Read Sons of Amber: Michael Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Sons of Amber: Michael (5 page)

BOOK: Sons of Amber: Michael
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    “I like the look of your pussy, Leah. Neat and orderly, just like you.” He grinned up at her. “It’ll be my pleasure to corrupt you.”

    She laughed as he moved lower, his warm hands settling on her thighs. She hadn’t had a man since before her husband took ill with the jit virus. It had been years, but her body knew what it wanted—or rather who it wanted. She felt her cream flow, dampening the insides of her thighs as Michael’s powerful hands spread her legs apart.

    Rough fingers stroked through the slickness, parting her outer lips as his eyes devoured her. She felt utterly exposed and yet completely safe and protected. Michael had that way about him. His eyes practically glowed as he learned the shape of her. His fingers delved deeper, circling her clit and making her squirm before diving into her darkness.

    His eyes held hers as two long fingers learned the depth and breadth of her passage. The expression on his face was one she would never forget. She felt stunned, feeling even this small part of him within her for the first time. It had been so long, and never had she been touched with such decisive, knowledgeable hands. It was true, she was learning, that the Sons of Amber more than knew their way around a woman’s body. At least Michael did, and she was loving every minute of it.

    “Do you like that?” His voice tempted her.

    “You know I do.” It was an effort to speak, but she managed it, barely.

    He grinned at her, adding another finger to the two already stretching her. “I’m going to love planting my baby in you, Leah. I’ve never felt so strongly about a woman before. Never wanted one as much as I want you.”

    She moaned a little as he started to move within her, rubbing that little spot that made her breathless. “You don’t…have to…say that, Michael. It’s all right.”

    He stilled.

    Her eyes shot open and met his. He looked like a thundercloud, though he seemed just the tiniest bit unsure of himself, which was definitely out of character for him.

    “You of all people know I don’t say things I don’t mean.” She nodded, and he rewarded her by moving his fingers gently within her. “I don’t understand it myself, Leah, but it’s true.” He lowered his head and kissed the slight swell of her belly, moving lower. “I want you. More than I’ve ever wanted any other woman.” His words teased her curls, then her clit as he licked out and teased her with his tongue. His hand moved faster as his breath sighed over her most sensitive skin.

    When his mouth opened directly over her clit and fastened on, she came harder than she ever had before. Michael rode her through the climax, his hands gentling her as he let her come and come. She’d never climbed so high, so fast, and she didn’t come down. Although the climax faded after a while, Michael kept her on a plateau near the summit of her pleasure. He was a master at playing her body and he proved it to her in those long minutes of foreplay while he learned her body and taught her a thing or two about it as well.

    By the time he stalked back up her body, she was ready for anything. Except for him to leave her.

    Michael stood, his gaze sweeping over her as she lay, exposed—probably like some cheap hooker on the couch. Leah felt her skin heat with embarrassment, but Michael moved, lifting her into his arms as he strode forcefully toward the door at the far end of the room. His bedroom, she guessed.

    She hid her face in his neck, loving the smell and feel of him. He was so strong, carrying her around like a kitten, he made her feel small and protected. It was something she hadn’t felt since she was a child. Since before the jits attacked so devastatingly.

    Michael sat her on the bed, then swept her blue dress up and completely off in one swift movement. He nudged her back onto the wide bed, directing her with a pointed look.

    “It’s going to be fast this time, Leah. I can’t wait anymore.”

    Reading the urgent look in his eyes, Leah understood. He’d held off to pleasure her, but this time would be for him. She wanted to give him whatever he wanted. Especially after the generous climax he’d given her.

    Scooting back on the soft bed, Leah felt no embarrassment as she spread her legs wide. Michael stood to the side, watching her every movement as he stripped cleanly and efficiently. His clothes went flying somewhere behind him as Leah watched.

    His chest was a thing of beauty, sculpted perfection of hard muscles and sinewy strength. His legs were the same. Long, lean and muscular in a way that made her mouth water. But his cock. Now that was a work of art.

    Thick, hard and ready, Leah knew Michael would bring her more pleasure than she could ever remember. He was built on the large side, with heavy balls that she knew held a large amount of sperm. He’d been designed that way, so he could play his part in helping repopulate the human worlds.

    But all she cared about just then was how he was going to empty those balls into her. Sons of Amber, it was rumored, were always ready. They didn’t need much down time because of their superior genetics and they’d even been known to wear a woman out if given half a chance.

    Leah, though, had always had a strong sexual appetite. She wondered which of them would give up first. It would be her pleasure to find out.

    Licking her lips, Leah sat forward. She wanted to taste that cock, if he’d let her.


    Chapter Five

    Michael couldn’t believe the sex kitten hidden under Leah’s starched uniform. When she’d walked into his quarters wearing that sexy blue dress, it was all he could do to speak. Then that daring comment about the thong had teased him beyond reason. He hadn’t meant to move quite this fast, but there was no going back now. Leah was a siren and he was glad to take the plunge. He’d die for her. Happily.

    He saw her coming toward him, her intent clear, but he was in charge here. Not that he objected to her wanting to touch him. Just not now. Not when he was so close. This woman challenged even his legendary control.

    “Lie back, Leah. Spread your legs and show me where you want me.”

    She pouted for a second, but moved to comply. He liked the way she followed his orders. This wasn’t like when they were in the office. Then, she behaved like any other soldier under his command—though she was incredibly intuitive about what he wanted. Often she knew what he wanted before he did himself, which is what made her indispensable as his XO. But this was different. This was a woman—not a soldier—giving over control to her man.

    She did it almost unconsciously, as he’d hoped she would. He got the feeling they’d be compatible this way, judging from their long acquaintance. Leah wasn’t anyone’s pushover. She was a strong woman with very definite opinions, but she was willing to let him lead here, and that’s what counted. They worked together so well because he respected her ability just as she respected his authority. They trusted each other to know and understand what the other could handle.

    Michael was gratified to see that carried over. Leah followed his lead, not because she was weak and needed to be led, but because she trusted him. Without that trust, Mike would never have agreed to take this to the next step.

    Leah laid back on the bed and did as he asked, pushing her legs wide apart. He licked his lips, marveling at the sight. She held out one hand, beckoning.

    “Come to me now, Michael. I need you.”

    Her voice whispered across his senses. How many times had he dreamed of just such a scene? And here she was, finally, in his bed. He could wait no longer.

    Michael knelt on the bed, crawling over her until her much smaller frame was bracketed by him. His cock nestled into her slick folds, his gaze holding hers as he held himself up on his elbows above her. Bending his spine, he bent to kiss her voluptuous breasts. He hadn’t paid them nearly as much attention as he wanted, but they had all night. For now, he had to be inside her or he’d go insane.

    Pushing as gently as he could manage, he slid into her channel, watching her eyes for any sign of distress. He was big and she was tight, though he didn’t sense any discomfort on her part, which was a relief. He pushed further inside, loving the way her lips fell open and her eyes half-closed. Those pretty eyes of hers held him spellbound as he shoved all the way home, resting there for a moment while she caught her breath.

    “How are you doing?” He nipped her lips, waiting for a reply.

    “I’m good. Oh, God, Michael. It’s been a long time.”

    “It’s never been like this before.”

    She laughed as he lifted up to scan her expression. He read joy there.

    “That’s what I was going to say.”

    He leaned back to kiss her face. “It only gets better from here.”

    Her hands swept over his shoulders and around his neck as she dragged him down. “Show me.”

    Michael started to move, gently at first, but then with increasing enthusiasm. He was barely holding on to his control, though this was by far the tamest sex he’d engaged in for years. Straight missionary without even a hint of kink. His brothers would never believe it.

    Mike had earned a bit of a reputation among his kind for rather inventive bedroom play, but nothing before could compare to this simple pleasure with this special woman. Michael realized it was the woman who made the difference, not any special technique he could dream up. Though he’d love to try a few things with Leah, if she’d let him.

    But that was for later. For now, he was nearing the end of his rope as she came around him. He drove her up the crest again, wanting her to come at least once more before he did. He inserted one hand between them, playing with her clit as she gasped and moaned beneath him. That’s it, he thought, as he felt the tremble in her limbs, the clutch of her inner muscles around him. She panted as she came again, pulling him along with her.

    He erupted within her, bathing her womb in a torrent of his seed. He knew that’s what she wanted. She wanted his baby, but she hoped she wanted him too—at least a little.

    He’d never wanted that before, but with Leah, he was learning fast, all bets were off. He’d never wanted to break a woman’s heart by having her care for him and then leave her. He’d always done his best to remind the women he bedded that he was not available for anything long-term. Hell, he didn’t even do short-term. He did appearances. That was it. One night stands. Then he was gone, never to be seen again. It was best not to encourage those women to care for him. He didn’t like hurting them when duty called him away.

    But he wanted Leah to care for him. He wanted to have a relationship with her—something he’d never wanted before. He wanted to fuck her over and over, for many nights to come. As long as she’d let him. And he wanted her to want him to do it. Not because she wanted his child, but because she wanted him.

    Coming down from the most amazing climax he could ever recall, Michael rolled, clutching her body close to his as he positioned her over him. He stayed within her body, wanting to be part of her for a little longer. That was new too. This woman was showing him things about himself he’d never seen before and it was heady stuff, as well as a little frightening.

    He kissed her shoulder, her neck, the ridges of her ear as he settled her on top of his body like a living blanket. She was sleepy and compliant in his arms, nuzzling into his chest in the most satisfying way.

    “I think I’m going to keep you for a while, Leah.” He licked her earlobe. “How does the next year sound?”

    Drowsy eyes met his as she levered up on one arm to see him. Her expression was adorably confused.

    “Do we have that long? I mean, don’t you have to…um…service others?”

    “As long as you want me, Leah. I’m yours. Nobody forces Sons to take appointments. I’ll still make my deposits, but I’ll cancel the few appointments on my calendar. I don’t want any other woman. Not while I have you.”

    Her eyes narrowed and he thought he saw hope flare in them before she shook her head, just once. Lowering herself back to lie on his chest, she snuggled into him.

    “I won’t presume, but I’ll take whatever you’ll give me, Michael. I’ve missed this.”


    “No. Well, yes. I’ve missed sex, but mostly,” he felt her little fingers tangling in the hair on his chest, “I’ve missed this closeness. This sharing with a man. It’s one of the reasons I love working with you so much. I was used to my family—my father and brothers. I was the only girl and I spent a lot of time with them, and then later, with my husband. We were friends. I missed having that male perspective and when I started working for you, I found that again. I valued your friendship, Michael. I never told you that, but it’s true.” His arms stroked over her soft skin as he took in her words. She was saying something important here, though he didn’t like thinking about all she’d lost. “I loved my husband, but he was never like the other men in my family. He wasn’t military, so he didn’t understand my roots and he let my father and brothers walk all over him.” She laughed softly, but it was a sad sound. He hugged her close. “He wasn’t at all like you, Michael. I think—” She kissed his chest, her voice lowering. “I think if I’d known you back then, I would never have married him. God, that’s a terrible thing to say.”

    He held her tight, floored by her admission. “Never fear the truth, Leah. We can’t change the past, but we can decide our future. I want us to continue working together and sleeping together. I want you in my office and in my bed. Even after you get pregnant and the baby comes.”

BOOK: Sons of Amber: Michael
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