Solemn Duty (1997) (31 page)

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Authors: Leonard B Scott

BOOK: Solemn Duty (1997)
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"Money can buy anything," Charlie said. "If the deputy director signs off on this option, I would bet the Cambodians will be dead within twenty-four hours. The organization will hire locals through middlemen to do their dirty work. The Cambodians may be able to get away from us, but not from Triad."

Ashley looked at Eli, who had his head lowered. "What do you think about this?"

Eli wore a pained expression. "I know it sounds like a simple solution to our problems but, personally, I don't like it.

Letting Triad kill them is not justice, it's murder. You know what gang justice is like-the people Triad will hire won't worry about civilians who may get in the way. It could be a bloodbath. I'm for not forcing Triad into this kind of action."

Ramona rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Ashley. "I'm afraid Eli is being a bit overdramatic. The possibility of the Cambodians being run to ground around civilians is very low.

Besides, the organization may feel threatened by the deaths of their men and may already have let the contract. The option we are suggesting will at least give us the informant and put Triad on notice that we're watching them."

Ashley shifted her eyes back to Eli. "Tanner, I have to agree with Ramona and Charlie on this. We're talking about the lesser of two evils. This option may eliminate the Cambodians while putting the organization on notice."

Eli stood and forced a smile. "Okay, guys, I won't disagree with your logic on this. I just wanted to make sure we all understood and accepted the down side. When we see the deputy this morning, Mona and Charlie will present their plan and I'll explain the down side of it. The decision will be left up to him.

Everybody agree?"

There were no objections. "All right, then," he said. "Let's rework these charts into briefing format and get ready to see the deputy."


10:30 A. M. FBI Headquarters.

The deputy strode back into his office and approached the small conference table where three people waited. He nodded at Ramona. "The director agrees that we should adopt your option." His eyes shifted to Charlie. "Agent Lee, how long will it take for the technical support people to place the taps and rig the computers?'

"Sir, it can be done while they are away from their desks for lunch. I can leak the information at two."

"Do it. Have the technical support director give me a call immediately and let's get the ball rolling. Agent Tanner, we are officially closing the Tram case. Agent Lee will now take the lead on this other matter. It is unfortunate that we are unable to bring to justice those who assisted Tram in the Triad organization, but one day they will make a mistake and Agent Lee and his people will be there watching. On behalf of the director I want to thank you and Agent Sutton for your fine work in bringing the case to a close. I will notify Don Farrel of the good news and let him release the information to the press. We will of course leave out Triad's involvement, but it should nevertheless satisfy the public that the killer was stopped. You and Agent Sutton will receive letters of commendation from me and the director. Now I want you two to take two days off, get caught up on your sleep, and sprawl out around a pool before writing your final reports. You both deserve the time off. I'll clear it with Donny and tell him you'll both be returning for duty on Monday."

Eli stood, dipped his chin and shook the proffered hand of the deputy. "Thank you, sir."

The deputy moved to Ashley with a smile. "Good work, young lady. I'm very proud of you."

Ashley shook his hand and spoke softly, "Thank you, sir."

Charlie held out the phone handset. "Sir, I have the Technical Support Division chief on the line for you."

The deputy strode toward Charlie and spoke to Dr. Valez.

"Please stay, Ramona, I want you to help Charlie on this." He took the phone and began talking.

Eli whispered to Ashley, "Let's get out of here." He waved to Charlie and Ramona and whispered again, "See you two this evening." Once in the hallway, Eli said, "You bring any suntan lotion?"

Ashley extended her hand. "I want to congratulate you, Tanner. You're a very good agent and it was a pleasure working with you."

Eli shocked her when he ignored her hand and instead put his arm around her shoulder and began walking her down the hallway. "Come on, I know this great chili place in Old Town that has the best chili this side of Texas. You're goin' to love it."

"Aren't we going to wait for Dr. Valez?"

"Naw, she's not a chili person."

"They play country western music at this chili place?'

"Of course. But it's Washington, so they also have regular food, and even have a choice between red and white wine for the highbrows that go to the place to slum. Come on pard, I need a beer and-"

"I know, listen to Garth Brooks . . . wind-down time. Okay, Tanner, but afterward it's straight to the hotel. I have to catch up on my sleep. And yes, I did happen to bring suntan lotion."

Eli laughed as he walked her down the hall. 'That's my paid, always prepared."


2:45 P. M. Kwong Ling Corporate Headquarters, Baileys Crossroads.

At his desk on the top floor of the ultramodern fifteen-story office building, Peter Wong set the phone back onto its cradle and pushed the button under the lip of his desk.

Seconds later Donna Chu entered the office. He motioned her to a nearby leather chair and spoke as if very tired. "I just received approval to terminate the garbagemen's contract. The elders agree they are a liability to us."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Peter looked into her eyes. "Ms. Chu, you were placed as my assistant by your uncle so that you would understand all the facets of our business. This is the unpleasant side. Yes, it means exactly what you think it does: contract workers in our employ are to be terminated before they become an embarrassment to us. You saw the message from our insider. The FBI will be probing our affairs, and the elders feel that warrants cleaning up all our loose ends. I asked you in here because you need to know how I handle such matters. When you are your uncle's chief assistant, you will have to know how such arrangements are made."

"I don't like it, Peter. I never thought I would have to be involved in something like this. I thought Uncle and the elders were through with that part of the old ways."

"It's business, Donna. I don't like it, either, but the decision has been made. As regrettable as it is, some good may come of it. I believe the elders may now realize that the utilization of such contractors is not worth the risk. Perhaps you will never have to be involved in such matters again."

Peter removed a manila envelope from his top drawer. "Precautions must always be taken when working with contractors.

The Leesburg Mansion house staff has kept me informed of everything the garbage men do and say while at the house.

Under my direction the staff has also surreptitiously photographed every man. I know, for instance, that the contractors are at present moving to their alternate base in Woodbridge and very soon will be conducting an operation that entails the termination of the soldier we found for them."

Peter lifted the envelope. "I will give this envelope containing the photographs and location of the alternate base to one of our trusted employees, who will then pass it on to a gentleman who has many contacts in the Washington area. He will make arrangements and subcontract to a group that has the means of terminating our garbage men. It is expensive, Ms.

Chu. The price of such work will cost one million dollars plus an additional fifty thousand for the gentleman who made the arrangements for us. The work, however, is guaranteed.

Should one group be incapable of fulfilling its obligation, another will be hired by the middleman, and if they, too, are unsuccessful, another will be employed until the work is complete. In matters such as this we demand complete satisfaction."

Donna nodded. "I understand. How long will it take for the work to be done?"

"Within twenty-four hours. It is important that the garbage men be eliminated as quickly as possible. I authorized a higher payment for a speedy termination because in the past year the garbage men requested and received a large quantity of weapons and destructive materials that were necessary for their work for us."

Donna shifted nervously in her seat. "What happens if they find out we have a contract out on them?"

Peter sighed and leaned back in his chair. "They would separate and flee the country, making the termination very difficult. Upon his arrival a year ago, Devoe insisted we provide each of his men three separate identities, complete with supporting documentation, including passports. So it is imperative they be eradicated while they are all still in their nest"

Donna slowly stood and slightly bowed her head. "Excuse me, Peter, but I am feeling ill. I will leave you to your work."

Turning, she walked out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

His own stomach rumbling, Peter picked up the phone and began pushing the number keys, knowing he was sealing the fate of twelve men.


3:45 P. M. I. W. Marriott Hotel, Washington, D. C.

Unable to rest, Ashley got up from bed, put on her bathing suit and a robe, and left the room. Minutes later she walked through the doorway into the indoor pool area Setting down her athletic bag and taking off her robe, she approached the deep end of the pool and dove in. Fifteen laps later she grabbed hold of the ladder and tiredly climbed out of the pool, hoping she would be able to sleep. Walking toward her things, she suddenly stopped. Just beyond the open glass doors Eli lay on a lounge chair on the outside sun deck. He raised his sunglasses and smiled. , "I give you a seven for style on the dive, but the difficulty factor was only point five. You shoulda done a can opener or a cannonball for more points."

Embarrassed at being caught in her practically invisible bathing suit, she continued toward her things. After putting on her robe and picking up her bag, she took in a breath, gathering her strength, and strode toward him.

Eli motioned to the lounge chair beside him and tossed her a towel. "Couldn't sleep, huh?"

She shook her head as she sat down. "Your great chili gave me heartburn. I see you couldn't sleep, either."

"I almost was, but Charlie called . . . the news wasn't good.

The taps didn't work. Seems one of the probables used a coworker's computer when he was away from his desk.

Charlie suspects the probable sent the message through the Internet e-mail system but he can't prove it. Problem is, they can't prove the agent did anything wrong. She was on-line for only five minutes. She said she only accessed information on new cars. She said it was for a case she was working on-she had copies of the stuff she had printed up."

Ashley exhaled through her nose and leaned back in the chair. "Lie detector will get her. She can't refuse taking one."

"You're right, but Charlie said she told them to cram it. She resigned. They can't touch her."

"She's gone, Tanner, that's what amts. The organization lost their informer so we win even though she wasn't prosecuted."

Eli wrinkled his brow. "I wouldn't call it a win. I'd call it a draw. The Cambodians are the ones who lost. . . . Charlie told me the Jamaican dirty boys in town will probably get the contract. They're the ones the wise guys and druggies hire when they need a quick but efficient hit in the Washington area."

Sitting up, Ashley took a pair of sunglasses and a bottle of suntan lotion from her bag. She tossed the bottle over and it landed on his stomach. "All of this makes me glad we'll be back in Columbus on Monday. I am beginning to think dull is good."

Eli set the bottle of lotion aside and closed his eyes. "I learned that a long time ago."

Her eyes hidden by the dark glasses, she looked at the scar on his neck muscle just above the clavicle. He had a much bigger one on his right breast and almost an identical one four inches below that She sat up again and picked up the bottle of lotion he'd set on the pavement between them.

"You'd better put some of this on those scars. They're getting awfully pink."

He didn't move. "It's all right, I'm going back to my room in a few minutes anyway; I need a good nap. Ramona is taking us out to dinner tonight to celebrate our closing the case Afterward I thought I'd go and visit with Colonel Anderson awhile and tell him what happened. Once he gets out of the hospital, he can get on with his life . . . I hope."

Ashley stole another long look at him and couldn't take it anymore. "Tanner, do you know Dr. Valez likes you quite a lot?"

Eli rolled his head toward her. "You've been around Millie too long, Agent Sutton. Mona likes all men . . . she likes manipulating us. We let her do it because she's nice to look at while she's doing it"

"No, Tanner, I mean it. She likes you."

Eli sighed and rolled his head back, facing the sun. "Give it a rest. I'm not interested. Mona isn't my type. I would always feel like I was one of her experiments and she was secretly trying to change my behavior or something."

"So, Tanner, you're saying you're a 'here I am, this is what you get guy,' huh?"

"Yep, Agent Sutton, that's it I'm too old to change, and to tell you the truth, I don't want to. I'm getting it together again, and me suits me just fine . . . even my gut says so."

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