Sorrow's Muse (10 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

BOOK: Sorrow's Muse
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“After everything you’ve
done, you’re just going to throw in the towel?”

“No, I’m going to give
him time to adjust to what I am and wait for him to make the next move.”

“Now, isn’t the time to
play hard to get.”

“I’m not playing! I’ve
done enough pursuing. If he doesn’t love me enough to come after me, then maybe
what we have isn’t worth giving up his thriving career and Mount Helicon.”

“You can’t mean that,
Colette. You love Julian. I know you do.”

“Exactly. Part of loving
someone, really loving him, is wanting what’s best for him, even if it doesn’t
include me.”

“You have to snap out of
this, Colette. He’ll come around.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

Dite remained silent.

Slowly, Colette nodded. “That’s
what I’m preparing myself for. Because regardless, I have to keep it together,
or I
end up like Aella. One mad Muse is enough.”

Exhaustion seeped into
Colette’s bones, making them feel like lead. Her lids lowered to half-mast and
she longed for the oblivion sleep would provide. “I just want to sleep, Dite.
I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

“You know I’m here if you
need me.”

“I know.”

She moved away from the
mirror, grateful for the silence that fell as the reflective surface returned
to its normal state. The vision of Julian’s horrified face when she’d put his
proposal on hold, haunted her. Dead tired, Colette moved from the vanity and
stumbled into bed fully clothed. She closed her eyes tight and thought of Mount
Helicon with everything she had, imagining she was flying on the Pegasus,
Dorieus, until sleep swallowed her down into its depths.





glanced over at the clock one more time, eleven forty-five. What was left of
her heart sank down into the soles of her shoes.
He’s not coming.
hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Julian since she’d delivered her bombshell after
dinner a week prior. It’d taken everything she had to sit tight, when all she
wanted to do was march over and beg him for forgiveness and a second chance.

Her stomach bubbled and
she moved away from the window that faced his condo. It wouldn’t make anything
better. Dite and Calliope offered to wait with her, but the thought of them
witnessing her fall flat on her face was too much. If nothing else, she’d had a
semi-vacation, gotten away from the homestead and received a better
understanding of humans.

Bitterness welled in her
chest and a sour taste in her mouth puckered her lips. The positive thinking
stick wasn’t working. She paced her bedroom wondering what would happen to
everything she’d accumulated once she was gone. Would someone else move in and
catch his eye? Would his subconscious remember all the confidence he’d gained?
The last thought made her smile. At least some part of their relationship could

It was time to stop
torturing herself. He wasn’t coming and waiting here until the clock chimed
midnight, as though she were some modern-day Cinderella, wasn’t going to help
anything. She walked over to the vanity and Dite appeared. Sadness was etched on
her face and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I’m ready.”

“But it’s not midnight.”

“I doubt fifteen minutes
is going to change his mind. The man spent the entire week avoiding me.” She
balled her fists as she battled anger and embarrassment. Heat raced through her
body and she shook her head. “No, I’m done waiting, Dite. Please, just let me
come home.”

Dite sighed and nodded.
“If that’s what you wish.”

“It is.”

“Close your eyes and
think of Mount Helicon.”

Colette closed her eyes,
pictured the lush green rolling hills, dotted with colorful wildflowers that
filled the air with their fragrant scents and the dark blue river that ran
through it. She could feel the downy-soft hide of Dorieus as he nuzzled her
cheek, vying for her attention.

A cool breeze ran over
her body and she opened her eyes. She was back where she’d started, in front of
her home on Mount Helicon. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her face.
The scenery wavered and she sank onto the lawn, placing her head on her knees
as she sobbed.

A pair of comforting arms
wrapped around her shoulders and the smell of honeysuckle tickled her nose. She
peered down to see a slender pair of alabaster-colored arms. “It hurts, Calli.
It hurts so bad.”

“I know, my love,” Calli
whispered. She stroked the hair from her brow and rested her head against her
shoulder. “If I could take your pain away, I would, little sister.”

The words gave some
comfort, but did nothing to fill the void left behind by the absence of her
love’s presence.


* * *


Colette is a Muse.
The thought still seemed like a foreign concept. He’d known the beautiful woman
was special, but he’d never figured she was literally otherworldly. Julian
tossed onto his side and reached over to turn on the lamp. He pushed up into a
sitting position. He’d been going back and forth with his decision for days.
Normally in this situation, he’d talk to Paul, but this wasn’t something he
could share. Col’s secret wasn’t his to reveal. A part of him felt happy,
excited that the voice he’d heard had been real and she’d kept her promise. But
the other part felt betrayed.

Regardless of the reason
why, she’d lied to him for almost a year. He ran his hand through his hair. He
hadn’t been able to think about anything else since they’d parted.

It wasn’t about the
money. It was the thought of completely screwing himself that he was hung up
on. What if he lost his ability to write and things between the two of them
didn’t work out? He had plenty of questions and no answers. One thing he did
know, he’d been miserable without her.
She’s your soul mate.
He glanced
at the clock, almost twelve.


He shoved the sheet away
from his body and slipped out of bed. She’d swept in like a breath of fresh
air, charmed him, built him up and made his life really worth living. He wasn’t
going to let her get away that easy. Every time he tried to make the decision
to walk away and cut his losses, he remembered the sense of comfort and renewed
strength that washed over him every time he was ready to throw in the towel.

This was

He ran from the room
barefoot, clad in a white T-shirt and a pair of flannel pants. His heart
pounded as he took the stairs two at a time, dashed across the living room once
he reached the bottom floor and burst through the door like a madman. His feet
slapped against the concrete as he ran the distance to her home.

Julian pounded on the
door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other when he heard no movement
Where is she?
He rang the doorbell. A shuffle behind him made
him spin around. His jaw dropped.

A blue-eyed blonde model
stood behind him with fire and brimstone in her eyes and a scowl on her face. “You
sure took your sweet time.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Yeah, you are. I’m
Aphrodite. You know my cousin Colette.”

“The goddess of love?”

“Is there any other?”

“I guess n—not.” He was
babbling, but he’d never been in front of a goddess before. He didn’t even know
they existed until last week.

“Colette isn’t here.
That’s why she’s not answering. She hitched a ride back home early, convinced
you wouldn’t show—I wonder why.”

“I know I fucked up, but
I swear I will spend the rest of our lives making up for it. Finding out about
her—all of you—was a lot to take in, but I’ve got my head on straight now, I

She narrowed her eyes at
him, but nodded. “I believe you do. Colette is very special and I want to see
her happy. I know she won’t be without you.”

The words made him smile
and filled him with hope. Maybe he hadn’t ruined things beyond compare.

“Take my hand.” Aphrodite
stuck out a French-manicured hand.

Julian complied
reluctantly. Her hand felt feather soft. She closed her palm and his stomach
dropped out as the world around them disappeared. A few moments later, he was
struggling to stand on wobbly legs.

“Sorry, it’s always rough
the first trip. Take a few deep breaths and find a focus point.”

He pried open the eyes
he’d scrunched shut and gasped. “Oh, my God, this is beautiful.”

The idyllic scenery was
right out of a painting. The sky seemed to be an impossible pale blue with not
a cloud in sight. The sun beamed down on him, warming his skin. A light breeze
brought the smell of fresh grass and sweet flowers.

“Yes, perfect for
creatures who thrive on beauty.”

His eyes scanned the
sprawling green hills of the countryside and landed on the figures of two woman
huddled together on the lawn. One he recognized instantly. He turned toward
Aphrodite for guidance. “Can I go to her?”

She nodded.

His footsteps were
muffled on the grass and he was only a few feet away when she glanced up and their
gazes locked. She pulled away from the other woman and stood. A white Grecian
gown flowed around her body and her hair was adorned with tiny white flowers.

The striking image she
made took his breath away.

She broke into a run and
he opened his arms to catch her when she launched herself toward him. He
nuzzled her neck with his nose and whispered into her ear, “I am so sorry. I
came over to your house, but you were already gone. I was so stupid to let my
pride and fear keep me silent for so long. I was worried you were mistaking
pity for love and embarrassed by all of the times you’ve seen me at rock
bottom. I could always feel you, this comforting, encouraging presence…” He
paused and looked into her eyes.

Collette’s tears streamed
down her lovely cheeks as she listened.

“You kept me up on my
feet when all I wanted to do was lie down and give up and as amazing as that
was, it doesn’t hold a candle to having you in my arms, in my bed and in my
life. I love you, Col. I want to make you my wife, because nothing short of
forever with you would ever be enough…That is, if you’ll still have me.”

“Of course I will, you
stupid man. Don’t you ever scare me like that again!”

Their lips crashed
together in a frenzied kiss that stole his breath and made other parts stand up
and ask for attention.

Their chests heaved when
they broke apart to take in air.

Julian smoothed down her
hair and turned to face the petite woman beside his fiancée.

“This is my sister,
Calliope. Calliope, this is Julian.” Col’s voice was full of pride.

He felt ten feet tall,
despite the death glare the woman was giving him.

“Nice to meet you, Julian.
Can I assume my sister will never be subjected to this kind of behavior again?”


“Good, because I assure
you, I know people in high places.”

“Don’t scare him, Call.”

Too late.

“Now, Calliope, I’m sure
these two have a lot of catching up to do. You can grill him later, after the
glorious makeup sex.”

His jaw dropped.

Aphrodite smirked. “Oh,
honey, I’ve seen it all.”

“Get used to it. The
woman has no filter,” Col whispered in his ear. “I’d love to stay and chat, but
we do have a lot to talk about.”

“Say no more,” Aphrodite
said, holding up a hand. “Hang on tight.” She snapped her fingers and the world
around him wavered, settling again, in Col’s bedroom.






“Fastest way to travel,”
Colette said.

The joy radiating off her
told Julian he made the right decision. He could live the rest of his life with
her like this. Fame or no fame. “How could you give up all of that for me?”

“I’m not really giving it
up as much as I’ve decided to work from home.” She shrugged at his stunned
expression. “Once a Muse always a Muse. It’s a club you can never opt out of.”

He snickered. “If you’re
immortal, what happens when I age?”

“If you want to age, I
can assimilate my life force to yours, or we could go the fun route and you can
eat ambrosia.”

“Nectar of the gods?” he
asked. His head spun as he continued to try to wrap his mind around the fact
that Greek mythology was more than legend.

“Very potent and life
extending to humans.”

“What did I ever do to
deserve you?” he whispered.

“You were Julian

He pulled her body up
against his own, letting her feel his desire against her waist. Col liked it
when he played alpha male and right now, he wanted to give her the world. “I
want to be buried deep inside your cunt with this white dress pushed up around your
waist while you beg me to fuck you.”

She shivered at his

“I know we have things to
talk about, but right now I can’t think straight for wanting you.”

“Yes.” Her voice sounded
breathy and her nipples hardened, poking out of the dress as they begged for
his attention.

He leaned in to suck a
chocolate-chip-sized point into his mouth through her gown. Her back arched and
he brought his other hand up to cup her generous mound. Massaging, he continued
to tease the other with suction he followed with a bite. She cried out and he
pulled back. “Get on the bed.”

She lay down, eyes glazed
with passion, as she waited for his next command, her body tense. Colette had
shown him many ways of loving, but he knew she loved this, so he saved it for
special occasions. It wasn’t in him to be dominant all the time, but after
centuries of being in control, she liked to surrender occasionally.

“Pull up your dress.”

Her breath stuttered and
a whimper spilled out of her throat as she revealed her lithe body to his gaze.
Moisture made her trimmed mound glisten.

He leaned down and traced
her slit with a finger, smirking when her body trembled. “Open your legs
wide…wider…wider. Good. Now spread your lips. I want to see that pretty pink
pussy when I push deep inside of you.”

Their gazes locked and
held as he pushed down his plaid pajama pants and sprang free, already hard. A
drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip of his bulbous head while he palmed his cock
and stroked, moaning at the sensation that spiraled through his body.

More liquid spilled from
his tip as he stepped to the edge of the bed and pulled her body to the edge of
it. “Grab the sheets. You’ve been a naughty little Muse, haven’t you? Coming
down here, making me fall in love and revealing your secret.”

“Yes,” she whispered. Her
chest heaved and he watched as a fresh pool of liquid fell onto his sheets.

“You like it when I take
control, don’t you? Like the freedom that comes with savoring your passion like
a fine wine.” He knelt on the bed. Taking his cock in hand, he teased her
opening, never quite penetrating as he slid up and down until she was squirming
beneath him.

“Julian, please.”

“Please what, Col?”

She thrust her hips
toward him.

Julian shook his head, refusing
to give her what she wanted.

“Please come inside me.”

“Your wish is my command,
love, always.” He pushed inside her tight heat and stopped, savoring the feel
of the vise grip she had on just his head.

She flexed her muscles.


“More, Julian. I thought
I lost you. Slow and tender isn’t what I need right now.” Her voice broke.

He smoothed her hair back
from her face, nodded in understanding, braced his arms on the bed beside her
head and buried himself as far as he could manage in the most exquisite woman
he would ever know. He thrust again and again, setting a brutal pace that made
the headboard slam against the wall. The muscles in his back bulged and he
gritted his teeth as he lost himself in the smell of their lovemaking and the
feel of her heat.

She brought her feet up
onto the mattress, tilting her hips, pulling him even deeper inside.

With each thrust, he felt
as if he were getting closer to reaching the very heart of her.

“Yes, Julian, right
there. Harder, harder.”

“Fuck!” He hissed as her
walls fluttered around him.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!”
She clamped down on him and her body convulsed, taking him over as he filled
her with everything he had to offer.

He moved to pull out and
she wrapped her arms and legs around him. “Please stay, just for a while.”

“Okay, Col.” He pressed
into her body, taking the brunt of his weight on his arms. He breathed in her
floral scent, listened to her heartbeat and thanked whatever deities who listened
for the miracle beneath him. Exhausted, he rolled onto the bed beside her.

Eventually, he mustered
up the energy to head into the bathroom to wash off and brought back a warm washcloth.
He cleansed her body, took the black square back to the sink and rejoined her
beneath the covers. “I know you’re waiting for me to say something profound,
but what it boiled down to for me was how unbearable going back to life being
without you would be. No manner of spelling, casting, hexing, or whatever you
call it up on Olympus could make me truly forget our time together. A part of
me would remember. Just the way I recalled your voice that night in the
hospital. I don’t like that you lied, but I do understand it. Had you come
right out and told me when we first met, I would’ve called a doctor then and
proceeded to freak out when you pulled your magic tricks to prove you were
telling the truth.” He winked at her

Colette smiled as tears
glistened in her eyes.

“You wanted me to pick
between you being my lover or my Muse, but the way I see it, you will always be
my Muse, Colette, because what you inspire me to be is a better man. Your
does that, not your powers. Thank you for loving me.”

Tears streamed down her
face now.

He leaned in to kiss her
salty lips. “You spent the past year building me up, giving me what I needed to
thrive and showing me who I had the potential to still be. It’s my turn to take
care of you now, Col.”

“All I ever wanted was
your love, Jay. Now that I have that, I don’t need anything else.”

“That’s exactly why I
plan on giving you everything, Col.”

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