Read Something Wonderful Online

Authors: M. Clarke

Something Wonderful (8 page)

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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I had to admit, I liked my hand there maybe too much, but I couldn’t speak. Oh God, oh God. I had to calm down. I buried my face into his chest so I wouldn’t have to look at him, not to mention my stinky morning breath.

“Did you have a pleasant dream?” His tone was sincere yet playful.

I nodded, rubbing myself further into his chest and that was my answer. Finally letting go of my hand, he hovered over me, a blaze of heat shuddered down, practically curling my toes. The only barrier between us was a pair of thin silk shorts and a loose pajama top I had bought from Victoria’s Secret. Just his body over mine was enough to obliterate me and I quivered from want.

“Open your eyes, Jenna. Don’t be shy. You’re beautiful,” he said softly, slipping his hands to my cheeks.

He embarrassed me when he said things like that, but I managed to open my eyes, and gave him an innocent smile. “Good morning,” I murmured, trying to keep my breath to myself, if that was possible, while his lips lingered over mine.

Max looked beyond good for this early in the morning, way too sexy. I wanted to run my fingers through his disheveled hair, but I stopped myself.

“Good morning, sunshine.” His eyes were drunk with blissfulness and yearning as he stared back at me. He glowed from the sunlight that seeped through the window, perfectly outlining his body, looking like a mirage. Lost in his eyes, I sunk deeply into the mattress.

Purposely rubbing his hardness against me, his lips traced up my neck. “Do you want me inside you?” His hot breath scalded my ear, sending scorching fire straight between my legs and spreading through every fiber of my being.

As my nipples hardened, moaning sounds escaped my mouth. Unexpectedly, Max placed both of his hands around my waist, scooping me up into his arms.

“Where are we going?” I asked, breathlessly.

“To the shower, babe, a nice long, hot shower; and I’m not talking about the temperature. I’m going to wake you up. We need to get ready for work.”

Oh shoot! I had forgotten about work. My eyes shot open, wide and alert from the reality of his words. Max must have felt my body tense.

“Don’t worry. We have plenty of time to get to work now that you’re working with my brother. But don’t let him boss you around, or else I’ll have some serious ass kicking to do.”

Gently, he placed me down so my feet touched the cold marble of the shower floor. There were two separate shower heads, and though we were standing in the middle, the water spouting out from both sides still didn’t touch us.

After he tested the temperature, he stripped us both naked and pulled me into his chest under one spout. The warmth from the water and having Max’s strong hands gliding over my back completely dissolved me. We had showered together many times, but it didn’t matter; I was just as shy as the first time.

Max poured the shampoo on my hair and started to massage my scalp. The feeling was soothing and relaxing. I was lost in his touch but the smell of lavender filling my nose, awakened me. Shifting my body, my back was to his chest. He tilted my head and rinsed my hair. Then, he poured liquid soap into his hands and started lathering my neck, massaging my shoulders, and trailing down to my breasts. He glided down my stomach, around my butt, slowly sliding down my legs…gently, feather light, causing all sorts of hyper sensations.

The whole time his hands explored my body, my knees wanted to give out. Every muscle felt like jelly, and I could not control the urge any longer. Turning around, I slammed my mouth into his, taking in some water. As our tongues swirled and tasted each other, my hands ran over his hard chest, around his broad shoulders, and down his back. He had a body any man would die for and any woman would love to touch. I closed my eyes, but I was very aware of him as I rubbed his erection, making him growl, a masculine sound that made me want him even more.

Max took a fist full of my hair and forced my mouth away from his. “What do you want, Jenna?” he whispered. His eyes were dark and full of lust.

Watching water drip down his face like rain, onto his hard, defined pecs, was so incredible sexy. I wondered if he might disappear as I continued to stare, mentally framing this vision in my mind. Finally breaking away from his gaze, I pressed my hand on the glass in front of me without answering him. Swaying seductively from side to side, I spread my legs for him while my back was toward him.

A hot, territorial groan escaped Max’s throat, and that alone made me combust. Rubbing his dick against my ass, teasing me, taking his time, I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned my head to the side and looked at him. “Max,” I managed to say, desperately asking him to be inside me with my yearning eyes.

He gave me a wicked grin and slapped me once on my ass at the same time he took me. The combination made me gasp so hard and fast, it sent erotic passion straight through to my core and had my head spinning. Gradually penetrating in and out, he was slowly building me to climax. While pressing his chest on my back, he had one hand squeezing my nipple and the other teasing the hell out of my clit. He knew exactly what to do to drive me crazy.

Seeing my ragged breath fog up the glass, my grip on his hand was my sign that I could not take it any longer.

“You want it faster, Jenna?” he asked through his gritted teeth as he heaved through water dripping on his body. Nodding was not an answer for him. “Say it,” he demanded, as he pumped just little faster, but not enough.

As shy as I was, and being the type of girl that would never ask for it, I was building up the courage to tell him what I wanted, because Max made me it easy for me. He was breaking me out of my shyness and I loved every bit of it. It was a big step for me. I turned my head just enough for him to see my face, and finally, I demanded it. “Faster, Max.”

That put a huge satisfied smile on his face and he didn’t hesitate after that. He swung me around, and lifted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, my back anchored against the marble wall, and his hand on my behind supported my weight. Then he drove into me hard and fast. My center sizzled at first from the sensation, then exploded deliciously throughout my body so fast I thought I was going to detonate.

He rode me harder and faster, never taking his loving eyes off me, filling me until I couldn’t take it anymore. My hands on his back were now clawing into him and I knew I was digging too deep when I heard him groan. Still inside me, he shifted us over so my back was now against the glass.

The glass shook and vibrated from Max’s rhythm, the same rhythm as my hammering heart, drumming delicious, pleasurable beats. I swear I thought the glass was going to shatter underneath us. Max sucked my lip as the water fell on our faces, and I sucked his back. We were licking, nipping, and tasting each other as if we were starving. Panting, we were out of breath as the glass completely fogged up.

While I closed my eyes, I dissolved into him. I let him take me, every single piece of me. Then, I blissfully surrendered in his arms.

When Max moved away from me, my feet touched the ground and I watched him come all over me. I didn’t mind; I wanted to feel every part of him. The water quickly washed him away, and then Max held me tightly as our chests rapidly rose and fell together.

“That was amazing, Jenna.” His breath was heavy in my ears.

I was thinking the same thing. Too exhausted to stand on my own two feet, too breathless to speak, I nodded in agreement as I continued to hold onto him. Then a thought crossed my mind. Max didn’t use a condom. In the heat of the moment, I didn’t care, nor did I remind him. I wasn’t on the pill, but from my calculations, I was pretty sure it would be okay—there shouldn’t be a risk of an accidental pregnancy.

,” Matthew’s smile beamed as he embraced me warmly. Wearing a dark gray suit and tie, he looked very sharp and serious. This was the first time I had ever seen him dressed for work.

Looking past him, I saw that all eyes stared as they approached me with a welcoming smile.

“Everyone, this is Jeanella Mefferd. Jenna, this is Pamela, Stephen, Mandy, and….” He said them so quickly, I couldn’t remember their names as I shook many hands. After the introductions, they all got back to work.

This room was huge. It was nothing like an ordinary office. There were several white boards attached to the back wall, covered with layouts of articles and pictures of models. In the center was a huge circular table. I assumed it was for our meeting.

“This is your desk.” Matthew led me to the desk next to his.

Both were cherry wood, rectangular, and bigger than the other employees’. Hmmm, I didn’t want to be treated differently. I hadn’t earned that right yet. Running my finger across the table, not a single scratch marked it. I wondered if it was new. Knowing Max, it must have been. With a computer and all the office necessities on top, my stomach tingled at the thought of being where I’d always wanted to be, working right at the heart of a fashion magazine. I couldn’t help the feeling of joy that filled up my heart beyond what I could ever imagine.

“Jenna.” Matthew broke me out of my daze, swinging his rolling chair toward me. “I’ve sent you some pictures and articles I need you to format for me. Please don’t hesitate to ask for my help. I know Max started training you, but he hasn’t taught you everything you need to know. After my morning meeting, I’ll show you other layouts, and where you can check for references. We all have a specific job to do in this department, but you can ask anyone for help.”

“Sure, thanks, Matthew,” I replied, placing my workbag down on the floor and sitting down on my plush, leather seat. Turning on the computer, I could not wait to get to work.

“I’m going to take it easy on you for couple of weeks so you can get the hang of things, okay?”

“Thanks,” I smiled, watching him turn to his desk with a nod. Then I clicked the email to open. The first email I saw was from Max.

Hello, Ms. Mefferd,

Hope you have a fantastic day. Matthew will take good care of you and make sure you’re comfortable. Don’t let him boss you around. I won’t be having lunch with you today, but I’m still good for dinner. I’ve invited Matthew and Becky to join us. I hope that’s okay. See you tonight. Always thinking of you. TKLS



Yours? This was the first time he’d written that, and I loved it. Reading TKLS made me smile, recalling what it meant—touching, kissing, licking, and sucking. The words triggered the memories of us in the shower and Max under the running water. Remembering how sexy he looked, I was about to have an orgasm just from the thought of him. I was at work, I reminded myself. Breaking away from thoughts of Max, I checked Matthew’s email and got right down to business.

me up from home since the restaurant was close to our apartment. Max wanted to celebrate Jenna’s promotion. I thought that was so sweet of him. When he’d called me on my cell phone, my heart pounded out of my chest. I thought something had happened to her; but after he explained, my heart quickly settled, though the pounding still lingered longer than I wanted it to.

I’m not sure what was wrong with me lately. Perhaps it was reading all those manuscripts where something bad always happened when it was just starting to look good, or maybe it was the thought of almost losing my best friend, again. I just needed some time to get myself together.

When we walked in, the place was already packed. Since Jenna wore a casual dress, I changed out of my jeans and sweater as well. Almost tripping from my heels, my eyes were glued to the floor to see what I had stepped on. I hadn’t noticed Max standing in front of us until I peered up again.

“Hey, Max,” I cheered. He was wearing his work attire, suit and tie. He must have come here straight from the office.

“Becky,” he greeted, giving me a hug. Then he placed his arms around Jenna and kissed her forehead as they proceeded to the table.

I took off my coat, placed it around my chair, and sat next to Jenna. After we got our drinks, we talked about my job. Like Matthew, Max was curious as well.

Just as I finished explaining it all, Max waved. Looking in the direction of his line of vision, my stomach knotted so tightly, I was just about to choke on the beer I was drinking. With a cool, relaxed stride, Matthew came toward us as the women he passed checked him out. The dim lights above kissed the side of his face, exposing his flawless, gorgeous skin and glowing over parts of his body. I was melting as my heart throbbed with heated passion that I could not control. No amount of oxygen was enough to satisfy me. His presence always sucked the air out of my lungs.

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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