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Authors: Angie Stanton

Snapshot (42 page)

BOOK: Snapshot
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“I know it’s a lot all at once.” Brandy chuckled, unaware of Marti’s dilemma.

“Yeah, I was just getting used to the idea that I’m in Boston and now I’ll be going to a new city.” Her gut lurched at leaving. She wanted so badly to put down roots, but in someplace where Adam could still be in her life.

“Oh, didn’t you know? I live in Boston.”

Her jaw dropped open. “You do?” Marti was stunned. How was this possible? It was too perfect for words. She looked at Adam; he wore the same shocked expression. Marti wanted to jump up and down and scream at how awesome this was.

“Yes, for the past four years. I finished my nursing degree here and work at a clinic in Back Bay.”

“So I don’t have to move away?” She glanced at Mrs. Jamieson to see her shared excitement.

“Nope,” Brandy said. “In fact, I’d love to show you my place. It’s about twenty minutes from here. Adam can come too! We’ll order Thai food, sit on the screen porch, and catch up. What do you think?”

Marti looked at Adam, then his mom, who nodded, and then back to her sister. “I’d love to!” She hugged her. “Oh my god! Thank you so much! I can’t believe this is really happening!”

Brandy looked just as happy as Marti. “Well, go get your stuff!”

“Oh, yeah!” Marti popped up. “There isn’t much.” She wiggled her finger at Adam and he followed her into the bright bedroom. The instant they were alone, she spun around. “Can you believe it? My sister! And she lives in Boston!”

“I know!” He linked his fingers with hers, pulled her forward and kissed her. “I told you, I wasn’t going to let you get away!”

A zing of excitement shot through her, like it did every time he kissed her. She thought back to their first kiss. That moment was a snapshot in her mind, one that would last forever. No fire could ever take her memories away. And now she and Adam would get to make more memories together.

She could hardly wait to get started.




Chapter 26


Four weeks later.


“Where are you?” Adam asked.

“Just got off the bus. I’m almost home.” Marti held her phone and strolled down the sidewalk. Shade trees with bright yellow and deep red leaves dotted her way. Her new camera hung from her neck and her messenger bag slung from her shoulder. A light breeze swept a few colorful leaves through the air. Marti loved fall, and she loved her new life with Brandy and Paul, but she loved Adam even more and missed him like crazy while he was gone the past week to, of all places, LA.

“I found out today the school paper is using two of my pictures of the homecoming court.”

“That’s great! So you still want to go?”

“Of course! That way all the kids who haven’t bothered to say hi to me will find out my boyfriend is the world-famous Adam Jamieson.”

Adam laughed. “You are so cruel. So you’re sure you don’t mind having a rocker for a boyfriend?” She heard the teasing in his voice and pictured his gorgeous face.

“Nah, not too much.” She grinned. “Hey, when do I get to see you?”

“Soon. Oh, bad news, I’m not going to be able to get a car to drive you to dinner and the dance tomorrow night.”

“Oh, no! What are we gonna do?” She didn’t want to ask her sister to drive. Brandy had already done so much.

“Let’s take your car,” he said.

“Very funny. My car was ruined in the fire.” Marti walked around the side of the hedges that edged her front yard and stopped in shock. In the middle of the driveway she discovered Adam leaning against her cute, yellow Mustang.

Adam grinned and lowered his phone.

“Oh my god!” She wanted to run to his arms, but couldn’t get over the surprise of seeing her car parked in her driveway. “How did you…?” She walked up and touched the gleaming hood.

“I didn’t. Your dad did. It’s not your car from LA, it’s a new one.”

She couldn’t believe her dad bought her another car. She turned to Adam and slipped her arm around his waist, still staring at the car. “This is so amazing.”

“And there’s more!” He smiled with that playful twinkle in his eyes.

“What?” She couldn’t imagine what else he could possibly surprise her with. She’d been flying high on happiness ever since reuniting with Adam and then moving in with Brandy and her husband. Both of whom she adored.

Adam reached into the back seat and pulled out a pet carrier.

“You got me a cat!”

He turned the carrier her direction and a loud meow sounded. “Oh my god! Kahlua!” She glanced at Adam in disbelief and reached for the carrier’s door, her hands shaking. Kahlua looked at her and mewed another angry cry.

“Come here, girl,” she said. Adam held the carrier still as Marti opened the door and pulled out her noisy cat. Marti hugged her and buried her face into Kahlua’s long fur. “How’d you find her?” She tried to hold back her tears.

He returned the carrier to the car. “I didn’t. One of your dad’s neighbors did. Kahlua had been sleeping in their windowsill for a couple weeks before they bothered to check her tags and see the last name Hunter.” He reached over and rubbed the fur around the cat’s ears. “They figured she belonged to your dad. It took a while before they got a message to him. Then your dad heard that Jamieson was in LA and called to see if I wanted to bring her to you.”

Kahlua squirmed in Marti’s arms. “I can’t believe it. I thought for sure I’d never see her again. Thank you,” she stepped closer and kissed him. “I love you so much. I can’t even tell you how much.”

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her as close as possible without irritating the cat further. He pressed his forehead to hers. “Sure you can.”

“I love you, I love you, I love you.” She punctuated each word with a kiss.

He held her face in his hands. “I love you too.”

Now she truly had it all.




The End.



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Warm regards,


Angie Stanton


About the Author ~ Angie Stanton


Angie Stanton lives in Wisconsin with her family, two naughty dogs and an overweight cat. Angie was raised out in the country far from the distractions of friends, transportation and cable TV. With only books as entertainment, she mastered the skill of daydreaming at a young age and has finally put that talent to work.

Angie enjoys reality TV, particularly those shows involving dancing, surviving and dating. When not drifting off to another place in her head, she loves to travel as often as her wallet will allow.



Special thanks:


To my husband, for finally understanding that, yes, I do want him to let the dog out, so that I can keep writing.

To my kids, for understanding when I end our phone calls early, so I can get back to work.

To my awesome critique partner, editor and friend, author Linda Schmalz who is smart, funny and great at what she does.

To author Liz Reinhardt, for her undying encouragement and support and creative swearing.

To Sue Balthazar, for sharing her terrifying story of surviving a home fire and living to talk about it.

To the wonderful people who assisted on research, including Tess Thruman, photography; Glenn Svetnicka, camp life; and Kris Hebel, guitar.

To James Dylan of the Led Zeppelin Experience, for your generous spirit. Keep the dream alive!

And finally to my special group of author friends who have been topping all the publishing charts, both indie and traditional. You inspire me, you get me through the day, and most of all, you make me spew soda at my computer screen! Viva la Pagina!


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Wow! Rock and a Hard Place took me places I didn’t expect to go. I thought I had this book all figured out from the description, but it was so much more.

~ Reading, Eating & Dreaming


This book was so good! I started reading it, expecting the typical pop star and normal teen romance, but that’s not what I got. I would recommend this 1000%! GREAT, GREAT, GREAT read!



This book was an absolute joy to read. I laughed and loved with Libby and Peter, but even more, I cried as if it were actually happening to me.



I can’t seem to get this one out of my head. I laughed, I cried, I got pissed, I cried some more.


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What others are saying about Dream Chaser.


Giggling, laughing out loud, reading parts to anyone who will listen - Fun, delightful love story.

~ The Book Runner


This novel will sweep you off your feet. Angie Stanton is an asset to young adult literature.

Reading, Eating & Dreaming


Dream Chaser is the absolute most amazing book I have ever read! It will have you laughing, crying and cheering the characters on.

Amy C.

Love 'em or Leave 'em



BOOK: Snapshot
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