So Sensitive (29 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: So Sensitive
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Jonas cocked his head to the side and stared at him. “You thinking of taking on safe, easy cases now that you’re with Gracie?”

The very thought made Wade cringe. “Hel , no. I’m just saying that Gracie has a point. I mean, what woman wouldn’t be a little reluctant to hook up with me? I’m damned possessive. Protective to the point that it’s annoying. And I’m this close to solving Gracie’s stalker problem with a bul et. That’s not normal, not in anyone’s book.”

Jonas grinned. “And yet she hasn’t told you to go to hel yet.”

Wade turned and headed toward the door. “ ‘Yet’ being the operative word there,” he muttered.

He hadn’t intended for Jonas to hear, but apparently he had because he was pul ing him to a stop with a hand on his shoulder. Wade glared back at him until he dropped his hand. “Listen, Wade. Gracie seems pretty taken with you. And she doesn’t strike me as the wilting flower type either. She’s put up with a lot over the past few days, and she stil holds her head up high. She’s a tough cookie.”

Wade thought about Gracie’s dad, the shitty way she’d grown up. Never knowing a mother’s love. Having to take care of a father who didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. She was tough, but she was also easily bruised. “She’s beautiful, passionate, and so damn smart it makes my head spin. She’s my Fiery Angel.”

Jonas narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re in love with her.”

Shit, had he said al that aloud? Then again, now that it was out in the open, it felt good. “Yeah,” Wade confessed, “I’m in love with her.”

“Does she know?”

Wade shook his head. “I didn’t want to spook her. Hel , we haven’t even gotten a chance to go on a real date, Jonas. Everything has been happening so damn fast.”

Jonas slapped him on the back. “Then I say we get this fucker, so you can take that pretty little thing on a date. The sooner you tel her how you feel, the sooner I can start thinking of my own love life.”

Wade opened the door and stepped outside. “If you start on your Deanna campaign again, I’l hit you.”

Jonas threw his hands up in the air and slid past him. “I’m not. It’s just . . . She’s different. I like Deanna. She pretty much hates my guts, though, so there’s real y nothing to talk about.”

Jonas seemed so sincere, and that surprised Wade more than anything. He’d never seen his friend get serious over a woman before. “She doesn’t hate you,” Wade said, knowing he shouldn’t encourage Jonas, but unable to let the man believe something that simply wasn’t true.

Wade set the security alarm, then locked the door, and headed for his truck.

Once on their way, Jonas turned and asked, “How do you know she doesn’t hate me? Has she said something?”

Wade was waiting for the question to pop up. “No, not in so many words.” He pressed on the gas, anxious to get to Lusk. “Deanna likes to get under your skin. She only does that if she’s attracted to a guy.”

Jonas grunted. “She’s definitely under my skin.”

Hearing the desire in Jonas’s voice had Wade counting to ten. It was either that or punch him. “Jonas?”


“This is the part where you shut the hel up.”

“Right. Sorry.”

Wade sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want you with Deanna. It’s just that I don’t want to see her get hurt. Don’t play with her feelings.”

“You have my word.”

And Jonas’s word was as good as gold. Stil , Wade made sure they understood each other. “I’l have more than that if you break her heart.”


With that settled between them, Wade turned his attention back to George Lusk. With any luck, they’d find proof that he was Gracie’s stalker.

They’d be able to turn him over to the police without any problems. And Wade would be able to spend his evening loving Gracie. But that little prickly feeling he’d felt earlier hadn’t gone away. And that, Wade knew, was a very bad sign.


he first few hours back to work had seen Gracie playing catch-up. If she’d known what awaited her, Gracie never would’ve taken Monday and Tuesday off. When she final y had a few minutes to think straight, Gracie picked up her cel phone and sent a text message to Wade, letting him know she was looking forward to their lunch date. Oh, God, she missed him something terrible. Gracie wondered if he were feeling the same way or if having her out of his hair was a relief. The text he sent back had her heart racing.


She sent one back asking how they were doing with Lusk.


Gracie had to read the message three times before she would believe it. It was real y happening. After two months of dealing with the jerk, they were final y starting to close in on him. Soon it would be over, and she’d be able to concentrate on her relationship with Wade. And why did that thought send her into a panic?
Gracie thought,
because this is the first time you’ve been in love.

On a whim, Gracie flipped her cel open again and dialed Cherry.

She answered on the second ring. “Hel o?”

Gracie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Cherry, it’s Gracie.”

She laughed. “I know, sweetie; I saw the cal er ID. What’s up? Everything okay?”

Gracie picked up a pen and started doodling. “Everything’s great. In fact, we may final y have a lead on my stalker.”

“That’s wonderful news!”

“Yeah, but that’s not why I’m cal ing. I need to talk. Do you have a minute?”

“I’m in between clients right now. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Wade. I-I think I’m in love with him.” Why did it seem so ludicrous out loud?

“Ah, I see. Have you told him?”

“God, no!” Gracie’s face heated, and suddenly she couldn’t catch her breath. Crap, just thinking about tel ing Wade she was in love with him was giving her an anxiety attack! “He’l think I’ve lost my mind, Cherry. I mean, we’ve only spent a few days together.”

“First of al , Wade won’t think you’ve lost your mind, so get that thought out of your head. Second, stop trying to look at this logical y. Logic and love don’t always go hand in hand. I know they didn’t for Dante and me. He walked into my life and swept me right off my feet.”

“When you know, you just know. Is that it?”


“But what if he doesn’t feel that way about me?” She paused, then added, “I mean, I’m sure he doesn’t. Men don’t fal in love that quickly, right?”

“I don’t know about that. It sure didn’t take Dante long to figure out I was the one for him. Actual y, I was the hesitant one.”

She hadn’t known that about Cherry and Dante’s relationship. It was hard to imagine any woman wavering with a man like Dante. He was so kind, so giving. And then there was the sexy, hard, dark-haired Italian part. “You were?”

“It’s tough when you’ve been hurt before, Gracie,” Cherry said, her voice softer now. “It’s hard to let someone else in. There’s always that fear of getting burned al over again.”

Cherry had been married, and it hadn’t ended wel , but that didn’t explain Gracie’s reluctance to lay her feelings on the line with Wade. “I’ve never been in love. That’s not what this is about.”

“No, but you’ve been burned, sweetie. Your mother leaving you. Your dad’s drinking. It’s hard because you’re afraid to let yourself trust. It’d be difficult for anyone with your circumstances. But Wade’s a good man. Give him a chance.”

Knowing Cherry was right had Gracie slumping against the desk in defeat. She’d kept people at arm’s length her entire life, too afraid to care. After al , she hadn’t been enough for her own mother, and her father cared more about alcohol than his own daughter. That Wade could want her, that he could possibly love her . . . It seemed too good to be true. “Why is this so hard? I wish I could let the past go and just grab Wade and tel him everything.”

“It’s hard because the past has a lot to do with who you are now. Just don’t let it rob you of something as wonderful as love. Don’t let them take that from you, Gracie.”

She started to tel Cherry she was right, but her phone made a pinging sound, indicating there was a cal waiting on the other line. “Cherry, I need to go, but thanks for letting me unload on you.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Friends. Gracie smiled at the word. “I’l see you tonight.”

“If you need the evening off, it’s fine. We’re not super busy today.”

“No, it’s okay, but thanks.” Gracie glanced down at the doodles she’d made on her day calendar. One word scrawled over and over: Wade.

Good Lord, she was in so deep.

“Okay, then, see you tonight.”

When she heard the pinging sound again, Gracie quickly switched over to the other line. “Hel o?”

“Ms. Baron?”

“Yes, this is Ms. Baron. Can I help you?”

“This is Frank Gaetz. I’m a friend of your father’s. He asked me to cal you.”

She wasn’t aware her father even had friends. Concerned now, Gracie asked, “My father?”

“Yes, ma’am. He’s been in an accident. It’s pretty bad.”

Gracie paled. “Oh, God. Where is he?”

“He’s at Saint Mary’s Hospital.”

Saint Mary’s was just a few blocks away. “I’l be there as soon as I can.” Gracie slammed her phone shut and shot out of her chair. After grabbing her purse from beneath the desk, Gracie headed toward the elevator. She stopped short when she realized she had no ride. Damn!

Wade was her ride, and he wasn’t due for another hour. Gracie looked around the office and spotted her boss, Marie, explaining something to a coworker. She headed toward her. “Marie?” The gray-haired woman looked up and smiled. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, Gracie.” Marie closed the distance between them. “What do you need?”

“I just received a cal . My dad’s been in an accident.” Gracie’s hands shook as she thought of her father lying helpless in a hospital bed. He might have been a drunk, but he was stil her father.

“Oh, no!”

“I need to go to him, but I don’t have a car. I hate to trouble you—” Gracie stopped midsentence. She hated to ask the woman for a favor after she’d been generous enough to give her the time off after the accident. But what choice did she have?

Marie held her hand in the air. “Think nothing of it. Just let me grab my keys.”

Gracie stopped her before she could rush off to her office. “You have that conference cal at noon with those suppliers. You can’t miss that; it’s much too important.”

Marie frowned. “Shoot, I forgot about that.”

“If I could just borrow your car? Normal y I wouldn’t ask, but I’m real y worried about my dad.”

“Of course, Gracie. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself. Let me get my keys. Be right back.”

Gracie watched her hurry off, grateful al over again for having such an understanding boss. When Marie came rushing back to her, handing the keys over, she said, “Wil can swing by and get me. Go ahead and keep it until morning.”

“Thanks, Marie. I’l take very good care of it, I promise.”

Marie tsked. “You’re the most reliable person I know, Gracie. I’m not worried.”

Gracie smiled and thanked her again, then headed for the elevator. She hit the Down button and waited. The elevator doors opened, and another man was inside, but she barely noticed him. Her mind was on her father. The last she’d heard her father didn’t have a license. So, how could he have been in an accident? As an afterthought, Gracie sent Wade a quick text, explaining where she was headed.


As the doors opened, Gracie tucked her phone into her purse and sprinted across the parking lot, easily locating Marie’s black BMW. Just as she hit the Unlock button, a hand closed over her mouth. A sweet-smel ing odor fil ed her mouth and nostrils. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. Gracie reached into her purse, hoping to grab the mace Wade had insisted she carry that morning, but the words fil ing her ears sent a chil down her spine, freezing her in place.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Gracie Lynn. I thought after that last lesson I was forced to teach you that you’d be more circumspect in the company you keep.”

No, it couldn’t be. Gracie struggled harder, kicking out with her legs, using her fingernails to claw at the hand clasped tightly over her mouth and nose. She heard him curse, but he didn’t release her. She fought harder, tried to kick him in the shin, but her legs felt like rubber. What was wrong with her? Suddenly, her vision blurred. Oh, God, he’d drugged her. Gracie felt herself being lifted into the air, and then there was nothing but darkness.


esus, this guy is seriously twisted, Wade.”

Wade stared around the smal , dark room, anger twisting his gut at the sight before him. The wal s were papered with pictures of Gracie. Al four wal s were covered with them. Gracie heading to work. Gracie talking on the cel phone at the market. Gracie coming in and out of her apartment. Wade stepped closer to the bed, staring at the wal above the oak headboard. “Fuck, these are from outside her bedroom window!”

Jonas came closer and cursed. “He’s been watching her. A lot.”

Wade fisted his hands at his sides. “I’m going to kil him, Jonas. There won’t be anything left for Henderson, because I’m going to gut the bastard.”

Jonas grunted in agreement, then frowned as he looked around the room once more. “Look at the bed, Wade. The nightstand. The dresser.

Unless I’m misreading the message here—and I highly doubt that I am—he’s readied the place for her.”

Wade walked over to the nightstand. A pink brush with the tag stil on it sat next to the phone. A bottle of light pink fingernail polish and matching lipstick were placed on a little silver tray. On the bed lay a long white dress. Demure white heels were placed on the floor directly in front of the dress. Wade turned to Jonas. “What the hel ? Lusk think he’s going to marry her?”

Jonas pointed to a bottle of champagne on the dresser across from the bed; a box of condoms sat next to it. “I think that’s the plan. As crazy as it sounds, I think he’s set the stage for their wedding night.”

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