Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (11 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Accacia blocked his way. “Please d
on’t walk away from me, Aleco.” The tears streamed down her face but it didn’t dim his ferocity. He had never been more hurt in his life. Now he realized Accacia hadn’t been the light in his life—she had been the darkness. She had given him hope when he thought none existed, but she took it away just as quickly. He walked around her, moving further away from her.

“You always run away from me. Now it’s my turn to turn my back on you.”

Accacia watched him go and she released her desperation in a shout. “YOU TOLD ME TO MOVE ON!” The Asquithians nearby stopped and stared at them. The sudden scream of their queen caused them to halt in midstep. They didn’t understand what was happening.

Aleco stopped at her
words. She could see his frame shake in anger and his arms flex under his contractions, and his chest stretched with his deep breaths. He turned around and faced her. The anger in his eyes shined bright. If she didn’t know that Aleco was the man who stood before her, she would have thought it was Drake. “I KNOW WHAT I SAID!” He marched to her and stopped when his face was touching hers. “But I didn’t mean within a
. Somewhere down the road, years after you had left me. You already found a partner and married him in the year we were apart!” Aleco grabbed his hair and stepped away from her. He was worried that he might hurt her. “I’ve been trying to overthrow Drake and save the souls of your family, knowing that was the only way I could be with you again. But you are on Paradise Island bogging the first guy you see? I was right about you, Accacia—you are nothing but a whore.” Accacia flinched at his words and continued to cry. Aleco was too far gone to care. “All you have done is ruin me, Accacia. You have done nothing but hurt me and betray me. I was an idiot for ever trusting you. You never loved me, Accacia—you have no right to tell me that you do.”

“You know that isn’t true.”

Aleco shook his head. “You are the biggest mistake of my life, Accacia.” He watched her body shake in despair. She sobbed at his final words and was overcome with pain. Accacia fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands, sinking lower than she ever had before. Aleco felt no pity for her. He knew she wouldn’t feel any for him. Aleco walked back to his horse and mounted the steed, riding back to the house with all the speed he could muster. His tears streamed down his face as he rode. Aleco didn’t care if they overthrew Drake or if they destroyed the Soul Binders in his possession. He didn’t care about anything. Now he had nothing to live for.





Accacia clutched her body with her arms and cried, sitting exactly where Aleco had left her. She had hurt him beyond reason and he had done the same to her. She couldn’t control her breathing and she failed to stop the sobs, letting herself fall apart right before her subjects. But she didn’t care. Accacia was too delirious with pain to care about what the others thought.

She felt strong arms circle around her and lift her to the sky. She recognized the touch
without looking at the culprit. It was Zyle. He cradled her to his chest and carried her across the grass, ignoring the shocked looks on the faces of the Asquithians. He carried her to their quarters on the ship and laid her down on the bed. She hadn’t stopped crying.

Zyle stripped his clothes from his body and removed hers. He crawled into bed with her and held her in h
is arms until she stopped sobbing. He didn’t speak to her while she sobbed into his neck, letting her release her pain in silence. Eventually, she fell asleep in his arms and awoke several hours later. Zyle watched over her while she slept, concerned for his soul mate. He hadn’t heard the conversation between her and Aleco, but he knew it was aggressive by watching them. His life partner was in pain and so was he.

Accacia opened her eyes and saw Zyle staring at her. She sat up and looked across the room, trying to determine how much time had passed. The encounter with Aleco flashed in her mind and she felt her heart ache at the memory. She would never forgive herself for hurting him. Accacia loved him—she wished he didn’t doubt her. She looked at Zyle. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you in fr
ont of your subjects. I apologize.”

Zyle kissed
her. “Don’t apologize, Accacia.” He wrapped his arm around her and held her to his chest. “It’s going to be alright.”

Accacia shook her head. “No, it won’t.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No,” she said as she shook her head. “I’m not ready to.”

“I need to meet with the Nature Priest of this land, Accacia. I’m going to travel to the heart of the forest.” Accacia nodded at his words. That should have been done hours ago. She wondered why Father Giloth hadn’t come to her. Perhaps he knew she wanted to see Aleco first. “You don’t have to come, Accacia. I understand if you wish to remain behind.”

Accacia knew she had to accompany him. She knew these lands better than anyone and understood their ways. Besides, she wanted to see her father. “No, I want to come. I want you to meet my father.” Zyle smiled at her words. She had told him about her relationship with the Nature Priest and he was delighted to know someone had looked afte
r her. Someone had loved her like a daughter.

“Let’s get dressed then.” Zyle rose from the bed and donned the clothes he had been weari
ng earlier. Accacia made her appearance presentable and they left the ship, heading deep into the forest. They walked for a few leagues before they approached Asylinth House. Zyle stared at the grounds of the forest in awe. He appreciated its beauty. Before they knocked on the door, Accacia turned to Zyle.

“Could you please refrain from touching me in front of Aleco—if he’s here? I—I just don’t want
to offend him.” She saw the light leave Zyle’s eyes. Now she was hurting her life partner as well.

Zyle released her hand. “I wil
l do whatever I can to make this easier for you.”

Accacia kiss
ed him on the cheek. “Thank you.” She smiled. Accacia knocked on the door and the housemaid, Natalia, opened the door a moment later.

Her mouth dropped when she saw Accacia. She opened her arms and embraced Accacia in the doorway, clearly delighted to see her again. “I’m so happy to see you, dear.”

“I missed you, Natalia.” Accacia smiled as she pulled away. She touched Zyle on the shoulder. “This is my husband, Zyle.”

Natalia hugged him. Zyle in
itially flinched at her embrace. He hadn’t expected such an affectionate greeting. “I hug my family, Zyle. And now you’re family.”

Zyle smiled at her as he pulled away. “Your words honor me, Natalia.”

“Come inside. He’s waiting for you in the study.”

Accacia could barely contain her excitement. Sh
e followed Natalia with a smile on her face, delighted to see Father Giloth again. Zyle smiled at her. He was happy that her mood had improved. He couldn’t handle her earlier depressed state. When they walked into the office, Accacia dropped her smile. Father Giloth wasn’t sitting behind the desk; it was Aleco.

He didn’t look up when they entered. Accacia knew Zyle was uncomfortable with the meeting. She could see the tension in his shoulders and
the stoic expression he adopted. It was the one he always wore in serious conversations. Aleco acted like both of them didn’t exist. They took their seats in front of the desk.

“Can I get you anything?” Natalia asked. “I just made some tea.”

Zyle smiled at her. “I’ll take a cup, please.” He looked over at Accacia but her eyes were glued to Aleco’s face. “Accacia would love some as well.”

Natalia nodded and left the room.

Zyle sighed as he looked across the room. Aleco was a strong man, larger than he was, and he had a heavy frame covered in muscles. His blond hair was bright and complemented the color of his crystal blue eyes. Zyle would be intimidated by him if he was an opponent in battle and he respected him for that reason. The tension escalated the longer he gazed at the Nature Priest.

Aleco felt Zyle
watching him and met his gaze with his own. He studied Zyle for a moment, assessing his weak spots for possible injury sights. The King of the Asquithians was lean and limber but contained muscles that would drive a sword into a man’s heart. His look was calculating. Aleco knew the man was intelligent just by looking at him. Aleco also noticed he was calm and collected, the characteristics he lacked. He looked away. He couldn’t stand to stare at Accacia’s husband for a moment longer, knowing she made love to him, and had been for months, and possibly an entire year. Aleco had the overwhelming urge to stab the man through the heart then feed his corpse to his horses. He wanted to pick out his eyes then insert them into his front door, humiliating the man for touching what was rightfully his.

Aleco closed his eyes and forced the emotion from his m
ind. He had to get through this, the faster the better. Aleco forced the words from his mouth. “Despite our—situation—I am very delighted that you have sailed to our shores and have come to our aid.” His words came out strained despite his attempt to disguise it. “Now we have just enough men to succeed. With your help this is feasible.”

Zyle met him
halfway, knowing how awkward and tense this was for both of them. Zyle knew Accacia’s former lover hated him, wanted to kill him, he was sure, but he let his personal vendetta against Aleco ebb away. The man was in unspeakable pain. He couldn’t even imagine. “Thank you for sheltering us in your forest and protecting us within your borders. We are honored to help you in this fight. Our intentions are not entirely selfless—we seek to destroy the Soul Binders.”

Aleco looked in the fire.
“We have mutual interests. The king needs to be killed if we wish to accomplish that.”

Zyle nodded. “I understand.”

Accacia wasn’t listening to them. She had waited for Father Giloth to make his entrance but he never did. “Aleco, where is Father Giloth?” Her hands shook in her lap. Aleco was sitting in his chair behind the desk, as if the study no longer belonged to Father Giloth. He hadn’t come to the shores and greeted her. In fact, no one had mentioned him.

“He’s dead.” Aleco didn’t soften the blow. It wasn’t his job to
comfort her. It wasn’t his responsibility to care. He didn’t look at her but he knew she was crying.

Accacia stood up and walked to the far side of the room
. The tears fell from her eyes as she turned from the men, comforting herself in solitude. She wrapped her arms around her sides and sobbed at the loss. She had suspected the truth but she hadn’t believed it. Zyle wanted to hold her but Accacia made it clear she didn’t want to be touched in front of Aleco. He ignored the urge to comfort his life partner in her grief and remained seated.

Aleco wanted to comfort her as well but he ignored the thought. He turned to Zyle. “Aren’t you going to comfort your
?” he spat.

Zyle returned his gaze but said not
hing. He forced back his retort. He didn’t want to upset Accacia even more. Aleco shook his head. His voice was drenched in sarcasm. “I’m glad to know that she has chosen someone so worthy.”

The satirical words made the pale skin of his cheeks flush pink in anger. The King of the Asquithian
s breathed through his fury. Accacia walked back to them and looked at Aleco. “I asked him not to touch me in your presence.”

Aleco uncorked a new brandy and drank directly out of the bottle. “How thoughtful of you,” he said as he wiped his lips. “Maybe you do care for
me after all.” Aleco watched the tears fall from her eyes but he didn’t care. He drank from the bottle again.

Accacia wiped her tears away as she watched him. “Stop being an asshole.”

Aleco laughed. “I’m not
an asshole, Accacia. I
an asshole.”

Zyle didn’t know what to say.
He wanted to punch Aleco in the face for speaking to Accacia that way, but he held himself back. Zyle knew he couldn’t help Accacia in this. She would have to work it out alone. He was certain his presence was the cause of the hostility. He doubted Aleco would be so coarse if Zyle wasn’t in the room.

Accacia returned to her seat. “Who is the new Nature Priest?”

“Well, it’s a good thing you’re beautiful, Accacia, because you obviously have no brains. I pity your subjects.” Accacia stared at him with a look of horror. She had never seen him act so cruel. “You’re looking at him.”

“It is

“I w
as just as surprised as you are.”

Accacia recalled his vast knowledge in horticulture and star-mapping, along with geography and herbal remedies. Aleco was definitely the best candidate.
“I am certain the Lorunien Tree made the right choice.”

Aleco laughed. “I’m not.”

Realization dawned on Accacia. As the Chief Nature Priest of Orgoom Forest he wasn’t allowed to lie. Everything he had said to her that afternoon he meant. He really thought she didn’t love him. When he said she was his worst mistake he was being truthful. Accacia felt the flood of tears return. She felt worse than she ever remembered feeling.

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