Staking His Claim (BBW Alpha Male Werewolf Paranormal Romance Erotica)

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Authors: Sierra Wolf

Tags: #Adult, #Paranormal, #erotica, #shifter, #Romance

BOOK: Staking His Claim (BBW Alpha Male Werewolf Paranormal Romance Erotica)
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Sierra Wolf

All Rights Reserved
Sierra Wolf
First Printing: 2014

rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means with the
prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Images Photo Credit: carlodapino / sbelov

Note: All characters in this story are 18 years of age and older, and
all sexual acts are consensual.

of Contents




Chapter 1

The neon lights of the bar glistened at
me from down the street, drawing me in like a moth to the flame. My
job wasn't bad, as the only vet tech in a clinic run by a crotchety
old veterinarian named Dr. Andrews, but it wasn't all kittens and
sunshine. And now my first week here was over and I finally had a
night off to relax.

My new apartment wasn't even unpacked
yet, but somewhere, somehow, a glass of whiskey had my name on it. I
glanced up at the sign before I opened the banged-up wooden door.
Black Wolf Inn
. It was a strange name, but then, I'd seen more
than a few oddities since moving to the backwoods of Pennsylvania.

I opened the door to a cloud of haze,
lights flashing behind the mirrored bar. My eyes were drawn upwards
to the ceiling, where the phases of the moon had been painted in
foiled silver in a perfect circle overhead. The music wasn't to my
taste, but as far as I knew, this was the only bar around.

I seated myself and took off my jacket,
revealing my burgundy t-shirt stretched over my ample breasts. My
wide hips and ass were packed snugly into my favorite jeans. Usually
I would feel self conscious about my tight clothing, but I'd realized
over the week that being a bigger girl out here didn't seem to be
that much of a deal.

I caught the bartender's eye and
ordered my glass of scotch while I looked around. A few men my age
were seated a few feet away from me, and I looked away when one of
them leered at me. I've been pretty shy my whole life..not to mention
a virgin. The last thing I was looking for out here was someone to
try and romance their way into my pants.

I stared into my whiskey while the men
whispered, their drinks steadily disappearing. The amber liquid
seemed to pulse with the flashing lights, and left a pleasant burn
down my throat as I sipped. And then a pleasurable chill ran down my

I felt his presence from across the
room. He was like a magnet, drawing my eyes away from the hypnotic
lights, burning my brain clean of all thought. I met his eyes through
the haze and was locked in tight.

They were as gold as my whiskey, dark
rings encircling them. And they smoldered like fire, sending chills
through me from scalp to toe. I almost didn't notice the sculpted
muscles beneath the black t-shirt or the tumble of dark curls.

He smiled at me, his full lips curving
upwards ever so slightly. I flushed, and tore my eyes away,
embarrassed that I was blushing like a schoolgirl over a stranger. I
must have looked like a deer in headlights, staring at him so hard.

But even with my gaze averted I could
still feel him there, studying me intently. The sensation was not
unpleasant at all. But as always, the fear that he was inwardly
mocking me was there. Maybe even out here being a thicker girl wasn't
exactly desirable.

I tipped back the glass, savoring the
burn, and raised a finger for another. If I had one vice, whiskey was

An arm descended around my shoulders,
pulling me in against the owner. I looked up at the owner, my hackles
raised immediately. The scent of smoke and beer enveloped me as the
man who had leered at me leaned in, his movements jerky and

“Hey, baby blue eyes,” he
slurred, grinning down at me. I wrinkled my nose as I pushed away
from him, my hand firm against his chest, but he had me in a tight
grip. “Feel like partying tonight?”

“Get your hands off me.” I
shoved harder, sending him stumbling backwards. In a flash his
friends were off their stools, encircling me. It was so unreal it was
almost dream-like.

“We just want to hang out, pretty
girl,” one said. He was pressed almost against me, holding me
where I was as Leery leaned against the bar, recovering his

“Don't be a bitch about it,”
he said. “You're lucky we asked anyways, cow.”

My vision turned red with shame and
anger, my fingers white-knuckling my tumbler of whiskey. I briefly
debated pouring it on him, but that would be a sad waste of alcohol,
and besides, my chronic shyness had the side effect of forced

“I just want to be left alone,”
I said, but any loudness I could have had was lost in the music and
my own embarrassment. Someone was laughing, and I felt a hand slide
over my shoulder and down my arm. Disgust rippled through me as I
glared at Leery, preparing to cock my fist for a swing—

He went flying across the room, landing
in a crumpled heap at the door.

I was frozen, completely shocked as
golden eyes stared at me, then turned their full force on the other
drunk fools.

“Get out.” That's all he
said. But suddenly I could breathe again, the presences surrounding
me gone as the drunk boys quietly gathered up their fallen comrade
and nearly fell over each other in their hurry to get outside.

My savior watched me, tension evident
in every line of his body. His pupils were dilated to points, the
gold and amber rings standing out like molten gold. He loomed above
me head and shoulders, built broad like an ox.

“Are you all right?” he
asked softly. I realized I was still clutching my tumbler. I loosened
my grip, my hands shaking a little.

“I'm fine,” I muttered,
unwilling to meet his eyes despite his magnetic attraction. It was
even more embarrassing to be mocked and unwilling to stand up for
yourself in front of a sudden crush. I wondered how foolish I looked
to him.

I knocked back the glass to settle my
nerves. “Jacob Moreno,” he said, holding out his hand
when I had set the tumbler down. I hesitated a bare second, then took

Lightning tingled its way up my arm as
I looked at him, his fingers firm around mine. Jacob didn't squeeze,
but I got the strange impression that he wouldn't willingly be the
one to break contact. He wasn't smiling anymore, and the smoldering
fire in his eyes made my heart beat faster.

“Rosalie Gray,” I said, my
tongue feeling clumsy. I pulled back my hand, flustered by my
reaction. His skin was warm and reluctant to part, his fingertips
trailing across my palm as he drew his hand back.

“Rosalie,” he repeated. His
voice was deep and smoky, the timbre of it echoing in my chest. “The
new vet?”

“Tech,” I corrected. “Just
here as Dr. Andrew's assistant.” He knew who I was? Word must
travel much faster than I had anticipated in a place like this. It
didn't help that I was blushing again. His sheer proximity seemed to
send me right back to middle school, too afraid to talk to a boy
without embarrassing myself. It was ten times worse with an
incredibly sexy man standing close enough that his body heat warmed

“Well, Rosalie, if you need an
escort home, I'd be more than willing to help you out.” I
swallowed hard. What was he trying to pull? There was no way a guy
like him could go from gallant to playboy that fast.

“I think I can handle myself,
thanks,” I said. I pulled my jacket on, covering up the
goosebumps he had raised on my skin. I might be a virgin, but that
didn't mean I couldn't imagine what a guy like him could do to me...

I realized I was uncomfortably warm,
heat settling in my stomach and sliding downwards...and I was wet
enough to soak my panties. My apartment wasn't too far, and my
vibrator was in my nightstand. I imagined Jacob peeling off his
shirt, my hands sliding over his hard, rippled stomach before he
turned me around with rough hands, bending me over the bar to slide
my jeans down—

I was staring again. His eyes were
piercing me, smirking as though he knew exactly what I was thinking
about. I stammered an apology and bolted outside, my cheeks glowing
pink. I took a deep breath as I set off with a purpose with my heels
clacking loudly in the silence.

I would see him again. In a town this
small with only one watering hole you couldn't go more than a few
days without seeing everyone.

My fantasy had intensified as I rounded
the steps to my apartment, imagining Jacob's hips pressed against my
ass, his hands cupping my breasts as he teased me mercilessly...I
fumbled my keys, so desperate to get behind closed doors and relieve
the tension that my hands were unsteady.

The key clicked in the lock, and my
cell rang.

I groaned as I saw Dr. Andrew's name on
the screen, and pressed the button.

“Miss Gray, I can't make it in
tonight, but I just got an emergency call. I need you to get to the
clinic now and get the situation taken care of.” I suppressed a
sigh of defeat. I already
to take care of.

be there as soon as possible, doctor.” I locked the door again
and headed back out. The clinic was on the very edge of town, only
half a mile away. Fantasy Jacob would have to wait,
my dismay.

walk to the clinic dulled the sparkle the whiskey had put on the
The trees of the
surrounding forest grew thicker as I left the town behind,
my way along the edge
of the road.
I could see the
flickering orange light of the clinic ahead and
up, now worried that the emergency call might be too late to fix.

unlocked the door and shoved
hard, but it wouldn't budge. After several tries I realized that the
deadbolts had been slid from inside. The back door
deadbolted as well. No one was here.

stood beneath the flickering orange light, my phone in hand, debating
whether to call the doctor back or not.
suddenly occurred to me just how alone I was out here, the orange
bulb overhead the only artificial light as far as I could see. The
moon shone full, the stars carpeting the sky in a thick smear.

chill ran down my spine for
no reason, and I stared at the woods surrounding me. I had never been
afraid of superstitions, but something felt off.

raised my phone to dial the doctor when I heard a snap of a branch.

a deep voice said, growling in the back of their throat. The chill
became fire, roaring through my veins. Something shifted in the
darkness, the moon just barely illuminating his broad chest and
muscular arms. I swore I could see the amber fire of his eyes even
from the distance.

what stepped from the forest was not the Jacob I had met, his body
thickly coated in dark fur, his fingers elongated into long claws.
The werewolf growled again, sniffing the air intently. He was
massive, and dropped to all fours as he locked onto me.

phone slipped from numb fingers and shattered on the pavement. A
piercing howl ripped through the night, sending tremors
fire and ice
through me from
head to toe.

e charge
at me.


I plunged into the woods, my mind in a
frenzy of panic and strange excitement. The werewolf crashing through
the woods behind me was definitely Jacob, but his teeth were so
sharp, and his claws had glinted at me as he tore across the
street...but the look in his fiery eyes didn't tell me blood was on
his mind.

I caught a whiff of spicy cologne as I
leaped over a fallen tree, stumbling in the dead leaves on the other
side. His growl echoed through my chest, rattling my limbs as I
scrambled to get up and keep running.

!” he
roared, and I turned for a bare second as a branch whipped across my
face. He was atop the log I had jumped over, glowering at me. The
terror in me was slowly turning into something else. He could catch
up with me in a heartbeat if he truly wanted to kill me...

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