Sound of Heartache ("Sound of" Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Sound of Heartache ("Sound of" Book 2)
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Why don’t you have Brenna come in here? We’ll order her that banana split and she and I can watch a movie. That’ll give you some alone time.” Brent made the offer knowing Aimee probably needed some time to compose herself after their conversation. His chest ached with the complexity of their relationship. He wished everything could just be simple for once.

That sounds great, thanks.” She muttered, keeping her eyes on the ground, and all but ran out of the suite and back into her room. Brent dropped on the couch. Way to fuck up the evening, Pearson, he thought to himself.



After a quick talk with Brenna and promising to see her in the morning, Aimee found herself alone in the luxurious room. She had closed the door to Brent’s adjoining suite but left it unlocked. Her heart was pumping wildly in her chest and she felt like screaming. Brent was right. There were so many other paths she could have chosen. So many mistakes she made along the way. And now it looked like he might never get past them. Aimee felt like every single thing she’d ever wanted was washing down the drain because of choices she couldn’t change.

Emotionally lost and physically trembling, she thumbed open the contacts app on her phone. Eric had keyed in his number at the restaurant and urged her to call him whenever she felt like it. It was stupid of her to jump so quickly back into old patterns, but she’d always turned to him when she had relationship issues with Brent. Eric always had a practical solution and he was adept at solving her problems when she wasn’t. She quickly fired him off a text, the words blurring on the screen as tears kept filling her eyes.

You in your room?”
She sent.

Yup, no groupies tonight. ;-)”
Came back. Aimee felt too wretched to respond like she normally would.

You up for company?”
She sent back. Praying he said yes. Unsure of what she would do if he said no.

Figured you’d be with Brent and Brenna???


I’m on the 8
floor. Come down. I’ll wait for you outside the elevator.”
Aimee exhaled noisily, relieved she could get out of her room.

She threw on the robe that matched her nightie and some flip flops. Peeking into Brent’s room, there was no sign of him and Brenna. They’d probably already gone to make a nest in the suite’s bedroom so they could get comfy and watch a movie. Making memories that Aimee was again being excluded from. She shut the door softly. Making sure to grab the room key, she exited the suite and jogged to the elevator. As she rode down one floor she couldn’t believe Eric was rescuing her yet again. She didn’t know how she had survived the past ten years without him.

When the elevator door slid open, Eric’s handsome face was waiting there for her as he’d promised. He immediately drew her into the shelter of his arms and led her down the hallway toward his room. She sniffled softly and his arms tightened. She doubted he’d missed the tear tracks when she’d stepped off the elevator. She noticed his hand shook slightly as he swiped the key card for the room over the door and she felt bad for dumping her emotional garbage on him. She couldn’t seem to help herself. When the door finally closed behind her and she was in the quiet comfort of his small suite she turned and buried her face into his lean chest. The sound of his heart thudding against her ear was comforting and reassuring. He hadn’t changed out of his flannel and it was soft against her cheek.

What happened Aimee-girl?” Eric asked her gently. She sniffled again and burrowed closer. She wasn’t sure how Eric didn’t think she was the worst person ever for what she’d done to Brent. She didn’t understand it at all, but she appreciated it nonetheless. Eric’s hand rubbed up and down Aimee’s back in broad sweeps.

Other than the fact that I’m the worst person alive?” She muttered. Eric’s hand paused briefly before resuming the reassuring stroking.

That’s bullshit and you know it,” he said bluntly. “You’re raising an amazing daughter. You’re a pediatrician before thirty for God’s sake. You had a shitty start at adulthood and you did the best you could with what you had.”

Why doesn’t Brent see it that way?” Aimee wailed softly. She turned out of Eric’s arms and paced over to an amazing view of the city. She was glad Eric had kept the curtains open.

I can’t speak for Brent. But I know that if I had someone as amazing as you trying to make things work, I’d jump right on it.” Eric’s voice had an odd note to it and Aimee swung to face him. All playfulness was gone, and in place stood a man who appeared to have a good grasp on what he wanted in life.

Have you met someone?” She asked, curiously. Eric had always been perpetually single. He went home with many women but none of them ever seemed to stick. From what she’d read in the tabloids, his patterns hadn’t changed any. If anyone deserved to meet the right woman, it was Eric.

Not exactly,” he hedged. It was obviously uncomfortable territory for him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him. She felt him press a kiss to the top of her head.

Eric, that’s hardly fair. You know so much about the mess of my life. It might help me feel better if you shared a little of your own,” she said coaxingly. Aimee was relatively sure she could come up with some reasonable advice for him. She was only an idiot around Brent. Most of the time she actually made sound decisions.

Maybe we’ll talk about me later. In the meantime, what did Brent say tonight that has you so upset?” Listening to Eric’s deep voice rumble through his chest was relaxing and she leaned even deeper into his embrace. The fact that he was here with her right now when he could be anywhere else and was trying to help her solve her problems showed the measure of how good a man he was.

I love you, you know.” She blurted out. Eric had never done anything other than support her. He was her champion. If she could have picked an older brother out of anyone in the entire universe, it would’ve been him. “I missed your friendship so much after I left.”

I saw you in Portland, you know.” Eric’s words shocked Aimee and were not what she was expecting him to say. She pulled out of the warm comfort of his arms and stumbled over to the couch. Her knees were suddenly shaky and she sank down. Her trembling hand swept through her hair and she looked up at Eric with tears in her eyes.

When did you see me?” She asked him, barely able to get the words out. Had Eric seen her in the crowd? Or had Eric seen her in the hotel before she went into Brent’s room? Had he seen her a mess while she was leaving and not stopped her? She saw him fall into the seat across from her, his hands held out toward her. She shrank back against the cushions. “When?” She demanded of him.

Just before you went into his room. And just after.” Eric’s quiet, broken admission knocked the breath out of Aimee. Her hand pressed in on her chest and she struggled to breathe. She never would have expected this from him, ever.

Why?” She croaked. “You had to have known what I’d see!” Was it possible Eric hadn’t known what Aimee was in for? From what Brent had said, his modus operandi by the time he’d hit Portland was coke and women so it didn’t seem likely Eric wouldn’t have known. Eric’s shoulders dropped and he buried his face in his hands. “Eric?” She begged. “Tell me why you would do that to me?” She was struggling to understand why he would let her be hurt so terribly.

I…” She watched as he struggled to find something to say but could come up with nothing. Aimee shot to her feet, heartbroken. She never thought Eric would betray her like this, ever. This night was turning out to be the worst one she could ever remember having. She felt unwanted by the man she loved and betrayed by the man she had called friend.

I thought you were my friend!” She accused bitterly. “But a friend wouldn’t let someone see the love of their life fucking multiple women!” Her voice rose. She began to back away from him.

God, Aimee…” Eric leapt to his feet. “I never meant to tell you but I can’t hide things from you. I don’t want to hide anything from you.”

Tell. Me. Why!” Aimee’s hands clenched at her sides. Eric dropped to his knees at her feet and looked up at her. His hazel eyes were bright with tears but Aimee was unmoved.

I loved you!” He told her earnestly, his deep voice catching on a sob.

I loved you too! Which is why I don’t understand how you could let me see that!” Aimee’s eyes filled with tears, too. She didn’t jerk away as Eric cautiously took her hands in his.

No, Aimee,” he corrected brokenly. “I
you. And for once in my life, that night I was selfish. I wanted you to see Brent, to know what he’d become.” A stray tear worked its way down Eric’s cheek, past the nose ring, and dripped off his strong chin. Aimee shook her head, confused.

I don’t understand,” she told him numbly. But she was beginning to be afraid that maybe she did.

When you lived with us, it just happened. I couldn’t help it.” Another tear slid down. “I never said or did anything that wasn’t in support of you guys, though,” Eric defended himself. “You have to know that. I always helped you guys. Portland was the only time.”

Portland was not the time to choose to make a stand,” Aimee muttered. “But what do you mean you couldn’t help it when I lived with you?” She asked him. She needed to make absolutely sure they were on the same page and if Eric was saying what she thought, she didn’t know what she’d do.

I couldn’t help falling in love with you Aimee.” Eric’s words were said despairingly and Aimee’s heart broke for him. There was no mistaking their meaning.

God, Eric. I had no idea.” She looked down into his glistening eyes and for the first time she could see banked desire in the hazel depths. She became acutely aware of the thin nightie and robe she wore and hated the fact that she was even worried about any of this. God, her life was such a mess right now.

I didn’t want you to know,” he told her softly. “I knew you were all in with Brent.” Aimee sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around him, comforting him the only way she knew how.

You’re an amazing man. I don’t know how you held it in and kept helping us, but I appreciate that you did.” She kept her head tucked under his chin. “Where do we go from here?” She asked gently. She needed to know where Eric was mentally. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him further.

I would love nothing more than to make a life with you.” He said slowly, as if weighing out each of the words. “But I think you’re so in love with Brent, I’ll never be a consideration.” Her arms tightened around him.

I’m so sorry,” she said sincerely. She hated hurting this wonderful man. He stood, his strong arms lifting them both off the floor. He set her gently on her feet.

Can I…” Eric took a deep breath and blew it out. He took her hand. “Just once…” He laced their fingers together. “I’d really like to kiss you, Aimee. Just once.” His eyes searched hers and her heart beat a little unsteadily. Aimee bit her lip, before nodding slowly. Eric’s eyes warmed until they were glowing and Aimee caught her breath. He’d never directed that kind of look at her and it made her realize just how much of himself he’d held back so she wouldn’t know how he felt.

Bending down, Eric slowly pressed his lips to hers. They were wide and soft and gentle. Aimee’s eyes slid closed. She opened her mouth slightly to capture his full bottom lip in hers, sucking on it gently. When she released it, his tongue came out to lick along her lips. It never demanded entry, just caressed gently in between the small nips and presses they passed back and forth. Eric ended the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers, his breathing rough. His palms ran over her cheeks and through her hair.

Since hot monkey sex is out, why don’t we order some expensive champagne, some calorically crazy dessert, and watch an action flick?” Although Eric’s words were purposefully light, Aimee could tell he was fighting arousal and trying to bring things down a notch. She wasn’t completely unaffected by the kiss and worked hard to bring match his tone.

Hot monkey sex is definitely out since I don’t really even know what that is.” She told him wryly. He chuckled hoarsely. “But you’re on for the rest of it!”

While Eric phoned in a room service order, Aimee went into the bedroom and snagged a few pillows off the enormous and luxurious looking bed. Eric stood in the doorway and for a brief second, Aimee could see the naked longing on his face before he quickly masked it. She moved toward him and shoved a pillow into his chest. He over exaggerated her hit and made gasping noises. She giggled and they took spots on opposite ends of the couch, snuggling down just like they used to do at Eric and Brent’s old apartment. Aimee refused to second-guess allowing the kiss to happen. Eric had been there for her and Brent so many times that honoring his request seemed to be the right thing to do.

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