Spicy (19 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: Spicy
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Chapter 26


The shit really has hit the fan back home
today. Somehow my mom discovered Dal is half sister to my sisters and me and
went off on Mara, blaming her. What the hell she has to do with it when she
wasn’t even born when ‘the deed’ took place is beyond me, but I guess Mara was
the only one home at the time. So, I’ve practically spent the day on the phone
between my Mom, Mara and Dal. At one point Callie suggested we go to see my Mom
to try and calm her down, and although it sounded more like the right thing to
do it isn’t what I wanted to do. I felt like a chickenshit, but my Mom is
something to be feared when she’s in a temper.

“You ready?” Callie shouts from the
bathroom, making me jump because I was lost in thought.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” We’re going out to a new
club in San Antonio, which hasn’t been opened long before we leave to head home


My phone again. I suppose I should be happy
that it’s a text message this time, and no one on the other end yelling at me
to do something about the situation. What I’m supposed to do, I’ve no idea.
It’s not as though the whole ‘problem’ will just disappear. Dal’s my sister and
I love her. I also love my mom and sisters as well, which puts me right in the
fuckin’ middle, especially as I’ve known about Dal for years and not seen fit
to share that with anyone.

I pull my phone from my back pocket to read
the message.

Happy Now! Mara left home. Don’t know where she is!

“Fuck!” I put my head in my hands.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Callie comes running
over to me and wraps her arms around me. I pull her onto my lap and show her
the message. “Shit. Do you have any idea where she will have gone?”

I shake my head then pause. “She’s shown up
at my place once or twice, so maybe she’ll show up there.” Standing, I smack
Callie on her ass. “Go find your shoes while I call Donovan and ask him to keep
an eye out for her.”


My eyes follow her as she goes rooting
around in her closet. She always looks sexy, but tonight more so, in the
skintight black jeans with red and black silk shirt. I start to call Donovan
and watch as Callie pulls on the sexiest pair of boots I’ve ever seen. They are
high heels, black, above the knee and…and...”

“Reece…Reece stop pissing around.”

I’d forgotten I’d called him.

I stick my tongue back in my mouth as
Callie smirks. She sits on the window seat, crosses her legs and slides her
hand up and down her thigh.


“Fuck, sorry. Um, yeah. Look, my Mom knows
about Dal and has taken it out on Mara.”

“What the fuck. Why would she do that? Is
Mara, okay?” He sounds worried.

I know Mara has always had a thing for him,
but does he return ‘the thing?’
No way
– there’s eight years between them

“I don’t know if she’s okay or not. In
fact, I think it’s safe to say that she isn’t because she’s packed up and left
and no one knows where to.” I turn to face the window, rubbing the back of my
neck when Callie wraps her arms around me from behind.

I wrap my arm around her and pull her
around to the front of me where she snuggles into my chest – comforting

After Donovan finishes cussing down the
phone, I ask, “Are you sure you look at Mara as a sister?”

He’s silent before answering, “She’s like a
sister to me. You know that. Why wouldn’t I be worried about her?”

God, I’m being an asshole and seeing things
because I’m in love with my girl. “Okay, sorry. Look, if she turns up there
will you call me.”

“You know it.”

“And don’t let her leave. Lock her in your
room if you have to. Shit, no. Lock her in my room.” Callie starts giggling
against me. “Shit, just keep her there.”

I hang up and sigh now that’s over with,
but looking down, I watch Callie wiping tears from her eyes.

“You are so funny. Telling Donovan to lock
your sister in his room.” She collapses back onto the bed laughing and crying.

“It wasn’t funny.” I try to look
indifferent, but it isn’t working as my grin spreads the more Callie rolls
around laughing.

She sits up and gulps in some air, trying
to calm herself down. “Sorry, but you being the big brother and then getting
stuff mixed up just tickled me, you know?”

“Hmm. Yeah, well. Donovan better keep his
hands to himself,” I grouch.

Callie takes my hand and tugs me toward the
door. “I like Donovan. He’s kinda hot, so no wonder he turns Mara’s head.”

the fuck!

Explain? I pull her to a stop. What does
she mean Donovan’s kinda hot?

“Are you for real?” She asks, accurately
reading my expression. “Of course I find him hot. Do I need to remind you of
the summer?”

I’m being an ass. “No. I remember.” I
follow her downstairs and out to the truck. “Do you still like him?”

She rolls her eyes. “Donovan is hot. He’s
good to talk to and regardless of the fact that I’ve seen him naked and
aroused; I like to think of him as a friend. But I love you so you have no
reason to be jealous.”

Does she really have to remind me of the
fact that Donovan’s had her? Because yeah, regardless of what she tells me I’m
jealous of my best friend.

“Hey.” She punches me in the arm. “Stop it.
You know it’s always been you so behave and let’s go and have a good time.”

~ * ~

Anytime I’m with this girl she has me hard
as fucking rock, and constantly thinking about my dick and where it wants to
be. Right now it wants to be free to fuck Callie who is gyrating against me
with her sweet little ass in the middle of the dance floor at this club she’s
brought me to. The music isn’t bad – not as good as Deception’s –
but it’ll do. The beat’s just right as I grab hold of Callie’s hips and bring
her in flush against me, moving to the music. My hands travel up her torso,
passing her tits and back down to her hips.

I dance her toward the darker area and
start caressing her torso again, but this time I lightly caress over the hard
buds of her nipples, which I can feel already alert and wanting. Dancing to the
beat, she continues to grind against me while I let my hands wander up inside
her shirt, rubbing around her nipples. She rests her head back against my shoulder
and wraps her arms around my neck giving me free rein of her chest. And yeah,
I’m a guy and take advantage by massaging her breasts through her bra as my
lips come down on the curve of her shoulder where it meets her neck. I start to
lick and nibble up along her neck to her earlobe, which I suck into my mouth
and feel her shudder against me. My dick jumps for joy…then I start to get
pinpricks down my spine, and not in a good way. I look around us and no one is
paying too much attention, but

. He looks pissed as fuck watching
us dance with my hands all over my girl, or more accurately on her tits. My
whole body stills and a few seconds later, so does Callie.

Letting go of my neck, I feel her turn
against me and drag my gaze to her. Meeting her eyes, she frowns up at me.
“What?” she shouts looking off in the direction that Drew was watching. I say
was because he’s disappeared, which makes me so damn uneasy. What’s he doing
here? And what the fuck is he planning? He can think again if he thinks he can
get to Callie because I’ll be in the way no matter what the fuck he’s planning.
I need to tell Callie that I’ve seen him though otherwise she won’t know to
keep an eye out for him.

Taking her hand, I head off the dance floor
with Callie giving me puzzled looks. “Babe, what’s wrong?” I cup her face in my
hands so she can’t avoid my gaze.

“I’m okay or I will be... While we were
dancing out there my claustrophobia stayed away because I had you distracting
me. But now, I feel like there’s something wrong.”

I kiss her on the forehead. “I won’t let
anything happen to you.” Closing my eyes, I hold her tight not wanting to let
her go. “I need to ask you something?”

“What?” she mumbles, kissing my chin.

“On the dance floor…I saw Drew.” I tighten
my hold on her when she tries to break free. “Has he always been possessive
toward you?” I shout close to her ear, and even though we’re having a serious
conversation, I can’t help myself and nibble on her lobe again…and yeah, she
likes that.

She pinches my ass. “Stop trying to
distract me…and, I guess he’s always freaked me out.” She sighs. “He’s the
reason I started to suffer from claustrophobia. Long story short because of him
frightening me, I ended up getting locked in the attic in the dark as a small
child. Since then I can’t seem to shrug the panic attacks unless I’m
distracted, hence me being okay on the dance floor with you.”

I’m angry listening to her telling me why
she has panic attacks. Because of him she’s had years of suffering. The need to
find the bastard and make him suffer won’t let go. He needs to be taught a
lesson, but not while Callie is with me because my kind of lesson isn’t going
to be verbal.

“Hey, big guy,” she smirks, “I’m going to
hit the restroom then you can take me somewhere and put that, um, equipment to

I grin. “Equipment, huh!” I smack her ass
as she moves out of my arms, but I grab her hand before she disappears. “Keep
your eyes open, babe.”

She nods and disappears down the side of
the bar to where the restrooms are located while I look around trying to spot
the bastard. He’s still here. I can feel it.

Walking closer to the bar, I order another
longneck when a partly drunken woman stumbles into me.

“You alone?”

“No.” I turn my back to the bar, and
leaning back, rest my elbows on the bar, ignoring the dark haired woman whose
standing beside me, looking me over.

“Not talkative I see,” she comments.

“Not interested, more like.” And that’s the
truth. Yeah, I noticed that she’s hot, but no one comes close to my Callie.
Thinking about her, I check my watch and realize she’s been gone a bit too
long. The restroom in these places can get pretty busy, but with Drew around
somewhere I feel restless.

Chapter 27


Splashing cold water on my face feels
amazing and is helping to cool me down. After the hot dance out there with my
deliciously sexy guy, this is a godsend. With the music and Reece all over me,
I’d forgotten where we were. I was that lost that he could have yanked my jeans
down and fucked me out there in the open without me batting an eye. That’s how
turned-on I am. Yes, I am. Even dousing myself with water, although cooling my
temperature, isn’t cooling the fire going on in my jeans. I can’t get enough of
him, and can’t wait to head back with him tomorrow and to see everyone again,
especially my best friend, Thalia. I’ve missed her and really should have
spoken to her more often. I feel a bit guilty about that.

Drying my face and hands on some paper
towels, I quickly glance at myself through the mirror and realize my black
mascara has run underneath my eyes making me look like an owl. Grabbing another
towel, I clean up some then give up. We’re leaving anyway.

Tossing the towel into the trash, I open
the door and stepping out, I’m grabbed from behind in a vice-like grip. I can’t
scream. I can’t move my arms as I’m dragged backwards all the while praying
someone appears, but no one does.

I kick and hear a grunt when I connect with
his shin. My heart pounds and I feel my lungs start to close in panic. Struggling
against him doesn’t do anything. Tears fall from my eyes as I feel a cold draft
hit me, then the door he’s dragging me through slams shut behind us.

Oh, God! We’re outside.

I’m still struggling in his arms, but my
strength is waning and I’m having difficulty breathing. Part of me is saying
‘calm down and wait’ and the other part is saying ‘don’t stop fighting.’

His hand over my mouth starts to loosen so
I clamp down with my teeth into his palm. He cusses and tightens his hold
around my body, which is painful and sucks the breath out of me.

“Stop fucking around before someone comes.
Get her in the car.”

Who the fuck is that? I’m not going
anywhere with them, especially in a car – no way in hell. I start to
struggle again, not really sure where my strength is coming from. But before I
can think further I’m released from his tight hold and slammed against a wall
with a thud. His hand goes around my neck and he starts to squeeze. I start to
cry, knowing this is probably it and wanting Reece. His arms wrapped around me
telling me everything is going to be all right. As I start to see stars, I find
strength from somewhere and knee him in the balls. He releases me and crumples
at my feet. About to run, I’m yanked back by my hair. I scream or rather I try
to scream, but it sends me into a coughing fit.

“Not so fast, bitch.”

He spins me around and again I find myself
being held against the wall while I watch Drew rise to his feet looking
spitting mad. His face is bright red and the veins in his neck are standing out
with his fist clenching at the side of him.

“Hold her,” he says to his accomplice.

I find myself facing Drew with the stranger
holding me against his chest, his erection pushing against my backside.

Drew walks closer and grabbing my wrists,
ties them together with some ribbon he removes from his pocket. Drew then lifts
my arms and the bastard behind me takes hold, holding them above my head.

Drew licks his lips. “Why, Callie? We’re
meant to be together. Ever since we were kids, it’s always been you… Nevertheless,
you’re going to pay for what you just did.” He rubs his crotch, then he’s on me
and my shirt is ripped from neck to belly, exposing my breasts.

I open my mouth to scream for Reece, but
nothing other than a whisper escapes. My tears, which have slowly been
trickling down my face become a flood as he uses a knife to cut my bra between
my breasts. My heart feels like it’s about to beat out of my chest with the
frantic pace it’s beating.

“Beautiful,” Drew says as he bares my
breasts. “By the time I’ve finished, you’re not going to remember what it felt
like having
touching you, because
all you’ll remember is me.” He puts his hands on my breasts and I still, not
sure what he’s going to do next.

My neck hurts and so does my throat. My
breathing is still irregular, but I try to calm myself down hoping that if I’m
calm and don’t struggle he’ll forget where we are and hopefully Reece will come
looking for me, and I pray to God, find me.

Drew leans in and puts his mouth over one
of my breasts and starts to suck – hard. I cry out as tears continue to
pour from my eyes, my throat feeling like needles of fire are stabbing inside.
He doesn’t stop with the hard sucking when he starts abusing my other breast.
It hurts so bad. He starts to bite my breast. Small bites all around causing
shards of pain to stab my chest every time.

“What the fuck?” Reece roars seconds before
Drew releases me and then flies back as Reece’s fists connects with his jaw.

I’m released and pushed toward someone
else, who catches me and sits me down against the wall. “Stay there.”

I shake my head slightly, hearing things. Phoenix isn’t here. Is
he? I fold in on myself, bringing my knees up to my chest. I wrap my arms
around them, resting my chin on top. Focusing on Reece, I watch him beat the
shit outta Drew before being pulled off him by some other guys. “Go to your
girl,” I hear one of them say to him. Reece turns and looks for me, our eyes
meet and my world freezes in time. All I see is my guy. I cry harder…then he’s
here in front of me, crouching down to my level.

“God babe. I should never have left you. I
should have gone to the restroom…”

I cover his mouth with my shaking hands.
“This isn’t your fault,” I whisper.

He cusses and taking hold of my hands,
quickly removes the ribbon that’s binding them together, while I continue to
reassure him, by saying, “Neither of us gave a thought to him doing something
here at the club when there’s so many people here.” I end up coughing, trying
to catch my breath.

“Fuck, Callie. What did he do to you?” He
takes his shirt off over his head and puts it over mine, but then doesn’t know
how to continue.

“Help me up,” I croak.

“What’s wrong with your voice?” he asks
taking my hands and pulling me up from the floor.

Not wanting to answer while Drew is only a
few feet away I stay quiet as Reece looks down at my chest and cusses, “
.” He clenches his jaw
together almost painfully.

“Reece,” he meets my eyes, “please help
cover me. The cops are here.”

He pulls the shirt down over my chest as I
struggle to get out of my torn clothes. Reaching up inside the shirt he very
gently slides the torn clothes down my arms before I slip them through the
sleeves. “The cops will probably want these as evidence.” He caresses my
shoulders and moves closer to my neck. I flinch. He pauses and tips my chin up
to take a closer look. It’s subtle, but I feel the moment he realizes what
happened to me. “Callie,” he gulps, “there’s bruising… Oh God! The fucker
strangled you,” he says with tears in his eyes. “I’ll kill him.”

“No.” I wrap my arms around his waist and
cringe when my chest comes into contact with his abs.

His hands start to caress up and down my
back while slowly bringing me closer to him. “I’m not sure where to touch you
without causing you more pain.”

I half cry and laugh into his chest knowing
he’s going to lose it when he sees the marks that I know are covering my chest.

“I thought I heard Phoenix,” I mumble.

“You did,” he replies. “I’m not sure where
he went.”

I’m really confused. “Why? How?” I don’t
even know what I’m saying and the more I’m talking the more my throat hurts. I
really need to shut up for once.

“He ended up telling Thalia that I’d come
here for you and because she hasn’t heard anything from you in over a week, she
apparently used some seduction technique of hers to get him to agree to bring
her here.” He laughs. “Must have been something wicked because she turned as
red as a lobster when he was retelling.” Reece pulls me even closer and
squeezes me.

I yelp and jump back, thunking my head
against the wall.

“Fuck, Callie. What the hell?” He rubs the
back of my head. “Tell me what the
did?” He takes a deep breath. “Please.”

I’m sheltered by Reece looming over me, so
pushing him back slightly, I lift the shirt over my chest, and wait for him to
notice what must be my black and blue breast.

He sucks in a breath and starts to reach
for me, but stopping, he starts backing away with his jaw locked and murder in
his eyes.

“Fuck,” Phoenix says, standing beside
Reece, catching a glimpse of me before I drop the shirt. He looks from me to
Reece and cussing under his breath grabs hold of Reece’s arm. “I know you want
to murder the bastard, and if the cops weren’t here I’d let you. But, Callie
needs you with her right now, not locked up.”

Reece slowly starts to calm down and takes
me back into his arms, but not as tight as before. He leans down and kisses me
on the top of my head, keeping his lips against me.

I turn my head when I hear Thalia shouting
Phoenix. “Let me go get my girl.” He walks off toward where a cop is stopping
her from coming through to us.

“Does anyone need medical attention over
here?” an EMT guy asks.

“No,” I say.

“Yes,” Reece says at the same time.

“I’ve not got all night. Which is it?”

I nod my head.

“The fucker strangled her and…and…
.” Reece rubs the back of his neck
with one hand while keeping me close with the other.

“My chest is bruised. He bit me,” I say
with a catch to my throat still sounding like a frog.

The EMT looks at my neck before turning
toward the cops, and shouting, “Pete, you need to get over here.”

~ * ~

“I don’t know why I have to spend the
night in hospital,” I grumble feeling sleepy.

After the EMT started looking after me, the
cops interviewed both Reece and I before they loaded me into the ambulance and
brought me here to the hospital.

“It’s only for twenty-four hours to make
sure you’re okay because of the bruising to your throat,” Reece replies sitting
beside me in the chair he’s pulled up to the side of the bed.

He’s not left my side since he appeared in
the alley, even when my mom and dad arrived he stayed with me, although, that
might have something to do with me clutching his hand tightly.

I love this guy.

The door opens and my mom comes in quietly.
“Oh! You’re still here,” she states the obvious.

“Yeah, I am.”

My mom didn’t seem to mind Reece when they
met at the house, but since she arrived at the hospital she’s kinda been
hostile, which is pissing me off.

“Well, you can leave now. I’ve just made
arrangements with the hospital to stay the night. They’re going to bring a bed
in for me. I’ll give you another five minutes then I’ll be back and expect you
both to have said your goodbyes.” With that she goes back out the door leaving
me stunned behind her and Reece looking pissed.

He rests his forehead against our joined
hands. “I can’t leave you.”

“Then don’t,” I whisper. He lifts his head
and our gazes meet.

We’re still connected when my mom walks
back in,
. “For goodness sake.
What is it with you.”

I feel Reece tense against me at my mom’s
words so I squeeze his hand. “Reece isn’t going anywhere mom. I love you, but
if anyone is staying with me then it will be Reece. I love him.” I start crying
again, and when Reece starts to take me into his arms, I reach up around his
neck and cling to him while I kick the covers off my legs and practically knock
Reece on his ass and back into the chair with me in his lap.

“Babe, as much as I love having you in my
arms, you need to be covered up in bed.”

“Callie, please stop being silly and let go
of him.”

I shake my head. There isn’t anywhere else
I want to be but in his arms. I need him surrounding me with his body and

“C’mon.” Reece stands and places me back on
the bed before untangling himself. He then faces my mom. “I love your daughter.
Callie’s asked me to stay, and although I would have stayed anyway, I’m staying
because she’s asked me too.”

I reach out and take hold of Reece’s hand.
“Please mom. I need and want him with me… I also need to stop talking because
it hurts – a lot. Please accept my guy.”

Mom hides a smile, which causes me to blink
thinking I’ve imagined it.

“I do honey. Reece, I’ll leave my daughter
in your care.” Mom comes over and kisses me on the forehead before hugging a surprised
Reece. She gives us both one last glance before she slips out the door, as
silently as she came through.

“Wow.” Reece drops back into the chair.

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