Soul Chance (19 page)

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Chance
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“Stop lying.”

“I’m not. I just need my bankcard. It’s in my purse.”

Val cast her sideways look. “I don’t see no purse on you.”

“It’s in a locker in the basement.” Ari turned her head in the direction of the elevator, her panic lessening when she saw Ryder moving stealthily along the wall a few feet behind them.

“Basement, eh?”

Ari nodded, her pulse galloping when, in her peripheral, she saw Trent coming up on the other side of them. Knife or no knife, she needed to get break away from Val now.

Val snorted. “Let’s go, and if you’re ly—” Val bellowed as Ari stomped the heel of her stiletto into his foot.

He released her with a stumble and Ari fell to the floor. Time seemed to slow down as Ryder and Trent charged Val from both sides. Ari screamed as Val pulled a gun out. A shot rang out, more screams filled the mezzanine and Trent fell. Horrified, Ari scrambled to her feet as Ryder and Val struggled. She heard a zap and Val hit the floor hard. Ari stared at the unconscious bookie in shock as Ryder kicked the gun from Val’s hand and rushed to her side.

“Ari, are you okay?”

The commotion in the lobby grew as more curious onlookers gathered by.

“I’m all right.” Ari shook her head. “But Trent?”

Sirens wailed outside the doors as the bodyguard moaned. Ari breathed a sigh of relief as Ryder helped Trent get up.

“Thank goodness for Kevlar.” Trent gave them a weak smile. He patted his abdomen then winced. “Shit, that hurts.”

“Thank goodness for this too.” Ryder held up the stun gun in his hand.

“I was trying to get to mine in my purse.” Ari shuddered, still in a daze. “I’m thankful for you both.”

“My pleasure”—Trent touched his stomach with a wry grin—“and pain.”

Ari managed to smile as cops moved in and took control of the situation. She trembled as the police roused Val, disturbed by the murderous look he cast her way before being carted off.

“Hang in there.”

Ari nodded at Ryder, breathing easier as he took hold of her hand. She answered the questions asked of her, trying not to show how shaken she was by what had happened. Ari was grateful for the cop who had moved them into an empty hallway, out of public view.

“You all are free to go. Thank you for your cooperation.” The officer looked at Ari. “Don’t worry. Val won’t be getting out anytime soon.”

Ari thanked the officer as Ryder and Trent did.

“Should I go get the car?”

“Yes.” Ryder frowned as he looked at Trent. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

“I’m fine. Just some bruised ribs. I’ve had them before.” Trent grinned at them both. “I’ll meet you two at the back entrance.”

“Good idea.” Ryder gave Ari’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Hopefully, we’ll encounter less press.” He turned to her as the bodyguard strode off. “You all right?”

“I’m still in shock, I think.”

Ryder nodded. “You were very brave, stomping him with that sexy shoe like you did.”

Ari managed a faint grin. “Look who’s talking. You’re a total badass.”

“Ha! Let’s head toward the limo. Get away from this scene.”

“I’d love to.” Ari followed him, feeling better with each step they took. “Oh, my purse. I almost forgot about it.” She pointed to the fancy hat and coat check area. “It’s in here.”

“I’ll get it for you.”

Ari handed Ryder her key. She smiled at him when he returned with her clutch in hand. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s get out of here.”

Her heels clicked loudly on the floor as she walked with Ryder to the back exit of the auditorium. He held open one of the glass doors for her and she stepped outside, happy to see Trent.

“Hurry.” The bodyguard pulled open the limo door. “The paparazzi are around the corner.”

Ari gave Trent a kiss on the cheek before getting into the vehicle. She exhaled when he shut the door, relieved to be in the limo. Ari buckled her seatbelt as Ryder got in. He scooted next to her, put his arm around her and Ari rested her chin on his shoulder as the limo took off.

“Just relax. I’m going to get you home. What’s the address?”

Ari gave Ryder her brother’s address, briefly closing her eyes as he picked up the car phone and relayed the information to Trent.

“We’ll be there soon.”


Some of Ari’s tension fade as they drove out of the city and she felt almost like herself when the car came to a stop and Trent opened her door. Ari thanked the courageous bodyguard another time after Ryder said goodnight. She followed Ryder to the entrance of Jay’s condo, happy he’d come back with her.

Ari blew out a breath once Ryder opened the front door. She walked inside, went over to the couch and collapsed on the cushions. “I’m so glad to be back here.” Ari bent forward and took off her heels as Ryder closed the door. She lifted her head to find him staring at her. “What’s wrong?”

Ryder crossed over the floor to her. “When I saw that thug with you, it was like déjà vu.”

“I know.” Tears blurred Ari’s vision as she stood. She wrapped her arms Ryder as he embraced her. “I was so scared.”

“It’s over. You’re safe.”

Ari nodded against Ryder’s chest, savoring the warmth and strength of his body against hers. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw you. I didn’t expect you to leave the judge’s table with other auditions going on.”

Ryder pulled back to look at her. “I wanted to talk to you and I didn’t want to wait another minute. I still don’t, especially after what just happened.”

“I wanted to talk to you too. Ryder, the last time we were together—”

“I was an ass.”

“No, you weren’t, but you were hard on
ass. You wanted to know the reason why I didn’t show up for callbacks. You thought I’d given up on my dream of taking my singing to the next level, but that wasn’t the case.” Ari drew in a breath then exhaled. “My emotions were all over the place because you had erased our deal. I knew I should’ve been happy but I only felt rejected.”

“My initial offer to you was to keep you close, Ari. Close and safe. I wanted the opportunity to further explore the chemistry between us then you proposed your deal. It seemed ideal at first, then all this stuff with my dad threw me for a loop. I didn’t want there to be any deal between us. I wanted to know you were in my bed because you truly wanted to be, not as part of some clause in a business arrangement.” Ryder shook his head. “I didn’t end it to hurt you.”

Ari sighed. “It hurt because I fell in love with you. I realized how deeply I cared about you during my first audition when I saw how much those lyrics were about us. I got out there…looked at you and lost it. I—”

“Whoa.” Ryder squeezed her hips. “Say that last part again for me?”

“I got out there—”

“No, the part right before that.”

Ari smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted to hear. “Ryder, I fell in love with you.”

“I’m so glad”—Ryder’s grin was electric—“because I love you.”

Ari wrapped her arms around Ryder’s neck, elated by his husky declaration. “Kiss me.” She lifted her face as Ryder dipped his head and claimed her lips. Ari welcomed his possessive kiss, moaning with desire as he moved them backward. She giggled with joy as he pushed her up against the wall. “You know…I liked certain parts of our arrangement.”

“Hmm.” Ryder dropped his hands from her waist to cup her ass. “So did I. We’ll have to talk more about that.”

“Yes.” Ari slipped a hand between them and caressed his hard length through his trousers, relishing Ryder’s deep groan. “Mmm. I need—” She gently squeezed his cock.

“I know.” Ryder kissed her again, leaving her breathless.

“Love’s a gamble, Ryder.” Ari lifted her face to look into his eyes.

“True. You can’t involve your heart without accepting some risk.” Ryder brushed his lips against her temple. “Does that scare you?”

“A little.” Ari smiled when Ryder chuckled.

“Ari, my heart is yours.”

“And mine is yours.”

Ryder caressed her cheek. “Well then, songbird…this is our chance.”






Six months later…


“Ari?” Ryder walked out the master suite into the hallway. Delicious scents—both savory and sweet—wafted through the air, making his stomach growl. Ari might not be as an accomplished chef as her brother, but she was still one hell of a cook. She prepared a meal for them to enjoy together whenever possible. Ryder didn’t think he’d ever tire of watching Ari whip up something tasty in his kitchen. He’d been surprised and thrilled when she’d insisted on preparing everything except dessert for the pool party with their family today.

Ryder blew out a breath, concerned about how the day would go. He hadn’t seen his dad in months. The tension between them was new and unsettling to Ryder. They’d managed to talk on the phone a few times about business but neither had broached the subject of Cassie and Nathaniel again. Ari had suggested bringing everyone together to try to bridge gaps Ryder wasn’t sure could ever be fixed, but he’d agreed to extend the invitation to his parents and Cassie.

Cassie had been on board, sharing news of her recent engagement over the phone. Ryder had welcomed her fiancé to come as well. After sharing the guest list for Ari’s soiree, Ryder had been stunned when his mom had called to say she and his dad would also attend. Whether the gathering went well or not, Ryder appreciated Ari’s thoughtfulness in pulling it together.

Ryder strode through the living room and his gaze fell upon the colorful picture of a woman singing in front of a mic. He’d presented the gift to Ari after sharing the news her song had been picked up by a major recording label. Ryder grinned, recalling Ari’s excitement. She had no idea how much she inspired him.

Ryder glanced at the bright teal throw pillows Ari had suggested for the couch and the lush blossoms adorning his coffee table. He loved her eye for color and use of it in an otherwise monochromatic space. There were touches of Ari in every part of his Californian house, and he loved it. He’d prided himself on keeping an immaculate residence but it had lacked the personal and creative elements that made a house a home.

Ryder crossed the dark wood floor and entered the kitchen. He went over to the peach
on the counter that Ari’s brother had brought, tempted to cut into the flaky dessert. Ryder moved to the glass doors leading to the deck, hearing music playing. He smiled when he saw Ari fussing with a bouquet of fresh yellow gardenias on the patio table by the pool. Ryder slid open the door and stepped outside into the brilliant sunshine. “The flowers are fantastic.”

Ari glanced at him, a vision in a stunning halter-top style crimson sundress. “You think so?”

“I know so.” Ryder walked over to her, admiring the festive place settings on the elegantly laid table. “Everything looks amazing. You’re incredible. You know that?”

Ari smiled as she came to him. “Do you think your parents will feel the same way?”

“I do.” Ryder wrapped his arm around her. “Are you nervous?”

“Of course.” Ari giggled as Ryder bent his head to nibble her ear. “Even though I’ve talked to your mom on the phone several times, this is my first time meeting them both.”

“Trust me. They’ll be less preoccupied with you and more focused on Cassie, her fiancé and Nathaniel.”

Ari shook her head while worrying her bottom lip. “This whole thing could turn out to be a complete disaster.”

“Nah. Everyone will be on their best behavior. Don’t worry, all right?”

“Okay.” She lifted her face to his and Ryder gave her a quick kiss. Ari froze in his arms and cocked her head, listening to the first strains of the next song starting to play then squealed. “It’s our song!” She laughed with joy as Ryder gathered up in his arms, twirled her around then put her down. “I swear I’ll never get used listening to it on the radio.”

“I know. It’s pretty surreal to hear it. I knew the song would be a hit if I could get it into the right hands.”

“I’m so happy you did.” Ari pressed her hands on his chest. “I still can’t
you shared it.”

Ryder pushed the strap of Ari’s sundress behind her neck. “You’re really not disappointed about not participating in the talent show?” He searched her face, hating that their relationship had prevented her from being a part of the competition.

“Ryder, I’ve got a song on the airwaves. I don’t regret my decision at all. Okay?” Ari raised up to her tiptoes and kissed his chin.

“Okay.” Ryder twirled her around again, swaying with her as their song played. He was excited about their future together. “Ari, this one song is just the start of amazing things in your career.”

“I hope it plays it again while everyone is here.” Ari sighed with contentment as the song came to an end.

“I’m sure it will.”

Ari moved back to look up at him, happiness glimmering in her eyes. “I’ve got another song in my head I want you to collaborate with me on.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yup.” Ari fanned away a ladybug. “Jay thinks this one could be a major hit too.”

“Speaking of which… Where did Jay and Shannon go? I thought they said they’d be back an hour ago.”

“Jay just texted me.” Ari grinned. “He said they were going to pick up more wine, even though I told them we had plenty, and some kind of black olives my brother swears he can only find here. They should be back here any minute.” Ari reached up and traced Ryder’s jawline. She only came up to his chin without any shoes on. “I think they just wanted to be alone for a little bit, if you catch my drift.”

Ryder hugged Ari closer to him, enjoying the feel of her soft curves against his body. “I understand completely.” He brushed his lips against hers. “I feel the same way.”

“Oh, no.” Ari wriggled against him with a playful laugh. “No, you don’t. I just got dressed.”

“I told you not to wear this outfit.”

“What?” Ari’s incredulous expression made Ryder grin. “You told me I looked good in this.”

“Mmm. Hmm. You do—too damn good.” Ryder slipped his hand between them to cup her breast. He teased Ari’s hardening nipple through her bra and the fabric of the dress. “I wish I’d never seen that sexy red lingerie you’d laid out on the bed. Are you wearing it now?”

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