Speed Demons (16 page)

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Authors: Gun Brooke

Tags: #(v5.0), #Accidents, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #LGBT, #Romance, #NASCAR, #Photography, #Woman Friendship

BOOK: Speed Demons
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“Good.” She was relieved. She needed to collect her thoughts and get herself together. She feared for her own sanity after her meltdown today, and if she didn’t get enough sleep, she’d fail. After sending a quick text to Ben, she peeled off her coverall and jumped into the shower for a rinse. While the hot water pounded her body, she thought of Blythe. To grow up feeling like a failure because of something she couldn’t help was heartbreaking, and just wrong.

Evie had always known her mother loved her, even though she hated her parents’ power games, trying to outsmart each other through her. She didn’t think Blythe ever had felt loved and validated by her parents. What the hell was wrong with the, what was their name again, oh yeah, the Murphys? They had a great kid who happened to be shy, which was hardly a crime. Then they had two other great kids who sounded outgoing and competitive. The difference had to be staggering and really put the pressure on Blythe.

Evie stepped out and dried herself vigorously, then pulled on a tank top and boxers before tiptoeing back into the kitchen. She needed something to make up for missing dinner. After quickly devouring two cartons of yogurt, she returned to her room. Blythe wasn’t there yet, and she brushed her teeth, still preoccupied with Blythe’s story.

When she entered the bedroom, she found Blythe sitting on the bed, looking tired and a little forlorn.

“God, I’m bushed,” Evie said, yawning. “Can’t wait to snuggle down.” She walked around the bed and pulled the covers back. “You liked that side best, right?” She motioned to Blythe’s side.

“Yes. This is fine.” Blythe crawled into bed and curled up facing Evie. “Evie?”


“Are we getting too close, I mean, too personal? Too fast?”

“Too fast? You mean, in order to stay on course with our respective jobs?”

“No. Well. Yes, that too. It’s just that I feel we haven’t known each other very long.”

Evie thought about it. “I disagree,” she said lightly. “I kind of see what you mean, but remember, we’ve known each other more than eighteen months. We’ve been through hell, I in the midst of it, and you witnessing it up close. Then you had the guts to come up with this new project, instead of washing your hands of me and my weird livelihood. The fact that you believe in me, and that you’re still interested in working with me, means more than you can possibly know.”

“Because you doubt yourself. Isn’t that what happened today? All the little things that were wrong with the Viper. Wasn’t that your fear augmenting them, making them insurmountable?” Blythe spoke so softly, almost tenderly. “What do you think, Evie?” She cupped Evie’s cheek with a hand as gentle as her voice.

“I’d say you hit the nail on the head with that accurate hammer of yours.” She held Blythe’s hand captive against her cheek. She didn’t want her to let go. Her heart thundered, and suddenly she became hot, way too hot for such an innocent caress.

“I do care, Evie,” Blythe whispered.

“Me too.” Evie wanted to cover Blythe’s lips with her own but, fearful of destroying this vulnerable connection between them, she didn’t. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad you came back.”

“Sleep tight.”

“You too.”

She held Blythe’s hand for a little longer, but then she had to let go. To her surprise, Blythe let her hand stay in place for a few moments longer. She couldn’t remember anything ever feeling so good.

Chapter Fifteen


Blythe stirred and slowly opened her eyes. The sun was rising over the ocean, and the room was bright. Not sure what time it was, she tried to turn over on her side. Smooth legs tangled with hers prevented her. Blinking in confusion, she slowly remembered that it was Saturday morning. No training today. The racetrack had other events scheduled during the afternoon. Her mind returned to the fact that she couldn’t move. Evie’s legs were wrapped around one of hers, and now she also noticed Evie’s arm draped across her waist.

Evie shifted and smiled in her sleep. How wonderful to see her do that and know her dream was nice and made her happy. Not the horrible, smoke- and fire-filled ones that had plagued her twice this week alone. The days had passed so fast after their big, revealing talk, and now their second week had already ended.

Their routine hadn’t changed. Up early, drive to the racetrack, utilize the allotted hours, head for the gym, back to the house, and make dinner. After dinner, Evie usually read or watched TV while Blythe reviewed and backed up the photos she’d taken during the day. The previous weekend, they’d mainly rested and she had shot some photos of Evie at the empty beach. She didn’t know what Evie had planned for this weekend. She was just grateful to get to sleep in a bit.

Turning her head, she gazed at Evie’s dark hair spread over her pillow like luxurious chocolate sauce. Her dark lashes formed perfect semicircles above her cheeks. Full lips, barely parted, looked so tempting, Blythe closed her hands into tight fists. Her breathing became rapid, shallow, as she tried to slow the heat rushing alongside her blood.

Apart from her obvious physical beauty, something else about Evie, something indefinable made Blythe react differently to her than to any of the other beautiful women she’d encountered. The way Evie moved, perhaps, and the way she tilted her head as she listened. She made Blythe feel like she was the most important person on earth when she focused on her. Those green eyes probed her when Evie wanted an answer; they sparkled when she laughed, and they shot such bolts of lightning when she was angry that Blythe almost ducked.

She should wake Evie and disentangle her legs, but she didn’t want to. She wanted to remain in this make-believe embrace, where Evie’s warmth seeped over to her body and made her feel cared for. She did think Evie cared; to what degree, she had no idea. Afraid to even dream of anything more than casual friendship, she could only tell her bruised heart not to hope.

She remembered how it felt to be in love. She had loved Pearl all those years ago when she was barely in her twenties. Of course, it was a long time ago. All the more reason to safeguard her heart. You love differently at different ages, or so she thought. You’re more head-over-heels when you’re young and filled with hope. You’re more careful when you’re older and know what a broken heart can do to you.

“You awake?” Evie whispered, startling her.


“I seem to have done my best impression of an octopus here.” Evie lifted her arm and let it hover before moving it. “Sorry ’bout that.”

“I don’t mind.” That wasn’t what she meant to say. “It didn’t bother me.” Nor was that. She wanted to groan at her willful tongue that seemed to have tapped into her innermost feelings.

“Oh, good.” Evie pushed herself up on her elbow, sliding her legs along Blythe’s in the process. Her eyes gazed curiously down at Blythe. “Sleep well?”

“Yes. Thank you. And you?” She could’ve sworn Evie’s arm was still around her waist. Evie slept in boxers and a tank top, just like she did. Their legs were bare, and when they touched each other, small fires seemed to erupt along her nerve endings. It was such a delicious feeling, and so forbidden. She was ultimately here to do a job, but that didn’t stop her body from responding or her mind from becoming feverish when Evie stretched languidly.

Her breath stuck in her throat. Pressing her palm against her stomach, she managed to draw a deep, trembling breath.

“Blythe?” Evie bent closer, looking concerned. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” She was probably very pink right now. Cursing her fair skin, she tried to free her legs. The sensation of Evie’s skin against hers, especially where she slid along the inside of her thigh, sent shivers through her.

“Oh.” Evie looked like she suddenly understood, and then her eyes seemed to darken. “So not just me, then.”

She was sure she’d misheard. Or misunderstood.


Evie had never seen anyone as alluring as a thoroughly disheveled Blythe Pierce in the morning. The sun ignited sparkles in her blond curls, and her blue eyes were so transparent she thought she should be able to read her mind through them. Blythe’s pale skin, so charmingly dusted with freckles, was velvety soft and so feminine she ached to run her hands along the slender limbs.

This close, she detected tiny fine lines that proved Blythe was a seasoned woman, someone who had lived and seen the world. Still, she saw something else, as if their close proximity created something wondrous, even startling, within Blythe. Knowing how Blythe had struggled with her painful shyness, she could only deduce that Blythe wasn’t used to letting anyone close—physically or emotionally.

She easily recognized the mix of confusion and desire in Blythe. After all, they mirrored her own. When she woke up, slowly realizing just how intimately she’d turned to Blythe in the night, she had first felt mortified. When Blythe hadn’t seemed too panicky, the embarrassment had quickly died and changed to arousal and affection.

Now, Blythe looked up at her with darkening eyes. She trembled enough for Evie to feel her move against her.

“You’re not alone in feeling this closeness.” She dug for courage, knowing how easy it would be to scare Blythe away for good. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to jump your bones.”

“Honestly. The way you put things.” Blythe squeezed her eyes shut. “This…this isn’t very smart.”

“I see what you mean, but I have to disagree. Feelings are feelings.” Serious now, she waited for Blythe to look at her again.

Pale eyelashes slowly lifted and Blythe steadily observed her. “I can’t do my job if I’m, um, in too deep. Evie. Please.”

Something twitched painfully in her chest, perhaps her heart doing a series of fast contractions, and she forced herself to speak calmly. “What do you mean by ‘in too deep’?”

“I’m documenting your comeback, how you retake your position, your
. If I insert myself into that mix, meddle with it, I won’t present an unbiased picture.” Blythe cupped her cheek. “You see?”

“Hmm. No. Not really.”

Looking startled, she lowered her hand. “Surely it’s obvious—”

“It’s not. You have it all wrong. You’re normally the smarter of the two of us, at least I think so, but right now, you’re not thinking clearly.”

“Then enlighten me.” Blythe’s lips drew into a thin line, and she suspected this was to keep them from trembling.

“You say your assignment is to capture my life, my way back into racing. I don’t argue with that. That’s exactly it.” She chose her words carefully. “Then you state that since you’re the one documenting, you have to detach yourself from the equation that makes up Evangeline Marshall’s life and comeback. Don’t you see how impossible that is?”

“What do you mean?” Blythe relaxed her hand between them and somehow it ended up cupping her bare shoulder.

“You are here. Documenting. Following me every waking moment. As a parenthesis, you’re also present when I sleep. You are
. How can you possibly cut yourself out, like you’re editing a photo or pruning a plant? No matter what, your presence affects me. It shows in how I act, how I drive, and how I feel. Nobody can be invisible among us. You may have tried to live your life inconspicuously, but that doesn’t work here, because I see you. You’re already here.” Hoping she wasn’t pushing too hard, she placed her hand on Blythe’s chest. “You’re here.”

“Evie.” Blythe didn’t object in dismay or exclaim in shock. She simply spoke her name.

“In a way I’ve felt I’ve known you for a long time, and in another I feel like I’ve known you for only a few weeks. I suspect the latter’s the most correct. Still, I feel so close to you. Perhaps because you help fight my demons at night.”

“I’m happy to do that.” Blythe’s lips softened into an unusual fullness. “You know I am.”


“And I concede that as an observer, I have to realize that I alter something merely by being present. Any anthropologist would confirm that fact. I just don’t want my presence to be too disruptive.”

“Oh, sweetie, it’s way too late to think of damage control.” She chuckled. “Damn. I haven’t woken up next to a woman in your state of undress in a long time. I don’t sleep around, both because I’m quite picky and also it gets in the way of my job. Until now, our sleeping together has been chaste, but that doesn’t take away from our intimacy even if we haven’t been sexual.” She was right. Sleeping together was intimate, just in another way.

“I see what you mean.” Blythe closed her eyes again. Suddenly she rolled to the side and pressed her face into Evie’s chest. “I do. I do see it. I’m just not sure I can handle it. I haven’t allowed myself to get close to anyone in years.”

“Aw, sweetie.”

“You’ve called me that three times.”

“I have?” She wasn’t the type to sprinkle terms of endearment around aimlessly. “Guess I have.”

“Yes.” Blythe wrapped one arm around her, and pulled back enough to place two fingers under her chin and tip it back.

“Blythe? Kiss me.”


Uncertain where her courage to tempt fate came from, Blythe met Evie’s glance, trying to judge the many different emotions mirrored there. Deep inside her, molten heat spread, created more goose bumps, and sent dampness down the inside of her legs. Praying Evie didn’t notice her response, she couldn’t help but squirm. Evie’s eyes darkened further, the green almost black. This seemed impossible in the light of the sunrise, but it happened.

Blythe slid her tongue across her own, dry lips. Immediately, Evie’s eyes shifted, and her tongue mimicked the movement. So, she wanted a kiss? She couldn’t possibly deny her. Not this woman, this amazing, strong, stunning creature.

She tugged at Evie and pressed her lips against her mouth. Pounding wildly, her heart seemed to try to escape via her throat. Her chest burned, and another gush of moisture made her very aware of how wet she was becoming. She merely pressed closer to Evie, as if hiding against her.

“Oh, mmm. God, Blythe,” Evie murmured into her mouth. “You feel so good.” Evie caressed her back, then wrapped one arm around her shoulders and slipped a hand into her hair.

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