Sophie's Playboy

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Authors: Natalie J. Damschroder

BOOK: Sophie's Playboy
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Sophie's Playboy
Natalie J. Damschroder
CreateSpace (2005)

Sophie Macgregor should be satisfied with her life, but her high-paying job and country-club social life aren’t quite fulfilling enough. She wants a family and refuses to consider a relationship with a playboy, even if he is as attractive as Parker Cornwall.

Parker’s reputation is well-earned, and he uses it to keep women at a distance. Though deep down he, too, craves a family, his own has a legacy of pain, a legacy he won’t continue. But he can’t seem to stay away from Sophie.

When they end up working together, love takes over. Sophie realizes the right playboy can be a good risk. But Parker can’t get over his fear of hurting Sophie--and of being hurt--and reverts to old habits. She can’t convince him that the past can be overcome. Only when tragedy strikes does Parker understand that having and losing is better than never having at all...

About the Author

Natalie J. Damschroder became a writer the hard way—by avoiding it. Though she wrote her first book at age five (appropriately titled, My Very First Book) and received accolades for her academic writing (Ruth Davies Award for Excellence in Writing for a paper on deforestation her senior year in college), she hated doing it. Colonial food and the habits of the European Starling just weren't her thing. Shortly after graduating from college, however, she found her niche—romantic fiction. After an internship with the National Geographic Society, customer service for a phone company just wasn't that exciting. So she began learning how to write the books she'd loved to read all her life. Four books and six years later, she finally sold. Now she struggles to balance her frenetic writing life (how else can she get all the stories in her head on paper?) with her family, the most supportive husband in the world and two beautiful, intelligent, stubborn, independent daughters (one of whom has already declared her desire to be a writer, too). She somehow also fits in a day job and various volunteer positions in and out of the writing industry. More can be found at

Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Amber Quill Press

Copyright ©2005 by Natalie J. Damschroder NOTICE: This eBook is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution to any person via email, floppy disk, network, print out, or any other means is a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and/or imprisonment. This notice overrides the Adobe Reader permissions which are erroneous. This eBook cannot be legally lent or given to others.

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Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Sophie's Playboy



* * * *

ISBN 1-59279-456-4

Amber Quill Press, LLC


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Also By Natalie J. Damschroder

Cat's Claw

Elemental Passion

Institutional Sex

Kira's Best Friend

The Passion Of Tanner Black

The TreeKeeper


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder


For Nelson Damschroder, who has been my biggest
supporter and has gone far too long without
recognition. Every woman should be lucky enough to
have a father-in-law as wonderful as you.


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder


"Of course, Mr. Monroe. Your order will be there tomorrow, if I have to bring it personally."

Sophie Macgregor listened to the old letch's response and trilled a laugh. That laugh, and the politely soothing tone she used, were at direct odds with her posture. She'd started the conversation propped on her hand, elbow on her desk.

Monroe Electronics was her fifth customer complaint this morning. By the time she was done, her arm was stretched out and she half sprawled in a puddle on her desk. Her lovely solid mahogany desk with a big scratch across the middle.

Funny, she'd never noticed the scratch before. She was rubbing at the mark when she wound up the call several minutes later.

"Goodbye, Mr. Monroe. Thank you for using MultiMicroTech." She punched the disconnect button and sighed.

"The top of the heap is dealing with the mulch, now?"

Sophie sat up and smiled at her sister, Kira, who stood in the doorway holding her son Joseph. The baby beamed back and gurgled adorably.

"Rescue!" Sophie flung her arms in the air, dumped her headset, and sprang to her feet. She swung around the desk and paused, pressing her intercom button. "Ren, I'm at lunch."



Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"Quick. Before they send me another one." She ushered Kira and her nephew out the door and onto the sunny streets of Boston.

"Ah, freedom!" Sophie inhaled the unique scent of the city on a good day—bus exhaust, flowers, and a hint of salt air—

and they began strolling toward their favorite outdoor café.

"Since when do you handle customer complaints?" Kira asked. "Here, take him."

Sophie cuddled Joey against her shoulder. "Since always."

She yawned. "Dave and Chuck believe the customer is the most important spoke of the wheel. After the investor, of course. Oh, I don't want to talk about work."

Kira paused in front of a boutique and Sophie frowned at the window. Her euphoria at escaping prison had faded quickly, replaced by the pervasive ennui she'd been suffering from for weeks.

"That dress would be stunning on you," Kira said.

Sophie stared at the five hundred dollar cocktail gown. It was a good country club gown, effective at drawing investments from playboys with too much money who hung out at The Club. She could afford the dress. MultiMicroTech, where she was a vice president, was hugely successful even after the stock market slowdown, and her bosses were quick to reward their employees for that success. She had a good salary and excellent benefits, and a restlessness that grew by the hour.



Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

They continued on a few blocks and settled at their usual table. Sophie caught up on the Brook Hollow gossip and told Kira this outing was just what she needed.

Sophie nibbled a spinach leaf and eyed the couple across from her. At seven months Joey McKenna was the most darling baby Sophie had ever seen. Kira—Sophie's
sister—had married her own best friend the year before and looked like a paid endorsement for happiness. They only served to show Sophie exactly why she was restless.

Kira tossed her napkin to the table. "Okay, what's wrong?"

Sophie popped a mangled mandarin orange into her mouth. "What do you mean? What could be wrong?" She didn't have to work to inject any sarcasm into her voice.

Kira studied her, handing Joey the rattle he'd dropped without turning her head. "It hasn't been that long since I felt like you, you know," she said quietly.

"How is that?"

"Dissatisfied. Confused. Like my world was tilting and everything was shifting out of place."

"No. It's not the same." Sophie interrupted Kira as she started to protest. "It's not. You had what you wanted right under your nose. It wasn't that big a step to get there."

Kira barked a laugh. The baby jerked and stared at his mother with wide eyes. She didn't do anything else strange, so he crossed them back to his rattle.

"Sophie, don't you remember what we went through?

Darcy's fake pregnancy, the rumors, Jake's career going down the toilet? Not to mention my own confusion. It wasn't easy, by any means."


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Sophie sighed. "I know all that, Keer. I meant, your obstacles were clear. You knew what was on the other side.

You had choices. I don't even know where to look to find what I want."

Kira wasn't looking at her and didn't seem to be listening.

Sophie frowned in annoyance. "Where am I gonna find a great guy who isn't already attached? A job that's more fun than squeezing investors and soothing clients? Something to jog me out of this canyon-deep rut I'm in? Are you listening to me?"

Kira pointed at something in the street. "There's a good start. Something to shake up your dull existence."

Sophie twisted. A city bus idled at the curb across the street. The billboard on its side advertised a local talk radio station and their latest promotion, inviting listeners to do their own one-hour show.

"Yeah, right. That'll change my life."

"It would be fun, anyway. You love to talk."

Sophie glared. Kira grinned. "Just what is wrong with your life?" she prodded. "Exactly." She took a huge bite of her hamburger.

"I can't eat hamburgers," Sophie grumped.

"Don't pout. I'm nursing." Kira nodded at Sophie's wilted salad. "It was your choice."

She was right. It was all her choice. She sighed and shoved the plate away. "I'm so bored in my job, I can't stand to be there. Buying stuff used to be fun, now it's empty because I don't have anyone to share it with. I want a family.

I want a partner, and a sweet little baby—" She waved a hand 9

Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

at Joey, who was red-faced and grunting. "I want what you have. I want Jake."

Kira shook her head, but her smile wouldn't go away, even as she began a diaper change without removing the baby from his carrier. "You can't have Jake. Or Joey. But you don't really want Jake. You want something fulfilling. Okay. Look for it."

"Where? At the country club?"

Kira laughed. "Sure. Don't you remember what I told you last year?"


"That you would fall for a playboy."

Biff Cornwall, one of those playboys, flashed into her mind.

Fluffy men who played empty games with cotton-headed women and spent more money each day than Sophie made in a year. Ridiculous. "If I wanted a playboy, I'd have one by now. I don't want a playboy. Besides, you predicted Brianna would fall for a Navy SEAL. I don't see any of those around here." She wrinkled her nose as Kira dumped the tiny diaper into a plastic bag and wiped her hands with a moist wipe.

"Brie's younger than you. She has plenty of time."

"Oh, and I don't?" The whole conversation was stupid.

Sophie wasn't even twenty-eight. Yet.

But Kira was so unperturbed, so at peace as she lifted Joey from his seat and prepared to nurse him, that Sophie felt an unprecedented surge of envy. She watched her sister settle the baby at her breast and the ache in her own chest sharpened.

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