SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Junior Novel

BOOK: SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Junior Novel
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©2014 Paramount Pictures and Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, SpongeBob SquarePants and all related titels, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. SpongeBob SquarePants created by Stephen Hillenburg.

Based on the TV series
SpongeBob SquarePants

Based on the original screenplay by Stephen Hillenburg, Paul Tibbitt, Jonathan Aibel, and Glenn Berger
Adapted by David Lewman

n the middle of the bright blue ocean, a pirate ship sat anchored just off the shore of a tiny desert island. Burger Beard, the captain of the ship, eagerly rowed a little wooden boat to the beach.

The moment the tip of his boat touched the sand, he jumped out, carrying a map and his trusty sword. “At long last,” he said greedily. “The legendary treasure will be mine!”

Following the map, Burger Beard hacked his way through the thick jungle to the ruins of an ancient temple. At the far end of the temple, a dusty pirate skeleton sat on a magnificent throne, holding an old leather-bound book.

When he saw the book, Burger Beard's eyes lit up. “Thar ye be, me lovely!” he whispered. Dancing a happy jig, he made his way across the temple to the throne. Then he cupped his ear and pretended to listen to the silent pirate skeleton.

“Oh, what's that?” he asked. “Take the book? I don't mind if I do!”

He yanked the old book out of the skeleton's hand, and the skeleton collapsed into a pile of bones. If Burger Beard hadn't been so busy kissing the book, he might have heard a strange sound, like mechanical gears turning and grinding….

Poison darts flew straight at Burger Beard!

But the pirate didn't notice. He was twirling around, hugging the book to his chest. “It's mine! Finally, you are MINE!”

Lucky for the greedy pirate, hundreds of poison darts zipped past, missing him. Giant spikes shot up through the floor of the temple, but none of them skewered Burger Beard. When he had finished his joyful dance with the book, he bowed and a huge spike pierced his hat, narrowly missing his head.

Burger Beard stood up straight, adjusted his hat, and started to leave with the book.

Then someone tapped him on the shoulder.

When he turned around, he saw the pirate skeleton! It had reassembled itself, and now it was waving its bony fists, challenging Burger Beard to a fight.

“Bring it on, Skinny,” Burger Beard said, laughing. “You don't scare me!”

The skeleton landed a tremendous punch right on Burger Beard's chin, which sent him flying all the way back to his ship.
The pirate landed hard on the deck.

He bounced up and shook his fist at the island. “Is that all ya got?” he jeered. He kissed the book one more time, weighed anchor, caught a good stiff wind, and sailed away.

Satisfied with his course, Burger Beard hit the auto-pirate button on the ship's steering wheel and sat down in his reading chair. As he opened the ancient volume, several curious seagulls settled around him to listen.

“Let's see,” he muttered. “How does this story begin?”

He began to read out loud. “‘Once upon a time under the sea, there was a little town called Bikini Bottom. In this town, there was a place called the Krusty Krab, where folks would come to eat a thing called a Krabby Patty.'”

The seagulls smiled. They liked this story already!

“‘Every greasy spoon has a fry cook,'” Burger Beard continued, “‘and the one who worked here went by the name of SpongeBob SquarePants. He loved making Krabby Patties, and the good citizens of Bikini Bottom loved eating them, despite their doctors' warnings.'”

“Why did the citizens wuv eating Kwabby Patties so much, Mistew Piwate?” asked the littlest seagull, whose name was Kyle.

Burger Beard looked up from the book. “Well, Kyle, it says right here in the book that it was a secret!”

“Ooh, I WUV secwets!” Kyle said.

Burger Beard resumed reading. “‘No one was sure what was in these patties that made them so delicious. And frankly, no one cared. No one except a tiny guy named Plankton.'”

Kyle leaned over the pirate's shoulder to stare at the picture of Plankton in the book. In the drawing, Plankton was holding on to the handle of a safe while SpongeBob tried to vacuum him off it.

“‘Plankton had made it his life's work to steal the Krabby Patty recipe,'” Burger Beard read. “‘But SpongeBob was always there to protect it. On this particular day, though, things would be different….'”

igh above Bikini Bottom, a bomber plane flew toward the Krusty Krab. Behind the restaurant, SpongeBob tossed a bag into the trash bin just as his best friend, Patrick, walked up.

“Good morning, SpongeBob!” Patrick said cheerfully.

“Good morning, Patrick!” SpongeBob answered. “Are you here for your pre-lunch Krabby Patty?”

“I'm thinking TWO today! One for me … and one for my friend!”

“Oh!” SpongeBob said. “Have I met this friend?”

Patrick used both hands to squish his belly to look like a big mouth. He moved his hands to make the “mouth” talk. “You know ME, SpongeBob!”

The two pals laughed. “Enjoy, Patrick's tummy!” SpongeBob said.

Up above the Krusty Krab, the bomber plane dropped a huge jar of tartar sauce. As the gigantic jar fell, it made a whistling sound.

Meanwhile, in front of the Krusty Krab, the owner, Mr. Krabs, was happily counting the customers who were lining up to spend their money. He was too busy counting to notice the whistle of the falling jar. “Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen …”

SpongeBob went over to his boss. “Hey, Mr. Krabs,” he said. “I thought we got our tartar sauce delivery on Thursday.”

Mr. Krabs stopped counting. Puzzled, he asked, “Tartar …”

The giant jar hit the ground and exploded, covering everyone and everything with tartar sauce!

“… sauce?” Mr. Krabs finished as tartar sauce dripped off his nose and claws.

Overhead, the pilot of the bomber plane circled around to see the damage he had done. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob heard a familiar voice yell, “Bull's-eye!” and laugh evilly. The plane flew off.

“Plankton!” cried SpongeBob, recognizing the evil laugh right away.

“So it's a food fight he wants, eh?” Mr. Krabs said, determined. He grabbed SpongeBob and said, “Listen up, boy! Plankton's tried to steal me formuler thousands of times, but he's never had a PLANE before! So protect the secret formuler AT ALL COSTS!”

SpongeBob saluted and started to hurry inside to defend the Krabby Patty secret formula. Mr. Krabs realized what he had just said. “But not ACTUAL COSTS,” he added. “You know what I mean. To yer battle stations!”

Plankton piloted his bomber plane toward the Krusty Krab for another attack. “Welcome to Air Plankton!” he announced to no one in particular, enjoying himself. “Please put your seat backs and tray tables up, as we're now approaching our final destination….”

Up on the roof of the Krusty Krab, a giant antiaircraft gun rose into position. SpongeBob and Patrick, wearing their battle helmets, worked the gun.

“Okay, Patrick!” SpongeBob yelled. “Load the potatoes!”

Patrick held up a plate full of steaming potatoes. “Mashed or scalloped, sir?”

“No, Patrick,” SpongeBob said. “RAW!”

“Sir, yes, sir!” Patrick answered, saluting. He dropped the plate of cooked potatoes, picked up a bag of raw potatoes, and poured them into the antiaircraft gun. “Locked and loaded!” he reported.

In his office, Mr. Krabs opened his safe and placed the Krabby Patty secret formula inside. “Don't worry, little formuler!” he said. “You'll be safe in this, uh, safe.” He slammed the door closed, twirled the dial, and grabbed a
microphone. “FIRE!” he shouted.

On the roof, SpongeBob pulled the trigger.
The antiaircraft gun fired whole potatoes at Plankton's fighter plane.

“POTATOES?” Plankton yelled when he saw them coming straight at him. He pulled the stick to the right, swerving the plane out of the way, and headed toward the Krusty Krab.

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