Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 5)
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“Don’t throw Monica in the mix when she’s not hear to defend herself.” Andreas chastised. Not only was Monica close to Ronnie, she had also married his cousin who served in a special unit on the very base that they had been at the previous evening. His cousin’s wife had been put through the wringer by his cousin Victor. And she had forgiven him. But the spitfire Ana, her sister, was another one altogether. She’d ended up falling in love with a bartender, and former police officer who’d survived 9/11. “But I’m sure Ana’s story would curl toes,” he added mischievously.

“You’re quick to throw my Aunt Ana under the bus,” Ronnie retorted. Ana rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and when she was in trouble her Aunt and Andreas hadn’t gotten on well together, though they did now. Well, most of the time. They had their moments.

“Your Aunt can take care of herself.” Nikko chimed in. Ana was as tough as they came except when it came to her husband and adopted daughter. Then she was as soft as they came.

The conversation continued to flow until late into the evening. The waiters came and went. Desert was served and then they all went back to the study for drinks. The babysitter offered to sit with the kids in the living room after Johnny mentioned watching a movie. Akilah went with him. By that point Tex and Melody felt comfortable enough to allow that.

By the time the clock on the mantle chimed ten, Tex could tell Melody was ready to head out. He was too. It had done his heart good to see Cat in her own element. Yesterday, had been great; she had made it all about him. But seeing her happiness here in the heart of her home surrounded by all those wonderful people who loved her, and expecting her first child in a just a few months, he knew he could rest easy. He knew without a doubt that she was happy, and he knew the beauty from his past would no longer haunt him. He may not have thought he’d saved her, but he had. She had survived. Like he had, and Melody, and Akilah. Like Susan, Lucia, Donna and the others. Saying their goodbyes, he held Cat in his arms as she hugged him tightly. “John. Be happy.”

“You too, Cat. You too.”

“I am,” she said in parting. “So very happy.”

And she was.

Chapter 13

AFTER EVERYONE HAD gone and was packed off to their own homes, the house was quiet.

Andreas cleared his throat. Cat was splayed across the sofa, her swollen feet in his hands. “It won’t be much longer before we won’t have quiet moments like these,” he remarked. “I can’t wait for our child. But I must admit, I’ll miss this. Having you all to myself.”

“Darling, with our family we will have lots of time for just us. I don’t ever want to lose that part of us. No child will take that. This baby will just enrich both of our lives.”

“I know that darling. Just being a man, and loving having you all too myself I guess.”

Catarina laughed at her husband. “It’s not like you to be so nostalgic my love.”

“I just love my life so much right now that I can’t imagine it any other way. Today was perfect. Reminiscing with family and friends. Making new friends.”

“Now we will get to share that with our child as well.” Catarina couldn’t wait to meet the child. “I’ve been thinking about names.”

“Changing the subject on me, are you?” He laughed but continued to stroke her feet as she turned her ankles with pleasure. “I’ve been wanting to talk names for a while.”

“Yes, and I have made my choice but I still want it to be a surprise. Is it okay if I pick the names for this first one?”

Andreas looked down at his beautiful wife. He wanted to know desperately, but he couldn’t refuse her anything. “Of course. Anything to make you happy.”

Her idea was to combine the names of their families. It would be Suzanne Rose for a girl and Marc John. It would have her grandparent’s names and then his parents. She knew he would be pleased and honored. Their child would tie her to him even more by joining their families together.

“I am sure whatever you pick will be perfect. Like you.” He smiled as he gently pushed her feet off of him and stood pulling her up to him afterwards. “I will love whatever names you choose. And I love you.” His lips brushed her forehead softly as her arms circled around his back.

“Take me to bed, Andreas,” she answered huskily.

“Anything you desire Cat,” he stated sweeping his wife off her feet and carrying her across the room. He planned to carry her all the way to their bedroom. “Anything at all.”

“You,” Cat murmured against his chest. “Just you.”

Chapter 14

Eighteen months later

“WHAT ARE YOU doing?” Melody laughed loudly as she walked into the room. “She’s not even ten months old.

“Yes, we know, but she is the smartest ten month old we know.”

“The smartest. And strong,” Akilah added to her father’s proclamation.

“And neither one of you is biased.” Melody placed her hands on her ample hips and watched as her husband once more picked the chubby toddler off the carpet and steadied her. The baby was smiling and drooling, but loving the attention she was getting from both her father and sister. Dimples appeared in her chubby little cheeks.

“Alam, come.” Akilah clapped her hands to get the baby’s attention. “Come sweet baby, you can do this. Come on, Hope.”

“You can do it, Hope.” Tex repeated his daughter Akilah’s praise and words of encouragement. He was allowing the child to lightly grip his fingers as she settled her feet into the carpet and regained her balance. Slowly he slipped his fingers out of her chubby grasp. She swayed, and lost her footing for just a moment. Her blue eyes went round.

“Alam, Hope, you are so good. Come,” Akilah continued in her sing song voice to encourage the child to begin to take her first steps.

Melody held her breath as Hope lifted one foot and then placed it down in front of her. Akilah clapped and the toddler laughed at her sister’s reaction almost losing her balance.

“Again, Hope. Come to Akilah. Come to sissy.” Akilah held open her arms and Hope gurgled some more, but took another step, and Melody was so thankful she came into the room at that precise moment to see her daughter’s first steps. Tex’s face was alight with pride.

Melody held her breath as Hope concentrated on her next step. Then another. She was even more proud that it was Tex who had taught their daughter to walk, and Akilah to whom she was now running. Hope toddled two more steps then ran recklessly three more steps until she tumbled into her sister’s arms, one a prosthetic, but nonetheless used effectively to support the child carefully. It was a perfect moment.

Akilah hugged her baby sister to her, and then felt her father’s arms around them both. Then moments later Melody was there too. The four together, a family, and all of them had Hope.

The End

Message to Susan Stoker Fans

I really hoped you enjoyed my contribution to Susan Stoker’s Kindle World. I am a huge, huge fan of hers too, and I hope you think I did her world and her character’s justice. I wanted to do her proud and wanted to not disappoint you, her readers. If you enjoyed this book, I would love it if you could leave a review. Reviews help authors so much. Also, I hope my characters interested you enough that you will want to read more about the Marino Brothers that appear in My Bounty Hunters series.
The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.
has four parts, but they are all standalones. They are free if you have Kindle Unlimited. If you don’t, you can purchase the boxed set at a discounted price.

I also mentioned in this story some characters from my Secrets & Seduction series as well: Monica, Ana, and Ronnie’s mom, Louisa. They are free for KU subscribers as well. They are also available to
purchase in a discounted boxed set

Thanks for taking a chance on
Protecting Beauty
. I appreciate the chance you gave me in buying this book, and the chance to earn you as a new fan. Keep reading to learn more about my other books and what is coming next for me. Happy reading!

Books by MJ Nightingale
Fire In His Eyes

Fire In His Eyes

Afraid to Love

Afraid to Love

Afraid to Hope

Afraid to Hope


Beautiful Bounty by MJ Nightingle

(Book 1 in The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.)

Beautiful Bounty
is the first book in
The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.

Beautiful Chase by MJ Nightingale

(Book 2 in The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.)

Beautiful Chase
is the second book in
The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.

Beautiful Regret by MJ Nightingale

(Book 3 in The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.)


Beautiful Regret
is the third book in
The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.

Beautiful No More by MJ Nightingale

(Book 4 in The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.)

Beautiful No More
is the final book in
The Bounty Hunters – The Marino Bros.



Chances (Book 1 of Mystic Nights Series)



Triple Diamonds (Book 2 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Triple Diamonds

Lucky Strike (Book 3 of the Mystic Night Series)

Coming in 2016

Black Jack (Book 4 of The Mystic Nights Series)

Coming in the Fall of 2016

Playing for Keeps (Book 5 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Coming in the Fall of 2016


This writing journey is not an easy one. I have many loyal supporters who have been with me since I published my very first book. Ronda Brimeyer, and Dina Alexander, you have been with me from the get go, believed in me, and have always been there for me. Thank you so much. I don’t know where I would be without you.

IEZ ladies on Facebook; MaryAnn Jordan, A.d. Ellis, Victoria Brock, ML Steinbrunn, Andrea Michelle, Jen Andrews, Sandra Love, EJ Shortall, and Andrea Long, you ladies give me so much encouragement and support. You each bring so much joy to my life. I know I can count on you for anything. Your books, your words, your stories both fictional and real, have broken and mended my heart countless times. I wish you all much success as we take this journey together. I am so, so thankful we all found each other.

Melissa Gill, thank you, for creating such a beautiful cover for me. I look forward to all of our future projects. Your talent, creativity and professionalism are outstanding. You are one heck of a talented lady.

Keriann, love and hugs, lady. Thank you for taking my books and making them better. Your eagle eye and sensitivity is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being critical when I need it. And thank you for all your great suggestions.

Susan Stoker, thank you for giving the opportunity to write for your Kindle World. I hope I did your fabulous characters justice.

The bloggers who have supported me also deserve my debt of gratitude. Without your support and help this journey would be much more daunting than it already is. Thank you for featuring my books and bringing them to the attention of your readers.

I also want to thank my family who supports me, and helps me find the time to write in my crazy, hectic life, knowing that I need this outlet. I love you all, and appreciate you letting me go on this journey.

And lastly, for all my readers who found me when I published my first series of books, and have continued on this journey with me. Thank you for those amazing reviews, and those notes, and just for being the best darn fans ever. I do this for you.

About the Author

MJ Nightingale has been a teacher for over two decades. Writing is her new career, and something she has wanted to do for a very long time. But reading has been a part of her life since she was a child. She has been an avid lover of romance novels, and they have always held a special place in her heart. When not working, or writing, or spending time with her children, she devours books all summer long, and any type of fiction, thrillers, crime, suspense, contemporary, and drama.

She has published ten novels, all contemporary or erotic romance with plenty of suspense, and her new series, Mystic Nights, will add an even bigger element of suspense, intrigue, and danger to her already complicated character portrayals. Fans of MJ will not be disappointed.

She currently lives in Florida with her wonderful husband, and sons. And, she loves to hear from her readers.

You can contact her on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, or visit her website.





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