Spider Dance (76 page)

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Authors: Carole Nelson Douglas

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #British Detectives, #Historical, #Women Sleuths, #Private Investigators, #Series

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Q: You were the first woman to write about the Sherlock Holmes world from the viewpoint of one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s women characters, and only the second woman to write a Holmes-related novel at all. Why?

A: Most of my fiction ideas stem from my role as social observer in my first career, journalism. One day I looked at the mystery field and realized that all post-Doyle Sherlockian novels were written by men. I had loved the stories as a child and thought it was high time for a woman to examine the subject from a female point of view.

Q: So there was “the” woman, Irene Adler, the only woman to outwit Holmes, waiting for you

A: She seems the most obvious candidate, but I bypassed her for that very reason to look at other women in what is called the Holmes Canon. Eventually I came back to “A Scandal in Bohemia.” Rereading it, I realized that male writers had all taken Irene Adler at face value as the king of Bohemia’s jilted mistress, but the story doesn’t support that. As the only woman in the Canon who stirred a hint of romantic interest in the aloof Holmes, Irene Adler had to be more than this beautiful but amoral “Victorian vamp.” Once I saw that I could validly interpret her as a gifted and serious performing artist, I had my protagonist.

Q: It was that simple?

A: It was that complex. I felt that any deeper psychological exploration of this character still had to adhere to Doyle’s story, both literally and in regard to the author’s own feeling toward the character. That’s how I ended up having to explain that operatic impossibility, a contralto prima donna. I tend to describe Irene as a “dark” soprano to avoid assigning her either the erroneous contralto voice or the not-quite-right mezzo-soprano voice. It’s been great fun justifying Doyle’s error by finding operatic roles Irene could conceivably sing.

Even more satisfying has been reinventing an Irene Adler who is as intelligent, self-sufficient, and serious about her professional and personal integrity as Sherlock Holmes, and far too independent to be anyone’s mistress but her own. She also moonlights as an inquiry agent while building her performing career. In many ways they
are flip sides of the same coin: her profession, music, is his hobby. His profession, detection, is her secondary career. Her adventures intertwine with Holmes’s, but she is definitely her own woman in these novels.

Q: How did Doyle feel toward the character of Irene Adler?

A: I believe that Holmes and Watson expressed two sides of Dr. Doyle: Watson, the medical and scientific man, also the staunch upholder of British convention; Holmes, the creative and bohemian writer, fascinated by the criminal and the bizarre. Doyle wrote classic stories of horror and science fiction as well as hefty historical novels set in the age of chivalry. His mixed feelings of attraction to and fear of a liberated, artistic woman like Irene Adler led him to “kill” her as soon as he created her. Watson states she is dead at the beginning of the story that introduces her. Irene was literally too hot for Doyle as well as Holmes to handle. She also debuted (and exited) in the first Holmes-Watson story Doyle ever wrote. Perhaps Doyle wanted to establish an unattainable woman to excuse Holmes remaining a bachelor and aloof from matters of the heart. What he did was to create a fascinatingly unrealized character for generations of readers.

Q: Do your protagonists represent a split personality as well?

A: Yes, one even more sociologically interesting than the Holmes-Watson split because it embodies the evolving roles of women in the late nineteenth century. As a larger-than-life heroine, Irene is “up to anything.” Her biographer, Penelope “Nell” Huxleigh, however, is the very model of traditional Victorian womanhood. Together they provide a seriocomic point-counterpoint on women’s restricted roles then and now. Narrator Nell is the character who “grows” most during the series as the unconventional Irene forces her to see herself and her times in a broader perspective. This is something women writers have been doing in the past two decades: revisiting
classic literary terrains and bringing the sketchy women characters into full-bodied prominence.

Q: What of “the husband,” Godfrey Norton?

A: In my novels, Irene’s husband, Godfrey Norton, is more than the “tall, dark, and dashing barrister” Doyle gave her. I made him the son of a woman wronged by England’s then female-punitive divorce law, so he is a “supporting” character in every sense of the word. These novels are that rare bird in literature: female “buddy” books. Godfrey fulfills the useful, decorative, and faithful role so often played by women and wives in fiction and real life. Sherlockians anxious to unite Adler and Holmes have tried to oust Godfrey. William S. Baring-Gould even depicted him as a wife-beater in order to promote a later assignation with Holmes that produced Nero Wolfe! That is such an unbelievable violation of a strong female character’s psychology. That scenario would make Irene Adler a two-time loser in her choice of men and a masochist to boot. My protagonist is a world away from that notion and a wonderful vehicle for subtle but sharp feminist comment.

Q: Did you give her any attributes not found in the Doyle story?

A: I gave her one of Holmes’s bad habits. She smokes “little cigars.” Smoking was an act of rebellion for women then. And because Doyle shows her sometimes donning male dress to go unhampered into public places, I gave her “a wicked little revolver” to carry. When Doyle put her in male disguise at the end of his story, I doubt he was thinking of the modern psychosexual ramifications of cross-dressing.

Q: Essentially, you have changed Irene Adler from an ornamental woman to a working woman

A: My Irene is more a rival than a romantic interest for Holmes, yes. She is not a logical detective in the same mold as he, but is as gifted in her intuitive way. Nor is her opera singing a convenient profession for a beauty of
the day but a passionate vocation that was taken from her by the king of Bohemia’s autocratic attitude toward women, forcing her to occupy herself with detection. Although Doyle’s Irene is beautiful, well dressed, and clever, my Irene demands that she be taken seriously despite these feminine attributes. Now we call it “Grrrrl power.”

I like to write “against” conventions that are no longer true, or were never true. This is the thread that runs through all my fiction: my dissatisfaction with the portrayal of women in literary and popular fiction then and even now. This begins with
—my postfeminist mainstream version of the Gothic-revival popular novels of the 1960s and 1970s–and continues with Irene Adler today. I’m interested in women as survivors. Men also interest me of necessity, men strong enough to escape cultural blinders to become equal partners to strong women.

Q: How do you research these books?

A: From a lifetime of reading English literature and a theatrical background that educated me on the clothing, culture, customs, and speech of various historical periods. I was reading Oscar Wilde plays when I was eight years old. My mother’s book club meant that I cut my teeth on Austen, Eliot, Balzac, Kipling, Poe, poetry, Greek mythology, Hawthorne, the Brontes, Dumas, and Dickens.

In doing research, I have a fortunate facility of using every nugget I find, or of finding that every little fascinating nugget works itself into the story. Perhaps that’s because good journalists must be ingenious in using every fact available to make a story as complete and accurate as possible under deadline conditions. Often the smallest mustard seed of research swells into an entire tree of plot. The corpse on the dining-room table of Bram Stoker, author of
, was too macabre to resist and spurred the entire plot of the second Adler novel,
The Adventuress
Good Morning, Irene
). Stoker
rescued a drowning man from the Thames and carried him home for revival efforts, but it was too late.

Besides using my own extensive library on this period, I’ve borrowed from my local library all sorts of arcane books they don’t even know they have because no one ever checks them out. The Internet aids greatly with the specific fact. I’ve also visited London and Paris to research the books, a great hardship, but worth it. I also must visit Las Vegas periodically for my contemporarily-set Midnight Louie mystery series. No sacrifice is too great.

Q: Why have the reissued paperback editions of three of the first four Adlers been given new titles?

A: After
Good Night, Mr. Holmes
and its sequel,
Good Morning, Irene
were published in the early 1990s, another mystery novel titled
Good Night, Irene
came out. The very similar title formats caused great confusion in the publishing industry over several books. When I resumed the Adler series after a seven-year hiatus and the first paperbacks were almost out of print, it was an opportunity to end the confusion for good, as well as update the covers.
Good Night, Mr. Holmes
, the first Adler novel, retains its title and was reissued in January of 2005.
Good Morning, Irene
is now in print as
The Adventuress
, and
Irene’s Last Waltz
is now in print as
Another Scandal in Bohemia
. The reissued, retitled editions also have the original title on the cover, for readers’ information, and the new titles all relate to Conan Doyle’s foundation story, “A Scandal in Bohemia.” I made some small revisions in the reissues, including correcting a time-line glitch resulting from the seven-year hiatus.

Q: You’ve written fantasy and science-fiction novels, why did you turn to mystery?

A: All novels are fantasy and all novels are mystery in the largest sense. Although mystery was often an element in my early novels, when I evolved the Irene Adler idea, I considered it simply a novel.
Good Night, Mr. Holmes
was almost on the shelves before I realized it would be
“categorized” as a mystery. So Irene is utterly a product of my mind and times, not of the marketplace, though I always believed that the concept was timely and necessary.


Browder, Clifford.
The Wickedest Woman in New York
. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1988.

Bunson, Matthew E.
Encyclopedia Sherlockiana
. New York: Macmillan, 1994.

Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace.
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Coleman, Elizabeth Ann.
The Opulent Era
. New York: Brooklyn Museum, 1989.

Crow, Duncan.
The Victorian Woman
. London: Cox & Wyman, 1971.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.
The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes
. Various editions.

Du Maurier, George.
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Forman, John, and Robbe Pierce Stimson.
The Vanderbilts and the Gilded Age: Architectural Aspirations, 1879–1901
. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991.

Holdredge, Helen.
The Woman in Black: The Life of the Fabulous Lola Montez
. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1955.

Homberger, Eric, with Alice Hudson.
The Historical Atlas of New York City: A Visual Celebration of Nearly 400 Years of New York City’s History
. New York: Henry Holt, 1994.

Jackson, Kenneth T., editor.
The Encyclopedia of New York City
. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1995.

Jay, Ricky.
Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women: A History of Unique, Eccentric & Amazing Entertainers
. London: Robert Hale, 1987.

Keller, Allan.
Scandalous Lady: The Life and Times of
Madame Restell, New York’s Most Notorious Abortionist. New York: Atheneum, 1981

Kroeger, Brooke.
Nellie Bly: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist
. New York: Times Books, 1994.

Mackay, James.
Allan Pinkerton: The Eye Who Never Slept. Edinburgh, Scotland: Mainstream Publishing Company, 1996

Montez, Madame Lola.
The Arts of Beauty; or, Secrets of a Lady’s Toilet. With Hints to Gentlemen on the Art of Fascinating
. New York: Chelsea House, 1969 reprinting.

Montez, Lola (Countless of Landsfeld).
The Lectures of Lola Montez
. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1858.

Patterson, Jerry E.
Fifth Avenue: The Best Address
. New York: Rizzoli, 1998.

Seymour, Bruce.
Lola Montez: A Life
. Binghamton, NY: Vail-Ballou Press, 1996.

Varley, James E.
Lola Montez: The California Adventures of Europe’s Notorious Courtesan
. Spokane, WA: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1996.

White, Stuart Edward.
. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1913.

For Fun:

Tierney, Tom.
Ballet Stars of the Romantic Era: Paper Dolls in Full Color
. New York: Dover Publications, 1991. (La Lola as a paper doll with four costume changes.)


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