Read Spies and Commissars: The Bolshevik Revolution and the West Online

Authors: Robert Service

Tags: #History, #General

Spies and Commissars: The Bolshevik Revolution and the West (83 page)

BOOK: Spies and Commissars: The Bolshevik Revolution and the West
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Carson, Sir Edward,
ref 1
Castro, Fidel,
ref 1
Cecil, Lord Robert,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
Central Committee of Bolsheviks: and Brest-Litovsk talks,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
; and Brest-Litovsk treaty: Germany’s continued advances,
ref 1
; and conditional support for Provisional Government,
ref 1
; and demonstration against government policy,
ref 1
; and discussions for socialist coalition,
ref 1
; establishment of the Politburo,
ref 1
; and Georgia,
ref 1
; and intelligence activity,
ref 1
; and Lenin,
ref 1
; Lenin puts case for an uprising,
ref 1
; majority of supporters of Lenin in,
ref 1
ref 2
; and oil concessions in Baku,
ref 1
; and Poland,
ref 1
ref 2
; and trade with Britain,
ref 1
; and transfer of power to the soviets,
ref 1
Central Powers:
ref 1
; advances of,
ref 1
; the Brest-Litovsk treaty,
ref 1
; and France,
ref 1
; German and Austrian diplomats in Petrograd,
ref 1
ref 2
; and the June military offensive,
ref 1
; and Ukraine,
ref 1
ref 2
Central Rada, Ukraine: delegation at Brest-Litovsk,
ref 1
; and French initiative,
ref 1
; Germans install client ruler,
ref 1
; and Russian Provisional Government,
ref 1
; separate peace with Central Powers,
ref 1
; and Sovnarkom,
ref 1
Chaikovski, Nikolai,
ref 1
ref 2
Cheka (Extraordinary Commission): and the Bolshevik party,
ref 1
; and code-breaking and encryption,
ref 1
; and counter-revolutionary activity in Bolshevist areas,
ref 1
; and covert operations,
ref 1
ref 2
; damage to Western intelligence networks,
ref 1
ref 2
; and dictatorship,
ref 1
; and Dzerzhinski,
ref 1
ref 2
; established,
ref 1
; in Europe,
ref 1
; execution of Reilly,
ref 1
; exploitation of Boris Savinkov,
ref 1
; and foreign military campaigns,
ref 1
; freed from legal restraints by Sovnarkom,
ref 1
; learns to organize intelligence,
ref 1
; and the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; liquidation of anticommunist groups,
ref 1
ref 2
; and the Lockhart Plot,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; and the National Centre,
ref 1
; and Poland,
ref 1
; under pressure,
ref 1
; and Ransome,
ref 1
; and Raymond Robins,
ref 1
; recruiting for,
ref 1
; and the Red Terror,
ref 1
ref 2
; release of prisoners with English names,
ref 1
; and subversion in former Russian Empire,
ref 1
; and the Tactical Centre,
ref 1
; targets named in Constitution,
ref 1
; and Trotsky,
ref 1
; and violence,
ref 1
; and Western politics,
ref 1
Chelyabinsk Soviet,
ref 1
Chesham House, London,
ref 1
ref 2
Chicherin, Georgi: and Ambassador Francis,
ref 1
; and Anglo-Soviet trade talks,
ref 1
; appointed People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs,
ref 1
; in Brixton prison,
ref 1
ref 2
; and Bullitt,
ref 1
; and courier work,
ref 1
ref 2
; deputizing for Trotsky,
ref 1
; and exchange of prisoners with Britain,
ref 1
ref 2
; and German involvement in Russia,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; at meeting in Genoa,
ref 1
; and Mirbach,
ref 1
; and peace with Latvia and Lithuania,
ref 1
; at the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; and Raymond Robins,
ref 1
; repatriation issues of,
ref 1
ref 2
; retirement and death of,
ref 1
; and subversive activity,
ref 1
; and Turkey,
ref 1
; and visit of British Labour delegation,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
Chkheidze, Nikolai,
ref 1
Christian Science Monitor
ref 1
Churchill, Winston:
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
; accused of deceit,
ref 1
; asked for paper costing of military options,
ref 1
; on Bolshevism,
ref 1
; British-Russian Club talk,
ref 1
; and Clare Sheridan,
ref 1
ref 2
; and the Independent Labour Party,
ref 1
; ‘iron curtain’ reference,
ref 1
; opposition to trade with Soviet Russia,
ref 1
; the Paris Peace Conference,
ref 1
; and Poland,
ref 1
ref 2
; political militant against the Bolsheviks,
ref 1
ref 2
; and supplies for White forces,
ref 1
; postscript,
ref 1
ref 2
Cisneros, Garrido,
ref 1
City of Marseilles
ref 1
civil war: and the Bolsheviks,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; in Finland,
ref 1
; in Hungary,
ref 1
; in Russia,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
Clarke, John,
ref 1
ref 2
Clemenceau, Georges: becomes premier,
ref 1
; description of,
ref 1
; and finance for White forces,
ref 1
; and information gathering,
ref 1
; objection to Wilson’s proposal for Russian peace,
ref 1
; and Polish off to attack Soviet Russia,
ref 1
; retirement of,
ref 1
; and Russian policy of Allies,
ref 1
; on sending French troops to Russia,
ref 1
; and terms of German treaty at Versailles,
ref 1
; views on Russia,
ref 1
; and Wilson,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; and withdrawal of French troops from Ukraine,
ref 1
Clerk, Sir George,
ref 1
Cleveland, Grover,
ref 1
Coates, Albert,
ref 1
Code and Cypher School, British,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
; British Code and Cypher School,
ref 1
ref 2
Cold War,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
Comintern (Communist International):
ref 1
; and America,
ref 1
ref 2
; communist federations and,
ref 1
; foundation of,
ref 1
ref 2
; and France,
ref 1
; and Germany,
ref 1
; and Italy,
ref 1
ref 2
; and John Reed,
ref 1
; in Moscow,
ref 1
; Radek’s report on,
ref 1
; recruiting for,
ref 1
; spreading of,
ref 1
Communist International,
Communist Labor Party,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
Communist Manifesto
ref 1
Communist Party of America,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
Communist Party of Great Britain,
ref 1
Congress of Peoples of the East,
ref 1
BOOK: Spies and Commissars: The Bolshevik Revolution and the West
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