Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2)
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“So what do you say?” the guy asked me, raising an eyebrow. His finger traced down the length of my arm.

I followed the movement, wondering what Asher would do if he saw. “About what?”

“I don’t suggest repeating your question,” a deep voice boomed from a foot away.

I guess I would find out sooner rather than later.

“And you are?” The guy stiffened beside me, rising to his full height before he noticed who was talking to him. “Uh … I’m gonna go.” He pushed off the wall, and before I could ask what the hell was going on, he was out of the club in a matter of seconds.

I laughed.

“What’s so damn funny?” Asher bit out, crossing his arms under his broad chest.

“You scared him half to death.” I laughed harder. Maybe it was the alcohol but it was damn funny.

“Woman, he had his hands on you,” he growled, clenching his fists at his sides.

“Yeah, so? He wouldn’t do anything because I wasn’t going to let him.”

“You are too damn nice.” Asher pinched my chin, forcing me to look up at him, and leaned his arm against the wall above my head. “Do you know what it made me want to do when I saw him touching you?”

“No,” I breathed out. “But I can imagine. You go all possessive.” It was hot as hell. All laughter had died then as I stared into the dark heated eyes looking down at me.

“He was touching what belongs to me,” Asher bit out through clenched teeth. “I don’t share well with others.”

“Who says I belong to you?” I threw back at him, the liquid courage giving me some back bone. I never had any problems telling him how I felt but when it came to our relationship, I was confused as hell.

“Don’t test me, Meeka.” Asher stepped in front me, brushing a hand down my side. A shiver traveled along with it, and as much as I hoped he didn’t notice, he did. With a firm grip on my hip, he lifted me until I was straddling his knee. “I own you. Every time you scream my name, I own you. I own every single fucking inch of you. I make you come. I make you scream. And I make you beg for more.”

“What … what if I don’t want more?”

Asher’s eyes darkened, challenging me. “You are very lucky that you’re drunk right now.”

“Or else what?” I asked, my chest rising and falling at being restrained by his hard body.

“I would bend you over my knees and spank your ass for denying what rightfully belongs to me.” He lowered his head, his mouth brushing over the shell of my ear. “You gave me every inch of you. You begged
. Remember?”

I shivered, memories of where he had been clouding my vision. He was right. I had begged. God, had I ever begged. I couldn’t get enough of him.

“Ah, yes. You do remember.” Asher smirked, brushing his mouth along mine. “I also seem to recall that you demanded I fuck you harder.” Something flashed behind his eyes, but it was gone before I could question it.

I knew what it was about, though; he was remembering when he freaked out. Some childhood nightmare had taken him back in time at the sight of the blood. He still hadn’t told me what it was about.

“Don’t,” he demanded, digging his fingers into my hips. “Don’t go back there.”

“We need to talk about it,” I insisted, cupping his thick arms.

“I can’t.”

I searched his face. Well, that just ruined my buzz.

“What was that?” he asked, frowning.

“Nothing.” I patted his chest. “Put me down.”

“I don’t take kindly to demands, little girl.”

And there it was. The Asher I had become accustomed to. The man who had invaded my space for the past week or maybe it was more. Less? I wasn’t even sure anymore. Time seemed to stand still when it came to him. And I couldn’t wait to get lost again. Lost. Yes. That was what I wanted from him.

“Hmm …” He smirked, lifting me until both of my legs were wrapped around his hips. He moved us to a dark corner away from the crowd with the heavy music still buzzing around us. “I can feel your heat, Meeka.”

Oh, God. Tightening my hold around his waist, I hooked my fingers in his belt loops and pulled him closer. So close but not enough. Never enough.

A groan sounded from the back of his throat.

Pulling his head down to meet my mouth, I crashed my lips against his. Forcing my tongue between his lips, I had control. For a moment. And then he took over.

Asher gripped my hips, pushing between my legs until I felt every inch of him. He grew beneath my touch.

All thoughts disappeared as our mouths moved as one. Asher kissed me like he fucked me. Demanding. In control.

I breathed him in, lost in the desire he built in me.

“Get a room, you two.” Dale chuckled, walking past us. “I don’t think anyone here wants to see you two bumping uglies.”

We broke apart, the sudden desire fading to a dull roar.

“Where’s Max?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He frowned, grumbling as he walked away. “Sass. So much fucking sass. Damn women and their sass.”

Asher shook his head and placed a soft kiss on my nose. “You make me want to fuck you in public. I lose all control and I don’t care who’s around.”

“I’m … sorry?”

He laughed, placing me on my feet. “Don’t be. My inner caveman comes out when I’m with you. If it wasn’t frowned upon, I would fuck you in the middle of the room so everyone knew who you belonged to.”

was an interesting image. “Baby, I’m all for public display of affection but that might be a little much.”

He laughed harder, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulled me back against his chest.

I smiled, pushing my ass into his pelvis.

“Fuck, woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”

And no matter what happened, no matter what life threw at us, I had a feeling our new road together was only just the beginning.



“SO …”

I glanced up at Brogan. “So … What?”

She sat on the stool beside me, leaning against the bar. “How are things with Asher?”

“Fine.” My heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of his name. “Why?”

“Girl,” she huffed. “Do I have to rip it out of you? What’s going on with you two? I’m your best friend and you don’t talk about him.”

“He’s my best friend, too, and I don’t talk about you with him,” I pointed out. After the most recent kiss, the drunken haze left my body like Asher sucked it out of me. A flush of heat traveled up the back of my neck remembering other parts of my body he had sucked.

“That’s different. We’re women. We’re supposed to talk about the men we’re sleeping with.”

“Are we now?”

“God, Meeka, tell me,” she cried.

I laughed. “What do you want to know?”

“The guy’s huge. Is he … you know …” She waggled her eyebrows. “Well proportioned?”

Oh, God.

“I think you should just leave her alone,” Creena said from behind us.

“Why don’t you go back to doing your job, prospect?” Brogan said, her eyes twinkling in the dim lighting of the room.

Creena laughed, shaking her head, and left her spot behind the bar. She continued serving drinks, getting help from frequent regulars every so often. Random women showed up with the other bikers, moving from man to man faster than they changed their panties. Some even propositioned us.

“Earth to Meeka.” Brogan snapped her fingers in front of my face.

Raising an eyebrow, I slowly met her gaze. “I have no idea what’s going on between us. But when I do, you’ll be the first to know.”

“Fine.” She sighed dramatically, jumping off the stool. “Just know that I’m very jealous.”

I laughed. “You don’t need to be. You can get any man here.”

“Yeah.” She frowned, her gaze moving around the room.

“Are you looking for Coby?”

Her eyes snapped to mine, her cheeks reddening. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah,” I scoffed. “Okay.”

“Coby wants nothing to do with me so I’ll just live vicariously through you.” Her mouth set in a firm line. “And I’ll just wait for you to tell me what’s going on between you two.” She winked, blowing me a kiss, and headed to one of the tables. She walked by where Coby was sitting with Dale and Stone and gave him the finger. At first, I didn’t think he noticed, but I then saw the small smile tug at his lips. Huh. Guess the guy wasn’t so emotionless after all.

Brogan wanted the details on what was going on between Asher and me. Well, she was going to have to wait because I had no idea. If I said it out loud, a part of me feared it would be over. It would be too real. We were best friends having sex, but would we still be having sex if he never kissed me the first time?

“Stop thinking so much, Hummingbird.” Asher’s voice slid over me like melted chocolate.

My face heated, the desire for him tingling between my legs. I squirmed, squeezing my thighs together and hoped for the best that he didn’t catch my reaction. But when I looked up at him, a slight smirk had appeared on his face.

“I’m always thinking,” I mumbled, ignoring the scrutiny from the man who had invaded my thoughts.

He pulled my stool closer to him, leaning forward. He placed his hands on my thighs, moving them up to my hips ever-so-slowly. The path caused a burn—a painful ache that set my body on fire.

“Let me take you out of your head,” his head moved down to my ear, his hot breath scorching the side of my face. “





Feeling Meeka tremble gave me the confidence I needed. The back of my neck burned from the eyes staring at us, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about any of them. I only cared about the woman sitting in front of me. The woman who had invaded my bed the past couple of nights.

Meeka stared up at me with wide eyes, her full mouth parting slightly.

I gripped her hips. She shivered, giving me the reaction I craved. The power play between us sent blood rushing through my body. Something switched. In that moment, that time and place, it became more than just us fucking. I wanted to devour her. Own every inch of her skin. Feel her deep within my soul.

“Asher,” she panted, placing her hands on my forearms. Her nails dug into my skin. We were hardly touching but I could feel her all over me.

I didn’t say anything as I pinched her chin. Brushing a finger over her bottom lip, I smiled when she inhaled a sharp breath.

Oh, little girl. What I could do to you. What I want to do to you. Our time together has only just begun.

“Asher,” a barked command came from behind me. As much as I didn’t want to turn around and lose focus of the sight in front of me, that voice belonged to the one person I shouldn’t mess with.

“What?” I reached for Meeka’s hand, giving her the option of linking our fingers or not.

She smiled up at me, sliding her hand in mine.

“We have a problem,” Coby stated. “Angel needs us.”

“What’s going on?” I asked just as Dale and Stone jumped up from a table and headed outside.

“Meeka—” his gaze slid between us “—you should come as well.” And with that, Coby followed our brothers out of the club.

“He’s intense,” Meeka muttered.

I bit back a scoff. If she only knew.

Rising from the stool, I pulled Meeka with me and led us out of the club. The moment we stepped foot outside, my gaze zeroed in on the reason everyone had left the club.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Jay snapped, pushing back Tyler Bone. The fucker was her ex, and he didn’t leave her alone. A couple weeks before, he had tried blaming Vice-One for the disappearance of her sister and for the others.

“I heard there was a party.” Tyler’s gaze moved around the crowd watching their little spat. “It seems like the party has come to us.”

“What’s going on?” I asked Angel, stepping up beside him.

“The bastard thinks he can show up whenever he wants. Causing problems for me and my woman,” he grumbled, crossing his arms under his broad chest.

“Need us to take care of it?” I asked, watching Meeka walk up to Max and Brogan who were huddled by Jay.

“Not yet.” He jerked his chin toward Jay. “Jay seems to be handling it.”




BOOK: Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2)
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