Somersault (34 page)

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Authors: Kenzaburo Oe

BOOK: Somersault
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If that were true, it meant the new movement they were starting was without a leader, only this person called Patron and himself, a makeshift new Guide without the least hint of mysticism about him. Bereft of their true leader, they weren’t even able to comprehend the meaning of Guide’s sacrifice and could only stagger about pointlessly.

The snow had stopped. The flakes had fallen past the fortieth floor, where Kizu stood, but by street level had changed to rain. With the blanket of clouds lightening and the darker clouds gone, the rain, too, seemed about to clear up. To the left of the narrow building directly across from him there was a smaller building, clouds of steam rising from it, beyond which he could see the trees in Central Park, with their fresh spring foliage. Moving his eyes as if following along with a soft-tipped watercolor brush, Kizu continued to gaze at the clumps of leaves propped up by the young, uncertain trunks of the trees.

12: Initiation of New Believers

The reporter who covered the memorial service press conference had sent Kizu a fax telling him where to find a group of women believers who had left the church after the Somersault and were now living a communal life in the southwest part of Kanagawa Prefecture. So on a Saturday afternoon near the end of April, Kizu set off for this suburban bedroom community, one that still had a scattering of rice fields, about an hour from Shinjuku on the Odakyu express train.

The believers occupied a closed elementary school they’d converted into a residence. They numbered some forty people, mothers and children as well as single women, all living a quiet, bucolic life. Thinking he’d just check out the environment these women lived in, Kizu set off with Ikuo at the wheel of his Ford Mustang. The wooden schoolhouse was at the base of a line of low gentle hills, but three-quarters of the school grounds had been dug up and was enclosed as a large-scale plastic-covered greenhouse. Kizu and Ikuo parked their car on the road that ran along the former school grounds and set off on foot.

In the narrow space left in front of the school building, some children were playing in a sandbox outfitted with a horizontal exercise bar, a scene that brought on a nostalgia that pierced Kizu to the quick. There were seven or eight children, upper elementary school or junior-high kids by the look of them, all of them dressed in simple plain clothes—very different from the aggressive, gaudy colors Kizu was used to seeing each time he returned to Japan—as if a half century had been ignored and he was swept back into the colors he remembered from his childhood.

“It’s like a black-and-white movie,” Ikuo said.

The children played without saying a word. Ikuo strode from the path beside the greenhouse over to the sandbox, and Kizu, hesitating, followed suit. As he got closer he noticed that the children were gazing at a line of ants in the corner of the box. Very different from the usual overbearing attitude of kids who haven’t quite decided whether or not to squash a bug, tormenting it until they did, these children showed an unexpected reverence for small living creatures.

The children didn’t seem on their guard at the approach of these two strangers, nor did they show any friendly interest. The older children especially seemed to be purposely ignoring them. After a while Ikuo rested his hands on the horizontal bar, too low for him, and pulled himself upright on it. He tucked in his legs, pushed his elbows tight against his chest, and slowly rotated around the bar five or six times. The younger children looked at him with open admiration. Kizu, too, found himself looking with appreciative eyes at Ikuo, from his thighs to the tips of his feet, as he held his body stationary, stretched out vertically upside down. Beyond Ikuo’s upside-down body, Kizu caught sight of flower petals fluttering down from the tops of hills; looking more carefully, he saw they were wet snowflakes.

Kizu remembered the scene from his hotel window high above the New York streets, snow vanishing in the air. Sometimes he wondered what he’d been thinking about that morning. Now that he considered it again, he felt that maybe he’d made this journey here to the countryside to grope for some meaningful clue. If the snow across the ocean had been a sign, this out-of-season snow here in Japan must be one too. The children were now looking up at the snowy sky. The older children stood off to one side in a clump, but even the younger kids standing close by were calm and well mannered. All of them looked entirely relaxed as they gazed up at the swirling snow.

Ikuo silently lowered himself from the bar—his controlled landing as casual as the attitude of the children—and he and Kizu walked back toward the car, leaving the children behind, all gazing up at the snowy sky, some of the older children whispering among themselves.

“Boy, oh, boy,” Ikuo murmured.

Kizu knew he didn’t mean the unexpected snow. Ikuo felt oppressed by the children’s natural dignity. Kizu was about to express his agreement when they found, standing next to their car and waiting for them, oblivious to the snow, a short, solidly built middle-aged woman. Continuing their own conversation was out of the question.

Kizu surmised that it was one of the children’s mothers, a representative of this commune that, while he’d only caught a glimpse of it, was obviously
quite tidy and organized, who’d come out to challenge these suspicious-looking intruders.

Kizu didn’t catch sight of anyone looking out the line of first- or second-story windows of the schoolhouse, glass windows whose gleaming well-polished look contrasted with the old window frames, but apparently the report of their presence had spread among the residents. As Kizu and Ikuo walked on against the blustery wind and snow, the woman stood there at a corner they had to turn. She’d been looking down until they approached, but now, quite suddenly, she spoke out in a charged, emotional voice.

“This is a private road. The land was originally donated to the town by my husband’s grandfather, and after the school closed it was sold. I’m paying taxes on it. And I can’t have you parking your car here.”

“I’m very sorry,” Kizu said. “I thought it was a public road.”

“If it were a public road there’d be even more reason not to park!” the woman said vehemently. With stubby fingers she brushed away the snow-flakes that clung to her curly reddish-brown hair and her flushed face. “I saw you watching the children. If you try to take any photographs, my husband says he’s going to come over; he’s been watching you from the farm. Rubberneckers and the media have stopped coming here, and the mothers and children don’t want to be bothered. But now you TV people come trying to stir things up! Why can’t you leave us alone? We’ve never bothered the people in this neighborhood. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion, you know!”

Kizu was finally able to get a word in edgewise. “So you share the same beliefs?”

With a look that was neither surprise nor fear, the woman stared directly at him for the first time. “
Don’t come around making false accusations! I’ve lived here most of my life—why would I adopt the religion of people who’re just temporary residents?”

The woman sputtered to a halt, and Kizu himself was so flustered Ikuo intervened.

“The Professor and I are working for the gentleman who used to be the leader of this little community. We’re not connected with any TV station or weekly magazine. Their former leader is concerned about what kind of life the group has been living after they became independent of the church. We just came to observe, not to bother anyone.”

“By former leader, you mean the one who did the Somersault? These women aren’t angry about that anymore. There are some profound reasons for this, apparently, though I have no idea what. … So he’s worried about them, is he?”

Her words were somewhat feeble now. Apparently a basically kindhearted person, she seemed to regret having scolded these people who had come from so far away, and shook her lightly snow-covered head to get her pluck back.

“Well, if that’s the case, with this unexpected snow and all, why don’t you just rest here for a while? This is a private road, so your car will be fine! They’re packing lilies in boxes inside the greenhouse. Maybe you’d like to take a look?”

She seemed so apologetic it would have been rude to turn down her suggestion. Kizu hadn’t planned to stay, but he looked at the woman, her skin roughened by gooseflesh, and nodded, so she hurried ahead. By the time they arrived at the greenhouse closest to the road, the children in the sandbox who’d been gazing up at the snow had formed a line and were quietly filing toward the building.

The old woman went in a step ahead of them, past what looked like the door of a warehouse, and Kizu and Ikuo followed, brushing the already melting snowflakes from their heads, chests, and shoulders. The children stood at one corner of the greenhouse in swirling snow that was coming down harder than ever. If they’d been seeking shelter from the snow, the only place to find it around the greenhouse, a structure made of thick metal piping covered with tough tentlike plastic sheeting, was under the eaves at the entrance. The children, though, didn’t seem to have come over in order to get out of the snow. As he watched them standing there through the steadily falling snow, their expressions and even the outlines of their faces now blurred, a slight sense of the unearthly was added to Kizu’s earlier impression. Ikuo, too, had to look away.

They went inside the greenhouse, only slightly warmer than outside, and found that they had to walk quite some distance to where the packing operation was under way, watching their step as they moved through a maze of obstacles. All sorts of objects, large and small, were arbitrarily piled up on the path. They stumbled over what at first appeared to be small empty boxes but turned out to be as heavy as bricks. On both sides of the path the equipment required to grow the plants wasn’t just laid out flat; they bumped their heads and shoulders on various pipes. For outsiders it was a veritable labyrinth. Kizu found himself concerned, too, about the strange little line of children who followed their movements through the three-tiered window in the plastic covering the greenhouse.

People were working in the greenhouse in a clearing cut out of the long line of cultivated plants. Hemmed in on both sides by equipment, some twenty women were seated, busy at work, on top of a platform covered with mats. This particular greenhouse seemed to be in an in-between stage between cultivation and harvesting; all that could be seen in back were several lines of dark green leaves forming a frame in the cultivating apparatus used to grow flowers. On this side were the women, seated in a large circle with mounds of lilies in front of them that they were packing into long cardboard boxes.

Kizu had been raised in the country and was used to the customs of farmers, but when he first saw farm women in the Tokyo area working in the fields with cloth head coverings, he found it a bit suspect. The women here, too, worked with their heads covered, in this case with simple knitted hats. The women were of all ages, yet they all shared the same pale faces, the same quiet look.

More noticeable than anything else, though, was the overpowering, animal-like odor of the lilies. Kizu noticed how Ikuo’s sturdy face recoiled from the smell. The women worked so silently that Kizu and Ikuo found themselves tiptoeing, and this heavy scent wafting over from the silent women made for a grotesque sense of incongruity.

Kizu and Ikuo had come close to the women, but they kept on working without showing the slightest bit of interest. With relaxed yet swift motions, they packed away the lilies, while Kizu and Ikuo stood there, overwhelmed. The woman who accompanied them had already gone behind the circle of working women, stuck her head in between the boxes of packed lilies and the mound of unpacked flowers, and begun speaking to the women.

Before long a man’s head popped up above the piled boxes of lilies—a close-cropped white head with white whiskers—and stared at Kizu and Ikuo. Approaching from the side, before the woman who’d accompanied them returned, this man, the farm’s owner, dressed in a white collared shirt and wine-colored vest, walked in front of the working women, their bare arms full of lilies, distributing empty boxes. Then he lifted a box that was larger than the others and lowered it to the ground; he was making a place on the platform for Kizu and Ikuo to sit. The woman led them up onto the mats, while the man went back to his original position; whether through innate shyness or because he was the type who kept people at arm’s length, he merely nodded slightly to greet them. The women went on working, oblivious to the two men, who’d now become part of their group.

Not that the women were rejecting these unexpected visitors. The farm woman who’d led them in, after glancing at the farm owner, sitting
off to one side, began addressing the other women, who cheerfully stopped and paid attention.

“I’ll pass around the business card I received from this gentleman, who tells me he’s working for the former leader of the church you all used to belong to. I know we’ve talked recently about the man who was with this leader at the time of the Somersault, the one we read about in the paper who was tortured to death.

“It seems the former leader is concerned about what sort of life all of you have been living. This gentleman wasn’t really planning to meet you and talk with you today, he said, and maybe I’m butting in where I don’t belong, but I thought it would be nice for you to meet him, seeing as how he’s also a professor at an American university. I’m sure you heard my husband scold me for my rash assumptions.”

The woman stopped speaking and bowed her head, and the company fell silent. Kizu wondered if they were waiting for him to introduce himself but realized that the woman had essentially covered what needed to be said. While Kizu was hesitating, the farm woman whispered to an old woman sitting opposite her.

For an old lady, this second woman was unusually erect, though something was wrong with her legs, and she sat differently from the rest of the women, her feet splayed out to one side. For a woman of her generation she was quite large, with fine features, putting Kizu in mind of someone from a good family who happened to live near the sea.

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