Sookie Stackhouse 8-copy Boxed Set (68 page)

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“So old Mrs. Bellefleur is your great-granddaughter.”
“Yes,” he said unbelievingly.
“So Andy,” I continued, before I could think twice about it, “is your, ah, great-great-great-grandson. And Portia . . .”
“Yes,” he said, less happily.
I had no idea what to say, so for once, I said nothing. After a minute, I got the feeling it might be better if I made myself scarce, so I tried to slip by him to get out of the small kitchen.
“What do they need?” he asked me, seizing my wrist.
Okay. “They need money,” I said instantly. “You can’t help them with their personality problems, but they are cash-poor in the worst possible way. Old Mrs. Bellefleur won’t give up that house, and it’s eating every dime.”
“Is she proud?”
“I think you could tell from her phone message. If I hadn’t known her middle name was Holliday, I would have thought it was ‘Proud.’ ” I eyed Bill. “I guess she comes by it natural.”
Somehow, now that Bill knew he could do something for his descendants, he seemed to feel much better. I knew he would be reminiscing for a few days, and I would not grudge him that. But if he decided to take up Portia and Andy as permanent causes, that might be a problem.
“You didn’t like the name Bellefleur before this,” I said, surprising myself. “Why?”
“When I spoke to your grandmother’s club, you remember, the Descendants of the Glorious Dead?”
“Yes, sure.”
“And I told the story, the story of the wounded soldier out in the field, the one who kept calling for help? And how my friend Tolliver Humphries tried to rescue him?”
I nodded.
“Tolliver died in the attempt,” Bill said bleakly. “And the wounded soldier resumed calling for help after his death. We managed to retrieve him during the night. His name was Jebediah Bellefleur. He was seventeen years old.”
“Oh my gosh. So that was all you knew of the Bellefleurs until today.”
Bill nodded.
I tried to think of something of significance to say. Something about cosmic plans. Something about throwing your bread upon the waters. What goes around, comes around?
I tried to leave again. But Bill caught my arm, pulled me to him. “Thank you, Sookie.”
That was the last thing I had expected him to say. “Why?”
“You made me do the right thing with no idea of the eventual reward.”
“Bill, I can’t make you do anything.”
“You made me think like a human, like I was still alive.”
“The good you do is in you, not in me.”
“I am a vampire, Sookie. I have been a vampire far longer than I was human. I have upset you many times. To tell the truth, sometimes I can’t understand why you do what you do sometimes, because it’s been so long since I was a person. It’s not always comfortable to remember what it was like to be a man. Sometimes I don’t want to be reminded.”
These were deep waters for me. “I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, but I don’t know how to be different,” I said. “I’d be miserable if it wasn’t for you.”
“If anything happens to me,” Bill said, “you should go to Eric.”
“You’ve said that before,” I told him. “If anything happens to you, I don’t have to go to anyone. I’m my own person. I get to make up my mind what I want to do. You’ve got to make sure nothing happens to you.”
“We’ll be having more trouble from the Fellowship in the years to come,” Bill said. “Actions will have to be taken that may be repugnant to you as a human. And there are the dangers attached to your job.” He didn’t mean waiting tables.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Sitting on Bill’s lap was a real treat, especially since he was still naked. My life had not exactly been full of treats until I met Bill. Now every day held a treat, or two.
In the low-lit kitchen, with the coffee smelling as beautiful (in its own way) as the chocolate cake did, and the rain drumming on the roof, I was having a beautiful moment with my vampire, what you might call a warm human moment.
But maybe I shouldn’t call it that, I reflected, rubbing my cheek against Bill’s. This evening, Bill had looked quite human. And I—well, I had noticed while we made love on our clean sheets, that in the darkness Bill’s skin had been glowing in its beautiful otherworldly way.
And mine had, too.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Club Dead
AN ACE Book / published by arrangement with the author
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Electronic edition: September 2003
This book is dedicated to my middle child, Timothy Schulz, who told me flatly he wanted a book all to himself.
My thanks to Lisa Weissenbuehler, Kerie L. Nickel, Marie La Salle, and the incomparable Doris Ann Norris for their input on car trunks, great and small. My further thanks to Janet Davis, Irene, and Sonya Stocklin, also cybercitizens of DorothyL, for their information on bars, bourree (a card game), and the parish governments of Louisiana. Joan Coffey was most gracious with supplying information about Jackson. The wonderful and obliging Jane Lee drove me patiently around Jackson for many hours, entering thoroughly into the spirit of finding the perfect location for a vampire bar.
Chapter One
ILL WAS HUNCHED over the computer when I let myself in his house. This was an all-too-familiar scenario in the past month or two. He’d torn himself away from his work when I came home, until the past couple of weeks. Now it was the keyboard that attracted him.
“Hello, sweetheart,” he said absently, his gaze riveted to the screen. An empty bottle of type O TrueBlood was on the desk beside the keyboard. At least he’d remembered to eat.
Bill, not a jeans-and-tee kind of guy, was wearing khakis and a plaid shirt in muted blue and green. His skin was glowing, and his thick dark hair smelled like Herbal Essence. He was enough to give any woman a hormonal surge. I kissed his neck, and he didn’t react. I licked his ear. Nothing.
I’d been on my feet for six hours straight at Merlotte’s Bar, and every time some customer had under-tipped, or some fool had patted my fanny, I’d reminded myself that in a short while I’d be with my boyfriend, having incredible sex and basking in his attention.
That didn’t appear to be happening.
I inhaled slowly and steadily and glared at Bill’s back. It was a wonderful back, with broad shoulders, and I had planned on seeing it bare with my nails dug into it. I had counted on that very strongly. I exhaled, slowly and steadily.
“Be with you in a minute,” Bill said. On the screen, there was a snapshot of a distinguished man with silver hair and a dark tan. He looked sort of Anthony Quinn- type sexy, and he looked powerful. Under the picture was a name, and under that was some text. “Born 1756 in Sicily,” it began. Just as I opened my mouth to comment that vampires
appear in photographs despite the legend, Bill twisted around and realized I was reading.
He hit a button and the screen went blank.
I stared at him, not quite believing what had just happened.
“Sookie,” he said, attempting a smile. His fangs were retracted, so he was totally not in the mood in which I’d hoped to find him; he wasn’t thinking of me carnally. Like all vampires, his fangs are only fully extended when he’s in the mood for the sexy kind of lust, or the feeding-and-killing kind of lust. (Sometimes, those lusts all get kind of snarled up, and you get your dead fang-bangers. But that element of danger is what attracts most fang-bangers, if you ask me.) Though I’ve been accused of being one of those pathetic creatures that hang around vampires in the hope of attracting their attention, there’s only one vampire I’m involved with (at least voluntarily) and it was the one sitting right in front of me. The one who was keeping secrets from me. The one who wasn’t nearly glad enough to see me.
“Bill,” I said coldly. Something was Up, with a capital
. And it wasn’t Bill’s libido. (Libido had just been on my Word-A-Day calendar.)
“You didn’t see what you just saw,” he said steadily. His dark brown eyes regarded me without blinking.
“Uh-huh,” I said, maybe sounding just a little sarcastic. “What are you up to?”
“I have a secret assignment.”
I didn’t know whether to laugh or stalk away in a snit. So I just raised my eyebrows and waited for more. Bill was the investigator for Area 5, a vampire division of Louisiana. Eric, the head of Area 5, had never given Bill an “assignment” that was secret from me before. In fact, I was usually an integral part of the investigation team, however unwilling I might be.
“Eric must not know. None of the Area 5 vampires can know.”
My heart sank. “So—if you’re not doing a job for Eric, who are you working for?” I knelt because my feet were so tired, and I leaned against Bill’s knees.
“The queen of Louisiana,” he said, almost in a whisper.
Because he looked so solemn, I tried to keep a straight face, but it was no use. I began to laugh, little giggles that I couldn’t suppress.
“You’re serious?” I asked, knowing he must be. Bill was almost always a serious kind of fellow. I buried my face on his thigh so he couldn’t see my amusement. I rolled my eyes up for a quick look at his face. He was looking pretty pissed.
“I am as serious as the grave,” Bill said, and he sounded so steely, I made a major effort to change my attitude.
“Okay, let me get this straight,” I said in a reasonably level tone. I sat back on the floor, cross-legged, and rested my hands on my knees. “You work for Eric, who is the boss of Area 5, but there is also a queen? Of Louisiana?”
Bill nodded.
“So the state is divided up into Areas? And she’s Eric’s superior, since he runs a business in Shreveport, which is in Area 5.”
Again with the nod. I put my hand over my face and shook my head. “So, where does she live, Baton Rouge?” The state capital seemed the obvious place.
“No, no. New Orleans, of course.”
. Vampire central. You could hardly throw a rock in the Big Easy without hitting one of the undead, according to the papers (though only a real fool would do so). The tourist trade in New Orleans was booming, but it was not exactly the same crowd as before, the hard-drinking, rollicking crowd who’d filled the city to party hearty. The newer tourists were the ones who wanted to rub elbows with the undead; patronize a vampire bar, visit a vampire prostitute, watch a vampire sex show.
This was what I’d heard; I hadn’t been to New Orleans since I was little. My mother and father had taken my brother, Jason, and me. That would have been before I was seven, because that’s when they died.
Mama and Daddy died nearly twenty years before vampires had appeared on network television to announce the fact that they were actually present among us, an announcement that had followed on the Japanese development of synthetic blood that actually maintained a vampire’s life without the necessity of drinking from humans.

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