Read Spark of Magic Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Spark of Magic (12 page)

BOOK: Spark of Magic
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He should have listened more to his instincts. The others followed quickly behind, each filing into the room silently

With an angry wave of his hand he brought up a spell, the words hanging in the air before him.

“It will take three of us,” Nicholas murmured, studying the spell.

Vincent jumped onto the counter, his tail swishing angrily. “You cannot do this, Nicholas. It’s one thing to dabble in black magic, it’s just frowned upon, but you cannot use a forbidden spell. It would mean banishment for you. For all of us.”

“I don’t give a fuck.”

“Think about what you’re doing,” Vincent cautioned.

The anger within him finally burst and he turned to yell at Vincent. “I will not lose her! If it means my banishment then so be it!”

“What if it means your execution?” Vincent yelled back.

Nicholas stared down at him, his jaw tightening and flexing in anger. It didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was getting her out of there. She wasn’t strong enough to battle Sebastian alone. She wouldn’t survive.

“I can’t just sit here and do nothing, Vincent. I can’t. She means everything to me and I have to get her back.”




Vincent remained silent then nodded in resigned understanding.

“What do we need?” Darien asked as he stepped forward and began rummaging through the various herbs and jars.

Nicholas turned slightly and waved his hand, forming another list of words next to the original spell. “The list is here.”

“You said it would take three,” Marcus replied softly from his spot by the door.

Vincent raised his palm. “I’ll do it. I’m more powerful than you, Marcus. Besides, I’m already in trouble. What’s a little casting of a forbidden spell?”

Marcus shook his head as though to argue but Nicholas held up his hand, stopping him. A sad smile tugged at his lips. “You’re Jullian’s son, Marcus. We may be able talk our way out of this with the council. You wouldn’t stand a chance and you know it.”

His gaze turned to Tonya, who stood next to Marcus, tears streaming down her face. His gut clenched at the worry he saw in her eyes, guilt ate away at him, leaving almost nothing in its wake but determination. Rebecca was his life. He would die without her. He knew that now and also knew his brother felt the same way. He could see it in his tortured gaze.

“We’ll get her back, I promise.”

* * * * *

Rebecca’s stomach roiled with nausea as she tried to sit up. Rocks bit into her back and hips, heat singed her skin. She coughed, gagging on the acrid smell filling the thick air. Where was she?

Opening her eyes, she stared in fear at the place she’d seen in her dream—the cavern, the screams, the heat. Demons hovered close by, their glowing eyes watching her with morbid fascination. Blood dripped from the rocks surrounding her, adding to the acrid smell. Fear snaked through her, making her tremble. She had to find a way out. She had to get back to Nicholas and Darien.

She couldn’t leave them, not now. She loved them. Loved them with everything she had in her. She wanted to live, not die here in this place—not at Sebastian’s hands.

Moving to her knees, she winced as the hard ground bit into her flesh. She tried to better make out her surroundings but steam and smoke surrounded her. In the distance the steam glowed red. The screams echoed around her. She covered her ears, trying to block them out but it was no use. They came from everywhere, even from inside her mind.

Sobbing, she dropped her hands to the ground, feeling for anything she could use to make a capture circle, praying it would work here. Her hands only met hard, solid ground. No pebbles, no dirt. Nothing. In anger, she slapped her hand against the ground, her sobs coming harder now.

She hated herself for crying. Hated that weakness but she couldn’t stop. All she could think about were Nicholas and Darien. Her twin warlocks. Her loves.




“I expected more.”

Glancing up, she met Sebastian’s ice-cold eyes. He stood a few feet away, a cape around his shoulders, long grayish-blond hair falling over one shoulder, a cane in his hand. At the top of it the glowing red eyes of a dragon stared toward her, flickering as though they were alive. She shuddered at the evil that surrounded her, choked her.

“Fuck you,” she snarled.

“Not today, I’m afraid,” he purred, sending tingles of fear down her spine.

“What do you want from me?”

He squatted, bringing himself eye level. She couldn’t stop the gnawing hatred that gripped her. The anger. This man killed her parents—wanted to kill her.

“Your death,” he hissed and she gasped. She’d seen this. She was reliving her nightmare.

Reaching out, he grabbed her wrist roughly, turning it so the underside faced the ceiling. “Such beautiful skin,” he murmured as his fingers gently caressed the inside of her wrist.

She flinched, trying to pull her hand from his gasp. He held tight, the force of his hold tightening and hurting her fingers.

“It will be a shame to see it slashed.”

She gasped, narrowing her eyes at him. “They’ll know you did it. Nicholas and Darien will see to it that they know.”

Sebastian snorted. “All they’ll see when they meld with you is your own suicide.”

A chill ran down Rebecca’s spine. Glancing down, she spotted a long jagged knife in her left hand. She stared in shock, unsure where it had come from but immediately knowing what she was to do with it. She shook her head, glaring at Sebastian.

“No,” she growled as her hand moved closer to the wrist Sebastian held. He was making her do it, making her kill herself.

She struggled against his power. His mind was so much stronger than hers, his powers so much more refined. She couldn’t fight him and cried out as the blade bit into her flesh, sinking deep within her wrist. Burning pain raced up her arm as her warm blood spilled onto the ground with every beat of her pulse.

“No,” she gasped.

Wrenching her wrist from his hand she dropped the knife and tried to cover the gaping wound.

Sebastian laughed at her futile efforts. “There’s no stopping it now, child. You’ll die, having killed yourself over your failure to accept what you are.”

“They’ll never believe it,” she hissed, her voice sounding far away even to her own ears.

Fatigue pulled at her shoulders and coldness seeped into her flesh, making her shiver. She couldn’t stop the flow of blood as it spurted to the ground. As she watched, 97



ignoring Sebastian’s laughter, she remembered the circle. It could be made from anything. Even her own blood?

Glancing back at Sebastian, she moved carefully, slowly. She only had about a minute at best. She had to do this without him catching on.

,” she murmured under her breath as she held her wrist out, letting the blood drip to the ground. “
,” she repeated, turning slowly so that the blood dripped around her in what she hoped was a circle.

Sebastian smiled, unaware of what she was doing. His gaze had moved to the ceiling, his mouth spreading into a triumphant grin. “Your seat will be mine, the vampires will control the council and you, my dear, will be the last of your line.”

She glanced up at him in anger, her mind fading, her limbs growing numb. “Not if I can help it.”

With on final swipe of her wrist, she closed the circle. “
,” she whispered and a blue haze appeared around her, enclosing her.

Sebastian’s eyes widened and he took a step toward her. “No,” he growled. “You’re not strong enough.”

She closed her eyes, concentrating with all her might on home. On her twins.

“Nicholas!” she screamed then fainted as a blinding light consumed her.

* * * * *

Darien shoved bottles aside in aggravation. Where was that damn bottle of jasmine?

He was so worried about Rebecca he could hardly think. They had to find her. They had to get her back. He needed her. He hadn’t even realized how much until just now.

He vowed if they got her back, he’d tell. He’d tell her how he felt. How much he loved her.

“Rebecca!” Tonya screamed and Darien dropped the jar he’d just picked up. It fell to the floor, shattering as he turned to see what had made Tonya scream.

He froze, unable to breathe as he stared at a pale, unconscious Rebecca on the floor.

“Oh my god,” he cried as he dropped to his knees next to her.

Fear unlike anything he’d ever known swam through him, tightening his chest.

Blood slowly oozed from her wrist and he lifted her hand, quickly grabbing a towel to hold over the gaping wound and stop the bleeding. Nicholas dropped to the floor on her other side, his hands cupping her face.

“My god, she’s so cold,” he murmured. “Becca, come on, baby, talk to me.”

“She’s lost too much blood,” Vincent said from the counter. “Marcus. Get the vermillion off the top shelf. Quickly. And get some of that salve to close her wrist.”

Marcus jumped to do his bidding. Tonya moved to sit at Rebecca’s knees, her lips trembling with unshed tears, her frightened gaze glued to Rebecca’s wounded wrist.

“Why would she do that?”




“She didn’t,” Nicholas hissed. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.”

“How did she get out of there?” Vincent murmured.

“I taught her to do a capture circle,” Nicholas replied.

“She was able to transport from Hell?” Darien gasped and glanced toward Vincent.

“Can Rebecca really be that strong?”

Marcus dropped down next to Darien and handed him the salve, which would harden and hold the wound on her wrist closed.

“Her father was. It’s possible she inherited his strength. It’s also possible she just wanted it badly enough. Her desire gave her strength.”

Darien and Nicholas both stared down at her while Marcus administered the vermillion into her system. That along with the other herbs he’d mixed in should save her, provided she’d gotten here in time. She looked so pale, so weak, Darien’s heart broke. He would trade places with her in a flat second if it were possible.

Leaning down, he brushed her hair from her brow and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. It was cold to his touch. Like death. “Don’t leave us, baby. Don’t leave

* * * * *

“Aahhhhh!” Sebastian howled, his arms stretched out in anger.

How the hell did she do it? How the hell did she pull it off without him fucking seeing her? And how the hell did she get that strong?

“So you want to make it difficult, do you, you little bitch?” he shouted through the smoke, his rage changing into determination. “Fine. I look forward to killing you slowly.”



Chapter Eleven

Darien paced the quiet bedroom, his nerves on edge, his heart breaking for the pale woman lying in his bed. Nicholas sat next to her, holding her hand, constantly rechecking her pulse to make sure it steadily climbed. Darien couldn’t sit that still. He needed to hit something, break it, smash it until every ounce of murderous rage was out of his system.

Vincent lay at the foot of the bed, his eyes ever watchful, his control and level-headedness for once a godsend. Tonya stood at the dresser, leaning against it as she kept her worried gaze on her friend. Marcus remained close to her, offering support for her quiet sobs.

It had been two hours since she’d returned. Two hours of waiting and watching.


“Darien,” Nicholas whispered and he turned to see Rebecca stir amid the covers.

His heart stopped as he moved to sit on her other side. Taking her still-cold hand in his, he watched her eyelids flutter gently.

“Rebecca,” he whispered.

She mumbled, tossing her head to the side with a frown.

Nicholas brushed her hair from her brow. “Becca, baby. You’re safe.”

Her eyes opened and she stared at them groggily. Tonya’s whispered, “thank god,”

floated over to them and Darien smiled slightly.

“You’re going to be okay, sweet. You did it.”

“How did you do it?” Nicholas asked softly, his lips placing gentle kisses against the back of her hand.

“I thought of you two.” Her eyes closed, her lashes fluttering gently against her pale cheeks. “I love you,” she whispered.

Darien’s heart soared and he dropped his head to the mattress next to her. She loved him. He could fly, he swore he could. “I love you, too, sweet,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss against her brow.

Nicholas sat across from him, his head bent, Rebecca’s hand held against his forehead. Sniffing and blinking back tears, Nicholas stood then bent to place a kiss on her cheek. “Sleep, sweet baby. We’ll be right here.”

“She’s regained consciousness. That’s a very good sign,” Vincent reported as he rose to all fours. “Let’s let her get some rest. Darien, you stay with her. Nicholas and I have some casting to do.”


Nicholas nodded, reluctantly following Vincent from the room. Tonya and Marcus left as well, saying they would return later to check on her. Climbing onto the bed, Darien enfolded Rebecca into his arms, holding her close. He closed his eyes and listened to the soft, even breathing of her sleep, the gentle thumping of her heart.

Mira tiesla
,” he murmured, raising an invisible shield of protection around him and Rebecca. That would keep her safe for the time being and alert him to any more demon intrusions. To hell with the council and their restrictions on black magic. She was his life. He refused to take any more chances.

* * * * *

Tonya slumped against the closed bedroom door, so relieved her friend would be okay she wanted to cry. Rebecca was all she had in this world—other than Marcus.

Her gaze moved to him as he pulled back the covers of the bed. He crossed his arms, grabbing his shirt at the hem and lifting it over his head. Her gaze wandered over his hard, smooth chest and the thick ridges of his stomach. He was so beautiful, his skin and body perfect, his eyes piercing and seductive.

As she watched him she remembered the picture she’d seen of his father the other night. Jullian had that same unreal beauty about him, those same piercing eyes.

“Are all vampires like you and your father?” she asked.

He looked up at her, his fingers frozen on the button fly of his jeans. “What do you mean?”


His lips quirked in amusement. “You think I’m beautiful?”

She rolled her eyes. “You are and you know it.” Smiling gently, she continued,

“You and your father both have this…unreal beauty about you.”

“I can assure you I’m real.” His voice dropped an octave, sending waves of desire up her spine. “Come here and I’ll show you just how real.”

Her lips twitched slightly but she kept her spot by the door. She wanted answers and she knew if she got any closer to him answers would be the last thing on her mind.

He had that much control over her.

“I’m serious, Marcus. I want to know about you. About your kind.” She met his gaze head-on. “I need to know.”

He nodded. “All right.” Leaving the fly of his jeans buttoned, he sat on the edge of the bed, facing her. Did he sense she needed this space?

“Ummm. Yes. All vampires have an ethereal beauty about them, although not all vampires are good. Some of the most beautiful are the most evil. Some, like my father, just exist the best they can, floating between the mortal world and the protected dimension the warlocks created thousands of years ago.”

“So your father isn’t one of the evil ones.”




Marcus shrugged. “He has a formidable reputation. He’s well over eight hundred years old and I think he’s mellowed somewhat with age but in his younger time, I’ve heard, he was quite the force to be reckoned with. Some still fear him today. He still has this,” Marcus waved his hand, trying to think of the right words, “this evil quality about him. But I like to believe that deep down he’s a good man.”

“What about your mother?”

“She died several hundred years ago.” He watched her closely. “She couldn’t bring herself to change over.”

“Why?” Tonya whispered.

“She told me before she died that she regretted that decision. She loved him. Missed him but she was afraid. Afraid she wouldn’t be able to do what she had to to feed.”

Tonya nodded, understanding that fear.

“It would be different for us, Tonya. I don’t feed. I don’t need to. And neither will you.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve never turned anyone but I know a half-breed who has. She became what he was and I believe that’s the way it will be with us.”

“But you’ve fed from me.”

“Only from you. You are the first woman I’ve ever slept with who I felt the need to bite.” Marcus stood and slowly walked toward her. “I won’t deny that I like the taste of blood. I like your taste but I don’t
it. Maybe it’s because I’m only half, maybe it’s something my mother did. I don’t know.”

He stopped in front of her, his eyes glowing with love and desire. For her. Her heart warmed and a lot of her resolve melted away but still some smart part of her fought it.

Fought what she knew she wanted more than anything. And that was to spend eternity with him.

After today she knew without a doubt how much she loved him but she was still so damn afraid.

He gently cupped her cheeks, tilting her head up. “All I know, Tonya, is that I love you,” he whispered against her lips, his breath warm and enticing it as it blew across her mouth. “I love you with everything that I am.”

His mouth brushed across her, sending sparks straight to her core. Her lips parted but he didn’t deepen the kiss. Instead he teased, using his tongue to trace the edges of her lips to explore her teeth and the inside of her lip. She whimpered at the sensual play—the way he coaxed her tongue into responding.

With a deep growl of satisfaction he dipped his tongue into her mouth, mating with hers. She melted at the tender onslaught, the gentle way his lips molded to hers, the taste of him as their mouths mated.

Lifting her hands, she braced them at his waist, her nails softly scraping across his flesh. His body was warm and she wanted more of that heat, needed it to fill her and 102

make her whole. His lips moved to the sensitive spot behind her ear and his teeth scratched across her skin, making her gasp. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head further to the side, allowing him better access.

“Marcus,” she sighed, but instead of biting her, he moved down along the column of her throat.

Shivers worked their way down her spine and her knees grew weak. Marcus moved closer, pressing her against the door. She moaned as his chest brushed across her nipples. Even through the material of her clothes the touch of his body against hers had the ability to send sparks to her womb.

Cream leaked from her pussy and she wiggled, lifting one leg to encircle his thigh.

Marcus growled, the sound primal, as he dipped slightly and pressed his hard cock into the hungry vee of her thighs.

“Will it always be like this?” she wondered aloud.

Marcus pulled away slightly, his eyes glazed from passion, his lips full and so delectable. “Always, Tonya. I promise.”

Bending, he put a hand behind her knees and swung her into his arms. She squealed, her lips spreading into a full smile as he carried her to the bed.

“Do you realize this will be the first time we’ve made love in a bed?” she whispered, her nose brushing across the skin under his ear. Parting her lips, she scraped her teeth across his flesh. Marcus stiffened, coming to a stop at the foot of the bed.

“What’s it like to bite?”

“Tonya,” he croaked, his breath now coming in short pants.

She eyed him through her lashes, trying to gauge this sudden change. His whole body felt tense, ready to pounce and his eyes flashed fire hot as the sun. “I love—”

“Remember what I told you,” he interrupted, his gaze intent, scorching. “If you say it you better be sure.”

“Because once I do I’m yours,” she finished for him. Leaning forward, she licked her tongue across his bottom lip. “I want to be yours. All yours. Forever. I love you, Marcus.”

With an animalistic growl he threw her onto the bed. Climbing to her knees, she watched in awe as he shoved his pants down, freeing his massive shaft. God he was magnificent. Fisting her shirt in his hand, he tugged her to him. His lips descended, catching her mouth in a kiss that left her utterly breathless.

Never breaking the kiss, he tugged at her shirt with both hands, ripping it in two.

She gasped, breaking away to stare down at herself. Marcus pulled it from her shoulders and threw it to the floor.

Her pulse pounded through her veins. His gaze locked with hers. His blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light but it didn’t frighten her. Instead it intensified her lust. No one had ever looked at her like that—like they could eat her alive. The 103

realization that Marcus could very well eat her alive made her flesh tingle as though on fire.

“Fuck the clothes,” he growled and with a wave of his hand she was naked.

“Wow,” she said, her lips lifting in a slight grin. “You certainly don’t waste any time, do you?”

“Shut up, woman,” he snarled but she didn’t miss the flicker of devilment in his gaze.

“Make me,” she purred back.

He climbed onto the bed with her, balancing himself on his knees. “Oh I’ll make you all right,” he growled, his voice deep and seductive.

Raising his hand, he shoved at her chest, sending her sprawling backward onto the bed. Settling between her thighs, he pressed the tip of his cock into her aching pussy.

Her hips lifted, begging for more but he held back for just a second.

“That and then some,” he growled just before shoving his cock inside her balls-deep.

She screamed, lifting her hips to meet his powerful thrusts. He was so big, so powerful all she could do was hold on for dear life and take what he gave her. It felt so good, his cock stretching her, filling her as he pounded into her over and over.

His mouth covered hers, swallowing her groans. Her tongue flicked across his fangs as they descended, the sharp edges piercing her. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth. Marcus groaned and sucked greedily. His hunger for her was the most erotic thing she’d ever felt. A desperate need to taste him began to build deep inside her. She wanted him to be a part of her, just like she was a part of him.

She couldn’t think this through anymore. She wanted him. She wanted to be with him. Forever.

“Marcus,” she panted as her release began to build inside her womb. “Oh god.”

“Taste me,” he whispered as his mouth covered hers again.

The taste of his blood as it filled her mouth was warm, spicy. He’d cut his own tongue on his fangs. She sucked at it, tentatively at first then hungrily as his warmth spread through her limbs. It was like being drugged and when he pulled his mouth away she whimpered, wanting it back again. Wanting more of his taste.

“Small steps, baby,” he murmured, then ground his hips against her clit, sending sparks showering through her head.

She screamed as pleasure and pain mingled. Her body was changing, she could feel it as her orgasm raced through her, building with each thrust of his cock into her pussy until she exploded into a million pieces. Her body contorted under his as he thrust harder, ringing another even more powerful orgasm from her body.

Feelings were more intense, colors brighter as she crested, barely holding onto a conscious state as feelings of euphoria swam through her. With a growl Marcus tensed above her, spilling his seed into her channel. She could feel every burning drop as it 104

released from his cock, every convulsion from her pussy as it squeezed his cock dry.

She could feel it all—everything—and shuddered from head to toe.

God, she’d had no idea it could be like that.

“I love you,” she whispered.

The last words she heard before drifting off into a deep state of sleep were, “I love you too, sweet. My beautiful sweet.”

BOOK: Spark of Magic
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