Slow Burn (MM) (9 page)

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Authors: Sam B. Morgan

BOOK: Slow Burn (MM)
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He pushed Zack again. One last aggressive opposition, one last time, one last failed effort at denial. This time, Brody followed the movement because there was nothing else for him to do. He kissed Zack like he was the only way to survive.

Zack fell back against the wall and took Brody with him. He let himself be taken. He clung to Zack, lips hard on his. Desperate. Demanding. Zack opened, letting Brody in before taking more. Sucking and thrusting his tongue against Brody’s, he ran his hands down Brody’s back to his waist and drew him closer. Warm, sure hands on his lower back, the contact made Brody catch his breath.

Friction. The possibility for such delicious friction.

Zack dragged his hands up Brody’s arms, over his shoulders, and into his hair. He tugged gently and leaned back to look deep into Brody’s eyes.

Zack didn’t speak, but his eyes said it all. They promised this was okay and that Zack wanted this just as much and for just as long. And he wasn’t going to say a word about it.

This time, Brody let Zack kiss him. He opened for Zack and the delicious slide of their tongues, the sucking tug at his bottom lip.

God, he’d imagined this. Dreamed about it and then wanted to beat himself up for it. But how could this be wrong? Everything about it felt so right.

Brody relaxed his hands and spread his fingers against Zack’s chest. The heat scorching through the T-shirt, the hard muscle of Zack’s pecs, the rapid-fire of the heart within his chest. He needed skin. Brody had to see and touch all that tan skin. Feel it against his. He wanted his body melded to Zack’s until he couldn’t fucking breathe for the closeness.

“I got it,” Zack said, and Brody realized he’d been pulling desperately at Zack’s T-shirt. “Yours too.” Zack tugged at the bottom of Brody’s shirt, and they both parted quickly to shed them and rejoin.

“God. You feel even better than you look,” Zack said, breathing into his ear, pressing himself in so Brody could feel him everywhere.

Zack felt like sin worth dying for, but Brody couldn’t get out the words. All he knew was the room was spinning, and he never wanted it to stop. He rubbed up Zack’s arms, his back. Zack’s erection dug into his hip, and he wanted to see it. See it. Touch it. Taste it.

Zack’s mind must’ve gone in the same direction, because it was only seconds before his hands were pushing at the small of Brody’s back, pressing him in, tilting his hips so that Zack’s erection wasn’t the only one making itself known. He slid his hands lower, dipping them inside the back of Brody’s basketball shorts. Lower still, his fingers skimming the top of his ass.

It should’ve brought Brody back to reality, shaken him out of this delicious mistake. It only dragged him in further.

Zack’s hands on him. Big. Strong. So sure and certain of what he wanted. He touched Brody without the hesitation of doubt or shame. Brody dropped his head into the crook of Zack’s shoulder, the scent of him overwhelming. Brody licked and nipped at the sensitive skin there. There was a rumble in Zack’s chest, so Brody kissed him and started all over again.

Zack cupped Brody’s ass with both hands, massaging, kneading the muscle, worshipping it and making the shorts fall lower.

“This okay?” he asked and breathed a short laugh. “I can’t believe I’m even asking. Please say it’s okay.”

Brody could only nod and step into him, one foot between Zack’s, one thigh between his.

“Your ass is amazing. Looks it. Now I know, feels it too.” Zack slid Brody’s shorts farther down until his hard cock bounced up between them. “So is this.” Zack’s hand was on him immediately.

Brody had never been touched with so much confidence, handled with such assurance. Zack stroked him and made a low sound of approval.

. Should’ve known you’d be hung like a damn stallion.”

Brody smiled against Zack’s neck before he could catch it.

“I know that got a smile. Don’t bother fighting it,” Zack said. The pleasure in his voice made Brody’s chest ache. The fact that this was okay, that touching and wanting was okay. Zack could smile and laugh like it was all so natural, and he could make Brody do the same.

He stroked Brody again, all the way up and down. Up and down, then cupping his balls, rolling them in his hand until Brody’s eyes rolled back in his head.

“I’ve wanted this. Even when I knew it was unprofessional, could get me fired, I wanted this.” Zack stroked him again as he rocked his own erection against Brody’s thigh. He rocked again and again before taking Brody’s hand in a loose hold and placing it over where he strained against his shorts.

Brody cupped him, feeling the moisture through the clothing. Pressure first and slow rubs through the cotton. Brody had done this before, but this was different. This was someone he knew. Liked. Wanted to see again.

Zack’s breathing caught, then a long exhale. He was into Brody’s touch just as much, and that knowledge made Brody bolder. Made him want skin, the heat of Zack, to feel
. He worked the button and zipper of Zack’s shorts, Zack wriggling to help but never letting go or slowing his strokes. Once he worked Zack’s boxers down just low enough, he reached inside and touched him. The long, hot length of Zack like living fire in his hand. Brody rubbed his thumb over the tip, gathering the moisture before taking Zack in his fist.

Zack’s head fell back, the arch of the neck so vulnerable yet strong that Brody had to kiss him there again.

He kissed and stroked, his rhythm imperfect because Zack’s touch was driving him out of his mind.

“Yeah.” Zack moaned, his voice low and rolling over every inch of Brody’s bare skin. “Perfect. Oh…”—a guttural roll of sound—“so damn perfect.”

He took Brody’s mouth again. Harsh. Demanding but somehow still giving. Brody gave back, their strokes faster, tighter. Bucking against each other, barreling toward what lay ahead. They both wanted this too much, had waited too long.

He dug his free hand into Zack’s arm, imagining if this was what it felt like to get off on Zack, he couldn’t imagine fucking.

, yeah.” Brody heard himself groan when Zack moved his grip and focused on the head of his cock.

Fuck yeah was right. He was going to come. He was going to come with Zack’s hands all over him and his tongue in his mouth, and he could think of no better way on Earth. He stroked Zack harder, tighter, feeling his entire body buck against him.

“Yeah…me too. Oh yeah,
, me too.” Zack let his head roll forward before it fell back again, the strain of his orgasm showing in the thick vein along his neck, the tension of his shoulders. The climax had him tightening his fist around Brody’s cock, and it shoved Brody over the edge.

Zack’s slick warmth spilled over his hand as Brody came too. Hard and fast and never ending. He bit into Zack’s bottom lip as they sank to the floor.

Chapter Nine

Zack stared at the ceiling. Beside him, Brody still breathed heavy and deep. He could see the broad chest rising and falling in his peripheral vision. That gorgeous chest, muscled and sprinkled with dark hair. He could easily imagine lying on that chest. Leaning over, into it as he pushed his way inside Brody. Imagined it warm and full against his back too, as Brody pushed his way into him.

All of it sounded divine. Sign him up yesterday.

That was, unless Brody did another one-eighty on him in mere seconds. One moment blissed out on sex, the next raging against his own homosexuality and the world; he put none of it past the unpredictable detective.

Zack risked a glance over. Brody sat bare-assed on the foyer rug, his eyes hooded and looking sexier than hell. Zack grabbed his T-shirt off the floor, cleaned them both up, then wadded it into a ball. Neither of them said a word as they pulled up and adjusted their shorts and sat there on the floor.

Brody leaned back against the wall, drawing his knees up to rest his elbows on them and run his hands through his hair. He stayed that way, head resting in his hands. Silent.

Please, hell no
. Not the denial. Not the self-recrimination, the claims this never happened. The anger, loathing, and self-destruction. The fury at Zack because he’d brought out the truth. He couldn’t take any more of the BS, and he’d end up trying to shake sense into Brody. Shaking a man Brody’s size would not be easy either.

Brody turned his head, keen gray eyes a deeper shade—sharper. Zack found himself holding his breath as he listened.

“I knew I should’ve stayed in therapy with that dipshit Matt,” Brody said, the slightest curve to his lips. “You’ve been nothing but fucking trouble.”

Zack felt a tension in his chest release. He allowed himself to breathe. And hope. “I never claimed otherwise.”

The curve grew into a half smile before Brody’s face pulled tight. “No one knows,” he said.

“I figured as much.” Zack felt his stomach fall as he waited for the worst to come.

“Not at work. Not anyone around here. Except for you, obviously.”

Obviously. “But…you’ve done this before.” Zack nodded.

“Yeah. Enough to get by. But never here and never with someone I already knew in day-to-day life.” Brody looked around. “That makes me sound pathetic, I know.” He let out a dry laugh as he let his head fall back. “I can’t believe we just did that in my hallway.”

He didn’t sound upset, but with Brody, it was hard to tell.

“You’ve never been with someone…” Zack wasn’t even sure how to finish the question. “In your home?”

“No,” Brody said. He shrugged. “If I’m out of town, I go out. Sometimes I go out of town just so I can go out.”

It wasn’t the time to dive into all that Q and A, although Zack knew eventually they’d have to. There was so much to talk about it if they were going to be more than one handjob in the hall. But for now, it was enough that Brody was talking and was not freaking the fuck out. That was all he could hope for and more than he expected.

“I know how to be discreet,” Zack said without Brody asking.

Brody’s gaze shot to his, some kind of promise making his eyes flash. Zack shouldn’t have offered, but the look of, what? Being finally understood? It tugged at Zack’s heart. This was stupid; Zack was being stupid. He wasn’t in the closet, and he had no desire to live in someone else’s. But if he had to play it cool to be with Brody, he would. For now. And hope to God it didn’t blow up on him like it had before.

Shit. Napalm was more like it. Full-scale bombing of his life. What the hell was he thinking even trying this?

“Guess this means we’re still running tomorrow?” Brody asked.

Zack nodded.

“The things you’ll do just to get a man to jog.” His face was so expressionless, voice so dry that Zack had to laugh.

“You got me.” Zack smiled and pushed himself up. He held a hand out to help Brody up.

Brody rose, and his eyes lingered on every inch of Zack as he got up. Zack was sure he swelled a few inches in height, in other places too, at that look. Brody. All that power, most of which he hadn’t yet seen at fully healed capacity, the sharp mind, the acidic humor… How was Zack supposed to turn away from that? Say no to looks like that from a man like Brody?

Say to himself:
Self, he’s simply too much trouble. He’s clearly got issues and some major baggage. And he’s so deep in the closet he can barely be out to himself. Run, don’t walk, away from him. Never mind that he’s unlike anyone you’ve ever met. Smart, sharp as a scalpel, challenges you, built like a brick house, makes you laugh, and keeps you on your toes. Never a dull moment. And let’s be honest, the cop thing is a huge turn-on. But forget all that and move on because it’s not going to be easy.

How could he do that?

One simple answer: he couldn’t.

Brody stepped into him, a hand barely touching Zack’s arm, before pulling him in by the elbow. “I won’t lie. This freaks me out, but… I’m glad you showed up and beat my door down, not shutting up until you made your point,” he said.

“You’re so freaking weird.” Zack cracked up, his laugh filling the hallway. “And I like it.” Then he kissed Brody. Long and lingering and sure to give them both something to think about until they met again.

* * * *

The next day they met on the beach, this time only running, but covering the length of Folly Beach coastline—from the washout where surfers laid claim to the State Park, where there wasn’t a soul at this hour. They ran the whole distance, alternately talking about the beach and Zack’s surfing or in a companionable silence in which all Zack could do was think about riding the waves versus riding Brody.

“Should’ve known you’d love to surf,” Brody said as they neared the beach access close to Zack’s house.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He had to work not to snicker with glee at the images in his dirty mind.

“You’ve got the floppy hair and the tan. And that laid-back way surfers carry themselves. Except in the PT room. In there, you’re a hard-ass.”

“Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It’s meant as one. You’re not laid-back about your job, no bullshit about work.”

“Oh, I thought you were complimenting my actual ass. Darn,” he teased.

Brody shoved him as they ran. “I’m being serious. You’re dedicated to your job. That’s how it should be.”

Zack ran ahead a little and turned to salute him as they neared the steps.


“Ah, come on. You did sound a
like a police chief there. I had to.”

Something passed in Brody’s eyes. Darkness more than the stormy gray. He was suddenly stern and hardened. Angry, but not with Zack. It was probably twisted how much that look turned him on.

Brody cracking dry jokes and smirking was undeniably hot. Brody dark and dangerous did crazy, strange things to his insides. It made him want to jump into that deadly, churning water just to know the rush it’d provide. Angry sex with Brody would no doubt be the best sex of his life. Of this he was certain.

They slowed to a jog, and the darkness finally lifted as Brody punched Zack in the arm with a smirk. “How about next time I won’t say shit to compliment you? You suck. How’s that?”

He couldn’t help it. He cracked up and had to start walking. “Well…as a matter of fact. Yes I do. And I’m excellent at that too.”

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