Soft Skills (7 page)

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Authors: Cleo Peitsche

BOOK: Soft Skills
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“Absolutely not,” Cunningham snapped. “She can’t marry all three of us. She’ll have to choose one, and it will be easier for everyone if she shows a preference sooner than later.”

Elle’s heart jumped into her throat.
She can’t marry all three of us.
He hadn’t been kidding when he said they were in it for the long haul.

“I don’t think this is fair,” Nolan said. “Not to us and not to her.”

“Hold up.” It was Jonathan. He sounded upset. “I agree with Nolan. Besides, she’ll choose you, Cunningham. You’ve set up a game that you’re guaranteed to win.”

“For Elle, I’d do anything,” Cunningham snapped. “You would, too.”

Elle was stunned. They were fighting over who got to have her. She remembered the day of her interview, the tension in the office. She hadn’t seen much evidence of that in the intervening months.

But here it was.

She had thought they were going to destroy her, but in the end, she was the one who would tear them apart. She shook her head. She wouldn’t allow it to happen.

Clearing her throat, she returned to her seat at the table and gracefully sat in her chair. She picked up the fork and took a bite of apple cake.

The men stared at her, clearly wondering how much, if anything, she’d heard. “Mama’s gone. Let’s discuss where I’ll be living.”

Her statement was met with silence.

Nolan slouched in his chair, staring miserably at his glass of water. Somehow, his hair had gotten mussed up and he looked every bit the petulant, spoiled playboy that he was, and Elle wanted to kiss him until he smiled.

Jonathan, on the other hand, looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world, and Elle knew that whatever she decided, he’d make the best of it.

Cunningham was poised but tense, ready for war like always.

Elle looked at each of them. Choose? Impossible. “Either we live together or I stay where I am.” She smiled. “Nolan? Yes or no?”

She held her breath. If he answered honestly, she could get what she wanted
end this squabbling. But if he held rank, things were going to be messy.

Cunningham stood, glowering.

Elle stood as well and faced him, chin up. He knew her? Well, she knew him. Dominant, sadist, control freak… with a soft side that he probably thought made him weak.

“I love you guys, but if I don’t get this, I’m out.”

Cunningham closed his eyes as if he had a headache, and the muscles in his jaw flexed. “Ok. Fine.”

Elle beamed. “We buy a home together. A new place.”

“Great,” Jonathan said, rubbing his hands. “I’ll have my real estate agent put something together.”

Cunningham, though, stared at Elle. He knew that she’d heard. She swallowed, but she didn’t flinch under his penetrating gaze. Whenever he turned his full attention on her like this, it made her hot, hot, hot… but she didn’t allow the tsunami of lust to cloud her judgement, either. She couldn’t. Everything depended on this moment.

Cunningham nodded, then he reached for her with one hand, shoving away dishes with the other.

Moments later her head hung over the end of the table. Someone pushed up her dress and spread her thighs.

“My poor mouth is so very empty,” Elle whimpered.

… And then it wasn’t.

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