Snowscape Trilogy (15 page)

Read Snowscape Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessie Lyn Pizanias

Tags: #dreams, #romance paranormal fantasy, #demon and angel

BOOK: Snowscape Trilogy
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“Ambrosia,” my name came fearfully whispered
out of his lips on the edge of my ear as he wrapped his arms around
me and held my fragile human form close to his. I rubbed my hand
across his black velvet robed arms and entwined my fingers with
his. Every memory came back to me in an instant, but I had not lost
the new ones I had made either. I was not the simple girl that
Samandiriel had fallen in love with so many years ago. I was this
new person. The master of the snowscape. The keeper of human
dreams. I could feel the power coursing through me against my pulse
in waves of desire.

Nathaniel kissed the back of my neck and I
purred against him, pressing my back into his front. All of the
emotional turbulence that had been wracking my life for the past
few days disappeared as I turned to face him and coursed my fingers
through his hair. I could see the passion in his pearl colored eyes
and returned it with a deep unhindered kiss. I pressed myself
against him and could feel his member pressed against me in the
most glorious way. He reached around and pulled me closer to him
until I found myself on my back against the ground. He held me down
in deep resounding forcefulness and kissed me with such tenderness
and passion I almost came from the sensation. I moaned as his hand
cupped my breast through my cloths and I pulled him closer to me,
relishing in the fire I felt beneath his skin. His hand traced the
line form my ear to my chin and as he tenderly kissed my eyelids I
slowly began to sob. Suddenly his weight was gone and I felt the
cold stinging realization of what I had just almost done.

The snow still fell gently and I sat up
slowly, overwhelming confusion racking my body and I rocked myself
back and forth in frustration. Sexual, emotional and spiritual. I
sat there crying for what felt like hours. Pondering how much of
what I experienced was real and what was brought on simply by my
own emotions. Suddenly the crunch of snow in front of me caught my
attention and brought me out of the mind numbing turmoil.

“I do not wish to see you cry.” Nathaniel
kneeled directly opposite careful not to let our bodies touch.

“Why didn’t you tell me”?

“It was not my place. I was only meant to
guide you.”

“And instead you….”

“I… “ His hesitation said all I needed to
hear. I looked up at him, no words coming to mind. “Ambrosia, your
power is coming on strong. You are emotional and unpredictable
right now. I do not think I can hold myself back from ravaging you
much longer. I no longer know what is my will and what is yours.”
The hint of smile he held made me forget myself and laugh on the
edge of hysteria despite the situation.

“I don’t know what to do.”

He held my hand in his and gently kissed it
before fading out into the new oncoming storm. “You will choose. Or
you will not. Samandiriel is caring for your body right now as we
speak. You should get back to him. You have about 6 hours until
sunrise. If you wish to choose a mate for this new life that you
have, then time is running out. I will be here should you require
me.” With that he was gone and I was left alone in an altogether
different snowstorm.

Chapter 21

I awoke with a sudden jerk into an upright
position. Looking around I was once again in a bed, but this one
was in a small hotel room containing a mini kitchen, small TV and
another bed directly across from the one I lay. Upon which sat one
truly pissed off former angel.

“What the hell were you thinking jumping off
of a roof like that?” Sam asked. He looked as though he had been
run over by a truck and left to die on the side of the road. An
option I had not put passed Nicor at all. His jeans, although new
as I had requested, were already torn and battered and he was once
again shirtless. I could see were the bruises had already begun to
heal. The cut over his eye was scabbing over and I could now
clearly focus on burn marks the scrapped across the top of his
shoulders. I was angry at his audacity, but wanted to weep for his
pain at the same time. Fucking love.

I turned towards him fully with trepidation
running through my veins. I could feel my body ache with exhaustion
and I glanced at the typical red hotel alarm clock numbers glaring
back at me from the bedside the spring mattress. It was now 9:30.
In the distance I could hear nothing but crickets joined by the
wind blowing fiercely against the trees outside and could only
assume I was now out of the city again. Funny how what state I
found myself in was becoming less and less of a concern. “You
didn’t have any better ideas?” I asked, a hint of a smirk coming
out through the gushing sarcasm.

“It was dangerous and foolhardy. You had no
way of knowing that I could have caught you. As it was, I barely
made it in time.”

“Would you have preferred I married Nicor?” I
slashed back at him, but the pain that crossed his face caught me
off guard and I immediately felt appalled at my tone. But I was
angry. Samandiriel had known since the moment his eyes laid on me,
who I was, what had happened. And he thought it best I didn’t know.
My emotions were eating me from the inside and the thought
fluttered by me that the demons could leave me be and I would
explode from the sheer upheaval Sam and Nate had brought to my life
these past few days.

“No.” He said simple cutting me off before I
was about to speak. “You are right that I had no better plan.” He
got up and walked across the small room as far away as he could be.
“We should be safe here for at least another hour or two. We must
only make it until three and you will be safe from their

“Three? I thought it would be midnight.”

“You were born in this form on the west coast
of the US and as such you will not turn 26 until we reach that
time. I did not have enough strength fly you there.” As he spoke
his shoulders slumped. I could see that his wings were gravely
ripped and bleeding now. The silence surrounding us, I could hear
the blood drip slowly onto the coarse rug beneath us.

I walked up behind him and could see the
stiffening in his stance. Caught in their majesty I placed my hand
on his broken right wing and slowly stroked the feathers. Blood and
dirt came flying off of them, as did the anger from my soul.
Samandiriel sighed in contentment and longing at the touch. “They
look broken.” I said simply.

“Beyond repair, I fear.” Echoing the
sentiment that fell between us.

Once again tears threatened to overtake me
and I continued to gently caress their soft crevasses. “I’m

“Don’t be. They were a small price to pay for
your life.”

“Samandiriel…” Word would not come out as the
emotion overtook me. The tears that had been threatening me did not
arrive, but I felt my body collapsing onto its self as the warmth
within my torso began to grow warmer. My power was beginning to
rise and I placed my hand on his shoulder to steady myself and turn
him towards me. As he moved I could see his attempt to avert his
eyes and the demon fire that burned within. He did not want me to
see him like this. I tilted his chin up towards me and as he
finally succumbed, looking me in the eye I said, “I remember.”

He collapsed against me, tears falling in
torrents from his eyes as I cradled his chin into the crook of my
neck. I could smell the sulphur coming off of him in waves mixed
briefly with that scent that was all his. Marjoram and clovers.
With simple human need I kissed him passionately, wrapping his arms
around my neck to hold me close. Desire overtaking us he turned and
pushed me against the wall and I could taste the saltiness of his
tears mixed with the pleasure of his mouth. Not wanting to lose
even a second of contact, I wrapped my legs around his waist and
lost myself in the passion of his embrace.

Memories flooded through me. The woods, the
demons, my stark terror when I saw what Nicor’s men had done to
him. I could taste the sulphur in my mouth now as I kissed him and
I wanted more. I wanted to be on fire. I was on fire. Every fiber
of my soul overwhelmed me and he pressed me against the hard cold
wall. Grabbing his face in my hands I kissed his cheek, his chin,
his soft lips as his hands found themselves all over my body. My
breast, my back my hips. I could feel him grow excited as I pulled
myself on to him harder and rubbed my body against his warm
friction. He forceful pulled me down on to the bed that I had
awoken on and I straddled his perfect body. I could feel the
passion inside of me want to explode as I rubbed up and down
against him through our cloths.

His hand gently cupped my own as we lay and
kissed and caressed as he removed my now torn dress. I could feel
the feathers of his broken wings gently rub against the peaks of my
shoulders and top of my breast in the most tantalizing way. The
passion rode through my body in waves and I thought I was going to
burst in heat and delight. I reached for the button of his pants
and he gentle took my hand back in his own and draped it around his
neck. Holding me firmly in place and yet as close to him as

“Stop”, he said suddenly and although still
in his embrace he lifted his head away from my own. “We

I squirmed and pushed against him but he held
me steady. I stopped struggling and looked into the perfect
gleaming blue fire eyes he bore up at me with. “This is my choice.
I choose you.”

He pulled me close and I could breath in the
scent of sulphur and feel his heart pound deeply though his neck.
Suddenly a sigh against my temple and the cold air of the room was
all that touched my skin. “We cannot.” He spoke from the other side
of the room. “We chose this path long ago an it only lead to pain.
I have been searching for you, Ambrosia for millennia. Waiting for
the dream weaver to be born, and that is the path we both must
walk. I love you more than you will ever be able to fathom in your
human heart, but…. “

“But what? I am not allowed
to be happy in any life!” He had once again turned his back to me.
“I am human for one more night. I am
for one more night. After that my
life is a sacrifice. I
choose to do whatever I damn well please,

Sam turned towards me, a gentle smirk on his
face. “I love you Ambrosia Ross. I always will. But I will not fuck

Abruptly the power went out, and we were
thrown into blackness before I could argue.

Book 3


Chapter 1

Nathaniel roamed one end of the snowscape to
the other looking for any sign of her former presence there.
Besides the memories he carried with him as he journeyed, he found
none. She had gone from him for now. Her choice in the making. He
wandered along a deserted path; a metaphor he had made for himself
and listened for the telltale swoop of wings that would bring new
tidings. Although an angel now once again, he still stood in favor
with many of the demon realm and many would be companions tried to
grace his doorstep with pleasantries in order to gain favor with
the once ruler of hell. Despite the inevitable boundaries of the
snowscape, many had found its nooks and passages.

As he kicked a lone stone out in front of
him, he watched the dust rise and be swept away in a warm breeze.
Glancing up he looked directly into blue fire eyes of a demon he
had once called kin and whom now called him master.

Before the fall Mara had been the prince of
seduction and as such, his vanity fell with him and he never
appeared less than perfectly coifed. He had visited the snowscape
only a handful of times to bring important missives form Lucifer
himself or to harken the call of angels stirring prior to Amy’s
birth. Nathaniel had not seen or heard from his former compatriot
in over 30 years. But time for demons, like angels, did not pass in
years, but in centuries.

“Can we go someplace less bleak?” Mara asked
with a frown.

Pushing back the cowl of his black robes that
had become his costume of choice, he frowned at Mara and took in
his visitor’s approach. “I did not invite you and as such you can
go back to where you came from bleak or not.”

“Come now Nathaniel. I bring news from the
very throne of hell. I know you are among the angels now and head
over heals in love with this dream weaver, but you must not forget
your place in the grand scheme of the game.”

“I am not playing a game, Mara.”

He smiled broadly back through perfect white
teeth and brushed a scant bit of duct that had collected on his
shoulders. “Nathaniel. You are always playing the game. Do not
think that just because you have made yourself a home here on this
plane and traded in your horns for a halo that we’ve skipped your
turn? Now, enough of this nonsense… I bring dire news of your
precious Ambrosia, do you wish to hear it or not?”

“I have little patience for your flare for
the dramatic today, Mara. Pray tell what are you speaking of?” He
was careful not to let any emotion escape through his voice. No
weapon of hell is as strong as words that make your opponent

“Nicor tried to wed your very love this
evening, but as such failed and the dream master fell to her

“Lies.” He shot back. Nathaniel knew she had
survived the fall from the tower and of Nicor’s plot by Amy’s visit
earlier this evening. Mara, however was not privy to know such
things and with and internal sigh, Nathaniel found he was once
again playing the part of the master deceiver. He had tired of
these games long ago and had spent 25 years avoiding any
communication to Amy so as not to have to deceive her. It was a
refreshing experience and one he had hoped to continue.

Mara smiled a gentle apology. “From the mouth
of Satan would you expect any less? He knows she visited you and
that the former angel is currently holding her. I was just testing
your skills. You seem to be out of practice lying to heavenly
creatures and times being as they are, I did not want to see you
killed because of it. I am happy to report that I believed you
wholeheartedly. Except for a moment when I mentioned her name. Your
eyes betray your desire, Nathaniel. Now… for the real reason I am
here.“ Mara unrolled a missive, tinged with scorching around the
edges and dutifully stood a little straighter as he read. “Lucifer
sends his tidings, of course. Although demon now, Samandiriel has
not yet pledged allegiance to the master of the underworld and as
such his location remains… undisclosed to the royal fiery one.
Lucifer bid I come visit you to pick your brain and discover if you
are known to the current location of the one known as the dream
master, the weaver of dreams, ect, ect, ect….”

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