Soul-Bonded to the Alien (20 page)

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Authors: Serena Simpson

BOOK: Soul-Bonded to the Alien
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Instead he reached for her. Jerking her to him, he bent her over taking his cock and shoving it deep into her rear. Her mouth opened in a silent scream of pain before moans of pleasure were torn from her. She fed on pain. The harder and deeper he screwed her, the more nourishment she took. That’s why she stayed with him; his anger and brutality excited her keeping her fed.

He shot his load deep within her before pulling out.

“Clean me,” the demand was harsh.

Kneeling down, she began to lick him. He thrust his huge cock into her mouth.

He smiled, soon he would not only live on Paige’s energy, he would make her service him with her body if she wanted her partner to live one more day.

Closing his eyes he listened to the woman gag around his cock.

Chapter Twenty Four

“I’ve never done this before.” Wonder filled Paige’s voice.

“Do you like it?” Selma walked before them all leading the way.

“I do. What about you?”

Aviana and Mckayla grinned at her. They were singing the Christmas songs being pumped through the air and dancing silly little jigs. Mckayla pointed out the decorations and the beautiful store windows.

“I can’t remember the last time I had girlfriends who I could go shopping with, so yeah it feels like a whole new world opening up to me. Usually it’s just Mckayla and myself.”

“I go shopping with Victor and Vick, but honestly it’s not the same as going with other women.”

Aviana reached down to take Mckayla’s hand. “I don’t want you to get lost.”

“Mom, I ‘m a big girl. I won’t get lost.”

“I know honey, but do you want me to get lost? If I got lost I think I might have to sit down and cry.”

Mckayla’s little hand tightened around her mother’s. “I won’t let you get lost, Mommy. I wouldn’t like it if I lost you.”

Aviana bit back a watery smile. “I wouldn’t like it if you lost me either.”

“Mom, look a toy store. Can we go in?” Mckayla jumped up and down with excitement as her big eyes looked toward the door. Huge candy canes filled the entrance and little animals that played peek-a-boo were there to enchant.

They all smiled as they watched her.

“Let’s go in, Baby Doll.”

Once inside it seemed much larger than it did on the outside.

“This place is enormous.” Paige marveled at the size.

“We had some help.” A woman stopped at Paige’s words. She wore a badge that identified her as the manager; her name was Tracey.

“We just stepped in and already I am floored by all I see.” Paige gave her a big smile.

“Please feel free to browse; you’ll be amazed at what you will find here. We’re on the cutting edge, if it’s out and it works you will find it here.” Tracey dropped her voice, “We also have a service where you can make purchases discreetly, if the person you are shopping for happens to be with you.”

Aviana nodded her head and murmured a low thanks before they moved off to keep an eye on Mckayla.

“Mom, look!” She was pointing to a game. “Mom, this a virtual reality game. It’s the best one ever made. There’s a princess and a castle and a prince. The prince turns into a monster, Mom! Not a scary one though like the one in Beauty and the Beast. They go on adventures together, there are things chasing them and every time they defeat one of them they get closer to the ultimate of opening all the rooms in the castle. Can I get it, please?”

“Mckayla, you know I don’t like these games, no telling what they programed into them.”

“Please, Mom, this is the coolest, I heard some girls talking about it in school.”

“Mckayla, I think your mom’s right. You have to be careful what VR games you play with.” Paige hated to see the girl sad.

With a defeated sigh Mckayla walked to another game.

“Aviana, do you want to see who makes this game?”

“Sure, what could it hurt?” They turned the box over looking for the name of the manufacturer.

“I found it,” Paige said as pointed to it. Selma smiled.

“I thought so. Hale Dare produced this game. It’s entirely safe.”

“I read an article about him.” Paige stopped to think before continuing. “It said he manufactured on a small scale, but if he ever wanted to he could put several of the larger toy manufacturers out of business with his Virtual Reality games.”

“He could, his games are also safe and completely appropriate for the age range he puts on the box.” Selma said.

“You talk like you know him.” Aviana looked at her.

“Let’s say I met him a couple of times and I respect him. He has just recently married; Victor and I spent some time at their celebration with them and their family.”

“You trust him and his games?”

Selma nodded. “Yes, I do. This game won’t hurt Mckayla.”

“Looks like she is getting her game.” Aviana tagged the game knowing it would be taken to the front and held until she was ready to check out.

“I already love the way they do business here.” Not having to walk around with a big shopping cart was nice.

They moved through the store tagging the gifts they wanted for Mckayla and Vick. Once done, they each walked up separately leaving Mckayla with whoever wasn’t going up to the register. Their purchases would be stored on the loading deck, they would be able to drive around to get them after they were done shopping.

“Now all we have to do is buy a few things for the guys, then we’re done.” Selma was practically skipping down the mall.

“What do you mean? You expect me to buy something for Rylan?”

Paige turned to look at her, lifting an eyebrow.

Aviana stuttered, “I mean all of them of course.” Her faced flushed, becoming dark red.

“Nope, I expect nothing of the sort. I will buy for all of them. I have Victors shopping done but I think he deserves a couple more gifts. Either that or I deserve the joy of buying him a couple more gifts.”

They followed Selma down the hallway to the next store.

“Paige” Aviana lowered her voice. “I think Selma may be suffering from some type of problem.”

“I had that same thought,” Paige whispered back.

“I’m close enough to hear the two of you,” Selma called out over her shoulder. Turning her head to look at them, she winked before walking into the next store.

The store was filled with an overabundance of perfume and anxiety. Not what Paige was hoping to smell in a men’s store. Woman were flocking in looking for that last minute gift for the Mr. Right in their lives.

“This is wonderful” Selma was stroking the inside of a leather jacket.

“Is that for Victor?” Aviana asked looking the Jacket over.

“No, I was thinking Rylan. He sometimes rides his bike in the middle of winter. The thick fur lining in the jacket would help to keep him warm. I could see him in this.”

“That’s too big for him,” Aviana stated without emotion going to one that would be a better fit. She stroked the jacket.

“It was just a thought.” Selma gave her an innocent smile and walked away.

They walked the store with Selma staring down several women when they reached for the same item she wanted.

“Selma, I bet they have more in the back,” Paige laughed after the last show down in front of a T-shirt that she could actually picture Victor wearing.

“You don’t know that, besides you weren’t actually miss sunlight and honey when that woman wanted to take the last pair of boots sitting out.”

“Cal needs boots, they were meant to be his,” she mumbled in a low voice.

Selma laughed, “That’s what I thought.”

They walked out the store with their purchases and visited several others before they stopped for a much needed break.

“This is what’s wrong with the mall,” Aviana said as they made a side trip to the car to drop off their bags. Now their hands were free of bulky packages.

“What’s wrong with the mall, Aviana?” Paige asked looking around the food court they were walking into.

“We’re young, at least one of us is single.”

Selma snorted drawing all eyes to her for a minute. “Keep going.”

Aviana ignored Selma to keep talking, “And then you come in here, the food court, the place to meet and mingle, not that I want to mingle mind you, but how is a single woman supposed to mingle in a place like this. That’s my problem, I have no mingling skills.” She threw her hands wide with a big sigh before reaching for Mckayla’s hand.

“You must know how to mingle some, I mean…”

Aviana’s face pulled tight and her haunted eyes skimmed Mckayla and looked away. The look stopped Paige in her tracks making her close her mouth.


“I’m ok, Baby. Mommy just had a scary thought.” Dropping to her knees, she fiercely hugged Mckayla. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Hey, I thought we were hungry,” Mckayla said trying to make her Mom smile.

“I’m starving, but don’t they have a restaurant in this mall. The food court feels crowded today.”

Aviana nodded her head at Paige’s statement. They turned to look for a quieter restaurant.

“Paige, what are you looking at?” Selma turned her head in the direction Paige was staring.

“What are the guys doing there?” Aviana asked, looking at them.

“I bet their doing last minute Christmas shopping,” Selma replied, her voice was happy enough to touch everyone around her.

“How do you do that with your voice?” Paige looked at her, caught up in the temporary glow that was surrounding her.

“You’ll do it eventually. One day it will become something that happens automatically, the broadcast of your moods. Doing it with a feeling of happiness touches hearts, but with anger…” She shivered, lost in her thoughts.

“Busted,” Victor leaned over and kissed Selma.

“What are you planning to do today, Love?” Selma repeated her earlier question.

“Nothing, Darling. The guys and I are just going to hang around the house and take a quiet day while you hang with the girls.” Victor repeated his response from earlier.

She raised an eyebrow before lowering her arms to catch Vick, giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Mom! We’re at the mall!”

“You’re too young to be embarrassed by me kissing you, Vick. Remember that.”

“Mom.” He shook his head and grinned up at her.

“Did you just get here?” Aviana asked pointedly ignoring Rylan.

Cal looked smug, “Nope, we’ve been here for a while. We’re going to grab a meal before we head back home. We’ll be lazing around the house looking innocent before you get back.”

“I’ll make sure to look for you in your underwear when I get back,” Paige managed with a straight face.

They all broke up into laughter.

“Why don’t we eat together, we’re all done also.” Selma’s hand took Victor’s signaling the end to their women’s day out.

“Sounds good to me.” Victor and Selma led the way to a restaurant that was busy, but quiet.”

They were seated quickly despite the number in their party.

“Gabe, how was your day? Yours too, Joaquin?”

They both murmured the day was fine and fell silent.

Paige looked at them wondering if their silence was due to the fact they weren’t paired off with anyone.

“Cal, are they alright?”

“They’ll be fine. We’ve been here a long time Paige, the desire to bond is one that is natural to us. We look for it in all of our encounters.”

“Then it must be a universal desire. We are always looking for the right person. The one we will spend the rest of our life with. I guess there are some like me who gave up because they were sure the perfect guy for them didn’t exist. Then I met you. The more time we spend together, the more I know you’re perfect for me.”

“Imagine waiting for hundreds or thousands of years.”

“That would feel unbearable.”

“That’s how they feel. So seeing you and I paired is a bittersweet joy for them. Seeing Rylan and Aviana deny the possibility of a pairing is a sadness neither of them can fathom although they know they will have to walk away from a mate if one is ever presented to them.”

Paige stayed silent feeling his thoughts telling her not to pursue the conversation. She looked at each of them through half lowered lids wondering how life could betray you when you so desperately needed it on your side.

The waiter drew her out of her thoughts. She placed an order that included hot chocolate because Selma advised everyone to get a cup, the largest cup they served.

“We’ll need the benefits of it,” she said after the waiter left with a frown. “We’ll have to do this again.”

They settled down to enjoy the rest of the day. Devouring the food and enjoying the hot chocolate when it came.

Paige felt a tingle go through her as she drank. She wondered what it meant before Cal reached for her hand telling her it was time to go.

Chapter Twenty Five

They had quickly figured out the car situation. Cal ended up driving the car the women drove to the mall. Paige sat at his side. Selma was in the car with Victor and Vick. Aviana didn’t seem to have a choice so she and Mckayla rode with Rylan. Gabe and Joaquin rode together being the one group that didn’t change.

“Three days until Christmas Eve. What should I being doing, Cal? I’m sure shopping wasn’t one of them.”

“You can’t stop living because something threatened you, Sunshine. If we did that we would never have a life.”

“That’s easy to say, but a little harder to live.”

“I know, but fear will kill you as assuredly as an assailant. You have to keep on living, taking every precaution you can to stay alive.”

“I want it over with. How come we just can’t bring the battle to him?”

“Because the battle is inside of you, Paige. The final battle will be fought when the venom snake gets lose, mark my words, Paige it will get lose. At that point we will be fighting for our life. Not just yours or mine, but ours. Whatever fate befalls you, it will befall me also.”

She dropped her head. “Sorry, I’m complaining like a spoiled teen when all you have done is shown me love.”

“I don’t think you’re complaining at all, you’re facing a battle no one should go through. Unfortunately, life isn’t always fair.”

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