Something New (7 page)

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Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #Menage Suspense

BOOK: Something New
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She reached down and grazed the pads of her thumbs across each man’s slit, smearing pearls of early ejaculate around the heads. Both men gasped and jerked, and it was as if Abby had flipped the switch that got the electricity humming in their bodies again. Almost mirrors of each other, Rodrigo and Braden rose halfway up, braced themselves on one hand, wrapped the others around their cocks, and started jerking off in long, even drags. Braden’s face went stark, all sharp edges, as he pulled on his dick, rapidly increasing the speed of his strokes to a pace that very likely put him in a place of pain. Rodrigo matched Braden tug for tug. He rocked his hips and moaned low in his throat each time he reached down to pull on his balls, mixing in a move that Braden quickly added to his own.

Dark eyes and a pale gaze moved back and forth between Abby, to each other, and then back to Abby, holding on her. Arousal had never stayed with Abby so long after climax, but what these men did in front of each other without freaking out kept her blood rushing and her skin buzzing with zest and life. Feeling close to coming again, Abby rubbed her hands over her abdomen and deliberately brushed her knuckles against the undersides of Rodrigo’s and Braden’s erections. Both men jolted again and started whipping their hands up and down their shafts even faster, which only added flint to the fire inside Abby. With her hips moving anew, Abby scratched her fingernails up her torso to her breasts, leaving red streaks in her pale skin. She scraped the lightest abrasion around the areola but stayed away from touching her too-big, mauvy nipples.

Braden growled and rose up to his knees, double handing his cock. “Do it.” He stared down at Abby, his teeth bared and looking fierce as he jerked himself off with fast drags. “Pinch your tits hard enough to make yourself scream.”

“Fucking let me see you play with yourself,” Rodrigo ordered as he pulled hard on his stiff prick. So far gone sexually, he sounded almost cruel, although Abby knew he was anything but. “I need to come.”

In this moment, Abby didn’t care what might happen in an hour or day with these men. Only satisfying their current needs existed in her mind. “Yes.” Watching the raw display of desire in Rodrigo and Braden, Abby covered her breast with one hand and delved between her spread legs with the other. She squeezed her nipple, tugged hard on the tip, and at the same time whipped her fingertips over her exposed clit. “Yes.” The invisible string of pleasure pulled hard between the two places Abby touched, and she rolled her hips on the twist of sheets beneath her. “So good.”

Both men uttered the same in rough tones, and their faces pulled into harsh lines. Suddenly, Braden threw his head back and roared. Rodrigo cursed in Spanish, staring at his hand moving over his dick with piston-fast speed. Orgasm hit them both, with Rodrigo coming a heartbeat before Braden. Rodrigo unloaded straight down on Abby’s stomach, spitting lines of thick, milky cum that pooled in the dip of her belly. Braden held his cock and shot ejaculate into the air, where it then rained down in splashes, dotting Abby’s stomach, breasts, and arm. It even dotted Rodrigo’s penis and hand, which jerked the man’s dark gaze up to Braden’s light one. Then, seemingly out of Rodrigo’s control, he shuddered and came again.

As Abby stared at Rodrigo and Braden squaring off, riveted to each other’s gaze, a tremor racked through her core. It was an enormous wave of acute pleasure that went deeper than an orgasm; it felt like it went all the way inside her and settled into her very soul.

It’s not about choosing one
. The truth of why Abby had felt so torn between these men—to the point of feeling paralyzed by her desire for each of them at times—finally hit her.
It’s supposed to be both of them.

Holy Mother.

She could hardly handle
on a daily basis. How in the hell was she supposed to bring two men into her life?

And deal with the nightmares too? The presence of these men had only put them off for one morning. The dreams would be back tonight. She could still feel the discomforting wiggle of them living in her brain.

All she’d done by inviting Rodrigo and Braden over, and then engaging in this carnal display, was open up a whole new can of worms.

One Abby feared she would not simply be able to close back up or contain now.

You’re in a whole new world of trouble, girl.


Chapter Four



Abby’s utterance rang in Braden’s head. Rather than raise the hairs on the back of his neck, it made him work like the devil to suppress a grin. He liked this woman all worked up, even if it was potentially in anger directed at him. And no matter what might come out of her mouth next, she had goddamn wanted—no,
—what they’d done together. Braden knew it.

As for the stunned man kneeling across from him, Braden would take the fact that Rodrigo hadn’t sent his fist flying at Braden’s jaw as a good sign. After all, Braden’s cum had landed on the guy’s cock. Christ, he could still see the shiny beads dotting the length. Braden had to figure that would freak the hell out of most hard-core heterosexual men. As he stared, Braden reevaluated his assumption from just last night. Rodrigo might be closer to accepting a ménage relationship that included another man than he had previously assessed.

Right then, Rodrigo scrambled to shove his prick back into his sweats, and Braden decided confronting the sexy Colombian could wait a day or two.

Better to tackle someone already familiar with her attraction to men.

Letting his gaze travel up Abby’s body, Braden openly admired her, not stopping until he made eye contact. “Well”—he flashed her a wry smile—“I was hoping more for a
that translated to ‘that was fucking amazing and when can we do it again’ than
as in ‘the shit just hit the fan and what am I going to do to get these two assholes out of my bed as quickly as possible?’”

Rather than moving to cover herself, Abby pitted an unblinking stare against Braden’s and somehow managed to stir a pleasant reaction from his recently sated cock.

“Got all that from one word, huh?” she asked, raising a brow.

“Honey,” Braden shared, in between chuckling, “you often put a whole essay’s worth of thoughts into one succinctly spit-out comment.”

Rodrigo snorted, and Braden and Abby whipped their heads around to put their full attention on him.

“What?” Rodrigo’s stare narrowed. “I didn’t say anything.”

Abby made an inelegant noise. “Apparently you’re attempting to prove you can convey even more than I can without using words
at all
.” She checked Rodrigo out so completely, so aggressively, that Braden almost went to full staff just as a bystander. “Forget that noise of pure agreement you just made, Santiago. Let’s talk about when you’re rubbing up against another person, how you growl and moan and rumble and make all kinds of declarative noises. You were telegraphing all kinds of things just a few minutes ago, and I read you like you had paragraphs stamped all over your body.”

“Hey.” The word burst like a bullet out of Rodrigo, and he pointed his finger just as fast. He shot out of bed and snatched his shirt off the floor. “I don’t make anything more than the normal male sounds during sex.”

“Yeah, right,” Abby said, her tone bone-dry. “And I’m the pope.”

Pausing in the act of donning his T-shirt, Rodrigo replied, “You are Catholic, and you do like to wear those long billowy coat things that could be mistaken for papal robes.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “I’m lapsed. I wear dusters, kimonos, and shawls, not voluminous robes, and after what we just did”—she finally moved to adjust her nightdress back over her breasts and sex—“I think there’s little chance I’d even be accepted as a nun let alone become the first female leader of the entire Catholic church.”

“Dare to dream, honey.” Rodrigo’s voice mocked in the most infuriating manner. “Dare to dream.”

Abby narrowed her gaze. That pure blue within fired up hot as she shot Rodrigo the bird.

Christ, yes
. Braden loved the way these two bristled when pushed into each other’s company. It was almost the only time they forgot about work and presenting the perfect adult, pulled-together picture to the world and allowed the passion and spark for life that existed inside them free.

“Abby does have a point, Rodrigo,” Braden told the man, itching for a scrum that might end with them all piled in bed again. “You do make some incredible noises when you’re hard and excited. Probably more than the average male.” Watching the dark man prowl around the bed like a caged cat put Braden in mind of how that body would move when merged with another. “Not that I’m complaining. Far from it.”

“Shit.” Rodrigo’s face flushed a sexy shade of crimson under that deep tan skin. “This is fucking cra—”

“I wasn’t complaining either,” Abby murmured, causing Rodrigo to snap his mouth shut and spin to face her. “Ditto on the far from it too. I like that I always know where I stand with you.” Red dots tinged her cheeks as well, which only made Braden more attracted to this pair. “Apparently no matter the circumstances.”

For each second Rodrigo stared at Abby, a modicum of tension eased out of him until Braden saw only the straightforward, good man who lived inside him emerge.

“Right now,” Rodrigo said, “the circumstances I’m most concerned about are you and your nightmares, and how I can help make them go away. I don’t give a shit about how hard lying in bed with you makes me or how much I grunt when I come, and neither should you.”

The sudden dark intensity in Rodrigo’s stare drew a visible tremble out of Abby.

“I didn’t feel too much agitation in you while you slept,” Rodrigo went on, his voice almost tender now. “Does that mean you were able to get some sleep?” Just in listening to Rodrigo speak to Abby, Braden almost felt the man’s words like a caress against his own body. “Did the dreams stay away?”

A pinched expression pulled the rosy color from Abby’s cheeks. “Almost. I saw the same—”

The high-pitched
beep, beep, beep
of an alarm clock went off right then, momentarily jerking everyone in the bedroom to silence and stillness. Abby finally leaned and stretched her arm, and Braden followed her hand to an alarm clock tucked back on the nightstand. The display window glowed with a blue 9:00, and a little MON was highlighted above the nine.

“Crap.” Braden jumped out of bed, hopping as he straightened his jeans. “Is that the real time?”

“Yes,” Abby shared. “Damn, I’m sorry. Both of you.” She glanced to Rodrigo as she climbed out of bed. “I didn’t even think. I don’t open the store on Mondays, so I push back my normal wake-up time a bit. I should have reset it before we went to bed last night.”

Shit. Fuck. Damn. And shit some more.

“You had other things on your mind,” Braden replied. “I should have set my cell to wake me up. I’m already late for work.” He reached down to grab his sweatshirt but came back upright in a flash with his hand on his crotch and a serious pressure pushing inside him. “Damn it. I need to take a piss.”

Abby hopped out of bed and pushed him toward the hallway. “Straight across the hall. Go go go.” She pointed at the archway behind him. “We’ll get your clothes and shoes ready while you take care of that.”

Braden found the bathroom and only took time to relieve himself and briefly admire the uncluttered sink and bathtub area as he washed his hands.
. It was hard enough for two people to share a bathroom. He could only imagine managing three. One of them being a hoarder would make it impossible to achieve. Braden’s toiletry needs were pretty simple, and he kept his bathroom as clean and neat as Abby did. Soon enough, they would have to devise a way to get to Rodrigo’s place so Braden could check out how the other man lived. The only one of them with an actual house, Rodrigo should have plenty of free space. Unfortunately, sometimes that only meant more room for clutter.

Not Rodrigo
. Braden trusted his ability to read people.
Money says the guy has entire rooms still unfurnished.

After drying his hands on a towel, Braden returned to Abby’s bedroom and found his shirt, jacket, shoes, and belt laid out neatly at the foot of the bed. Already fully dressed, Rodrigo ate up the carpet space that circled Abby’s bed with a determined stride, his head turned downward and his hands clasped behind his back. Braden had a bit of height on the man, but Rodrigo was tall, thickly shouldered, and lean around the middle. Fuck, if sexuality had a picture to define it in the dictionary, Rodrigo’s image would be it. Abby, with her creamy skin, killer legs, and ocean blue eyes, would represent the female version.

Speaking of… “Where did Abby go?”

Just as the last word left Braden’s mouth and Rodrigo ripped his gaze up from the carpeting, something icy touched the base of Braden’s spine, making him yelp.

“Here.” Abby sidled around him, grinning as she thrust a small bottle of cranberry juice and a granola bar at him. “It’s not much, but at least it has some calories to hold you until you get home or to the station or wherever you have to go.”

“Thanks, but hang on to it for a sec, okay?” Braden went to the bed and sat down to dress, his attention on Abby and her lovely disheveled state. “I’ll head straight to the station. There’s a shower in the locker room we have there, and I always keep a change of clothes in my car. Before I left the station yesterday, I mentioned I might swing by on the way in to take another run at interviewing a witness in an assault case, so it’s not too conspicuous that I’m not there yet. I’ll just do the interview this afternoon.”

Abby scrunched up her nose and forehead. “Sorry about that again.”

Braden tied his second shoe and shot upright, going right to Abby. “Don’t be sorry.” He cupped her jaw and couldn’t help the smile and shock of light that worked its way through him that came just from looking at her. “I’d rather miss a whole day without explanation than have you believing it was a mistake to call me when you needed someone. Just so we’re clear on it, I will be back tonight when I’m done with work. We’re gonna figure out what’s going on with your dreams, and we’re gonna double up in that bed of yours again. Definitely tonight and very likely for an undetermined number of days to come.”

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