Somewhere! (Hunaak!) (5 page)

Read Somewhere! (Hunaak!) Online

Authors: Ibraheem Abbas,Yasser Bahjatt

BOOK: Somewhere! (Hunaak!)
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This news hit me like a bolt of lightning. I should have known all along that I was part of an experiment! I must have deduced that such a
creature must have been the result of plastic surgery and genetic modifications along with heavy intelligence trainings!

Malak went o
— I mean

“I am tasked with your file. My training started a few years back as I had to study your case and history along with everything related to you, I had to learn your language and accent and every detail of your life. We must keep an eye on you all the time as you live in this perfect environment so that we can study all of your body and mental evolution that has happened to you after the procedures. There is no way they would allow you to leave and spoil the experiment!”

Impossible, I can’t believe this! Why me?!” — I yelled.

Who said the program was only for you? You are one of a hundred and forty other cases selected from all over the planet. Each case lives here for some time. We change some details in this constructed world and train the people here. Actually, they are all agents trained to deal with every case differently!” — Malak/Natasha explained.

You mean I am a Guinea Pig? Has my life changed forever?” — I asked.

No, that is also a risk for them, after the experiment is over they will have a reverse modification procedure done to you to return you to convince you that you had been in an accident and lost your memory for some time until some security forces found you in a village and recognized you and returned you to your family. Of course, the accident will be an excuse for any changes that still remain, but do not worry, you will forget everything you had seen here, and what you will remember will seem like a dream.” — Malak/Natasha explained.

And then?” — I asked.

The end!

— Malak/Natasha said this as the fake serious look dissipated from her face only to be replaced by a childish laugh as she fell to the sand while laughing.

My angst was so strong that for a moment, I wished that I could slap her so hard on her red cheeks. I wished that I could punch her and shatter some of those pure white teeth! But I did not do any of that. I only stood there hardly on a single leg, and just as I bent my second leg that was still bleeding, Malak stood up from the sand and took my arm around her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around my waist to help me walk.

“Come on Husam. Don’t be a downer!”— Malak said.

Had you been in my shoes you would have felt what I feel!” — I replied.

I swear to God that I feel you. And my heart aches for you! And I swear I am doing everything I can for you!

— Malak said.

Feel me? Impossible!! My life is gone and I can’t get back to it, I want to fulfill all my dreams, to make my mother and sister happy and succeed in my job, I want to get married and have a home and kids!” — I added.

My last sentence cruelly crushed her heart, but she ignored her pride as she said:

“You mean, you had not even wished that I go back with you? And become part of that life?”

My painful cruelty went on

Live with me? You mean that I marry you? Impossible! No one can deny your beauty but I know nothing about you. I don’t know where you come from or who your family is. I don’t even know what religion you follow!” — I said.

Damn me! How will I soften my arrogance? I wish her gift did not fall out of my pocket; luckily it
was still here:

Here you go” — I said.

glanced her face back to me and I was now able to see her tears. The tears evaporated with a smile when she saw the white small box:

Husaaam” — she said.

She picked up the box and opened the velvet wet ribbon eagerly, she almost fainted when she saw my simple gift, happiness knotted her, she picked up the small necklace in her hand,
Ijumped on my good leg to move around her as she raised her hair to reveal her neck. I only hoped I did not slip the spring loc
—as I usually do

when I try to help Maram with her jewelry. Damn with all of this technology and they still did not invent simple jewelry locks! There… success!

I wish you like it!” — I told Malak.

Malak turned to face me as she was holding the diamond wings in her fingers near her cleavage. She was glowing of happiness and it only added a pink hue to her beauty. She surprised me with a sudden hug and a hot kiss on my cheek. My heart could not handle such a shock nor did my single leg that I was standing on, so I lost balance and fell. We actually
both fell before she could finish her kiss. She raised her head and looked directly into my eyes:

This is the best moment of my life, may God never deprive me of you Husam!!”

That public display of affection brought back the conservative within me, so I removed her gently, she stood up and helped me stand and hugged me lovingly to support me as we continued to walk.

“Just a simple thing: you can consider this gift to be a gesture of gratitude for your invitation. By the way, this is real diamond! Not a fake, and its color is very rare!” — I said with fake indifference.


I want to ask you a question, and beg you to answer me honestly: Have you ever heard of someone more rude than me? Thank God that she tolerated me.


“Husam, this is the first gift I ever get in my life! I do not care whether it is a diamond or made out of glass. What I care about is that it comes from you!

— Malak said.

Should I believe her? I could not believe that I have anything that would make a normal girl like someone like me.

“This has nothing to do with the fact that I am still upset with you!! And, by the way, I did not have a single plastic surgery done, this is all natural! I hope nothing in my looks are displeasing to you!!”

she interrupted my thoughts.


Damn it, I must stay aware of what I say to myself, this crazy girl listens to my thoughts. I think she knows what I am thinking of now. Damn it, Damn it.


“Husam please do not worry about anything now, the best you can do is to flow with it and everything will work out by God’s will!

— Malak said.

I am sure that I will remember everything. And know where I am and how to get back to my family!” — I added.

Trust me, I will help you! Trust me!

— Malak interrupted as I was finishing my sentence:

and introduce you to them”.


My hint made her shy. We had arrived at the Ferrari. Malak pushed some bags aside to give room for me to sit next to her as she drove the car. Most of my pain had dissipated and my wounds had healed by the time we got to the Guest Tower’s entrance.

Husam, if you need anything let me know.” — She added.

I need a pen. A pen and notepad to write everything that happens to me here!” — I said.

You got half the products in the mall and did not get yourself a pen?! Don’t worry! I will get you a device that is better than a pen!

— Malak added.

The idea of a pen just came to me at that moment. I need a pen, a normal pen and paper, I cannot trust any devices here!” — I explained to Malak.

OK, as you wish. Any other orders Husam Basha?” — she replied.

Don’t be mad. By God don’t be mad at me” — I said quickly.

A big vibrant smile made it to her face in response to my statement. She did not reply but gently took my hand without raising her eyes:

“If it was up to me I would give up my soul for you!” — Malak said.


I looked at her; this flood of emotions could not be an act and that this is all an illusion. I admit that I trust you Malak, I promise that I will do what you asked of me and let everything here run its course until I know where I am… then I will return to my family or give up and live the rest of my life with you right here!




H World





or the first time since I got here I was knackered. When I got to my room —in other words my wing or villa; I really have no idea what I should call it, that is not important now—, I passed my hand over the spot where that legendary bathroom appeared. This time, the wall responded by retracting and then shifting aside as the lights came on gradually. At the center of the room was something that would resemble a Jacuzzi but it was the size of a small round swimming pool. The tiling was not hard but more like a leather pillow; I sat on its edge and leaned my back on its soft walls. I noticed there was a small opening where the screen was supposed to be just when I thought I was starting to get the hang of the technology in this place! I passed my hand and two columns appeared.  A holographic screen appeared between them and  the selection images were those of a tropical paradise, an ancient sea, or the City of Manhattan at  midnight.

The tropical paradise seemed
exotic, it had an animated image of a tropical island beach. It had turquoise waters, palms, flowers and rain. I had never seen anything like it save for desktop wallpapers. This was definitely my choice for today. 

All of a sudden, the walls and roof turned into a
holographic projection of that island. The projection even generated wave and bird sounds. To top it all off, it even began to rain!

The shower above me covered the entire area of the huge Jacuzzi, water fell all around me, professionally massaging every square millimeter of my skin, aromatic flower petals fell from the roof, the Jacuzzi
’s leathery flooring and walls started moving around me like a thousand fingers of the world’s best masseuses. I must admit: I can spend the rest of my life in a bathroom like this!

Hours passed, I forgot that they were spent in a bathroom as I was convinced that I had been in one of the best resorts of the Maldives. That shower was more than enough to pump me up and refresh me. I forgot the pain I had in my legs and chest. In fact, all the wounds and bruises were totally gone. I felt fully energized after this amazing rainfall. I got out of the
jacuzzi and I picked up one of the cotton robes with the H logo on them and I stood in front of the mirror that covered one of the walls. I observed my face for the first time since I had gotten here, that is me… but not me, there is no similarities what so ever to my original old look, my fully round dark face is no more. A much lighter tone with clear cheek bones, my hair —which I never let grow more than half a centimeter to hide its curls

is now long and wavy; it was almost touching my shoulders. My glasses and goatee were gone, but somehow, I still see myself behind this new face!

It was a feeling that I could not explain, but I knew that my soul occupied this body. I was in front
of what appeared to be some sort of sink. I searched for the screen to fiddle with —as usual

and it popped up a hologram image of a rotating perfume bottle. This grabbed my attention and when I touched it, a large collection of perfumes appeared, all of which I adored. I chose my favorite —Yves Saint Laurent— and the scent was pumped out of small nozzles that were spread all over the place, the Yves Saint Laurent cloud followed me as I moved out of the bathroom to my comfy chai

I remembered my humble La-Z-Boy chair that I got from IKEA. In a moment of improvidence, I used to call it
“Husam’s Court” and no one –other than myself of course- was allowed to sit in it. OK then, I shall call this chair Husam’s Court! In remembrance of my beloved chair!

I sat
–well…more like laid- on my Court after grabbing a bunch of chocolates and nuts from the small coffee shop in my room.

I was such a
choc-a-holic they used to call me Chocolate Monster! I also remembered one of my favorite hobbies: the “Tri-Attack” operation: I would surprise my stomach by shoving down a bar of Snickers, Twix & a KitKat all at once.

Today, I am preparing myself for the
so that I can start serious work.

I picked up the pen & paper and started writing down everything. I divided the notes to three sections: everything that had happened

in detail; everything that I remembered from my past life  and all the conclusions and scientific facts that I gathered whilst ‘here’. I spent a few hours writing and searching the internet for hints or answers that might help me. I arrived at the conclusion that my subconscious was the key to solving this puzzle that I found myself in.


The subconscious is this massive force that controls our minds and bodies. Although it has no physical existence in the brain, there is no organ in the human body called “the subconscious”! yet the subconscious archives and registers all of our memories and events that we live through with all of its details. The subconscious is the name that scientists prefer using rather than calling it…a soul!


My brain was working with the efficiency of a thousand computers as I moved with speed from site to site analyzing every word I read to form a logical scientific image of the relationship between the subconscious, the conscious and the physical world. The conscious is, but
a middleman
between subconscious and the world around us; the memory area in the brain is but
a temporary storage area
as well as an interface with
the unlimited storage area
in our subconscious. The brain cells, no matter how many they may be, could never store these enormous amounts of information that is stored within each of us. All of these cells will eventually die out or dissipate when we are dead, yet our souls –
our subconscious
- will remain. It will be holding onto our memories and who we are so that we could feel alive again when Allah allows it to reside in another body with a new brain to awake and regain our memories.

Truly, if one person
’s entire memory was to be erased and replaced with someone else’s, it would mean the death of the first and the awakening of the second in a new body. We are
but an archive
of experiences and memories carried by our souls.

I guess that this is how I now occupy a new body in a new world, a much more efficient body in a much more idealistic world. More importantly, this means that there is still hope for me to get back to my body and my world, but I will not return until I have utilized every instant of time whilst here! I shall utilize this body
’s abilities and the super brain I control now to stuff my subconscious with all of the knowledge and skills that I might find useful when I get back to my world.

I sunk into my research, the pen in my hand, the Internet in front of
me, the chocolate platter next to me was already filled with empty wrappings. I picked up a KitKat bar and I removed the paper wrapping revealing the thin and shiny aluminum foil. I removed it gently, hoping that the chocolate would not stick to it, as its temperature reached that critical point where chocolate gets confused about its state… and success! The chocolate did not stick to anything but my fingers! I devoured the innocent KitKat bar in one gulp as I went through what I wrote. I think what I wrote is surely enough material to write a revolutionary non-fiction fantasy science book!

I still cannot believe all of this that is happening.
I wonder how will my subconscious really store this much information and skills. I got this crazy thought to learn everything I ever wanted to while I was here. I had always dreamt of learning how to draw, play the guitar, do martial arts, and a bunch of other ambitious hobbies but I had only achieved one success: I am a Gaming Pro. That is, only computer games. Football –
- to be more precise!

Before I get overrun by my ambitions, I must conduct an important test:
I must make sure this is a real world and that these technological devices are real other than just being some elaborate illusion.
How can I know for sure? How do all of these machines work? How do they feel my desires and execute on them? Is someone watching me now? The thought frightened me. I stopped in the middle of the room in my robe. Chocolate stains all over my mouth and fingers looking at the ceiling and waved with my chocolate stained pen as I yelled:

Does anyone hear me? Huh? Who are you? Tell me! Where am I? WHERE AM I?!!! Malak? Do you hear me??!!”

Maybe it is this pen! It might have a
nano tap wire between its elaborative inscriptions! I shall break it only to make sure! I tried breaking it with my hands and teeth without success. I moved towards the coffee machine and tried removing the cover bellow its screen, I used the sharp pen tip, I succeeded in bending its edge, I could see silk like threads with blinks of light passing through them, like cars on a highway, all of the threads came out of a chip underneath the part holding the screen, the chip was smaller than my finger nail but it was buzzing with moving lights, it was like looking at New York City from space. I passed my hand over it causing the lights to flicker, there is real technology here, not just illusions. My thoughts were interrupted by knocks on the door and Malak’s voice:

Are you done with your investigation Mr. Holmes?” — Malak said.

I opened the door and
… every time I saw her I felt this deep gasp caused by her astonishing beauty. and the shiver that passed through my body starting from my eyes that received the first shock and ending with the tips of my fingers. Every time she changed her clothes and hairstyle she would turn into a new creature, ever more beautiful than the previous. This time, she chose a simple dress that resembled that of European country girls of the past century with two hair locks coming from the sides and meeting on the back of her head in a glorious braid:

You heard me right?” — I asked.

She shook her head in denial as she looked me in the eye with factitious innocence:

“No!” — she replied with strong emphasis on the “o” to prove her deception as she went on…“I heard you and saw you too!”

She stood in the center of the room and looked towards the ceiling and started mocking me:

“Can someone hear me? Huh? Who are you? Tell me? Where are you Malak? Save me!”

Here enchanting crazy laugh exploded, and with it so did me anger:

“I knew it!” — I said.

Knew what?” — Malak asked.

That you were spying on me the entire time!” — I shouted.

Did I not tell you that I am Natasha Travnikov, a Russian spy?!” — she exclaimed.

So…Why did you not come the moment that I called for you? Given that you can see me all the time!” — I asked.

Really? You think I am a genie? I had a shower and changed my clothes before I came to you?” — Malak said.

But why? Why do you watch me all the time?” — I asked.

Firstly, because I miss you very very much and I can’t stay away from you for a second!” — she responded.

Oh really?!” — I asked quickly.

Secondly, and more importantly, it is because I fear for you! I truly fear for you!” — she said.

Fear for me? From what!?” — I asked.

I fear that someone might try to hurt you!” — she said.

Should I consider that a second puzzle?” — I asked.

How about we stop wasting time with questions and start solving this puzzle?” — Malak responded.

Wait a moment!” — I said.

I went to the dressing room. I closed the door behind me so that she would not peek inside. I knew this crazy girl could see me whenever she wanted. Regardless, I must keep my pride! I put on a pair of jeans along with a dark blue Polo shirt and came out of the dressing room. I picked up my note and hid it in the back pocket of my jeans as I pointed to her and exclaimed

“Please! Let us start solving the puzzle!”

She ignored the tough tone of my voice just as
she held onto my arm and pulled me out of the room.

When I saw the central tower on the cluster of towers where I was staying at, I thought it was close by, but it turned out that it was just the illusion of its sheer enormity. A huge bay with yachts and boats
—coming and going

separated us from the tower. Malak was ready as usual and she had a luxurious yacht waiting for us. She took me to the front of the yacht, where I found the last thing I would have expected: an elegant white piano. She pulled me  towards it and sat me on the piano’s chair as she sat on the piano’s top. Before I could open my mouth, she pulled a metal flute and started to play the most mesmerizing tune I had ever heard!

She closed her eyes and as she played the tunes from the depths of her soul, she would open them only to allow some of her tears to escape. I started to remember that tune
… it was “My heart will go on” from the movie Titanic. Malak was again refreshing my memory. I wished I could play along, I pushed out my fingers with hesitation and I touched the first key on the piano. My brain plotted an image of all the notes from the deepest to the sharpest passing through the key that I had hit, I instantly remembered the tune perfectly and started to play. The thrill of the tunes exploded inside of me releasing my soul only to catch-up with Malak. We danced between the flute and piano and did not stop until the yacht stopped at the central tower’s port.

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