Snapped (Urban Renaissance) (4 page)

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Authors: Tina Brooks McKinney

BOOK: Snapped (Urban Renaissance)
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He said, “It’s tight.”
His breathing was becoming labored. I opened my eyes and saw his dick pointing straight up. He was as aroused as I was. For a brief second, I wanted him to stick it in and forgo the oral pleasure, but Ronald had other ideas. He pulled his finger out and a cold chill settled inside my pussy. I wanted to yell at him to put it back. He stuck his finger into my mouth, and I sucked it like I was sucking his dick.
“Damn, girl, you still hungry?” He chuckled. Ronald was the master of seduction, and I had fallen under his spell. “Are you gonna suck my dick like that when I give it to you?”
“Try me and see.” I attempted to sit up, but Ronald gently pushed me back down on the bed.
“Relax, baby, let me bring pleasure to you.” He eased himself down on the bed with his mouth poised above my steamy center. Before he dipped his head down he looked at me one last time with a small smile on his face.
My juices creamed the lower half of his face as I screamed out in pleasure. Ronald entered me at the peak of my climax. As much as I wanted to feel his hot dick inside of me, he was hurting me. I cried out, but Ronald mistook my pain for pleasure. He was pounding inside of me like he was trying to punish me.
“Take it easy, Ronald, it’s been a long time.”
Instead of slowing down, he intensified his stroke. His mouth covered mine so I could not complain. Hot tears seeped out of my eyes as our lovemaking turned to straight fucking. Ronald held me by my hair, pinning my head to the pillow. My eyes searched his but he had them closed. I lay still, waiting for this assault to be over. Finally, he collapsed on top of me. I pushed him over and he rolled over like a hollow log. Five minutes later his snores filled the room. He came and went at damn near the same time. If I hadn’t been so sore, it would have been laughable.
I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Ronald. I wanted to make sure my baby was intact. His dick felt like it could have penetrated my womb. Ronald was larger than the average-sized man. I stumbled to the bathroom while trying to hold back my sobs. I couldn’t understand why our lovemaking had become so vicious.
I used the bathroom and was relieved to find that there was no blood on the toilet paper. As I left the room, I knew one thing for certain: I could not let Ronald do that to me again.
Ronald was sitting up in bed when I came out of the bathroom. He startled me. “You’re pregnant.”
It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. I panicked and didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t bother lying. I know pregnant pussy when I feel it.” I turned away so he wouldn’t see the panic that I knew was clearly stamped on my face. I felt my face grow warm and I felt like I was going to faint. I wanted him to know about the baby, but not like this.
“I’m not a novice; I know pussy. Your nipples are hard as rocks, your shit is wet as hell, and it feels different.”
“Is that why you were so rough?” Anger replaced my fear. I never thought in a million years that he would try to hurt me, but obviously I was wrong.
“I don’t want any more kids, Gina. You’ve got to take care of this.”
I stared at him in disbelief. Surely he wasn’t suggesting that I abort our child.
“Ronald, you can’t be serious. Do you know how long I’ve wanted a child?”
“You’re raising children, Gina, you’re done. You’re doing your duty.”
“Those are your children, not mine. I’m raising the twins out of love for you.” I was beyond pissed.
Ronald got out of bed and began putting on his clothes. He didn’t even bother to go in the bathroom to wash his nasty ass. He just stuffed his dick in his pants and zipped them up. It was going on one o’clock in the morning.
“You’re not thinking straight. We can’t have a child now, especially since Merlin and Gavin are about to finish high school. That will ruin all my plans.” He sat down on the bed and put on his socks.
I didn’t pay him any attention since I knew that there was no way they would be leaving anytime soon.
“What plans, Ronald? You keep telling me that we are going to be together and live like a family, but at the end of the day, it’s just another visit and you’re gone again. That’s no kind of life to me.”
“And you think things will get better if you bring another child into the equation? I’ll have to work even longer to feed another mouth.”
“That’s not true and you know it. If you would come back home, we wouldn’t be spending the extra money on your apartment in Ohio. Maintaining two households is what’s killing us. Can’t you see that?”
“No, what I can see is a selfish person who is only thinking of herself.” Ronald stood up with his chest heaving in and out.
“Selfish?” If he’d slapped me, it wouldn’t have hurt more than his words did at that moment. I had sacrificed everything for this man and he accused me of being selfish. Bullshit. “You’re a son of a bitch. You call me selfish? I’m not the one who is driving around in a $40,000 car and living in a penthouse apartment. I’m not the one—”
“Who fucking what, Gina? I have all those things because I work hard.” He was angry but so was I.
“You have all those things because you’re selfish.” This was the first time that I had expressed my feelings about his opulence to him. It was true. He sent me a paltry sum to help with the kids, but it was never enough. He started flinging his shit into the duffle bag that he’d brought home with him. Fear oozed through my body. As much as I hated him at the moment, he was still my life, and I didn’t want him to cut his visit short. I reached for my nightgown and put it on. I felt foolish arguing with him while naked.
“I work too, dammit, but my money goes to this house and your children,” I said.
He didn’t look at me as he continued to pack his bag. My pride kept me from saying anything else to him as he grabbed his cologne off the dresser.
“And don’t forget to mention your freeloading friend. You run this fucking house like it’s a fucking shelter and you expect me to foot the bill.”
My mind was reeling. I could not believe the venom in his voice. He never complained about my friend Tabatha before. In fact, he encouraged me to let her stay when she was going through her hell. I was beyond mad now. I wanted to hurt him like he had hurt me.
“At least my friend left. Hell, you said I would only have to keep your kids for a few months and they’ve been here for nine fucking years!” I was screeching and I didn’t even care.
Ronald dipped into his pocket and peeled off some bills from the huge knot he had in his pocket. He threw the money on the dresser.
“Take care of your problem, Gina, because if you have this kid, you’re on your own and you’ll never see me again.” He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out the door.
I met Gina in the lobby of my work place during my lunch break because she said it was an emergency.
“Ronald doesn’t want to have anything to do with the baby.”
I hadn’t seen Gina in over two months. “Are you serious? Why is it that he can have fifty million children with other women but he doesn’t want a child by you? What kind of shit is that?” I wasn’t surprised by his admission, but I didn’t want to say that to Gina’s face.
“I know. He said he was going to leave me if I have this child.”
As much as I wanted to say, I told you so,’ I didn’t have the heart to do it. Gina had been through enough and my heart went out to her. As loving as she was, she didn’t deserve the treatment she was getting from her asshole man. “Stop lyin . What did he say?” As much as I disliked Ronald, I could not believe he would form his lips to say anything that cold to Gina. I expected him to be upset, but I never thought he would suggest she abort his baby.
“We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant, Copelands. It was real dark and sexy. He had a few drinks and appeared to be in a good mood. I mentioned the children and he cut me off and said he didn’t want to talk about the children.”
“You hate Copelands.”
favorite restaurant. Are you going to let me finish my story or not?” She gazed at me through watery eyes.
“Sorry, go ’head.”
“Anyway, he said he didn’t want to talk about the children.”
“I guess he doesn’t.”
Gina paused. I could tell she was about to walk out on me.
“Anyway, I backed off. But I really wanted to get him to acknowledge how good of a mother I’ve been to his children. You know, before I told him I was pregnant.”
“Gina, get to the point.” She was dragging the story out, but I knew this was because she was hurting.
“I was about to order dessert and he told me I didn’t need it.”
“Damn, that’s cold.” I gazed at my friend sympathetically. She had gained a few pounds, but she was still a beautiful woman both inside and out.
“I know, I almost started crying. He didn’t even apologize. In the car, I tried to act like he hadn’t hurt my feelings, but I couldn’t. We didn’t speak the whole way home.”
I tried to imagine how that ride must have been because Gina loved to talk. If she was quiet around me, I would assume she was either sick or asleep. A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth but Gina missed it.
“I took a shower as soon as we got home. I just wanted to go to bed and sleep away my pain.”
“Where were the twins?”
“My sister kept them. I told her I was going to break the news to Ronald, and she thought it would be best if they were not in the house.”
“I know that’s right.”
Once again Gina shot me a nasty look. I wasn’t trying to be funny because I knew deep down in my heart that things wouldn’t go as Gina had planned when she told him about having a child.
“When I came out of the bathroom he was already in bed. I could tell that he was ready to fuck, but I wasn’t feeling him.”
“Humph.” That was no surprise to me. Niggas always wanted to fuck. It didn’t matter what else was going on, their dicks were unaffected. They could be damn near dying but would still get a hard-on. I just shook my head instead of saying the words out loud.
“Anyway, to make a long story short, he said he didn’t want any more kids.”
“He did not lie.”
“Yeah, look, I thought I was ready to discuss this but I’m not. I gotta go.” Gina grabbed her coat from the sofa and started for the lobby door.
“Wait, Gina. If Ronald doesn’t want this child, then let the motherfucker go and tell him to take all of his other rugrats with him.”
“Tabatha, they are my children now. It doesn’t matter that I’m not their birth mother. I love them and I won’t turn my back on them.”
“But the nigga you slept with is willing to turn his back on you. What kind of bullshit is that? You don’t deserve this, Gina. You’ve given this nigga everything.”
“It’s complicated, Tabatha, and you wouldn’t understand.”
“What the fuck is there to understand? He’s using you. And now that you are having his baby, he wants to run and fucking hide like he did with his other babies’ mommas.”
“I’m not giving up on my kids.”
“You can be a fool if you want to, but you mark my words, you will live to regret it.”
“Tabatha?” I spoke into the phone.
“Huh? Who is this?”
“It’s me, Gina. I need to talk to you.”
“Bitch, why are you whispering?” I turned over and looked at the clock. 1:17
“’Cause he’s in the house.”
“Who’s in the house? Do I need to call the police?” I rose from the bed, ready to make a run if I had to. I wasn’t going to let anyone mess with my girl.
“No, Tabatha. Listen to me. Ronald came home a few nights ago and he was upset with me because I hadn’t gotten rid of the baby. We fought and he left, but he just came back in.”
I settled back. Even though I didn’t like Ronald and the things that he did to my friend, I knew he would never hurt her. As the words replayed in my mind, something stood out. Fought? What the hell? I snatched the covers off my bed and sat up straight.
“Fought? Did that motherfucker put his hands on you? Hold up; let me clear my motherfucking head. Please tell me that nigga didn’t hit you ’cause I’m on my fucking way.” I picked up my panties from the floor.
“No, but I can’t stand the sight of him right now I want to come and stay at your house for a minute.”
“Girl, fuck him, I don’t care about him. I only care about you. You are always welcome at my house.”
“Thanks, Tabatha. I’m on my way and I’ll be alone.”
“Good, I will be waiting up for you.” I hung up the phone and continued to get dressed. I had to search for something suitable to go to the door. I slept in the nude so it was a terrible scramble for me to get my clothes in order. I wasn’t sure how long it would take Gina to get here, but I needed to be ready. She had been through a lot.
“What’s the matter?” my bedmate asked.
“Uh, I have an emergency and you have to leave.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
I could tell that he was pissed. But if the shoe were on the other foot, I would be pissed too. “Sorry, boo.”
“This is some fucking bullshit right here.” He got up and started looking around for his clothes.
“I’m sorry, something has come up and I have to deal with it.” I felt a twinge of regret for turning down a perfectly good dick without riding him at least one more time, but there was no way I was going to be able to enjoy him once Gina got here. “Please don’t go away mad. This situation is beyond my control.”
“Fuck you and your situation,” he said as he rammed his feet into his sneakers.
When I say the motherfucker was pissed, that was an understatement. I pushed the envelope.
“Can I get a rain check?”
“Bitch, please, your shit wasn’t that good in the first place.” He slammed the bedroom door on his way out.
Damn, what a waste. He didn’t have to insult me; there was no call for that. I bet he had awakened all of my neighbors when he slammed the door. I went into the bathroom to wash up. I didn’t want to smell like sex when Gina got here. When I finished dressing, I went into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. It was going to be a long night, and I needed something to clear my head.
As the coffee pot began to whistle, I decided that I’d rather have a strong drink. I turned the kettle on low just in case Gina wanted some, and fixed myself an apple martini. I had made up a batch for me and William but we never got around to drinking it. I was on my second drink when I heard her car pull into the parking lot. I went to the window and saw Gina struggling with two suitcases. I quickly went down the stairs to help. From the looks of her luggage, she was planning on staying awhile. Once again the irony of the situation struck me. There was no way in hell that she should be leaving her house and coming to me.

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