Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (35 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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“Thank you,” he whispered.

She nodded against his chest. “Will you say goodbye tomorrow?”

“No,” he said. “I don’t
want to say bye to the little ones twice. Once was hard enough.”

“Have you changed your mind?” she asked. Aleco knew what she was referring to. She had the adept ability to sense his emotions even when
he thought they were hidden.

“Yes,” he answered. “As soon as Accacia leaves
, it will be done.”

“Can I change your mind?”

Aleco shook his head. “No.”

“How?” she asked.

“I was hoping you would do it.”

Penny squeezed him
harder. “If you wish,” she said. “I would rather be killed by a friend than an enemy, so yes, I will do this for you.”

“Thank you, Penny. You’
re an amazing woman. Artremian is lucky to have you.”

“And Accacia is an idiot for not wanting you.”

Aleco smiled. “She made the right choice. I don’t blame her decision—I’ve forgiven her.”

“Then why are you going through with it?”

“I have no reason to live,” he said simply. “And I have too many reasons why I shouldn’t. The math speaks for itself.”

“I think you should give it more time. Per
haps when Accacia is away you’ll feel better.”

Aleco felt a tear fall. “I will never be better, Penny. I have never been well. The only time I have ever been was when Accacia was mine. I know what my future entails—nothing.”

Penny kissed him on the cheek. “You will never be forgotten, Aleco. Your namesake will carry your legacy. I just wish he got to know his godfather.”

co closed his eyes and turned to her. “I’m sorry, Penny. This is what I want.”

“I know,” she said quietly. “And I accept it.”


Aleutian Keep, Letumian Province




Drake held up the dagger he found in the nightstand in Aleco’s bedchamber. It still contained drops of dried blood and Drake knew it was
his own blood. There was no doubt. The king had tried to kill his brother before he framed him, but he was glad his attempt had been unsuccessful. Framing his brother was much more satisfying. He remembered the night like it just happened.

The nighttime breeze flew through the open window and fluttered the red drapes that were on either side of the opening. The silk fabric of the curtains danced in the summertime wind and they billowed under the light of the midnight moon. Aleco slept peacefully on his bed, his shirtless body lying on top of the sheets because the heat of the summer made his bedchamber warm. The sounds of the flaying curtains didn’t disturb him from hi
s slumber. He sighed deeply as he fell into his dreams.

Drake watched him from the corner with a shiny dagger held in his palm, th
e very one he had killed his beloved dog with. The idea of blood splashing across the sheets made his heart beat in ecstasy. The death of his brother would solve all his problems. Drake would no longer be the less favored twin; he would be the only twin. The metal of the dagger caught the reflection of the moon and it shined the light on the wall. Drake’s mouth was stretched into an eerie grin. Drake approached the bedside.

The creak of the floorboards woke Aleco from sleep. He saw the figure approach
his bed but he couldn’t distinguish the figure in the dark, but he could see the shiny dagger in his outstretched palm. It could only be one person. With lightning speed, Aleco grabbed his dagger from under his pillow and rolled out of the way from the stabbing knife, which was directed at his throat.

Aleco landed on the other side of the bed and he ran to his brother, knowing he had to kill him or he would be slaughtered eventually. His knife lashed out for
Drake’s eyes, but Drake ducked out of the way and cut Aleco along the arm. The pain was negligent and faded to the back of his mind, the urgency of the situation taking priority over his minor wound.

m the better fighter, Drake. I will kill you,” Aleco warned. “Drop the knife and I will drop mine.”

Drake shook his head. “No,” he said. “This ends now. I want you dead.”

“I’m your brother, Drake. I never meant to hurt you on purpose. You have to realize that. Why are you so blinded by your hate?”

“Perhaps because no one loves me?” he mocked. Aleco narrowed his e
yes at him. “I have no one to love me, right? But I will when you’re gone.”

“Mother and F
ather would hate you even more than they already do.”

“I think otherwise.” Drake aimed his dagger for Aleco’s stomach but missed the mark. He continued to pursue his brother but Aleco evaded all of the attacks. He didn’t aim his blade at his brother, hoping he could move away from his attacks until help arrived. Aleco knew how loud they were being.

“I’m going to kill you, stab you in the stomach, just like I did to that mutt of yours.”

The hateful words snapped Aleco’s mind and he felt his body change, contort into a mass of uncontrollable bloodlust. He loved that dog as his companion, his best friend, and his death would never be forgiven. The anger set
tled into his mind and twisted it, making all logical reason leave his body. Aleco attacked his brother with all the strength he could. He lashed his knife at Drake, but his brother moved away from the point of the knife. Aleco finally cut his forearm and made a deep gash. Then he pushed Drake to the ground and began to kick him savagely, screaming like a mad man. He stabbed him in the arm with the dagger and his brother screamed in pain. Aleco kicked him again until he broke his ribs. The redness descended over his eyes and he continued to beat his brother mercilessly. He hated the boy with every fiber of his being and he wanted him to die, to cease living forever.

The bedchamber door opened and Aleco was grabbed
from him behind and his bloody dagger was torn from his hand. The guard held Aleco back as his father ran to Drake, who was a bloody heap on the ground. “He’s still alive,” he said aloud.

“LET HIM DIE, FATHER!” Aleco tried to break his restraints and dash to his brother, kicking him in the head but he couldn’t move. “DON’T HELP HIM! LET HIM DIE!”

“Don’t speak, Aleco,” he said as he carried Drake in his arms. “I will deal with you later.” His father left the room with Drake in his arms. Drake felt his body lose consciousness as he left the bedchamber, but he knew his father was carrying him to safety. He hoped Aleco would be punished for what he had done to him even though he had initiated the attack. Drake felt his body swell with rage when he remembered how his brother savagely beat him. He was as much of a monster as he was.

The Canu




Accacia stared up at the ceiling for hours, looking at th
e beams in the structure that supported the deck of the ship above. She wasn’t thinking about the architecture of the ship, however. Her mind was stuck on the thoughts of tomorrow. Accacia couldn’t believe the day had arrived. She had worked so hard to get the Asquithians to sail to these shores and she had accomplished the task. Then they had defeated the city of Paso Robles, freeing the slaves from the realm to add to their rank of fighters. Now all she had to do was kill the king—it sounded so simple. Accacia knew how untrue that was.

Zyle slept beside her and she could feel his light breath
s fall on her neck. His arm was wrapped around her waist and he was turned to her, holding her like she would slip away. Accacia held his hand within her own, appreciating the feel of his embrace. She didn’t know if he would survive the attack. She didn’t know if she would survive it herself.

The thought of seeing Drake again made her heart falter in her chest. Mitan was a far mor
e formidable opponent than the king was but she didn’t fear him as much as Drake. The man had taken everything away from her—everything. The anger coursed through her body and she relished the idea of finally killing him but her bliss was replaced by fear—what if she failed? What if the battle was lost? She wouldn’t spare her deceased kin and she wouldn’t protect the living ones. Drake would kill Aleco with his bare hands, and Accacia would be forced under him once again. Accacia stopped the thoughts circulating in her mind—failure wasn’t an option.

Accacia passed the hours thinking of the upcoming battle in Letumian Province—she could think of nothing else. She knew the morning had arrived when Zyle stirred next to her. He kissed her neck without opening his eyes and pulled her closer to him. “I love you,” he whispered.

She felt her heart squeeze at his words. Accacia knew why he said them; these final hours may be the last chance he had to confess his love for her. She turned to him. “I love you.” Zyle opened his eyes and stared at her for a moment, saying nothing. He outlined the curve of her face with his fingertips and memorized the features of her comely countenance. Accacia felt sad at the sight. It reminded her of Aleco. He had done the same thing before she left to Suaden. Zyle’s eyes sagged in despair as he looked at her. Accacia knew he was troubled. “What is it?”

Zyle pressed his forehead against her
s. Aleco would be arriving at the ship soon to cage her into their quarters, locking the door behind him with guards to supervise her captivity. Even though Zyle wasn’t the one chaining her up, he still knew how upset Accacia would be with him. He felt like he was betraying her. He doubted she would ever give him her forgiveness. Zyle sighed before he spoke. “Do you remember what I said about forgiving each other, Accacia? Since we are going to be together for almost an eternity, we need to let the sins of the other go?”

Accacia nodded. She had no idea what Zyle meant by his words. She couldn’t imagine him every betraying her in any way; it was impossible. “What are you trying to tell me?”

Zyle kissed her hand. “Please tell me that I will always have your forgiveness—no matter what.”

Accacia was afraid. She had never seen Zyle so frightened. “What did you do?”

“I haven’t done it yet. But please understand that I know my actions will hurt you, but I am going to do it anyway—for you.” Accacia was feeling more confused by the moment. She had no idea what he was talking about. She saw the desperation in his eyes and her heart ached for him. She knew this was hurting him. “Tell me,” he repeated.

“What are you going to do to me?”

Zyle stared at her. “I’ll tell you on the way. But please tell me that you’ll forgive me, Accacia. I need to know that you will.”

Accacia cupped his face and looked at her life partner. She had hurt him so many times and he always forgave
her immediately. She should do the same. “Of course I will, Zyle.”

Zyle released the air from his lungs. He had been holding his breath until she responded, needing that certainty before h
e left for battle. He knew how angry she would be but at least he knew she would still love him if he returned. “Thank you,” he said as he kissed her. He rolled on top of her and kissed her with all the love he could impart from his soul. Zyle pulled her hips to him and made love to her like it was the last time. He was afraid it was. They whispered their love to each other as they held each other, combining their souls into one through their lovemaking. The act left Zyle in tears and Accacia was also overcome with emotion.

He kissed her before he pulled away, forcing himself to dress and prepare for the voyage. Accacia rolled from the bed and began to assemble her belongings even though she would
n’t need them. Zyle knew it was time. When her back was turned he placed all of his gear in the hallway and saw Aleco standing there, waiting for Zyle to give him the signal. Zyle walked back into the bedroom and shut the door.

He grabbed both of her hands and kissed each
one. Zyle dropped her palms then pulled her close to him, feeling her small body against his own. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her everywhere, saying goodbye to her silently. He pulled away and her heart tugged at the sight of his tears. “I love you more than anything, Accacia. You have healed the rift in my heart and soul, giving me a reason to live again. You’ve given me a life worth living.” He cupped her face and looked into her emerald eyes, memorizing the look she gave him. It was unconditional love. “You’re everything to me.” He kissed her again.

love you, Zyle,” she said when he pulled away. “We’re going to survive this—we won’t fail.”

Zyle stared at her. “I know,” he said through his tears. “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

Zyle nodded and forced the tears back. It was
time for him to leave. He said everything he wanted her to hear. If he died, he would perish knowing she was safe and that she understood he loved her—eternally. Zyle turned away and walked toward the door without saying goodbye.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

Zyle opened the door and walked out without responding, and Accacia felt her body shake in fear. She didn’t understand what was happening. Aleco walked into the room and stared at her for a moment. The look in his eyes was frightening. He looked determined to accomplish something. If he had a sword in his hand, she would have screamed. “You aren’t coming with us, Accacia. I decided to tell you that before I locked the door behind me.”

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