bare skin finally touched, I
moaned softly and pulled him more tightly against me. He wrapped his arms
around my body and rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I could feel
his hard shaft pressing against my thigh as I ran my fingers though his hair
and kissed down along his jaw before running my tongue down his neck. He
groaned and slipped his fingers into my hair as he pulled my head back up and
kissed me more urgently.

"I need you, Em," he whispered
into my lips. "All of you."

"Yes," I moaned into the kiss.
"Yes, yes, yes."

Austin rolled sideways and tipped me off
of his body onto my back on the bed. He quickly shed his pants and then knelt
between my legs as he looped his fingers over the edges of my panties and slid
them down my legs until he could remove them completely. Then, he just sat
there staring at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as
I raised my arm to cover myself. He gently grabbed my arm and lowered it.

"I’m looking at the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen," he said quietly as he ran a hand down the length of
my body, starting at my cheek and gliding down until he was lightly stroking my
inner thigh. I sighed as I felt his hand on my bare skin and he whispered,
"You like that?"

"Mmm hmm," I nodded. "Very

He did it again, only this time he used
both hands and stopped to trace circles around my nipples and he watched them
swell under his touch before continuing his chosen path. It felt like hours
that he just touched me. Sometimes lightly, sometimes more insistently, but he
watched me to see what I responded to as he experimented. Soon, I was moving
beneath him, seeking out his hands and pushing my body against them.

"God, you're so sexy," he
whispered as he leaned down and kissed my lips. His hands continued their path
down my abdomen, but this time, he found a new place to touch. He slipped a
hand between my legs and lightly caressed the sensitive skin between them. I
couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips as I pushed my hips up against
his hand. He traced a path up and down my outer labia until I was moaning
loudly, begging him to touch more.

Using his forefingers, he splayed my lips
and began running his thumbs up and down the swollen inner lips, dipping down
to drag them through the wetness now flowing freely. He carefully massaged my
inner lips until I was again thrusting my hips upward in an attempt to find

"Austin, please!" I begged.

"Please what?" he whispered as
he bent forward and ran his tongue along the outer edge of my ear, making me
moan so loudly that later, I was sure everyone on the cove had heard me.

"Please, all of it. I need it
all," I whimpered.

"Like this?" he asked as he
slowly slid two of his fingers inside of my tight opening then flipped them and
massaged the velvety inner walls hitting my g-spot and making me cry out.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" I cried as he
slowly pushed his fingers in and then slowly dragged them back out again. The
sensation was overwhelming and I was so lost in the feeling of his fingers
inside me that I nearly jumped out of my skin when he bent down and began
running his tongue over my clit. He used soft slow strokes at first, building
the tension between his tongue and fingers as he drove me closer and closer to
the edge of pleasure.

When he felt me begin to tighten around
his fingers, he made his tongue into a hard little point and began licking and
sucking the erect little bud as I buried my fingers in his hair and pressed his
face tightly between my legs. My hips were moving in time with his fingers and
his tongue never stopped its beautiful rhythm, but I needed more and I knew it.

"Austin, more," I gasped.
"You. More."

"Tell me what you need," he said,
looking up from between my legs. "Tell me anything and I'll give it to

"You," I said decisively.
"I need you, inside me. Now."

"Are you sure?" he panted.

"Never been more sure of anything in
my life," I moaned. "You. Now!"

He smiled at me as he slowly pulled his
fingers out of my wetness and sat up. He leaned over and grabbed something off
of the nightstand and when I gave him a questioning look, he held up the little
foil packet as he put it between his teeth and tore it open. It didn't take him
more than a few seconds to roll on the condom, and then he was on top of me.
His weight felt good, like it was holding me down on the ground instead of
letting me float off into space,

Austin held his shaft in one hand as he
slowly rubbed it between my swollen lips. I was so wet that when he finally
pressed himself against my tight opening, he slid in with little effort. I
could feel the entire length of his shaft sliding into me and the slow slide
was deliciously agonizing and felt unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

Once completely inside me, he stayed
perfectly still as he pressed his body down on top of mine and wrapped his arms
around me. He bent his head and took possession of my lips in a way that let me
know he felt like he was as much a part of me as I felt I was a part of him.
Then, he slowly began to slide back and forth, every motion massaged my inner
walls and made me moan as I felt him filling me over and over again.

I held on to him tightly as we worked to
find a rhythm and once we did, he slipped his hand down between us and massaged
my clit as he slid in and out over and over. I lost myself in the feeling of
our bodies gliding over each other as the sweat coated our bodies and made us
slippery. I felt Austin moving so deep inside me that I opened my eyes and
found him watching me. Our eyes locked and as he moved his hips against mine,
stroking both inner and outer pleasure points and driving me to the edge of
orgasm. I pulsed my hips up to meet his thrusts and as I did, I felt his fingers
working my clit more intensely, sending waves of pure pleasure shooting though
my body.

I gripped his shoulders and pushed harder.
"Austin, harder faster!" I cried as I tried to pull him all the way
inside me. I wanted to feel his entire body buried inside me, making me feel
this way forever. He increased the tempo of his thrusts and soon he was
groaning from the effort of holding back his own orgasm until he could push me
over the edge first. His fingers strummed my clit faster and faster as he bucked
his hips and thrust as hard and deep as he could.

We were both moaning and calling out each
other's names as we rode the rhythm that would take us over the edge of climax.
And then, in one second, it all started. I felt his fingers hit the spot that
triggered my orgasm only seconds before I felt him groan as he fell into the
chasm of his own release. He slammed into me and held himself there as we both

It took us both a few minutes to return to
earth, and as we did, Austin pulled back and quickly disposed of the condom
before he scooped me up and pulled back the covers on the bed. Once he had, he
climbed in with me still in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I laughed
as he held me tightly against his chest while he climbed back into bed.

"I'm getting us under the
covers," he said with a confused grin. "Something wrong with

"No, it's just that I'm perfectly
capable of getting up and helping." I laughed harder.

"I know, but I thought it was the
gentlemanly thing to do," he said as he pulled the blankets up over us and
curled up next to me. He propped himself up on one elbow and brought his other
hand up to push the stray hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful."

"And you are amazing," I smiled
as I turned and lightly caressed his cheek before running my hand through his
hair. "Absolutely amazing."

"No, you are," he said as he
leaned forward and kissed me lightly.

"Fine, we'll split the
difference," I laughed and returned his kiss.

"C'mere," he said as he lay back
and held his arm out for me to snuggle in close. "I want to just hold

I nestled in next to him resting my hand
on his chest and feeling the beat of his heart against my palm. I tipped my
head and looked up at him. His eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply.

"What are you thinking?" I

"I'm thinking that today has been the
most perfect day in my entire life, and I'm trying to hold on to that because I
know that perfect days don't always last," he admitted.

"That's kind of sad," I said.

"No, it's not sad at all," he
replied as he kissed my forehead. "It just means that you have to
appreciate those days more than others and that you have to burn them in your

"If you say so," I laughed. Then
more quietly said, "It was the most perfect day ever."

"I want to stay right here, in this
moment, forever," Austin whispered into my hair.

"Me, too," I whispered back as I
wound myself around him a little more tightly and breathed in his scent. I
could feel his hands sliding up and down my back and it made me shiver with
pleasure as I curled in close to him and rested my cheek on his chest. It
wasn't long before we both fell into a deep sleep wrapped around each other
dreaming of the water and sunshine and the best day either of us had ever had.





don't know how long we were asleep before my phone began insistently buzzing. I
pulled myself away from the warmth of Austin's body and out from under the
blankets to grab the phone. One look at the screen and my heart dropped to the
pit of my stomach. Tommy had been calling and texting me for hours, and now he
was frantically hitting redial every time he got my voice mail.

I knew I couldn't ignore him, but I didn't
want to wake Austin, so I grabbed his shirt off the floor and pulled it over my
head as I padded down the staircase and headed to the living room. It was early
morning and the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. Its rays cast
dark shadows as they began to peek out from behind the curve of the earth. I
hit dial on the phone and waited.

"Bitch, where have you been all
night," Tommy yelled into the phone. He was drunk and in a rage.

"Tommy, there's a huge time
difference between Vegas and Sydney," I began. I wasn't going to try to
reason with him in this state, but I did think maybe I could confuse him a
little and get him to calm down.

"I know that," he slurred.
"You think I don't know that? How stupid do you think I am?"

"You're not stupid, Tommy," I

"Damn right I'm not," he said.
"Not stupid."

"Tommy, you're drunk," I said in
a stern tone. "Where are you?"

"The bar," he slurred then
yelled. "Hell yeah, I'm at the bar and I'm having a damn good time!"
I roar went up behind him and I wondered what bar he was at that would have
people responding to his drunken shouting.

"How are you going to get home?"
I asked.

"No, no, no," he said.
"This isn't about me. This is about you, and where are you?"

"I'm in Sydney, Tommy," I
replied. Maybe if I stayed general, he would be placated and I wouldn't have to
get into the specifics with a drunken husband.

"No, I know that, but where in
Sydney," he asked.

"I'm staying at the Marks Hotel,"
I said. "That's where the flight crews stay when they travel."

"Then how come no one answered when I
called your room, huh?" In his drunken state, Tommy was still aware of
what was going on.

"I don't know, what time did you
call?" I asked. "I might have been up in Trish's room or out getting

"I don't remember, but I know you
weren't there!" he said accusingly. Then suddenly, his voice shifted and
he began crying, "I'm sorry, Em. I'm so sorry."

"Tommy, what's going on? Where are
you?" I shouted into the phone. "What is happening?"

"I'm sorry, Em. I'm such a rotten
husband and such a loser," he cried. "I don't deserve you."

"Tommy what are you talking
about?" I repeated. "Tell me what's going on!"

"I can't Em, I just can't," he
sobbed as he dropped the phone and stopped talking. All I could hear in the
background was the sound of machines clanging and random voices. It was as if
he'd dropped the phone in the middle of a crowded bar or arena!
Tommy was at the casino.

"Oh no," I groaned. "Tommy!
Tommy! Pick up the phone! Pick it up!"

There was nothing but random noise on the
other end, but I could hear people cheering and others talking as they walked
past wherever Tommy had laid the phone down. Then all of a sudden, the line
went dead. I sat on the couch looking at my phone screen for a moment, then hit
redial and got Tommy's voicemail. I left a frantic message for him to call me
back before texting him and demanding that he call me.

There was no response. I tried calling
once more and sending a few more texts before I gave up and put my head in my
hands and cried. Tommy was in some casino doing who knows what and I was here,
with Austin, cheating on my husband with a man that...that what? I stopped and
thought about it for a moment and realized that I had fallen for Austin. What I
was feeling for him was the beginning of something much more than just a cheap,
tawdry affair. I liked him. I liked being with him. I liked being intimate with
him. A lot.

I wanted out of my marriage and I had no
idea how I was going to explain that to Tommy. I didn't care what my mother
thought about it or what she said I was supposed to do, I wanted out. I wanted
my freedom and I wanted to be with Austin. Or at least, I wanted to see if we
had a chance to make it, but in order to do that, I had to wrap up things at
home and I couldn't do that while sitting here on this couch in Sydney waiting
for my flight to return to the States. I had to get back now.

I ran up to the bedroom and stood watching
Austin sleeping for a long time. He looked so peaceful, a small smile flitted
across his lips as he shifted in his sleep and reached out trying to find me. I
shoved a pillow in his direction and he contentedly wrapped himself around it
while murmuring something I couldn't understand. He was talking in his sleep. I
smiled as I pulled off his shirt and pulled on the dress I'd worn the night
before. I didn't think he'd mind that I was taking the dress and shoes, but I
did leave the jewelry on the nightstand.

I watched him sleeping and thought about
how incredible the sex had been. I’d never felt this way about Tommy, and he
was the only man I’d ever been with. We’d had our awkward teenage fumbling in
the backseat of his car and under the bleachers after the football games, and
we’d done alright once we’d gotten married. Sex with Tommy was sweet and
gentle, and he always tried so hard to make sure that I was pleased, but it had
never once been this kind of unbridled lust that had radiated through every
pour of my body and made me feel like I had been shot through with pure
sunshine. It sounded cliché, but sex with Austin had shifted something so deep
inside me that I didn’t think I could turn back. No, I didn’t want to turn
back. I wanted more.

I wanted to wake him up and tell him. I
wanted to shout it from the rooftops and tell the whole world how amazing it
felt to be wrapped in his arms and to feel him moving inside me. I wanted to
sing and dance, but before I got carried away, I had to go home and take care
of the situation at hand. I came back down to earth.

I looked around for something to write on
and finding nothing, I ran back down to the kitchen where I found a pad of
paper and a pen. I quickly scrawled a note for Austin and put it on the counter
anchored by our wine bottle from the night before. I knew he would wonder why I
ran away so quickly, but I hoped that he'd understand that what I was doing was
in order to give us a chance to see if this was real – to see if we could
actually turn the perfect day into a string of perfect days, maybe even a
lifetime of them.

I grabbed my purse and phone and ran down
to the end of the dock where Austin's yacht was moored. I waved at the crew who
were working on deck and asked where the captain was. When they brought him up
from below deck, I shouted out that I needed to get back to Sydney quickly and
he nodded. One of the crewmembers lowered the gangway and I walked on board as
the captain powered up the boat. A few minutes later, we pulled away from the
dock and headed into the sunrise before veering south and speeding toward the

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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