Read Special Needs Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #transabled, #rough sex, #stalker, #sex, #medical, #sex hotel, #leg braces, #ink, #workplace affair, #tattoo, #deception, #Gay, #disability, #romance, #bdsm, #employee, #fetish, #role play, #alternative lifestyle, #goth, #devotee, #paraplegic, #boss, #sexual role play, #body image issues, #amputee, #medical fetish, #mm, #wheelchair, #scars, #piercing, #stalking, #first time, #financial trouble, #emo

Special Needs (48 page)

BOOK: Special Needs
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“That’d be stupid, right? I suppose I’m a bit ‘rusty’.” Ryan let out a nervous laugh, punctuated by the cry of a seagull above them.

“That’s all right, you know it’s like riding a bike.” Liam grinned, gathering some water in his hand and pouring it over Ryan’s shoulder just to watch his muscles twitch. “It’s good, and I know what I’m doing.”

“I remember. ‘It’s not hard to get laid when you’re me’.” Ryan lowered his tone of voice, mocking what Liam once said.

Liam felt his face flush and he cleared his throat, vaguely ashamed of those words now that he was with Ryan. “I will make you feel good.”

“I bet you will. You’re not some freak with a syringe, trying to numb my ass.” Ryan pulled closer and kissed him.

Liam snorted and nipped on his lip. “If your ass will be numb, it’s going to be from all the fucking we do.”

Ryan’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You have to really like me.”

Liam swallowed, wary of the strange contrast between Ryan’s eyes and mouth. “I do.”

“You wanna choose a room for it?” He rolled out of Liam's hands and drifted on the waves again, holding onto the board.

Liam’s frown deepened and he moved to face Ryan, immersing himself to be at his eye level. “What’s wrong?”

“With what?”

Liam bit his lip. “Dunno, it’s like you’re not in the mood anymore.” He watched Ryan’s face in apprehension. Was it something he said? Did Ryan have a flashback?

“I suppose I’m just a bit nervous, okay? Nothing to worry about.”

“You know, if you don’t want to do it yet, there’s no rush. Let’s go slow. I don’t mind.” And Liam really didn’t. Even if he fantasized about Ryan’s body under him, accepting him inside, he wanted Ryan to be as excited about it as he was.

“I bet we’ll find the right moment. You didn’t answer about the room.” Ryan finally looked up at him again.

Liam swallowed, hypnotized by the huge, blue eyes in front of him and his stomach clenched. “My room.”

Ryan bit his lip and his eyes lit up like charmed. “Oh. Why?”

Liam smiled back, relief washing over him with the next wave. “We’ve got time. I don’t want it to be just about... you know, playing roles and shit.” He leaned forward and lapped at Ryan’s parted lips with a soft sigh. “I want you to look up at me when I slide in.”

Ryan stared, frozen in the gentle waves. “Oh wow,” he whispered. “It’s good the water’s cold.”

Liam let out a laugh, gathering Ryan back into his arms. He loved to hold him so much. “Why is that?”

“You know why. You excite me, like, all the time.” He wrapped his arms around Liam’s neck.

“How is that a bad thing?” Liam started walking deeper into the water, still hugging Ryan’s smaller body closer.

“It’s embarrassing if it happens so often.” Ryan leaned his cheek on Liam’s shoulder.

“No, it’s an excuse for me to drop whatever I’m doing and do you instead.” Liam was eager to take him whenever Ryan wanted. Any hour, any day.




Chapter 22



Liam quickly turned the meat on the grill before walking over to check on the salad the kitchen help he hired for the big night was making. Happy with the result, he gave her a thumbs up and grinned at Fay, who was part-timing as a server at the Halloween party. Just like all the other waitresses, she was dressed up as a sexy cat.

Liam was eager to finish up all the remaining food and get back to the party. He wasn’t really a guest but it was still fun to be outside, mingling with people, chatting to Ryan, or watching all the sex play around the hotel. They had some of the rooms booked, while others served as playrooms, which the guests seemed to enjoy a lot.

“Oh, I love those bone-shaped cookies.” Fay put the shortbreads onto a tray and wiggled her butt.

Liam smiled at her, noticing how one of the male waiters ogled her backside. It had been a tiresome day, but it was worth all the effort. The hotel was bustling with people, and he was pretty sure there would be more customers coming their way by word of mouth. “There’s a finger and eye salad coming your way, Catwoman.” He gave her ass a pat and pulled out a box of ‘suicide gingerbread men’, which Ryan decorated himself. The ones with sugar paste rope around their barely-existing necks were Liam’s favorites. It was so much fun to make them together. They had played around, moving the gingerbread men, making up absurd stories about how they met and died. He never felt so close and friendly with any of his long-term lovers, and the fact, that friendships with fuck buddies had sometimes felt more genuine, made him a bit melancholic.

“That’s so creative.” Fay smiled at the gingerbread men. “The guests loved those little penis breads before. Damn, Liam, keep that up,” she said, but had to rush out from the kitchen.

Yeah, they should definitely start selling those.

“I will be happy to get my ass out of here.” He snorted, walking over to get the meat off the grill. He would be off once he transformed the bits of meat into spiders.

“Should I take those out?” One of the servers popped into the kitchen with an empty tray and nodded at the row of bowls on the table.

Liam gave her a quick glance. “Are there enough drinks out there?”

“The girls have the drinks covered.”

It was fun to be head chef all of a sudden, even if it was in a small place, with only a handful of people to administer.

“Good, take out the salad bowls that are done.” He glanced at the other cook. “ When will you be finished with the last one?”

“In three.”


The moment he was finished with the meats, he pulled off his apron in one swift move.

“Wow!” The other cook laughed and pointed at his outfit. “From chef to Superman in one move!”

“That’s what Superman does,” he exclaimed, flexing his pectoral muscles for her amusement. “And now pardon me, but I have a Batman to rescue.”

“Aww, you guys are so cute. I can’t believe it.” She shook her head, but returned her attention to the chopping board.

“Ryan is cute. I’m the sexy one,” Liam said tongue in cheek, before strolling into the staff bathroom to quickly spray his hair with black spray. He could only imagine how he would look if he applied the product prior to steaming his ass in the kitchen.

The moment he came out into the corridor, he was surrounded by chatter from every side, with a background of classical music mixed with electro by a DJ he introduced to Ryan. People seemed to be having fun, the decorations came out great, with the mannequins looking as creepy as they should. It looked like the waitress didn't lie about the drinks: there were plenty, and most guests had a glass in hand. He let his eyes roam, looking for the black wheelchair with bat wings on it’s sides. With a dozen rolls of dark tape, and some cardboard, they had transformed Ryan's wheels into a badass Batmobile. It made Liam more proud than preparing most of the food for today's event.

He got so focused on finding Ryan that he missed a low stool and stumbled, almost spilling the drink of a pretty man in drag. He was dressed as Dorothy and had a Tin Man to back him up, but fortunately, neither held a grudge. Liam quickly excused himself and went further into the crowded conference room which now looked more like a dungeon, with fake torture devices and cuffs for decoration. He loved how it turned out.

In the back of the room, Ryan was in full self-promotion swing, giving out coupons and talking to guests. He was going for ‘dangerous’ but Liam thought he looked simply adorable in a black rubber Batman mask and a t-shirt with the characteristically logo. He was drinking tonight's specialty, a cocktail they named 'Zombie Cum', green with tiny pieces of cherries and a red spirit at the bottom of the glass.

“Did someone cry ‘help’?” Liam walked over with his most charming smile, keeping his fists at his hips to achieve the best Superman effect.

“Oh my God, you look so cool!” Ryan laughed, covering the bottom of his face. “Show me the back.” He didn’t seem to find that request inappropriate, but with people openly having sex in the play rooms upstairs, Liam was hardly surprised. He pulled the red cape over his arm and made a slow turn, showing himself off.

“I’m not shakin’ it.”

“You don’t have to, this is good enough.” Ryan patted his thigh. “That is one tight Superman outfit.”

“That is one tight ass,” commented a female voice from the side. They both looked into the woman's direction and then grinned at each other. Dressed in a skimpy Wonder Woman outfit, she fitted in well into their little group of three.

“You.” Liam pointed at her with his index finger. “Only looking, darling.”

“Get yourself a drink, honey and then we’ll see.” She winked at him and Ryan couldn’t stop himself from laughing, even by biting his rubber-sheathed fist. It was good to see him enjoying himself after all the stress he had to go through in recent weeks.

“‘We’ll see’ depends on what you hide under that skirt. I’m more team Batman than team Wonder Woman.” Liam grinned at her, reaching his hand back and wiggling his fingers in front of Ryan. He couldn't stop the smile that resurfaced on his face when slim fingers slid into his hand. His heart instantly skipped a beat, filling his chest with warmth.

“I wouldn’t mind watching that.” The woman took a step closer and raised her eyebrows. Liam’s brows shot up in answer.

“Is that a challenge?”

“More like an invitation.” She smiled, now looking back at Ryan too. “Just an offer of some good clean fun. Well, maybe a bit dirty.”

Liam bit his lip before turning his head to look at Ryan. He wondered what his thoughts were, for he definitely liked it a little dirty. Ryan’s eyes went wide at the attention from both of them and he quickly reached for his inhaler, breathing in through it with shaky hands. It too was appropriately decorated with tiny bat wings Liam made of thick rubber.

“Okay, okay! That’s my answer I suppose.” Wonder Woman laughed, waving her hand dismissively. “No worries guys, enjoy your evening.”

Liam gave her a nod before scooting down and gathering Ryan’s face in his hands. “Is that my fault?” he asked, eyes focused on Ryan’s delicious mouth.

He finally put the inhaler away. “N--no...! I guess, I panicked.” Ryan gave a nervous laugh. “Sorry.”

“I was just joking around, sweetie.” Liam leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss to Ryan’s mouth, which was left uncovered. He was so gonna fuck him in that costume.

“I wish I will get in trouble tonight, though.” Ryan smiled and stroked his arm. It was so easy to forget there were other people around.

“Oh? Since when is Batman the bad guy?” Liam gave Ryan a pout, gently stroking his leather-clad thigh.

“Since Christopher Nolan.” Ryan kept looking at him with that star-struck gaze. It seemed that to him, Liam was always the hero and the most important person in the room. Liam was going to make sure it stayed that way. “I wanna get in trouble, so Superman can save me,” he whispered and their lips met again. It was sweet, chaste, and yet, the touch of Ryan’s lips never ceased to make Liam’s knees go weak. He groaned, slowly sliding his hands around Ryan’s waist and hugging him closer.

“Excuse me, sir...”

Two men came up to them and they were definitely not sporting fancy dress, unless one of them was pretending to be Grownup-Hipster-With-Beard and the other, his Chubby-Boring-Dad.

“We were told the hotel owner is dressed as Batman, is that you?”

Liam blinked, getting up to his feet without letting go of Ryan’s hand. “He is. And you are?”

“We’re from the police. I’m Terry Walker and this is my partner Peter Bachinsky.” Chubby-Boring-Dad showed off his badge and pointed to Grownup-Hipster-With-Beard.

“Oh! Is this about Stuart, my stalker?” Ryan looked up at them, but they seemed baffled by his words.

Walker shook his head with a raised eyebrow. “Uhm, no sir, I’m afraid I know nothing about that. We have a few questions to ask. Is there anywhere we could speak more privately?” The policemen tried hard not to stare at the guests, but the younger man clearly got his eye on a princess who was getting spanked through her silky drawers.

“Yeah, sure. I think there’s no one in the kitchen now, right?” he asked Liam and started moving that way.

It turned out the other cook had already left, so they settled by the table, which was still a bit messy. Liam shook his head, reminding himself to ask the waiters to clean the workspace before they go.

“Have any of you seen this girl?” Walker took out a photo of a young blonde.

“No...” Ryan took a closer look at the picture. “I don’t think she was a guest. I could check our books for her name, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen anyone like that. You, Liam?”

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking into a pair of huge, green eyes in the picture. “Nope,” he finally said. “Better check her name though. People wear masks and heavy make up.”

Ryan nodded and snatched a grape from a bowl on the table. “Is this a lost person, or what?”

“We are suspecting a kidnapping and she was last seen traveling through this area. There have been other disappearances in the last two years, so keep your eyes open and if you could check her name in your records, we would appreciate it. Her parents are worried sick.” Walker shook his head with a frown.

BOOK: Special Needs
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