Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance) (56 page)

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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the emotional turmoil of Austin's revelation and his decision to deal with
Tommy by paying him off, I decided that I needed a massage and a soak in the
hot tub off the balcony of the master suite. Austin called over to the staff
quarters and within twenty minutes, I was laying on a padded table on the
balcony enjoying the feeling of Tanita's hands kneading out the knots in my

Afterwards, I ambled over to the Jacuzzi
and sunk down into the warm water as I watched the sun begin to sink on the
horizon. Its rays glinted on the water, sending beams of light down into the
depths of the vast blue expanse, and I watched breathlessly as it shifted and
changed. When I felt sufficiently relaxed, I headed into the suite to get ready
for dinner.

The chef had said it would be served on
the beach, so I decided on a blue floral print column dress that Trish had
packed for me. The royal blue roses on the stark white background set off my
tanned skin and made me feel like an island goddess when I slipped it on. I
gathered my hair and loosely braided it, letting the tail fall over my shoulder
before adding a swipe of blush and mascara and a dab of coral lip-gloss. I
fastened a pair of small silver hoops in my ears and stood back to survey the
effect. The effect was casual yet sexy, and I felt beautiful.

I walked into the living room and found
Austin sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. He inhaled sharply
when he looked up, "Oh, Em, you look radiant!"

"Why thank you, Mr. Marks," I
smiled. "You clean up pretty nicely yourself."

He was dressed in a pair of navy linen
pants that simply tied at the waist and a button down off-white linen shirt,
the effect was stunning and it made his shoulders seem even broader than they
actually were. When he reached out and took my hand, I felt like a princess
being carted off by her prince, and I smiled up at him as we stepped out of the
house and headed toward the beach.

I gasped when we reached the site where
our dinner would be served. The table was set near the water and the hundreds
of small candles that had been used to encircle the table cast a warm glow on
the inner circle. Austin pulled out my chair and seated me at the table that
had been covered in a crisp white cloth and was formally set with china so thin
and polished that I swore I could see my own reflection in it.

"This is unbelievably
beautiful," I said as Austin reached across the table and took my hand.

"It's everything you deserve."
He smiled as the server brought the first course and set it down in front of
us. We enjoyed a luxurious dinner as the wine and laughter flowed. Neither of
us brought up the problems with Tommy or Daniel or anything outside of where we
were at this very moment.

After we'd enjoyed the last bits of our
po'e, a rich banana pudding made with brown sugar and coconut cream, Austin
stood up and pulled me up out of my chair, saying, "Let's walk on the beach
and burn off some of this dinner, shall we?"

"Gladly!" I laughed as I stood
up and followed him. We walked along the shore and marveled at the beauty of
the water now that the sun had set and the moon was hanging clear and bright in
the night sky.

"I'm so glad you're here with me,
Em," Austin said as he squeezed my hand.

"I'm so glad I am, too," I
smiled as I squeezed back.

"I know things haven't been easy, and
I know it's been confusing at times," he continued. "But I keep
thinking about how much you've changed my life since you ran into me on that
airplane the first time."

"I didn't run into you!" I
laughed as I protested. "You were late and in a hurry, and you were not
looking where you were going! You ran into me!"

"Well, whatever the case," he chuckled.
"I can't imagine my life without you in it."

"I'm glad because I can't imagine my
life without you in it, either," I said as I smiled up and him and wrapped
my free arm around his.

"Emily, I keep thinking about this
whole mess with Tommy and the business," he said, looking down at me.
"And I know it's probably not the right time, but then when is it ever the
right time?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.
"You said it's just life, so I'm trying to go along with that little

"Em," he said as he stopped and
turned toward me. "I want you to be with me. Always."

"Okay," I said. "Well,
let's get this whole crazy situation sorted out and then we can work on

While I spoke, Austin dropped on one knee
in the sand and held out his hand to take mine as he slipped something hard and
shiny on my ring finger.

"Emily, as soon as we get the mess
sorted out, as you so eloquently put it," he smiled. "Will you do me
the honor of making me the happiest man in the world?"

"Huh?" I replied.

"Will you marry me, Emily?" he

I stood stunned staring at him and then at
the ring that now decorated my finger. It was an enormous princess cut diamond
that sparkled and glowed in the evening light. I looked back at Austin and
suddenly realized what he was asking.

"I...I...I..." I stammered.

"I mean, if you want to," he
backpedaled, unsure of what I was thinking or how I would respond to his
proposal. I looked down at my hand one more time and then up into his warm
brown eyes and smiled.

"Yes, Austin Marks, I will marry
you," I nodded. "I will marry you."

"Emily, I love you so much!" he
cried as he leapt up off of the sand and wrapped his arms around me twirling us
both around as we laughed and kissed.





Emily said yes to my proposal, I scooped her up and carried her back to the
bedroom where I slowly peeled off her dress and stood back to admire her naked
body bathed in the moonlight streaming through the roof of the room. She looked
like an ethereal angel spread out on the white duvet looking up at me.

I leaned over and kissed her gently as I
ran my hands down her exposed skin and felt her shiver under my touch. I loved
the way she responded to my hands as I spread her legs and slid my fingers
between the velvety folds already dripping with moisture. She cried out as I
slowly traced a path from top to bottom over and over every so often stopping
to probe her wet opening with just the tip of my finger.

"Austin!" she moaned.
"Don't tease me..."

"But I love the way you respond to my
teasing," I said as I looked down at her already writhing beneath my
touch. "And you know you love it, too," I whispered as I bent forward
and lightly touched my tongue to her swollen clit.

Emily jumped as I flattened my tongue and
began lapping at the delicate folds, sometimes making my tongue into a hard
point and sometimes simply running it up and down in place of my fingers. She
pushed her hips up to meet my mouth as I worked two fingers up between her
hungry lips and inside where I could stroke her inner walls.

She was moaning more loudly as she
clutched at my hair and pressed my face more tightly to her mound. I could hear
her chanting, "Oh please, oh please, oh please," as she thrust her
hips up harder and higher. I gave her what she wanted as she bucked and moaned
against my tongue and fingers. Soon, she was crying out as I felt her orgasm
take over and her body contract with pleasure. I stopped licking and pressed my
tongue flat against the sensitive bud while she throbbed and pulsed around my

When she was again able to speak again,
she looked at me and shook her head eyes wide with awe and amazement. Then, she
croaked, "Thank you."

"Oh, it was all my pleasure," I
said as I looked up from between her legs and smiled.

"My turn," she said as she sat
up and pushed me back on the bed. I gave her a questioning look, but she was
quicker than I realized and soon had me propped up against the headboard as she
positioned herself between my legs, running her fingers up and down the insides
of my thighs while she leaned forward and lightly kissed my lips.

I was soon hard and she wrapped one hand
around my shaft and began slowly stroking as she kissed her way down my chest
and abdomen. When she reached the origin of my pleasure, she smiled up at me
before she dipped her head and began running her tongue up and down the entire
length coating it with her warm slick saliva.

"Oh, Em," I gasped as she
stopped at the tip and teased it with her tongue before wrapping her lips
around the head and gently sucking as she traced a pattern that had me gasping
for air. She worked her magic as she moved lower, taking more and more of me
into the back of her throat until all that was left was a small bit at the
base, which she wrapped her thumb and forefinger around so she could squeeze as
she sucked.

The sensations were coming from all
directions and as Emily moved up and down sucking and licking, I felt myself
moving closer and closer to the edge where I'd lose control. She pulled up and
teased the tip of my shaft again before rapidly slamming down and forcing me
all the way to the back of her throat. It only took two or three strokes before
I groaned and released my warm sticky seed in her mouth. She sucked it as it
sprayed from the tip and when I was spent, my hips only slightly jerking, she
looked up with a big smile on her lips and swallowed.

"Oh God, Em," I groaned as I
reached out and pulled her up to me cradling her in my arms. "That was
amazing. You are amazing."

"You're not so bad yourself."
She grinned as she snuggled into my arms and rested her hand on my chest.

"I love you, you know," I said.

"I know," she nodded, then
looked up and held my gaze as she said, "And I love you, too."

I hugged her tighter as we both drifted
off to sleep.







that was high, ump!" Austin yelled. I put my hand on his arm and smiled
when he turned and looked at me. He grumbled with a half smile,” Okay, fine,
I'll try and keep it down."

"No, I'm just saying that when you
get worked up, you stand up," I explained with an amused smile. "And
then I can't see whether it's high or low. Just saying, honey."

"Oh no you don't," he laughed.
"I'm not going to argue the ump's call with you!"

"Why? Because I'm a woman?" I
asked as I spread my hands out and looked at him expectantly. "You don't
think I know baseball because I'm a woman?"

"I never said that," he
protested as the two guys next to us shook their heads as the third guy drew
his finger across his neck and gestured at Austin to stop while he was ahead.
"All I said was..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I
smiled smugly as I leaned over the kissed his cheek.

"Whatever," he said in a faux
grumpy tone and turned his attention back to the game. "Have you texted
your mom to find out how things are going?"

"I did it five minutes ago," I
sighed. "I'm sure things are just fine! Would you please just relax and
enjoy the game?"

"I would if I didn't have the peanut
gallery picking at my strike zone calls," he grinned as he signaled the
hot dog vendor to bring a few our way. "You want one?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "Just
mustard on mine, please."

"Hey, Bax? Anna? You want a hot
dog?" Austin asked as he turned to the seats on the other side of him.

"Yeah, I'll take one with the
works," Bax called.

"Oh please, do I look like a woman
who eats hot dogs?" Anna asked in an exasperated tone. Bax looked at her
for a moment and she dissolved into giggles. "Don't answer that!"

Austin flagged the vendor down and got us
all what we asked for before he turned his attention back to the game. It had
been an exciting one and now the Yankees were within one hit of pushing into
the lead. Bax and Austin tensely discussed the ways in which the next batter
could force the play so that the runner on third could slide in and score. I
looked over their bowed heads at Anna and shrugged. She threw her head back and
laughed loudly.

"It's what we signed up for,
Emily!" she called as Austin reached out and grabbed my hand and squeezed

"I know," I smiled. "I'm
certainly glad we did!"

To celebrate the Yankees’ winning run,
Austin suggested we have a late dinner at Balthazar, and when I protested that
we were going to be late getting home, he smiled and said, "Don't worry,
I've got it all worked out."

"Okay," I said eyeing him
warily. "If you say so."

We hopped into the waiting limo and were
swiftly driven through the streets of Manhattan arriving at the front door of
the restaurant in less time than it usually took to exit the packed stadium. We
were quickly seated and our server had drinks on the table before we knew what
we even wanted to eat.

I loved this part of being married to
Austin. Everything flowed smoothly and life seemed to just work. It had been a
long hard climb to get to this point, but as I looked at my husband and our
friends, I thought about how different my life had been two years before, and
marveled at how much had changed since I said yes.

I reached out under the table and grabbed
Austin's hand and squeezed it as I looked up at my handsome husband and smiled.

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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