Solbidyum Wars Saga 6: Defeat of the Tottalax (6 page)

BOOK: Solbidyum Wars Saga 6: Defeat of the Tottalax
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The next tune they played was a slow waltz number from the late 1940’s and I pulled Kala into my arms as we started moving across the floor.  I could feel the heat from Kala’s body, as she was still quite warm from doing the Charleston.  “I wish we could do this more often,” she said, “it seems of late we have no time together anymore.”

“I know.  I wish there was something I could do about it,”  I answered.

“Oh, look over there,” Kala exclaimed, “its Jenira and Padaran sitting with several Ruwallie Rasson!  Is one of them Nybidong?”  I glanced where she indicated to see about a half-dozen people sitting around a table.  “Yes, that’s Nybidong sitting at the left of Padaran.

“Who is that lady across the table from them?” Kala asked.  I looked back in the direction and noticed a black woman sitting there next to Jenira, but I could not see her face clearly; then she turned her head, and I recognized it was Edina.

“It’s Edina.  My, I haven’t seen or talked to her since Goo’Waddle.  Has she been serving on this ship all this time, and we’ve not seen her?”

“Oh yes, I see now it’s Edina,” Kala answered, “I didn’t know she was back.”

“Back from where?  She was someplace other than on the

“Yes, Tib.  After we left Goo’Waddle, Edina requested to take a leave for a few months to visit her sister on Neiden 4.  She must have returned to the
sometime while we were on Desolation.”  During our conversation, I noticed two of the Ruwallie Rasson leave the table.  Padaran noticed us dancing and motioned for us to join them just as the song ended that we were dancing to.  As Kala and I approached the table, Nybidong stood up and greeted both Kala and me.

“Honorable First Citizens,” he said in typical Federation style, though he was not a citizen of the Federation, “Allow me to thank you for your wonderful hospitality here aboard your ship.  I had heard of it, of course, but it is beyond my wildest thoughts.”

“Well I am pleased that you are enjoying your time here,” I answered.

“Padaran and Jenira took me through one of your Cantolla Gates earlier and briefly showed me your estate on Megelleon, remarkable, truly remarkable, and the wondrous things you are doing there for all the orphans from Goo’Waddle.  It embarrasses me to say that we, the Ruwallie Rasson, have done so little for them over the years.  I tell you, Tibby, you have given me much to think about with your generosities and concern for others.  For years, we looked down on the androids on Goo’Waddle.  Oh, we did business with them, but we never considered their skills or gave any thought to their being sentient.  However, since you and Padaran came to Goo’Waddle, all that changed.  Had it not been for the androids running the government until a new one could be elected, I think the planet would continue to be in chaos.  We honestly were sorry to see them leave.  We understand you found a new world for them, one of their own.  I hope one day they venture back out into the universe and are received more warmly next time.”

Kala and I greeted Edina, who hugged both of us and said she was happy to see us again.  We then sat down at the table, while Nybidong continued on with his praises.  I noticed Padaran and Jenira looking at each other, and when the music changed to some slow songs from Earth’s 1950’s, Padaran said something to Jenira, and they both got up and headed to the dance floor, leaving Kala and I alone with Nybidong and Edina.  This was not what I had hoped for.

“Admiral,” Nybidong switched to calling me by my military rank again, “Padaran expressed that you have been trying to locate the Tottalax home world.  Is this correct?”

“Yes, it is.  We thought we had gotten close to it two years ago, but we don’t know that for a fact,” I responded, “We keep trying, but so far we have been unsuccessful.”

“Perhaps I can give you some information that might help you.  One of our Ruwallie Rasson traders was telling me a few weeks ago of a Tottalax native living on Irribis.  Apparently, he is in exile from his home world and has been living on Irribis for the past several years.  If you meet with him, perhaps he will be willing to tell you the planet’s location.”

By now Nybidong had my full attention.  If there was a member of the Tottalax living on Irribis, I certainly wanted to meet him and talk.  We knew so little of them that any information about them at all would be appreciated.

“How long ago was it that he last saw this Tottalax?”  I asked.

“In that he just came back from Irribis, it can’t have been more than a few months at the most.”

“Did he tell you where this Tottalax can be found on Irribis?”

“My friend said that the Tottalax was part of an act at Irribis.  Some sort of water show.  He kept going on and on about the show, and how fantastic it was.  Some kind of performance with giant bubbles of water in zero gravity with people swimming around inside them; he said it was really beautiful.”

“So is this Tottalax a part of this act?”  I asked.

“I don’t really know if he is in the act, if he choreographed it, or if he owns the group.  All I know is that he’s associated with it in some way.”  Nybidong said.  “The only reason my friend mentioned it was because he had never seen a Tottalax before, and he was so unique in appearance and manner.”

“Well that should make it easy to find him then,” I said.  “If he is that unique, anyone seeing him would remember it.  I wonder where Kerabac is.  I would have thought he’d be here talking with you this evening.”

I hadn’t gotten the words out of my mouth before I heard cheering, and I looked to see Kerabac taking the stage.

“Oh, look, Tib,” Kala said as she placed a hand on my arm.  “Kerabac is going to sing.  Kerabac had an incredible singing voice, sounding much like the old Earth singer Nat King Cole.  When I first met Kerabac and found out about his talent, I had taught him some of the songs that Nat sang, at least the few I knew and remembered.  However, now with the library of everything from Earth, which was brought by the Mars colony team, Kerabac had full access to all sorts of songs.  Kerabac looked across the room and saw Kala and me sitting with Nybidong and a huge smile spread across his face.  He began to talk just as Padaran and Jenira returned to the table.

“I’m very happy this evening, to see our beloved First Citizens are here with us once again.  Their presence has been sorely missed over the past three years.  So in honor of their return, I would like to start out by singing their favorite song from Earth,

I looked a Kala, who was smiling, and I could see her eyes glistening as I stood and held out my hand to her, inviting her to join me on the dance floor.  Usually when Kerabac sang, the dance floor was filled with people, but now everyone stayed back as Kala and I stepped out into the center of the room, and Kerabac began to sing.  My mother had been a dance instructor on Earth, and I had learned all the Earth’s dances and taught most of them to Kala.  Kala was magical on her feet, a fast learner and without a doubt the best dance partner I ever had.  As we danced about the room it reminded me of the first time we had danced to this tune, many years earlier, and I found myself looking into Kala’s eyes.  I felt incredibly lucky to have her for a mate, and amazed at how much love I felt for her.

“Tibby, you’re grinning from ear to ear.  What are you so happy about?” she asked.

“I was just thinking about how lovely you are and how lucky I am to be with you.  You always make me very happy,” I answered.

“My oh my; such words of flattery,” Kala countered, “words like that just might arouse my libido.  Who knows where it might lead?” she added in a flirting manner.

Unexpectedly a loud noise ended the moment, and I realized the music had stopped and everyone was cheering.  Kala and I turned and looked at everyone and gave a wave as we headed back to the table, where Nybidong sat with Jenira and Padaran.  Kerabac began another tune, and people crowded the dance floor.

“First Citizens,” Nybidong began, “I am truly amazed.  Such beauty and grace in your movements.  We of course have dancing on Goo’Waddle, but nothing like this. . Furthermore, men seldom dance with women, and we do not touch when dancing.  However, this, well, this is unbelievable.”  Then he turned to Padaran and said, “Padaran, as the leader of the Ruwallie Rasson, I feel you should introduce us to this wonderful thing.  I am sure even the women will enjoy it.”  I had to laugh to myself as I thought about it from Earth terms.  Most men on Earth dreaded dancing, and only did it as a means of meeting women.  Whereas the women seemed to like dancing, as it gave them an opportunity to size up a man before becoming more familiar with him, plus they enjoyed the music and the movements.  With the Ruwallie Rasson, men danced together, copying moves and rhythms with the only touching being occasional slaps of the hands.  Dancing close with a female partner would be something completely new for them.  “Perhaps you and Jenira could come to Goo’Waddle and demonstrate these dances for our people,” he continued looking from Jenira to Padaran.”  I noticed both Jenira and Padaran blushed as Padaran replied, “Perhaps.”

“What is this music that Kerabac sings?  I have never heard it’s like before.”  Nybidong asked.

“It’s music from Tibby’s home world.  Kerabac sings it beautifully,” Kala answered.

“That is no surprise.  The Ruwallie Rasson are the best singers in the universe,” Nybidong said proudly, but then he added, “However, I must admit Kerabac is a bit better than most I have heard.”  Nybidong turned to Edina and asked, “Would you show me how to do this dance?”  I saw Edina show some shock before answering “I will do my best, but I am not as skilled as Kalana.”

Nybidong’s fighting skills must have honed his reflexes as he caught on pretty quickly to the moves Edina was showing him, and by the end of two dances, he was doing relatively well.  When the dancing ended he let out a loud cheer that startled most of the room.  I looked at Padaran, who explained.  “It’s a normal thing for Ruwallie Rasson, after ending a dance they enjoyed, to shout like that.”

When Kerabac finished his set singing, he joined us at the table with Nybidong.  Kala stood and gave Kerabac a hug and thanked him for singing our song as Nybidong began speaking.

“Kerabac, you make me proud to be a Ruwallie Rasson with your singing.  You must come back to Goo’Waddle and sing for our people.  I will personally see to it if you do.”

“I would be deeply honored to do so,” Kerabac responded.

“And Padaran and Jenira can teach our peoples these dances.  I think even the women will enjoy them,” Nybidong added.

“Oh, I am quite certain they will,” Kerabac said with a bright grin, “in fact, I can almost guarantee it”.

Kala and I danced a few more times before the evening was over, and before we were ready, it was time for us to leave.

We picked up the twins on the way back to our suite.  Both Lunnie and Reidecor seemed to have enjoyed their time with James, and had tired themselves out.  By the time we got them ready for bed, they were practically asleep.

Two days later, I received word that everything had been set up at the Lunar prison facility and the Cantolla Gate to access it at the Capitol was set up, though it had not been activated.  The party of senators going to the Lunar prison facility, or L-1 as we called it, had all been selected and Admiral Regeny ordered me to lead the tour.  I was not particularly fond about this, as most of my experiences with Senators had been less than enjoyable.  This one was to prove no different.

When I arrived at the Capitol staging area, the senators were already waiting.  We hadn’t even gotten to the Cantolla Gate leading to the prison before one of the senators asked.  “Admiral Tibby, is all of this really necessary?  I don’t see why we simply can’t release these prisoners if they promise not to rejoin the Brotherhood.”

“I see Senator…?  Ah, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”  I responded.

“I’m Senator Sipollie, representing Venuvia,” he said.

“Well Senator Sipollie, let me answer your question with a question.  Would you be willing to tell Roritat that everything is all right now, and he can come back if he promises not to do anything against the Federation again, and he can resume being a Leader in the Federation?”  The senator’s face went gray…”Ah, well no, but that’s different."

“Is it?”  I asked. “The members of the Brotherhood all have the same goal.  These prisoners were involved in operations against the Federation where life’s were lost, and it was by their choice, they took those actions.  It’s no different than with Roritat.”

“But what about the prisoners you have who were compelled to fight for the Brotherhood?  We hear that many of the combatants were forced, or coerced, into fighting and many even had slave collars to insure their obedience,” Senator Sipollie countered.

“That’s true, and as you will see, when we get to the prison facility, those prisoners are not in the same confines with the others who are Brotherhood members.  We are making every effort to screen out those that were pressed into service by the Brotherhood, and as soon as we are able to test and certify they pose no threat to the Federation, they are being released.  Now if you gentlemen and ladies will follow me, we will head to L-1.”

“Excuse me, sir,” one of the women senators began, “what is L-1?”

“L-1 is what we call the prison facility.  I must warn you to be very careful and vigilant while at the facility; while most of the prisoners there are relatively benign, there also are some very dangerous ones there as well.  Also I must warn you, you will experience a difference of gravity and you will be much lighter there, so be careful walking and whatever you do, do not jump or you will be likely to suffer a concussion when your head hits the ceiling.”

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