Snake Charmer (Rawkfist MC Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Snake Charmer (Rawkfist MC Book 2)
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21 Snake Charmers




onovan leaves me puzzled. I’m normally
pretty solid on reading people. Though no mind reader, I can usually figure out
a person’s mood. With Donovan - a man I think of twenty-four hours a day like
an obsessed stalker -remains a mystery.

Right now, as he watches me in the car,
I can’t tell if he plans to kiss or kill me. I mean, the answer is logically
one over the other. Still, his gaze lingers on my face, and I remain unsure of
what he wants.

“Ready to go inside?” he asks when I
stare back at him.

“I don’t want to go to the movies.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like watching movies at the

Donovan’s body tenses next to me and he
asks, “Did you forget that fact when you agreed to go to the movies?”

“No. I wanted to spend time with you
and was trying to be easygoing.”

“What changed?”

“I’m not easygoing.”

“But you still want to spend time with


“So what do you want to do?” he asks,
relaxing again.

“We could sit in the car and stare at
people passing by.”

Donovan gives me a little grin and
nods. “Or we could drive to my place. You could meet Kitty. We could sit out on
the back porch. Drink a beer. Make out on the couch like a couple of horny
teenagers. Watch a movie on TV like God intended.”

“I’d like to meet your dog. If Kitty
and I don’t get along, I’d like to dump you before I get too attached.”

“Makes sense. A dog’s stamp of approval
is all we’re lacking,” he teases, fighting a smile.

“I haven’t met your family.”

“Aren’t you lucky?”

The drive from the theater to his place
takes around ten minutes. I watch him during the entire ride. He knows I’m
looking at him. We’re playing a weird game of emotional chicken.
Who will
crumble first?
I want the answer to be him, but I sense I’m the one heading
for a loss.

There’s nothing particularly revealing
about Donovan’s brick ranch on a quiet suburban street in an old community full
of other small homes. I look for something about his personality shining
through in the yard or façade. The house is achingly generic with a perfectly
mowed yard. Besides a big oak in the front yard, there’s no landscaping.

Inside the house, I find the same bland
décor. He has nonspecific nature art on the wall that no doubt came from
Wal-Mart. The couch is standard size. The chair looks like it was part of the
same set as the couch and side tables. The house is clean and well-kept like
the yard, but anyone could live here. I even wonder if this is his house at

Only when Donovan opens the back door
and calls for his dog does he let down his guard. I glance around his shoulder
to see a basset hound poke his head out of a massive dog house. The dog named
Kitty takes his sweet time standing up and shaking off his sleepiness. Once
he’s fully awake, his tail wags and he trots over to us.

“Journey, this is Kitty.”

Unlike Hal who needs to growl at anyone
intruding on his territory, Kitty immediately bumps into my leg and waits for
love. I lean down to give him a good rubbing.

“How does he not trip on these long
ears?” I ask, now squatting so I can play with him easier.

“I don’t know. It was even more of a
mystery when he was a puppy. Tiny head and body, long damn ears.”

Kitty follows us into the kitchen where
Donovan shows me the fridge.

“I don’t have much to drink. Beer,
coffee, water. I think there’s some cola in the back.”

“I’ll take water.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. The early days of autumn are
still hot around here.”

Donovan pours a glass of water from the
fridge and sets it on the kitchen counter. He cups my face and runs his thumbs
over my cheekbones. I don’t know what he’s thinking. I wish I could buy an
instructional manual for this sexy man, so I might feel in control. Instead, I
only stare into his eyes and wonder if he’ll kiss me or kick me out of his

A smile washes over his face, and he
presses his lips against my forehead. “I’ve wanted to have you come over, but
it didn’t seem like the thing to ask.”

“Why not?”

Rather than answering, Donovan covers
my mouth with his. The kiss is deep but lacking the heat of a man in a hurry to
get to the bedroom.

“Let’s take this to the couch where we
can pretend to watch a movie.”

Grinning, I carry my water into the
living room. Donovan finds a Bourne movie on cable while I set my drink on a
coffee table. Kitty jumps on the couch next to Donovan.

“You’re a good dog,” I tell the light
brown and white canine. “But you’ll need to learn to share.”

I straddle Donovan’s lap and rest my
arms on his shoulder. His blue-eyed gaze roams over my body, noticing the tight
space between us. I wait for the feel of his fingers on my flesh, but he only
takes in the sight of me and smiles.

“What are you waiting for?” I ask in a
grumpier voice than I intend.

“I enjoy the thought of having you to
myself in the privacy of this house. No one walking by. No one watching us.
Alone with Journey Sheerer is a fantasy I’ve had for many long months. I need
to savor it a bit.”

“Well, in that case, take your time,” I
murmur while wiggling on his lap to get more comfortable.

Donovan groans at the feel of me
pressing against his erection. “Savoring over,” he grunts, sliding a hand into
my hair and pulling me closer for a kiss.

For the first time since picking me up
tonight, Donovan lets down his guard and opens up to me. His kiss is blistering
hot. I press against him, craving more. If we could be this perfect always, I’d
never let Donovan go.

The sun sets earlier each day. I swear
one minute I’m kissing Donovan in the brightly lit day. The next time I open my
eyes, the house has grown gloomy from a lack of light. Donovan casually reaches
over with his long arm and switches on a lamp.

“Summer was my favorite time of the
year as a kid,” he says, teasing my bare thigh with his strong fingers. “Now
I’m more interested in autumn.”

“It’s getting dark.”

Donovan says nothing, but his eyes dart
around the room. He’s looking for the hidden meaning to my obvious statement.

“You don’t have anywhere to be,” he
says as if pulling a Jedi mind trick on me.

“I should probably head home.”

“It’s only six in the evening. We could
have dinner.”

“We could,” I say, sliding off him. “I
don’t think we should.”

As much as my body craves more of
Donovan’s touch, I’m wary of staying too long. I’d thought of losing my
virginity earlier in the day when I first arrived, and the sun was high in the
sky. Now my courage fails me.

If I stay, we’ll have dinner and sex.
Or maybe sex and then dinner, but the lack of sunlight along with sex will
imply I’m staying the night.

My mind flashes to my bed. I think of
my house with my family and the pets. As much as I like Donovan, I don’t trust
him. Evenings are my downtime when I can be completely unguarded. With this
sexy yet shifty man, I might be ready for sex, but sleeping over is an entirely
different beast.

“I don’t want you to leave yet,” he
says in an almost pouty voice.

Glancing back at him while I go for my
purse, I see him frowning. He looks ready to throw a tantrum over me leaving.
Even prepared for him to try and talk me into staying, I never suspect how much
Donovan wants to keep me at his place.

“I can’t stay,” I say, walking to the
door and feeling him follow me.

“Not can’t. More like won’t because
you’re reacting to your fear.”

Rolling my eyes, I reach for the door.
Donovan slaps the handcuff on my wrist before I notice him moving. He locks the
other end to the doorknob and then steps back.

“What the fricking frick?” I cry.

“I can’t deal with you running away.”

“You can’t deal? Well, how will you
deal with me grinding up your body and turning you into fricking cat food?”

Donovan storms around the room before
rushing back to me. He places his hands against the wall behind me. His size
intimidates and I wonder for the first time if he’s capable of hurting me.

“Do you want to be with me?” he
demands. “I can’t tell if you’re playing along out of boredom or do you want to
spend time with me? I don’t mind chasing. I fucking love chasing you, but I
need to know you want to be caught eventually.”

I refuse to back down. Staring into his
blue eyes, I mutter, “When you were a kid, did you think you’d grow up to be
cat food? Was that your dream and I’m the one to make it come true?”

“I lie,” he says in a low, gruff voice.
“Every day, I get up and lie my fucking ass off. I lie at work. I lie with my
family. I’m a big fucking lying fraud. I don’t know why I’m a cop. I'm not sure
if I want to be a cop tomorrow. I sleep with women who don’t want to know
anything about me because I’m afraid to know anything about them. I pretend my
life is fucking perfect, but I'm not sure if it is because I’m too fucking busy
lying. Now I’m looking at you and trying to tell the truth. I want you. Do you
want me?”

“You’re asking me to be open and honest
with you while you have me handcuffed to a door. Screw your rules. Unlock these
and I’ll consider being straight with you.”

Donovan cups my face roughly and stares
into my eyes. “I have no one. Do you get that? I spend my time sitting in this
house alone or eating out alone or driving around alone. My family doesn’t need
me. My fellow cops don’t trust me. I’m alone, but I want you. If you want out,
get out. If you want to try this thing between us, say something now. I can’t
lie anymore with you. I’m not an easygoing guy, and I’m not good at
relationships. If you bail with the expectation of me following you, just know
I don’t have the skills to win you over. What you’ve seen is all I’ve got to

Jerking at the handcuff, I look at my
wrist and then back at him. “Unlock me.”

Donovan exhales hard. He’s on edge in a
way that feels more real than anything he’s shown me. I’m not frightened as
much as curious. Who is the guy under the lies? He’s been so busy asking me a
hundred questions and chasing me that I’d never taken the time to interrogate

Once he frees my wrist, I shove him
away. “Don’t ever restrain me again.”

Donovan shows no reaction. His gaze is
angry and demanding. I walk to him and grab his shirt aggressively.

“I refuse to beg for your attention. If
I’m too much to handle, feel free to frick off. With that said, I do want you
to chase me.”

The muscles in his handsome face relax
immediately, changing his expression from irate to chill in an instant.

“Was that so hard?” he asks as his
fingers tease the tie on my sweat shorts.


“Would you really feed me to your

“Of course not. I don’t know where
you’ve been. Can’t risk giving them a disease.”

Donovan startles me by grabbing me
under the ass and lifting me onto his hips. “I’m disease free. Your pussy cats
would be safe.”

“Oh, really?” I say, wrapping my arms
around his neck. “Do you have some kind of documentation to prove your claims?”

“Sure. They’re in the bedroom.”

Nuzzling my lips against his, I exhale.
“Feel free to carry me to them.”

Donovan sucks at my tongue while
walking blind into his bedroom. He doesn’t lower me onto the bed right away.
Showing his dominance, he pins me to the wall with his hard body. Between us, I
feel the hard length of his dick and wonder if I’m offering him more than I’m
prepared to give.

His lips own mine. Every kiss tears
away another layer of my resistance. His hands remain under my ass. He doesn’t
slide our bodies together to give his cock a little feel. No, Donovan is
completely still except for his ravenous lips.

My hands grip his shirt at first, but I
need to feel his skin and then run my fingers through his hair. Nothing about
him seems like a dream. Donovan is a real man, right here at my fingertips. All
I need to do is say yes, and he’ll give me what only my vibrator’s provided.

22 Snake Charmers




ourney wants me. Tonight, nothing
matters more than those three words. She isn’t playing. She won’t run. I have
her at my fingertips. All I have to do is take what we’re both craving.

My hands slide down her hips before I
lower to my knees and lift the oversized shirt covering her stomach. The flesh
I reveal remains chilled from earlier. I exhale my hot breath on her skin, causing
Journey to shiver.

My lips kiss her soft skin while I
slowly tug at the oversized sweatpants. Lower, I kiss her, and Journey’s legs
open instinctively. By the time the pants hang below her hips, the moist heat
of her pussy waits for me.

Blowing on her dark wet curls, I can
barely wait to taste her. I’ve craved this moment for months. Knowing no other
man has savored her flavor yet, makes my cock even harder.

I slide one finger between her damp
folds, eliciting a pained moan from Journey. Pressing open her flesh, I inhale
her sweet scent.

Journey’s hands grab for her breasts
over the shirt.

“No,” I say in a husky voice while
taking her hands and sliding them under her shirt. “Touch them the way I’m
touching your pussy.”

Staring down at me, Journey looks terrified.
I can’t imagine what she’s thinking, but I know her body wants more. Her pussy
sucks hungrily at the digit pressing deeper inside her.

I yank off my shirt and throw it aside
before leaning forward and inhaling her scent. My mouth watering, I slide my
tongue between her folds and taste her juices.

“Donovan,” she groans, tightening her
grip on her tits.

Smiling at her feverish tone, I lower
her sweats enough to free her left leg. I leave the right one ensnared in the
fabric, making it more difficult for her to run.

“Take off your top,” I order in a
gentle voice. “Show me your tits. I want to see you touching yourself.”

A flushed Journey can barely get the
shirt over her head. Lost in pleasure from my teasing finger, she finally
tosses it aside.

“Show me how you like to be touched,” I

Journey’s fingers barely touch her
small, perky tits. Even with her pussy flavor on my tongue, she’s shy.

I stand quickly with my fingers still
teasing her swollen clit. My lips cover hers, reassuring her enough for her
hands to reach for her hard nipples. I look down at the hard flesh before
spitting on each nipple.

“Make them shine,” I whisper, kissing
her again.

Journey’s lips cling to mine, but I
break away and lower myself between her legs again.

“Tease your nipples. Show me you want
me to make you come.”

Her fingers move obediently against her
nipples, tugging at the red nubs and causing her pussy to spasm around my
finger thrusting deeper inside her.

I watch her playing with her tits,
spreading my spit over the supple mounds. The sight is perfection, but I can’t
deny I need more of her pussy on my tongue. More than anything, I need her to
come hard and drench my mouth with her pleasure.

Lapping up the sweet juices, I keep a
shaking Journey upright. Her legs wobble with every lick. My tongue presses
deeper, drinking down her pleasure. Journey’s moans grow louder and more
unhinged. She’s nearly screaming by the time I latch onto the clit and suck
rhythmically. I don’t relent even when she begs. The waves of hot juice on my
chin tell me how close she is to an orgasm.

“Fuck,” she growls, coming hard and
nearly collapsing.

I hold her writing hips still and
devour her hot juices. My cock nearly tears through my jeans, but I can’t let
it loose yet. Journey isn’t ready to fuck. Her virgin pussy needs more teasing
before she can take my length.

When I relent and remove my hungry lips
from her pussy, Journey lets out a relieved sigh. I stand and look in her blue
eyes. She’s spent, exhausted from experiencing a kind of pleasure she hasn’t
known. I can’t imagine how she’ll feel once the night is over.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say before
kissing her and sharing the flavor of her pussy. “Every fucking inch of you is

Journey is limp in my arms when I lift
her onto my hips and walk to my room. Suddenly, her arms wrap possessively around
my neck and hold on tightly. In fact, I have to force them loose when I rest
her on the bed.

“I can’t,” she whispers.

“You don’t have to do anything,” I
whisper in her ear. “Except say yes.”

Journey studies my face as I lean over
her. She’s scared and pushing me away is her usual move. Not tonight, though,
not when she wants to know what happens next.

“Yes,” she whispers in a shaky voice.

Kissing her again, I cup her right tit
with one hand and nearly tear open my jeans to free my cock. I groan into her
mouth and grip my dick.

“Say my name,” I tell her before moving
my sucking lips to her throat and down to the perky tits waiting for me.

Stroking my cock to the sounds of her
moaning my name, I latch onto her dark red nipples and suck like a starving

Journey wiggles underneath me. Her
moans grow louder when I stroke my leaking cock head against her slit. Every
time, she says my name, I suck her nipples harder.

A powerful, nearly painful sensation
surges through my balls, and I can’t hold on any longer. The pleasure builds as
I stroke my cock against Journey’s pussy. Blinded for a few seconds at the
first orgasmic wave, I release her nipple long enough. I need to look down at
where my cock coats her slit.

My lips cover hers for a moment and
then I stand so I can take in the sight of her spread open before me and
covered with my jizz. The head of my cock still teases her slit, sliding up and
down the wet flesh.

“Fucking beautiful,” I say unable to
take my eyes off of her pulsing pussy.

Kneeling between her legs, I slip a
finger inside her and discover tight, hot flesh. It sucks at my finger, wanting
more. Journey flinches when I lick playfully at her clit. She’s so aroused and
easily takes a second finger.

“I’m going to make you come,” I
promise. “I’ll make you come hard, and then I’ll fuck you hard. Do you

Journey stares at me with frightened
eyes, but she also nods immediately. My girl wants to come. Her pussy clenches
around my fingers, wanting me to fill her more. Soon, I’ll stretch her open
with my cock. For now, I want to taste her again while working on building a
new erection.

Her sweet juices drench my face, but I
want more. Pressing deeper into her hot flesh, I suck and lick wildly. Her
cries of pleasure drown out the world, and I hold my free hand flat on her
stomach to steady her flailing body. When I latch onto her tender,
over-stimulated clit, Journey goes stiff for a second before her back arches,
and she lets out a pained cry.

Drowning in her delicious flavor, I
love the sounds she makes when coming down from her orgasm. I lap up as much
sweetness as possible before I stand and press my swollen cock head against her

“I’m going to fuck you.”

Shaking and breathing rapidly, Journey

“I’m going to fill your womb with my
jizz. You want that.”

Nothing remains of Journey beyond her
primal need to fuck. She wants me inside her. She aches to be completely
claimed. I know she understands I can’t fuck her softly. Not now, not when
we’ve pushed ourselves to such a fever. We need a good raw animal fuck.

The moment she nods, I lift her right
leg and rest it against my chest. Her pussy opens wider for me. The flesh is
slick with her juices, allowing the head of my cock to disappear easily inside

Journey licks her lips and tugs at her
nipples. Her expression is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, and my balls
throb with excitement. Leaning forward, I watch another inch disappear into her
body. Two more inches find her hot and wet. Journey groans in a pained way when
I pull my hips back and drive deeper into her.

Her flesh gives away, allowing more of
my cock inside. I feel the heat of her pussy against my balls. I stop moving a
moment, soaking in the warmth of her pussy on my balls. Her flesh clenches hard
around my cock. I let her adjust for nearly a minute. My finger brings to her
lips a mixture of her juices and mine. Journey sucks away the flavor and looks
ready for more. I immediately want my cock between those lips. I want to watch
her take my length and drink down my cum the way I did hers.

Not yet.
I need to remember I’m in control.
Journey was a virgin until a few minutes ago. I own this pussy. I need to do
right by her and the hot flesh clenching at my cock.

Moving slowly, my hips pull back before
pressing into her. I want her to adjust to the full feeling. Journey watches me
fuck her slowly, stretching her until I feel her pussy clench viselike around
my cock.

Smiling, I know she’s ready to be
fucked. I move my hips faster, pulling out of her until only my cock head
remains before thrusting back in. Journey grunts with the first few before I
see her skin break out in goosebumps and her fingers go to her nipples.

I stroke her leg while my hips move
faster and drive harder into her body. Watching her reaction, I see what
Journey enjoys and find the pace she needs. I know she’s building to an orgasm,
and I’m dying to feel her pussy clamp down on my cock when she comes. When I
know she’s close, I softly stroke her clit. Her pussy twitches in appreciation.

“Come for me,” I whisper, staring at
her pussy full of my cock. “I want to feel you.”

My thumb against her clit moves in pace
with my thrusting cock. Her moans increase and her hands grip her tits as if
holding on for dear life. She’s so close when I give her clit a gentle pinch.

Journey explodes with heat and her
pussy squeezes hungrily around my flesh. She cries out my name and a few cuss
words she can’t say these days. I smile at her frenzied moans. I love the way
her cheeks flame red and her tongue licks hungrily at her lips.

The sight of her coming makes me want
to fill her pussy with jizz. I hold on for a bit longer, fucking her steadily,
wanting to give her every bit of pleasure before I let go.

Lowering her leg, I lean between her
legs and prop myself over her. My hips thrust faster, driving my cock into her
unbearable hot pussy. Unable to bear the heat of her flesh, I finally let go.

Journey watches me with wide, excited
eyes when I come inside her. Her hands reach for my face, and a finger caresses
my lips. Groaning, I can’t believe how good Journey’s body feels. Never with
anyone else has sex been so fucking hot. Now with Journey, I’m left feeling
completely satisfied yet desperately craving more.

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