Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (18 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Aleco stared at her face. Her thin lips
were pressed together in a tight line and the sweat was dripping down her neck. “I will do everything in my power to keep you here, Accacia. I will even withdraw my aid to your cause if I must.”

Accacia glared at him. “You’re disgusting, Aleco. You say that you organized this uprising for me and now yo
u’re willing to compromise it to hold me against my will? You of all people should understand how important this is to me.”

“What makes me so special?
Why should I understand?” Aleco stepped closer to her, eyeing her with the intensity of his blue eyes. “I’m just a man you used to bogg because you had nothing else better to do. I was never a man you loved—why am I different from anyone else?”

“You know that isn’t true
so stop saying that.” Accacia forced the tears back. She was tired of crying, more than exhausted by it. “I love you, Aleco. I always have.”

“I speak only the truth, Accacia.
And I
you don’t love me. Everything that happened between us meant nothing. ” He turned away from her, heading back toward Lydia and Penelope across the clearing. “This is over.”

Accacia watched him
walk away. She was tired of being defenseless and useless. She was a strong warrior, and not just for a woman, but for any soldier. No longer will she abide by the rules of the men who tower over her. She would make her own decisions, never concerned with the repercussions. She marched over to him and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back to her. Aleco tried to pull away, but she wouldn’t let him.

Aleco stared at her. “What do you want from me?”

She could see the anger in his eyes. It mirrored her own. “We settle this now.” Accacia withdrew the green blade from the belt around her waist and it glowed in the light of the sun, matching the dark color of the grass and the leaves of the tree. It rang with immense power, fueled by the bearer of the sword. The color of the blade matched the blaze in her eyes. Aleco watched her wield the sword. “I challenge you, Aleco.”

Aleco turned toward
her and stared at her. She released her hold on him and stepped back, her blade held at the ready. He smiled at her. “Do not humiliate yourself, Accacia.”

“Fight me, Aleco. I will prove my valor in ba
ttle.” She stepped away from him and straightened her back and set her legs apart, preparing to strike him. “I will offer you something you can’t refuse.” Aleco’s face shined with interest. “If you win this battle, I will not participate in any part of the war. I will yield to your decisions, which will even overrule Zyle’s.” Aleco stepped toward her but didn’t reach for his blade. His eyes lit up in triumph. He wanted nothing more than to command Accacia with no further argument. “However, if I win, I will fight in this war. You will not voice your concerns or attempt to thwart me in any way. You will accept my decisions completely.”

Aleco smiled at her. “
You’re right. That sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.” Aleco withdrew his blade and stepped forward. “Are you sure this is what you want, Accacia? I may be angry with you but I have no desire to hurt you.”

“I will not hold back, Aleco, and I suggest you don’t either.” She began to circle around him and he watched her move. “The battle will end quickly if you do.”

“Do we need a witness? I want no argument over the recognition of the victor.”

Accacia shook her head. “There will be
no room for misinterpretation. Do I have your word, Aleco? You will step down if I win this battle?”

Aleco nodded. “You have mine as long as I have yours.
But I know how worthless that is—your promises mean nothing.”

Accacia ignored the insult.
“You have my word.”

Aleco spun his blade in his hand, making it whirl in a flash from the sunlight. He felt the Lorunien Tree coursing through him, aiding him with en
ergy. “What are the conditions?”

“There are none.”

“Anything goes?”

“Yes,” she said. “The only exception is death.”

“Let’s begin.”

Aleco stood still for a moment and
his blade hung idly at his side. He surveyed her body through the fabric of her dress, assessing for any weak areas. Aleco noticed how tone and firm her body was. She was indeed stronger than she was when she left these shores, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Aleco would prevail in this battle. There was no doubt. She smiled at him and he felt his heart quicken in his chest. Aleco ignored the effect it had on him. He was slightly amused by her confidence in battle. It was almost comical.

Accacia ran to
him and raised her sword, aiming her blade for his shoulder. She changed the course of her blade at the last second and went for the exposed area on the side of the ribs, but she never landed the blow. Aleco parried the assault with little effort and aimed his blade to strike her but she was already gone. She moved away from him with lightning speed and his blade sliced through the air, missing its mark. Accacia grabbed his wrist then punched him directly in the face. Aleco’s head flew back, confused by her sudden appearance, and he recovered from the impact instantly, tripping her feet from under her. She rolled away and was on her feet immediately. Aleco stared at her for a moment. He had to admit her skills had improved.

Aleco ran to her and aimed his blade for her forearm, preparing to slice open the skin, but she moved away from him and nailed him in the stomac
h, causing the wind to leave his lungs. He didn’t react to the pain and continued to assault her. He finally landed a blow on her wrist, drawing a line of blood. Accacia seemed unaffected by the cut. She engaged him again, kicking him in the stomach while she sliced her blade across his thigh, severing the skin through his trousers. Aleco grabbed her by the throat before she could pull away and threw her into the grass. She rolled into the fall and rose to her feet, but Aleco tripped her again, causing her to fall to the ground. Her heart tightened in fear. She couldn’t lose this battle. She had to beat Aleco in this fight otherwise she would never be able to kill Drake with her own hands. Aleco jumped on top of her and gripped her throat, squeezing her windpipe under the force of his grasp. He didn’t loosen his hold, waiting for her to surrender. Accacia refused to give up. She tried to roll him away from her but he was too heavy. Her skills as an Asquithian couldn’t aid in her in this situation. His brute strength outweighed her speed and agility. Accacia had only one option at her disposal. It was a cheap trick but they agreed there were no conditions. Everything was fair. Accacia grabbed his face and pulled his lips to hers, kissing him gently. He melted at her touch and released his hold, feeling his longing for her bubble to the surface. She took advantage of his abandoned defenses and pushed him off her, climbing to her feet and arming herself with her sword. Aleco stared at her with a look of shock. He couldn’t believe she had taken advantage of his love and vulnerability as a ploy to escape.

Aleco raised his sword at her, ready to kill her. It was the final betray
al she would commit against him. He wouldn’t put up with her actions any longer. She claimed she loved him, but clearly she didn’t. She had broken his heart and she continued to do it. “I’m done with you, Accacia.” He charged her and swept his sword around and it danced in the light of the sun as it whirled around his body like a flash. Accacia blocked every attempt he made and returned with strikes of her own. She knew he wasn’t holding back. Accacia memorized the sporadic move her father made in the battle session against Zyle and she launched it at Aleco. Aleco was cut along the shoulder, unable to block the speed of her blade. Accacia pushed him back, about to cut him along the neck, the winning blow, when her sword flew from her grasp.

Aleco held his hand aloft and pushed the wind against
her, blowing her back a few feet. Aleco directed her blade through the force of the wind, tossing it across the field away from Accacia’s reach. There was no way she could grab the blade and evade Aleco’s pursuit at the same time. Aleco smiled at her with a triumphant look on his face. “You wanted to play dirty, Accacia.”

He ran to her and she
rolled out of the way. He slashed his sword at her but she continued to move out of reach, dancing like a flower in the wind. Aleco grew frustrated with her speed. She had lost the battle and she knew it. He was aware of the people who were approaching the base of the tree. He could feel Zyle and the other Asquithians, along with a few of his own Naturalists. They stared at the battle in shock. Zyle ran to Accacia’s aid, unaware of the non-lethal sparring match. Aleco flicked his wrist and the air swirled around them, keeping the spectators back.

Aleco stared at Accacia. “Surrender, Accacia. You have lost this battle.”

She shook her head. “This isn’t over yet.”

“So be it.” He dashed to her across the grass and raised his sword and she moved out of the way.
Despite his brewing anger he admired her skill in battle. She was losing, but her skills were impressive. He whirled his blade around, trying to land his blow but he missed every attempt. Accacia grabbed him by the wrist and slammed it into her thigh, causing his blade to drop to the ground. Accacia grabbed the guild sword and threw it across the grass and it landed alongside her warrior blade.

“Now we are even.” Accacia could have used his sword against him but she didn’t. She was trying to make up for her unfair attack on him. When her lips met his
, he had lost all thought. Accacia held her fists to her chest, ready to directly engage him in a physical battle.

Aleco shook his head. “You have no chance to prevail. You need to surrender, Accacia. I am about to hurt you.”

Accacia didn’t respond verbally, but physically. She punched him in the nose then moved away, avoiding the fist that was moving toward her skull. She evaded his next attempt and kicked him in the knee. Aleco chased her as if he wasn’t affected by the blows she had landed on him. Accacia darted out of the way again but he managed to grab both of her arms, and he slammed his head into hers, knocking her backwards. Her eyes became glazed for a moment but she recovered from the trauma and aimed her shoulder into his stomach. When her arms were outstretched he grabbed them and pulled her closer to him. He squeezed her wrist painfully and he could see her eyes water under the force of his strength. The significance of his actions was not lost on her—she knew he was trying to hurt her emotionally. He spun her around and aggressively pulled her arms behind her back then kicked her knees from under her, making her body buckle to the ground. Accacia was compromised with both of her hands behind her back and Aleco smiled in victory. “Are you going to kiss me again?” he asked into her ear.

“No.” Accacia flipped her body with the strength of her arms alone and kicked Aleco in the face. He released
his hold, shocked that she had the agility to move her body in such a way. Aleco fell back and Accacia pursued him without mercy. She punched him in the face twice then tripped his feet from under him. He fell to the ground and Accacia grabbed both of his hands and pressed her thigh into his throat, completely restricting his access for air. Aleco tried to move from her grasp but his lack of oxygen was making him feel weak. Accacia saw his eyes flutter and she knew he was losing consciousness. “Now we are finished.” She released her hold and stared at him.

Aleco gasped for air and sat up. Accacia rubbed his back and ran her hands through his hair, trying to comfort him after she had hurt him. Aleco
closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her caress for a moment but then his anger flushed to the surface. He pushed her away and rose to his feet without looking at her.

Accacia grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
“Are you alright?”

He jerked his hand away. “Piss off, Accacia.”

“I told you I wasn’t defenseless.” She walked over to him and stood directly before him, looking into his blue eyes. “You will honor your word, Aleco. I won this battle.”

Aleco shook his head. “You are unbelieva
ble. The only reason why you won was because you took advantage of my feelings for you. We said there were no conditions, but that was low—even for you.”

“I survived the use of your powers, disarmed you, and still beat you without a weapon. Do not try to avoid this Aleco—I won.”

“I’m not denying your victory, Accacia. I will keep my word to you. I just hope you realize you lost a lot more than you won today.” He stared at her for a moment before he walked away. “Congratulations.”

The Lorunien Tree




“Accacia, are you alright?” Zyle grabbed her arms and examined her body, checking for wounds or bruises. “I’ll kill him if he hurt you.” She saw the anger in his eyes and she knew he meant it. He kissed her forehead and pulled away. “What just happened? We heard
that the Nature Priest and the Queen of the Asquithians were fighting to the death. I came right away.”

“I’m sorry to frighten you, Zyle.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, assuring him she was okay. “Aleco and I were trying to resolve a dispute.”

“By trying to
each other?”

Accacia shook her head. “No,” she said. “None of our attacks were lethal.”

“Well, did you work out your differences?”

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