Spam Kings (33 page)

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Authors: Brian S McWilliams

Tags: #COMPUTERS / General

BOOK: Spam Kings
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A database launched by in 2000 to track the largest spammers on the
Internet (

SBL (Spamhaus Block List)

A spam blacklist created by in 2001, based in part on data from Rokso

Screen name

An America Online subscriber's username. Also used to refer to any alias used by an
Internet user.


An email account created by a spammer and added to mailing lists to test whether a
run of junk emails is successfully delivered and is not blocked by an ISP's

Sender ID

A technical specification designed to address the problem of email forgery and
domain spoofing. Sender ID is backed by Microsoft and other high-tech companies and is
currently being considered for implementation as an Internet standard.

SMS (short message service)

A feature available on many mobile phones that allows text messages of up to 160
characters to be sent and received via the cell phone provider's message center to a
subscriber's mobile phone, or from the Internet, using an SMS gateway web site.

Sock puppet

A secondary screen name secretly used by an individual during online discussions to
support his position in an argument. Spammers are often accused of creating sock puppets
to defend their actions on newsgroups such as Nanae.


One of the leading anti-spam web sites launched in 1999 by Steve Linford. The term
is also generically used to describe an ISP or other company responsible for spam

Spam trap

An email address set up by a spam fighter to capture unsolicited email ads for the
purpose of tracking spammers.


A software program designed to send junk email.


To advertise something via spam.

Spews (Spam Prevention Early Warning System)

A mysterious spam blacklist launched in 2001 by a team of anonymous individuals

SPF (sender policy framework)

A technical specification designed to combat email forgery. SPF is designed to make
spammers send mail from their real domains instead of hijacking the accounts of innocent
users. The technology forms part of the basis of a proposed Internet standard called
Sender ID.


A spammer who hires affiliates to send email ads on a commission basis.


To alter the "From" line of an email message so that it appears to come from someone
other than the actual sender.


A digital telephone line capable of carrying data at one and a half megabits per
second in both directions.

TOS (terms of service)

The rules governing use of an Internet service.


Refers to a computer that has been compromised by attackers and can be used, without
the owner's authorization, to send spam or perform other actions.


Someone who creates newsgroup postings designed to spark a flame war or otherwise
create controversy.


Unsolicited commercial email, or spam.


A computer operating system originally developed at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Today, a
variant of Unix called Linux is preferred by many computer aficionados over Microsoft's
Windows operating system. Unix-based software runs on the majority of Internet

URL (uniform resource locator)

The address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.
is one example of a URL.

USCF (United States Chess Federation)

The official sanctioning body for over-the-board chess tournament play in the U.S.,
with over 90,000 members (


A worldwide bulletin board system that can be accessed through the Internet or
through many online services. The Usenet contains thousands of forums, called
newsgroups, which cover every imaginable interest group.


The name subscribers use to sign on to the Internet. The username is also the name
that appears to the left of the ampersand (@) in an email address.

Valid "From"

A return address on a spam message that represents an actual email account
controlled by the spammer.


Refers to a list of email addresses or proxies that has been checked to ensure that
its contents are valid.


An Internet service that enables users to query the ownership records of domains


A list of email or IP addresses from which an individual or service wishes to
receive email.

XBL (Exploits Block List)

An anti-spam blacklist launched by in 2003 to combat the increasing use
by spammers of Trojaned computers and proxies (


A compromised computer controlled by a malicious attacker for the purpose of
performing a denial-of-service attack on other systems.

For more online definitions of spam-related terminology, refer to "The Spam
Glossary," by Ed Falk ( (Exploits Block List)glossaryverifiedglossary.html
), and "The Net Abuse Jargon File," by Andrew Nellis (

A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.

#Lart and #Nanae,
A Date with a Spam Queen
Acme 5X24 series time transducing capacitor,
The Time-Travel Spammer
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Agreement Concerning the Operation of Bulk Hosted Web Sites,
Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Al-Zalzalah, Saied,
Nanae Battles over Block Lists
The Shiksaa Shakedown
violent threats against Steve Linford,
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Amazing Internet (Pinacle herbal product),
The Pinacle Partnership Program
AMD Dimensional Warp Generator,
The Time-Travel Spammer
American Knife Depot,
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
American Nationalist Party (ANP),
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
American Red Cross,
amount consumers spend on spam,
Androstenone spam,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
reasons to target with spam,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
v. Davis Hawke et al.,
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Apex Global Information Systems (AGIS),
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Archie, Jennifer,
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Asensio, Cheryl,
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
AT&T pink contract,
Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Atkins, Steve,
Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Aureate Media,
Hawke Tutors Bournival
Avalanche spam software,
Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
David D'Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Banks, Tony, Rokso listing,
The Pinacle Partnership Program
Banned CD,
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigations),
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Behind Enemy Lines web site,
A Date with a Spam Queen
Biedron, Jon,
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
binary bombs,
Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Blacklist of Internet Advertisers,
Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
blacklisting ISPs,
Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Bo Decker,
Birth of a Spam King
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Boe, Randall (AOL general counsel),
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Boes, Paul (Rokso listing),
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Boldt, Alex,
Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Bournival, Brad,
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Tutors Bournival
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Amazing Internet Products
Patricia's Graveyard Gambit
The Phoenix Company
The Phoenix Company
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
attempts to comply with CAN-SPAM,
The Phoenix Company
cooperation in AOL lawsuit,
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
introduction to spam by Davis Hawke,
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
SMS spamming,
The Phoenix Company
tournament chess and,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Bowling Green Municipal Courthouse,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Brower, Adam (Spamhaus team member),
The Shiksaa Shakedown
The Shiksaa Shakedown
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Brunner, Andrew,
Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Bubba Catts,
Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
Bulk Barn,
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
Bulk ISP Corporation,
Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Bulkbook, The,
Amazing Internet Products
Burns, Conrad (Senator),
Bush, George W.,
CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of
Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
first lawsuits,
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
FTC bounty system,
Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
Castaneda, Paola,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email),
Certified Natural,
Amazing Internet Products
The Pinacle Partnership Program
The Phoenix Company
Spamford Meets Hacker-X,
Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
David D'Amato, the Titanic Spammer
The Shiksaa Shakedown
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
childhood asthma, highest rates of,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Christian Brothers,
Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Cinco de Mayo Cyberpromo Mailbomb Day,
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Clark, Mike,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Amazing Internet Products
Amazing Internet Products
The Pinacle Partnership Program
The Pinacle Partnership Program
The Phoenix Company
The Phoenix Company
Club Plum Crazy,
co-reg mailing lists,
Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
coffee and cats,
The Education of an Anti-Spammer,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Conley, Glenn,
Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Connolly, Bruce (Rosko listing),
The Pinacle Partnership Program
cost of spam,
Cotreau, Kevin,
Amazing Internet Products
Cowles, Dasha,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
photographing Karen Hoffmann,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Cowles, Tom,
Tracking Empire Towers
Tracking Empire Towers
Tracking Empire Towers
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Creampie Productions
Creampie Productions
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
falling out with Eddy Marin,
Tracking Empire Towers
MassiveMail spamware,
Tracking Empire Towers
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations and,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
post-9/11 spam,
release from jail,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
wife Dasha,
Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Cross, Winston,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Cyanide Idiot,
Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Cyber Angels,
Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Cyber Promotions,
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Avalanche bulk-email software,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Cyto International,
Jason Vale Held in Contempt
Dark Mailer,
The Phoenix Company
The Gingerbread Man
DDOS (distributed denial-of-service),
Rise of the Spam Zombies
death threat to anti-spammer,
Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Deja News,
The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Details magazine,
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
dictionary attack,
The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Tracking Empire Towers
Dimensional Displacement Diversion Act,
The Time-Travel Spammer
Direct Marketing Association (DMA),
dirty mailing lists,
Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
distributed denial-of-service attack on,
Rise of the Spam Zombies
Dorenkov, Natasha (pseudonym of Karen Hoffmann),
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Dr. Fatburn,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
David D'Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Amazing Internet Products
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
The Time-Travel Spammer
The Phoenix Company
counterfeit software and,
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
first spam,
David D'Amato, the Titanic Spammer
ripped off by Davis Hawke,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Patricia's Graveyard Gambit
The Gingerbread Man
Dunaway, Sean,
The Gingerbread Man
Dutch International Products,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Farber, David,
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Felstein, Mark,
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Ferris Research,
first legal action against a spammer in Massachusetts,
The Time-Travel Spammer
Fizzer virus,
Rise of the Spam Zombies
Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Fordham Law School,
David D'Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Forum for Responsible and Ethical Email (FREE),
Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Francoeur, Erik,
AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
FTC (Federal Trade Commission),
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
sting, Operation Waistline,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
furtive shoppers,
Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, The (Florida spam group),
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Garrett, Taylor Joynson (UUNET counsel),
Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Garst, Rodona,
A Date with a Spam Queen
Garst, Rodona, viii,
A Date with a Spam Queen
Gates, Bill,
Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Gleeson, John (District Judge),
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Glen Burnie,
Fighting Dr. Fatburn
Golden Mallet,
The Education of an Anti-Spammer
The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Google Groups,
The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Gray, Karl,
Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Green, Gene (Unsolicited Electronic Mail Act),
Greenbaum, Hyman Andrew,
Birth of a Spam King
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Greenbaum, Peggy Ambler Davis,
Birth of a Spam King
Hawke Mails the Web Manual
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
The Phoenix Company
Group Mail,
Hawke Tutors Bournival
H.R. 718,
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
hackers versus anti-spammers,
Rise of the Spam Zombies
Hanks, Michael A.,
Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Hardigree, Steve,
The Shiksaa Shakedown
Harnisch, Allison (U.S. Attorney),
Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Hawke, Davis,
Birth of a Spam King
Birth of a Spam King
Birth of a Spam King
Birth of a Spam King
Birth of a Spam King
Birth of a Spam King
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Hawke Mails the Web Manual
Hawke's Publishing Company in a Box
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Tutors Bournival
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Amazing Internet Products
Patricia's Graveyard Gambit
Patricia's Graveyard Gambit
Creampie Productions
The Pinacle Partnership Program
The Time-Travel Spammer
The Phoenix Company
The Phoenix Company
America Knife Depot and,
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
and Reid Walker,
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Hawke Mails the Web Manual
androstenone spam,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Aryan rally in Washington, D.C.,
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Banned CD,
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Bo Decker,
Birth of a Spam King
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Brad Bournival and,
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Hawke Tutors Bournival
change from neo-Nazi to libertarian,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
chess pseudonym Walter Smith,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Columbine High School shootings and,
Birth of a Spam King
connection to time-travel spammer,
The Time-Travel Spammer
Creampie Productions,
Creampie Productions
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
EBay Home Study Course,
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
FTP log lapse,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Knights of Freedom (KOF) and,
Birth of a Spam King
Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn't Show
Mauricio Ruiz and,
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Million Dollar Publishing Company in a Box,
Hawke's Publishing Company in a Box
outed as Andrew Britt Greenbaum,
Birth of a Spam King
Paola Castaneda and,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Patricia Lingenfelter and,
Birth of a Spam King
Pinacle and,
The Pinacle Partnership Program,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
QuikSilver Enterprises,
Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
RaveX spam,
The Phoenix Company
resuming tournament chess,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
ripping off Dr. Fatburn,
Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Ross Perot and,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Send-Safe and,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
Seven Days to Spam Success,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
SMS spamming,
The Phoenix Company
spamming from grandparents' home,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Stephen Hawking and,
Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
strict vegan regimen,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
The Spambook,
Mad Pierre's Homage to Shiksaa
tournament chess and,
Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
using legalese,
Hill, Dave,
The Time-Travel Spammer
Hit Delete campaign,
Hoffmann, Karen,
Tracking Empire Towers
Tracking Empire Towers
Hawke Tutors Bournival
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
on Scott Richter's payroll,
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
pseudonym Natasha Dorenkov,
Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Toledo CyberCafe,
Tracking Empire Towers
Tom Cowles and,
Tracking Empire Towers
honey pot,
Rise of the Spam Zombies
spam traps,
Rise of the Spam Zombies

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