Spirit Wars (18 page)

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Authors: Mon D Rea

Tags: #afterlife, #angel, #crow, #Dante, #dark, #death, #destiny, #fallen, #fate, #Fates, #ghost, #Greek mythology, #grim, #hell, #life after death, #psychic, #reaper, #reincarnation, #scythe, #soul, #soulmate, #spirit, #Third eye, #underworld

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3 Earths

Earth ended, three worlds began.


far back as anyone can remember, humanity has been divided into three different
breeds: Empyreans, Tritonians, and Terrans. The first are the epitome of
wisdom; aloft on their floating fortress, they are the keepers of light, last
living legacies of a once great species. The second are water-breathers who
prefer a life of neutrality and isolation, sunk in the depths of their
underwater kingdom. The third have been cast away to a cold and dark life on
the blighted earth, shunning the light to dwell underground.

these three worlds, Riktor, Alaric, and Aerie are born. Twin brothers, two
lovers, and one woman whose heart is torn between them. 

a war is brewing among the three nations. To tip the scales, a new source of
power rises after lying dormant for decades. Within our heroes’ own genetic
makeup, legends have been written and destinies are waiting to be fulfilled.

About the Author

a long time Mon D Rea has taught English as a foreign language, but his one
true love has always been writing stories. He never stopped scribbling –
between classes or in between part-time work, on napkins or on the back of
receipts, with or without a pen, on the bus or in the shower, awake or asleep.

is his
first published work and he’s currently adding the finishing touches to another
novel involving a zombie, a ninja, and a cowboy goat. His motto both as a
writer and a teacher is “Break Barriers Build Bridges.”

Mon Rea lives in a sunny, idyllic spot in the Philippines.

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Spirit Wars

Copyright: Mon D Rea

Published: 30th
April 2014 

All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval
system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission
from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

Images by Mon D

Cover Art by
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