Sold (9 page)

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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #erotica, #dungeon, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #submissive, #dominant, #bondage and domination, #cuffs, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

BOOK: Sold
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“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t but it seemed like he
was waiting for something.

“You’re not sorry,” he said, echoing her
thoughts. “You will be.”

He sounded so ominous that her stomach

He led her to the bed in one corner with the
metal headboard with numerous rings on it. Chains hung from the
overhead frame above it.

Whips and chains, oh my.

Her cuffs jangled as she walked and her
nipple noose bells jingled. “Stand here.” He took her by the
shoulders and forced her to stay at the foot of the bed. He went
back to the wall of toys and took some cloths out of a drawer and

He picked up the ball gag that he’d dropped
earlier and wiped it off with one of the cloths. “Open up.” He
pushed the ball into her mouth, forcing her jaws wide. Then she saw
that the other was actually an eye patch blindfold. He put it on
her, leaving her in the dark.

What did he have in mind now?

“On your back.” He guided her to the bed.
When she was lying on her back he fastened each one of her wrist
cuffs to rings on the headboard.

Everything he did seemed more intense now
that she couldn’t see.

He attached clips and chains to her collar
and secured them on either side of her so that she couldn’t move
her head.

Next, he raised one of her legs so that her
ass was about six inches off of the bed and she heard the rattle of
chain as he connected the ankle cuff to one of the chains dangling
from the frame over the bed. He raised her other leg and did the
same thing so that her lower back and ass were up off the bed. The
butt plug was still in tight and it helped to keep her on edge.

It was an altogether unnerving experience as
she heard him walk away, lying in the position she was in without
being able to speak or see, her arms chained, too. He had said
something about consequences. What would that include?

A snapping sound and an immediate sting made
her cry out and tears flowed from her eyes. She heard another crack
and felt another biting sting of a whip.

“This is what happens when you don’t obey,
Christy.” He snapped the whip again and she cried out. “Do you
understand now?” She nodded, frantic for him to stop.

He did stop and she heard the sound of the
whip landing on the floor as he tossed it aside. “It hurt, didn’t
it,” he stated.

She nodded, tears still wetting her eyes
behind the blindfold.

His warm breath brushed her cheek as he came
closer. He rubbed her ass with his palm as he kissed the corner of
her mouth. “Is it starting to feel good?”

She thought about it for a moment. It
actually was starting to feel good. The sting becoming a warm burn
that faded into a sort of pleasure. She had read about that, just
hadn’t experienced it until now.

With the gag in she couldn’t speak, so she

He moved away and then she felt him between
her thighs. The soft glide of his hair as he lowered his face.

And then he licked her pussy. She would have
come off the bed if she hadn’t already been partly raised up from
the bed.

He licked her folds and sucked her clit while
moving two fingers in and out of her. In the dark behind her
blindfold, with him going down on her while she was raised up, was
an amazing experience.

“Don’t come,” he said when he stopped for a
moment and she whimpered.

He rose up to stand between her thighs and he
pressed her legs farther apart with his hips. She felt his cock
pressing at the entrance to her core.

He reached for her breasts and pinched her
nipples at the same time that he thrust deep inside her.

She gave a muffled cry and squirmed. The
sensations were so intense, so exquisite that she felt like she was
on another plane of existence.

“You’re mine, Christy,” he said as he
continued pumping in and out of her. “You are mine.”

She was his. He could do whatever he wanted
with her and she would love every minute of it.

He fucked her harder and harder and she felt
another orgasm on its way. She was so sensitive from everything he
had done to her, and from the amazing orgasm she’d had when he took
her from behind when she was suspended.

And his words—they added to the intensity of
what she was experiencing. Zach telling her that she belonged to

Her orgasm sped closer and closer. She
struggled to hold it back. She ground her teeth, fighting it,
fighting it.

“Come, Christy,” he said. “Come now.”

She screamed. She’d never screamed before.
This orgasm was too big, too powerful to hold anything back. Her
body bucked and she twisted as he continued to pump in and out of
her, drawing her orgasm out.

She heard Zach’s shout as he came. Felt the
throb of his cock inside her. Felt her pussy clench and unclench
around him.

When she finally came down from her orgasm
high he removed the gag from her mouth and his lips felt firm
against hers as he kissed her. She felt him unclipping her legs and
removing her ankle cuffs. Then he released her from the headboard.
Her cuffs jangled as he tossed them onto the mat. Lastly he took
off the blindfold.

She blinked as she looked up at him. He was
looking at her so seriously, like he was concerned about what she
would say.

“You still want to ‘play’ with me?” he asked
in a low voice with that sexy smile on his face.

She looked at him and smiled. “I love, love,
love this. What’s next?”



Chapter 9



“When you come over, I want you to dress in
the outfit I’m leaving on the bed for you.” Zach’s voice came over
the line, low and sexy, sending a thrill through Christy’s

She squirmed in the chair in her boutique’s
office as she thought all they had done last night. Excitement
blossomed inside her as she thought of having another incredible
night. “I’ll head to your place after my meetings.”

“I’ll be just a little late,” he said. “You
can use my key code at the front door.” He gave her the numbers and
she memorized them.

“All right.” She smiled as she pictured him,
tall and dark and hot. “Can’t wait until tonight.”

“Neither can I.”

She pushed the “off” button and started
humming and she walked from the back room to the front register of
the boutique.

The day couldn’t get much better than the way
this one was going.



Christy wanted to bang her head against the
steering wheel as she headed toward Zach’s. She was ninety minutes
early because one meeting ended before it started and the other

The meeting with her supplier, Henry
Hawthorne, did not go well at all. He was snide, making remarks
about selling herself to the highest bidder and going off to screw
an old boyfriend.

Christy had told him where to shove his
collector dolls, each and every one of them.

She sighed. Now she had to find a new doll
supplier. She only sold the finest merchandise and Henry’s had been
from an exclusive designer. So not only did she need a new
supplier, she would need someone who could supply her with
something just as good if not better. It was going to kill her
business for the shoppers who collected dolls from that particular
doll manufacturer.

The ass.

She shook her head as if that would help her
shake off the wrong turn her afternoon had taken. The appointment
that canceled had been minor in comparison. It was probably better
that they had. She wasn’t in the mood for dealing with anyone right

Anyone but Zach.

The thought made her smile.

She had tried to reach him twice on his cell
phone but no answer. He wouldn’t mind if she dropped by an hour
early, so she might as well get ready for him.

After she parked in his huge driveway, she
went up to the front door and entered the key code. The lock
clicked and she opened the door.

The house was warmer than the crisp afternoon
and she took off her jacket and laid it over the back of a couch
then walked to his bedroom.

On his bed was a beautiful black and bright
blue accented corset with matching panties and silk stockings and a
note with a other items—black shadow and slutty red lipstick, along
with a few more things. The note was instructions on how he wanted
her to wear the makeup. Next to all of that were the wrist and
ankle cuffs they had used on her the last two times they had
played, as well as the collar and a pair of extremely high

She removed her clothing and the trials of
the afternoon fell away as she slipped into the sexy clothing.

When she was dressed, she walked to a
full-length mirror and studied her reflection. She smoothed her
palm down the silky soft material, loving the way it felt against
her skin. The corset pushed up her breasts and barely covered her

She put on the makeup, including the eyeliner
and mascara that was with the black shadow, then put on the red

Yes, she looked positively slutty.

She smiled at her reflection. She was already
so hot for him that she could barely stand it and keep from
touching herself. The cuffs and collar were all she had left to put
on. They jangled as she buckled them, and then she put on the
leather collar. She slipped the steep high heels.

Bring it on. She was ready.

A noise caused her to startle. Was that a
woman’s muffled cry?

There it was again.

She followed the direction she’d heard it
coming from—Zach’s office. When she entered the room she saw that
his secret wall was open.

Another muffled cry.

Her heart pounded as she stood there. What
was happening?

Could Zach be there with another woman?

She had to know. She slipped through the
opening and started down the long staircase. The closer she got,
the louder they became. Screams, cries, muffled sounds.

Her heart pounded hard and her skin grew hot.
She moved in slow easy steps so that the jingling cuffs or the
sound of her high heels wouldn’t catch his attention. She had to
see what he was doing before he knew she had been there.

She tried to keep her breathing even as she
looked around the doorway.

A nearly naked, gagged woman was bent over a
padded sawhorse, her legs spread, as a woman in a leather bustier
paddled her. The woman over the sawhorse made a muffled cry behind
her gag with every swat.

Her stomach clenched and she thought she was
going to be sick.

He was cheating on her before they’d even
really started.

Zach had his back to the door and he was
holding his camera, taking pictures, just like he’d taken of her
last night.

Christy didn’t realize she’d made a sound
until he turned to look at the doorway. She clapped her hand over
her mouth, but it was too late.

She whirled to run up the stairs and almost
fell in the heels. She kicked them off and started running up the
stairs, trying not to slip in her stockings.

“Christy!” Zach called out from below as she
reached the door into his office. “Let me explain.”

Hell if she was going to listen to whatever
lame excuse he might come up with.

The pounding of his shoes was loud behind her
as she ran from his office to his bedroom. She needed to change and
get out of here.

She slammed his bedroom door shut and was
going to lock it, but she wasn’t fast enough. He shoved the door
open and she stumbled backward and tripped over her shoes and
landed on her ass.

“Leave me alone.” She almost shouted at him
as he stood in the doorway. “Whatever stupid excuse you might have,
I don’t want to hear it. I’ve already caught one boyfriend screwing
around on me, I don’t need another.”

“It’s not that, Christy.” He walked closer to
her. “I—”

“Forget it.” She scrambled to her feet and
backed up to the bed. “Nothing you say will change things.”

“I’m a photographer.” He gave her a pleading
look. “It’s what I do.”

“Sure you are.” She grabbed her blouse and
held it to her chest. “You told me you owned restaurants. Was that
a lie, too?”

“I haven’t told you a single lie.” He reached
her. “Listen to me.”

“Forget it.” She turned away.

He grabbed her by the shoulders. “Listen,” he

“Screw yourself, Zach Nikas.” She tried to
get out of his grasp. “Or go screw your play toys who are in the
basement waiting for you.”

“Come down to the dungeon,” He held her in a
grip so tight she didn’t think she could escape him and that
thought made her angrier yet. “Let me show you what this is,” he
said. “I have things that can prove this is nothing.”

To her surprise he released her arm and she
almost fell.

She reached for her clothing but he grabbed
them before she could. Furious, she snatched up her purse and said,
“Fine. I’ll leave like this.”

He beat her to the door and wouldn’t let her
out. “If you won’t do it my way on your own, I will make you.”

She placed her palms on his chest and tried
to push by him. “Get out of my way.”

“Sorry, honey.” He whirled her around and
grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back. He had them
clipped together before she could even catch her breath.

“What are you doing?” She struggled against
his hold but he was too strong.

He pushed her onto the bed and she fell back
onto her cuffed hands.

A tremor of fear went through her. He looked
so intense and focused.

She scrambled backward on the bed. He took a
clip out of his pocket, grabbed her by the ankle cuffs and dragged
her back toward him.

“Let me go, Zach!” Even with her hands and
ankles cuffed together, she struggled and fought him. He reached
into a drawer and pulled out a ball gag. He has toys everywhere,
she thought.

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