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Authors: Ashley Hind

Tags: #HoE, #kinky, #House of Erotica, #excite, #spank, #sex, #erotic, #adult, #bdsm, #fetish, #fun, #sexy, #erotica, #Lesbian

Snatched (21 page)

BOOK: Snatched
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She just about managed to reign in her own desire to bury her face into the soft cunt - not wanting to appear too keen to betray her lover - but she found it ever harder to suppress her own moans of pleasure. Caroline was doing an expert job on her, that was for sure. The hands on her buttocks were pulling them apart for greater access, and it turned her on knowing she would be open and on show for the watching twins. As Leah came closer to orgasm she felt the sudden need to prove herself a good lover too, as if May might be comparing the performances and making her choice of future lover. She went to town on the policewoman’s puss, using her fingers as well as her tongue to have the girl writhing beneath her weight. Then they found a rhythm between them, becoming less frantic and measuring each other’s build so that could both continue to pleasure each other as their excitement rose. With fingers pushed deep and clits sucked hard, they came almost simultaneously, Leah just seconds behind the shaking Caroline.

As the wave of bliss began to recede Leah felt the guilt crash over her instead. She had been forced to make another girl come while her desolate lover watched. April had won again. She could not even bring herself to look at May as she obeyed the instruction from the elder sister to dress. April was seemingly more than happy both to have caused the rift and to have masturbated herself to orgasm while she did so. She sucked her sticky fingers contentedly before dressing herself and leading the party home in silence. Caroline seemed happy too, looking over several times and smiling towards Leah as May walked her home. It was not a smile Leah found herself able to return.

After tea, the captives were returned to their quarters to shower. Caroline was again full of pent-up excitement and Leah found herself swinging between pride at being the source of the girl’s joy, and resentment, fearing that it stemmed instead from the policewoman’s possible earlier seduction of May. As they lay upon the bed, Caroline snuggled up and cupped her hand over her mouth to hide from the cameras as she whispered,

‘I’ve arranged it all. We are going to get away very soon.’

‘What do you mean?’ Leah replied, feeling the buzz of panic welling inside her and not even trying to keep her voice down.

‘I told May we had your phone and that she had to help me get to somewhere so I could use it. I blackmailed her. I said if she didn’t, then I would tell Gwendolen about you and her.’

Leah was filled with an odd mix of sorrow, incredulity and relief. At least this explained their expressions when they rejoined them earlier. Blackmail had indeed been used but thankfully not necessarily to secure a seduction. Caroline showed not the slightest trace of guilt at her actions and for the pain it might have caused Leah, simply continuing with her whispered news.

‘I asked her about the fort. Apparently, it is an old iron-age mound up on the hill behind the wood I walked in today. I told her she had to take me there, but she reckons it’s over half an hour’s walk, so we will have to go when we won’t be missed. She said she is going to try and arrange it.’

Leah could feel her heart racing. She could almost feel her lover’s sorrow radiating through the house at their imminent parting, aided by her own hand.

‘When we are out, you must make sure May goes free.’ she said. ‘Promise me.’

Caroline’s smile fell away and she looked at Leah for a long time before finally giving her answer.

‘I will,’ she said. ‘I promise.’

They lay quietly facing each other until Gwendolen gave them a final check and turned out the light. Caroline moved forward and kissed her, and Leah knew she could not refuse. The kiss was long, the longest Leah had ever had, and Caroline kept her hands from wandering as a sign of love over lust. Sometime later the door clicked open and they pulled apart, seeing a slight figure dart into the darkness of their room and settle by the side of the bed. It was May. She put her hand out to find Leah’s as she whispered,

‘I can take you tomorrow. Your husbands are meant to be coming in the afternoon so we are going to take you for exercise straight after breakfast. I have made sure we do the same as today, so I can take Caroline to the fort. We can get there before they miss us, but we might not be able to get back before they let the dogs out. We will just have to chance it. Be ready to go first thing.’

With that she slipped away and was gone. All Leah could think about was poor May’s sacrifice and the thought of the hounds coming after her. Caroline moved straight back and kissed Leah again, telling her it was all right and that she would get them free.

‘Please keep her safe,’ Leah begged.

Caroline sighed and moved away to lie on her back, knowing her love was just deflecting off her besotted companion.

‘I will,’ she said finally, then opened her legs and began to slowly masturbate as she had done the night before, as if the act itself was in recognition of her defeat. Leah bit her lip and then turned to face the girl, feeling full of remorse at spurning her now that she had promised her help. Leah’s hand came out hesitantly, creeping lower until it passed over the digits busily working on the clit, and then she pushed two grateful fingers deep into the girls contracting pussy and felt the slippy wetness cover them.

‘Thank you,’ Leah whispered, as the girl gasped and pushed her hips up off the bed to meet her.


They both woke early. As Leah blinked into the already light room, it struck her that she had been captive now for one week, although it felt like a year or more. The birds outside chattered merrily, oblivious to it all. Caroline was already close and smiling, reaching out to hold Leah and give her a kiss and her thanks once more for making her come so hard the previous night. Leah wanted to feel nothing but guilt. Conversely, all she had was the vivid memory of the thrill she had felt when Caroline’s pussy squeezed and drenched her fingers, and of the hollow disappointment when the sated girl had then turned away to sleep without reciprocating.

Caroline obviously had no thought of slumber now. She held Leah’s gaze and then reached forward to kiss her. She told Leah how good she felt when she was with her and how much she wanted her, not just now but after too. Leah tried to silence her but couldn’t stop the rush of blood to her head brought on by the knowledge that this pretty, infinitely fuckable girl wanted her now and forever. It also didn’t stop the brooding thought that had been murmuring from the recesses of her mind over the last days that once she was back in the outside world and back with her husband, the chances of seeing Caroline, and more especially May, were undeniably slim. She didn’t know how she would go about it, or what lies she would have to tell, but she knew that somehow she had to make it happen.

Caroline’s hand was trying to prise Leah’s thighs apart and she was nuzzling into her and whispering,

‘Let me, let me.’

‘They will be watching us,’ Leah protested.

‘I don’t care.’

‘You will do when they don’t walk us separately. The only reason they are keeping us apart is because they think I’m in love with May. If anything, you should be pretending there is nothing between us.’

Caroline swelled with the words, especially “think I’m in love” which seemed to indicate that it was not the case. She giggled and drew away.

‘OK,’ she said, ‘I’ll make out I’m in a huff.’

She had to fight to keep the smile off her face but finally she put on a mock frown and sat up in bed, loudly calling out:

‘Sod you then, you tight bitch!’ before bouncing out of the bed and disappearing naked into the bathroom. There, she sat on the toilet in full view of Leah and dissolved into silent laughter at her own theatrics. She leant across to the drawer and fished inside until she came out with the phone. Then, still smiling, she opened her legs and began to rub the end of the phone teasingly up and down her slit while her other hand diddled her clitoris in slow circles. She pushed the phone between her pussy lips and gently inserted it, a centimetre at a time, until her fingers were inside and the slim shape was being lodged within her. With it secreted she continued to masturbate, silently mouthing ‘I want you’ to the transfixed Leah.

Eventually the spellbound witness pulled herself out of her trance and shook her head, chiding Caroline with the words:

‘Don’t get yourself too wet, or it will fall out.’

The policewoman giggled again and stopped what she was doing. Leah watched as Caroline turned her lovely bum towards her and stood at the sink to wash. There was still some striping showing but the flesh looked soft and pliable, and good enough to eat. Leah felt the tingle between her legs at the sight and tried but failed to look away. When Caroline emerged from the en suite she hurried over to the two fresh piles of clothes that had been left for them the day before, looking down as she walked to check the phone was staying in place. She then selected the tightest pair of panties from her pile, courtesy of Gwendolen, and pulled them on, feeling the taut material across her mound that would ensure the object inside her remained in place.

Leah took her turn to wash, feeling the nerves mounting at the imminent escape attempt, still not sure whether she wanted it to succeed or not. While she was still a captive the living fantasy continued. Once she was out it would surely evaporate. She pulled on her underwear and rejoined her companion in the bed, trying to look innocent and at odds with each other. This was easy for Leah. Despite her lust for Caroline, the word
kept popping into her mind along with the vision of her poor, beautiful May, standing scared on a hill like a martyr as the hunting hounds chased towards her.

When April came to take them down to breakfast she was sporting an even more malicious sneer than usual. Presumably she very much believed her plan to push the captives together to be working. Leah wondered if the mad twin had delighted in informing her sister yet. Fortunately the nasty bitch would have the smile well and truly wiped from her face. The prisoners exchanged a little nod of complicity and then followed the girl downstairs.

The first thing Leah saw as April opened the kitchen door was Gwendolen, standing in the middle of the room dressed only in her thigh boots and fishnet stockings. She was holding the long, thin black paddle that she had used to such devastating effect on Caroline. The weakness was already pouring into Leah’s limbs even before she caught sight of May. Her lover was facing one of the thick timber supports with her hands together above her head, secured by wrist straps attached to the beam. Her long hair was down and hid her face but it was unmistakeably her. She was naked except for a pair of very high-heeled red shoes, which Leah instinctively knew were not hers and were far more likely to belong to her sister. The shoes caused her rear end to stick out invitingly and left her unsteady, making her lean her weight forward and push her face onto her raised arms for extra balance. Her skin looked paler than ever against the blackened oak of the upright timber.

Leah wanted to look at Caroline, to gauge her trepidation and look for solace, but she couldn’t take her eyes off her lover’s bottom. It seemed so perfect now, the pristine soft swells of her cheeks cut down the centre by that neat, jet-black line. The realisation that this flawless bum was about to be defiled had Leah fizzing with apprehension. She couldn’t begin to imagine the fear her lover was feeling now. Leah’s heart was crying out to comfort the pitiful girl, so vulnerable and gorgeous in her nudity and vulgar shoes, and too scared to even face the conspirators who had brought her to this fate.

‘Guess who I saw sneaking out of your room last night?’ Gwendolen asked, swishing the paddle back and forth as she eyed the captives. ‘Then this morning we found that your mobile phone had gone missing from your bag, so I started to put two and two together. I think someone is trying to help you escape.’

Leah shook her head dumbly, her mouth instantly drying and sticking the pleas and excuses in her throat. Anyway, anything that she
managed to say would have been ineffectual. They had been caught in the act and May was about to suffer the consequences. Gwendolen moved across the floor to stand behind May. Leah could see the woman’s bare breasts in profile, with the nipples hardened with anticipation to inch-long points. She stroked the paddle from May’s heel all the way up the back of her leg and then held it pressed into her left buttock, and then fixed Leah with a glare.

‘I need you to tell me where the phone is,’ she said.

Leah was still speechless, her mouth opening and shutting but emitting no sound. Gwendolen reacted swiftly to the silence, bringing her hand back and delivering a shockingly heavy slap to poor May’s backside. The impact burst around the room and made Leah jump and sob as the kitchen echoed with the noise of the smack and May’s resultant cry of agony. Despite the speed of the Mistress’s downward stroke the blow seemed to land in slow motion, and Leah could see the flesh of the cheek squash and ripple on either side of the paddle. The girl pressed herself further into the timber, jerking her hips back and forth as she tried to absorb the stinging pain. Leah could see May’s shoulders heaving with her panic and distress, and the skin of the buttock turning instantly crimson.

‘Tell me where it is,’ taunted Gwendolen.

She didn’t even wait for a response. She sent her next blow to May’s right bum cheek, even harder this time. The slap was so loud Leah actually felt her stomach churning, the force way beyond the limits of pain that the soft meat could possibly endure. The girl was shrieking -
girl, her lover. Leah tensed as Gwendolen’s arm came back further still. Then she felt the tears burst from her eyes as once more the room was filled with the sound of malevolence and agony. Leah knew that May could not take this punishment. It was too hard and so unfair. She had suffered a life of repression and then, in reaching out for her chance to love, she had been brought via disloyalty and blackmail to this undeserved fate. Now every single ounce of the Mistress’s sadistic malice was being channelled against her poor, innocent backside, and only Leah could stop it, if only she could make herself speak.

‘Tell me,’ repeated Gwendolen.

Again she allowed no time for answers and sent the paddle crashing down, her heavy breasts swinging and slapping together enticingly as her arm came through. Suddenly the dam broke and the words were pouring from Leah in a hysterical babble.

‘Stop it! She’s got the phone! It’s up inside her! Please stop!’

Leah found herself pointing across the room towards Caroline. Mercifully Gwendolen held her next blow in check and a smile of satisfaction spread over her face. Leah followed the line of her own arm and accusing finger and met Caroline’s expression of utter loathing. Her arm dropped down quickly and another sob burst from Leah’s chest as her betrayal rang in her ears and seemed to resonate in the space between her and her companion like a tangible force. She couldn’t bear to see Caroline’s mask of disgust any longer and she turned her face away. She had sold her down the river and the consequences were unthinkable but Leah didn’t care. It was Caroline’s fault that May was being hurt and Leah would have done anything to stop her lover’s pain.

‘What do you mean it’s inside her?’ Gwendolen enquired.

Leah bowed her head, shamed and shaken.

‘She took it and hid it in her, you know, her thingy. It’s up there now,’ she mumbled.

April moved at once, stripping Caroline of her top and then pulling her knickers down roughly, staying on her knees to force the captive’s legs apart. She pushed her middle finger between the lips of Caroline’s sex, and immediately her eyebrows raised in surprise as she felt the concealed object. She smiled cruelly as her fingers delved within Caroline and fished the phone out with a sticky slurp before holding it up triumphantly for the Mistress to see. Gwendolen nodded, then unexpectedly brought the paddle down hard on to her niece’s bottom once more. Leah jumped with the shock, a fresh rush of panic flooding through her.

‘No!’ she cried out. ‘I’ve told you what you wanted to know - please stop!’

Gwendolen gave a little shrug and drew her arm back slowly and then delivered another stinging blow. Leah watched the bottom jiggle and her lover squeal and squirm. She was aware that May had, for the first time, turned to look at her but Leah could not bear to see her pleading and desperate face etched with suffering. The Mistress raised the paddle once more and held it there, waiting for Leah’s eyes to drag their slow route upwards over the victim’s back, up over her shoulders and finally to her face. Her lover’s cheeks were red but the eyes were alive and sparkling, and her mouth was set in an open, wide, sneering grin.

The next smack landed and May screwed her eyes shut and shouted her pain. Then her hips wiggled against the post, her eyes opened in defiance and her taunting grin returned, showing the little points of her canines. For the very first time she looked truly like her sister. If April had not been in the room, Leah would have sworn it was a trick. She could barely recognise the girl as her lover, the one who had been so tender and in need of protection and who was now, inconceivably, not just taking her punishment but loving every second of it. As the blood drained from Leah’s face, she realised the difference between the sisters, the disparity that April so scorned: the elder sister was a sadist, while her little sister simply loved to be hurt.

The Mistress and her shackled charge smiled smugly at Leah, allowing the reality of the situation to fully sink in. Leah had been played for a fool and she knew now that everything had been a lie. She had been tricked into betraying Caroline. Worse, she had been tricked into loving May. The whole thing had been fabricated as part of her torture, or a clever ruse to ensure that the kidnappers could collect inside information. The girl had only pretended to love her. Everything they shared from the briefest looks, the secret words, the tantalising kisses and even their passionate embraces - their love in all its disparate forms - now seemingly fluttered in the air around Leah like fragments blown apart by the truth. She felt so hollow she didn’t know if she had the strength to stand. She was utterly defeated, empty and weightless and cold. It must have been a wonderful victory for the merciless Gwendolen, although Leah thought she detected just a flicker of remorse before the Mistress regained her former sternness and issued her next order.

‘Take these conniving bitches back to their room while I think of an appropriate punishment.’

April led them back upstairs and once in the room, alone with the girl she had been so disloyal to, Leah fled to the corner and fell in a heap against the wall, bursting into tears. Caroline, wronged as she was, showed remarkable magnanimity. She didn’t curse or blame Leah, she just stayed quiet for several minutes and then eventually sat with her arms around her and kissed her hair, telling her it would all be all right. Eventually, she was able to coax the weeping girl from the floor and lay her on the bed, where she kissed her on the lips, long and deep, trying to give Leah comfort, trying to help her forget.

Gwendolen came some time later and her purposeful stride into the room showed that she meant business. She wore her thigh-length boots and her nipples were covered with black tassels, but otherwise she was completely naked. Her bottom wobbled as she walked and her fat pussy lips juddered between her thighs as she came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the room. She stood with hands on hips, regarding them with contempt. Leah hadn’t been able to think at all about impending punishments, lost as she was in the hurt of the deception and of the cosseting feel of Caroline’s soft lips and warmth against her. The look on her Mistress’s face told her it was now time to start worrying again.

BOOK: Snatched
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