Soothsayer: Magic Is All Around Us (Soothsayer Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Soothsayer: Magic Is All Around Us (Soothsayer Series Book 1)
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The grass led to an iron fence overlooking the ocean. I saw a large swing bench on the far right side of the yard and made a mental note of it for later. It could make for some cute pictures of the bride and groom.

All of the candle lanterns had been hung and it looked absolutely beautiful. I idly wondered how they were going to light all the candles in the lanterns that were hanging at least twenty feet off the ground now, but quickly decided it wasn’t my problem.

I turned to walk back into the bedroom while scrolling through the pictures I’d just taken, making sure I got everything I wanted, when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and looked up to see a dripping wet, half naked man wearing only a towel around his waist.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was in here,” I said, looking down. “I knocked but no one…” I peeked another glance at him while trying to apologize, when I realized I recognized the half-naked man. “Robert?” I abandoned modesty and looked up, staring at him.

“Violet! What a pleasant surprise,” he said, perfectly calm as he dried his hair with another towel. The sound of my name passing his lips made my stomach do a flip.

“I didn’t mean to barge in on you, I was just trying to get a few pictures.” I blushed. He looked even better than I remembered, although he did have clothes on the last time we’d met. I noticed his eyebrows were raised when I met his face and I thought back to what I just said.

“Oh, no. Not pictures of you. Pictures of the wedding being set up downstairs,” I quickly clarified.

He laughed. “I’m not accusing you of anything.”

“What are you doing up here?” I tried to maintain a casual tone even though the expression on my face was anything but casual. I knew I’d be seeing him at some point today, I just didn’t expect to see him so naked.

“Showering.” He smirked and looking down at the towel around his waist.

“Obviously, but what are you doing
showering?” No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t keep from looking him up and down. His torso was perfectly sculpted and his bare shoulders were broad. Droplets of water coasted down his long sides, landing on the towel around his waist. I followed one of the droplets all the way down until it disappeared into the towel. Immediately I looked away, embarrassed at where my thoughts had so quickly gone. It felt like I had been watching that drop of water for an immeasurable amount of time when I finally looked back up at his face.

“I’m staying here for the wedding,” Robert said, not looking at me as he threw the smaller towel he had been using to dry his hair into the hamper.

“Right,” I pointed at him and tried my best to advert my eyes, “best man.”

“Is that a problem?” he asked

“That means, you’re Jake’s brother?” I still couldn’t believe this was happening. The man I had often found myself thinking about since the bookstore was standing in front of me wrapped in nothing but a towel.

“Slightly younger more charming brother, yes.” He laughed.

I moved closer to the door and did my best to keep my eyes on the ceiling but failed miserably.

“So, you’re the photographer for today, I see.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

“Yes I am! I mean, yep, I’ll be here all day. ”Why did he have to be so handsome? It really wasn’t fair.

“Wedding photography, huh? I didn’t take you as the mushy love type,” he said with a smile.

“I’m not.” A nervous laugh escaped my throat. “I do weddings and portraits on the side to pay the bills.”

“What company do you work for?” He raised his eyebrows. Usually people didn’t act this interested about my work.

“I actually work for myself.”

“Your own business, well that’s impressive.” He nodded his head. “So you like poetry and photography.”

“What, are you compiling a list?” I asked, embarrassed.

“Not exactly.” He smiled, making my breath catch in my throat.

“I… I should get back to work.” Slowly, probably a bit too slowly, I turned and walked toward the door.

“Violet,” he said behind me.

I turned back to look at him.

“It’s nice to see you again,” he said and walked toward me.

“Yeah… umm, you too,” I stuttered.

“We’ll talk more later.” He assured me. He opened the door and I stepped over the threshold.

I left Robert in all his naked glory. It took a few moments of deep breathing, leaning against the wall outside that door to calm myself down, before I could walk without stumbling. With my nerves returned, I decided I should check on Becky and the bride. The girls were starting to change into their dresses and Annabel was almost done with her hair.

The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quick and without further incident. I took pictures of the groom and the groomsmen, which Robert didn’t exactly make easy. He kept a playful gaze on me the whole time and I found it almost impossible to keep the camera steady. Becky couldn’t stop commenting on how unbelievable sexy he was and how he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, which didn’t help either. I was already having a hard enough time not thinking about him in that towel without her mentioning, how did she put it, how “impressive” he looked. She had no idea how much better it got.

The bride and bridesmaids’ pictures were a breeze and a lot of fun to shoot. You could feel the electricity in the air beaming from the bride. It must have been contagious because I was in an unusually good mood for standing on my feet all day. Weddings were always exhausting but this one was different and I found myself gliding from one photo to the next without needing a break. Soon after the pictures with the bride were finished the ceremony started. It didn’t drag on like other weddings I had done, which was nice.

The sun set over the ocean just as the bride and groom looked lovingly into each other’s eyes and exchanged their vows. It made the ceremony all the more charming. After the vows were said, there was some kind of prayer or blessing in a language I’d never heard before. Annabel and Jake’s left hand were bound together by a piece of cloth and the officiant chanted over their joined hands. The guests didn’t seemed confused by the prayer, so it must be a family custom or something.

After the ceremony I took pictures of the bride and groom side by side in the large swing bench I had seen earlier. The pictures looked even better than I had imagined. Becky and I finished taking pictures of the happy couple with family and friends, checking them off the list as we went. Shortly after we finished it was time for the grand entrance and for the reception to begin.

The dance floor looked amazing. Red and white rose petals floated on the water beneath the glass and the pool lights flittered through the flowers, making the dance floor look other-worldly. Once the grand entrance was over and the first dance out of the way I grabbed Becky, deciding it was time to take a break for a few minutes.

“Man, it’s been a long day,” Becky said, stretching her neck from side to side.

“And it’s not over yet,” I beamed. “They left out food for us in the kitchen if you wanna go grab a bite real quick. I’ll hold down the fort.” I nudged her off the wall. I knew she had to be hungry because my stomach protested loudly against Becky eating before me.

“You sure? I can wait if you want.”

“No, it’s alright. I’ll grab a bite when you get back.” I raised my camera and looked in the direction of the dance floor, indicating there was still work to do. Except I couldn’t help but look at Robert.

“He’s unbelievable, isn’t he?” Following my gaze, she saw Robert dancing with the flower girl. “You should go talk to him! He’s been eying you all day.” Becky raised her eyebrows with implication.

“Oh, shut up and go eat,” I laughed and pushed her in the direction of the kitchen.

“If he was interested in me, I wouldn’t hesitate,” she noted, biting her lip.

“He’s not interested in me. Guys who looks like that? Are just looking for their next conquest.”

“Yeah, and he wants to conquer you!” She gave me a knowing look as a small smile played at her lips.

“Knock it off, it’s not going to happen.”

“Alright, alright.” Becky raised her hands in surrender. “I still say you should think about it. It has been a long time for you,” she said over her shoulder as she walked away to get her food.

After she got back I went to the kitchen to have a quick bite myself. When I walked back out Becky was talking to Alex, one of the groomsman who had built the gazebo earlier, so I walked around the dance floor taking candid pictures of the dancing guests.

It was starting to get late and most of the photos had been taken already. Once the cake was cut and the toasts made, you could only have so many pictures of champagne-crazed people doing the
Electric Slide
before things got repetitive. All we needed now was the bouquet toss and garter toss.

Becky had been flirting with Alex off and on all night. I knew she wouldn’t be of anymore use to me now that the wedding was winding down. All she had on her mind now was getting back to her place, or his. When Becky finally came up for air and glanced in my direction, I waved her over.

“You can get out of here if you want,” I said, nodding my head in Alex’s direction.

“I can’t leave you empty-handed,” she insisted, though not too strongly.

“Honestly, Beck. I’m going to wrap it up soon anyway. I can finish without you.”

“You sure?”

“Of course. Go enjoy yourself,” I said, knowing she would. “Just leave your gear by the front door before you head out.

“Okay, will do. Thanks, Violet.” She headed over to Alex, letting him know they could leave.

“Well aren’t you a nice boss,” a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Robert standing just a few feet away. He had a drink in one hand, his tie loosely undone and his jacket unbuttoned. I sighed internally at the sight of him. Even with his suit somewhat disheveled from being worn all day, he still looked too good to be true.

“She wasn’t any use to me anymore, anyway. Becky tends to have a one track mind,” I chuckled under my breath.

“And what about you? Does your mind have more than one track?” he asked with a wicked smile.

“In fact, it does. I’m not ruled by my hormones.” I returned his smile. And it was true, normally I was in complete control of myself but Robert had a way of affecting me with just his presence. It unnerved me, but I couldn’t focus on it.

“I thought as much. You seem to be a much more reserved person.” He adjusted his disheveled tie as he took a measured step toward me.

“I wouldn’t say I’m reserved, just cautious.” I swallowed hard, taking half a step back.

He continued making his way closer to me, narrowing the gap between us.

“What I meant was, you seem to be more of an intimate person. Unlike your assistant Becky, who shares the wealth so to speak,” Robert explained.

I opened my mouth to defend Becky but Robert raised his hand to silence me.

“I mean no offense to your friend, to each his or her own,” he clarified, taking one last step.

Unconsciously, I leaned closer, inhaling the sweet mixture of cologne and liquor.

“I must say that I admire that quality in someone,” Robert continued as he stared down at me. His eyes shimmered in the soft light, glazed over with excitement and whiskey.

“What quality?” I asked, almost whispering. He was so close that even with the music and chattering party-goers I didn’t need to speak at a normal volume anymore.

“Wholesomeness. It’s something that’s not easily found.” His eyes pierced through me as he spoke and my mind went completely blank.

“And now, it’s time for all the single ladies to come onto the dance floor to catch the bouquet!” the D.J.’s voice boomed over the music and Beyonce’s,
Single Ladies
blasted through the speakers.

“That’s my cue,” I said, turning and walking away before he could object. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like I’d been held underwater and could finally get air into my lungs.

I spent the remainder of the evening avoiding Robert’s charms. I couldn’t afford to lose myself to him. He was exactly the type of guy that would sweep you off your feet and then break your heart beyond repair. In my experience guys who seemed too good to be true, usually were and I didn’t have time to nurse another broken heart. The smarter side of my brain kept me from walking over to him while the other side of my brain allowed me to watch him through my camera’s viewfinder, justifying that I only wanted to keep tabs on him so I would know where not to be.

With the night winding down, I packed up my equipment and got ready for the evening to end. It was just after midnight and I was exhausted. Time didn’t seem to matter to the bride and groom; they floated around the dance floor to the light melody even though only a few guests joined them. I smiled at the couple one last time and headed toward my car. I grabbed the gear Becky had left at the main entrance and headed out the front of the house. I could feel the happiness surrounding the bride and groom wrap itself around me. Being in their presence was truly intoxicating.

It was pitch black and impossible to see anything when I reached my car. A thick ocean mist had rolled in and clung to the air, making visibility even worse. I put my camera bag down on the street and struggled to open the trunk. I finally got the key in the hole and clicked it over when I felt something slither around my waist and brush against my hair. My first thought was of Robert.

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