Stalemate (10 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Thrillers

BOOK: Stalemate
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She phoned Montalvo back thirty minutes later. "I'm coming. But on my terms, not yours."

"What terms?"

"You're not sending any plane for me. I'll arrange with the CIA to bring me to you."


"And you'll have Gonzales and his family waiting when I get off the plane and they'll board it and the CIA will fly them out of Colombia."


"And you won't wait until I finish the job to get your people working on finding my daughter. You'll start at once."

"Agreed. Anything else?"

"No." She paused. "I'm good, but I'm not a miracle worker. I may not be able to do what you wish. I'm bargaining for the attempt, not the success."

"I've seen your work. At times you come very close to miracles."

"I mean it, Montalvo."

He didn't speak for a moment. "As long as I feel you're giving it your best effort, I won't quarrel with you."

"I can't do anything else but my best. It's the only way I work. One other thing. Joe Quinn."

"He can't come with you."

"I don't want him to come with me. I may be willing to risk my own neck with you, but I won't risk Joe's. But he's not going to see it my way. I need a promise from you. Under no circumstances will you harm my family, particularly Joe. No matter what he does, what he says, how much trouble you believe he's going to cause, you will not hurt Joe Quinn."

"That may be a most difficult condition. I've checked his background. Police, FBI, ex-SEAL. He could cause a disturbance."

"You're damn right he could. Ask me if I care. Give me your promise."

"Would you trust my word?"

"Probably not. But if I make it a part of the bargain you'd know it was a deal breaker."

"I do keep my word. It's one of my eccentricities."

"We'll see. Give me your promise. I want the words."

He sighed. "Under no circumstances will I harm your admirable Joe Quinn. Satisfied?"

"No, I'm not satisfied about anything connected with this. I'm just trying to minimize the damage."

"And you've done a good job. I'd expect nothing less of you." His voice became crisp. "Now let me go over arrangements. You'll be landing at a strip in a small village, San Cristal. The countryside is rough and it's difficult for even a helicopter to land near the compound. You'll be brought by jeep to within one mile of the compound, where you'll go through the checkpoints."

"Very isolated. How do you do business?"

"By staying alive and not inviting anyone too close. My men know the jungle around the compound and can spot anyone who gets too near."

"Like Aquila?"

"Yes, he got much too near. When may I expect you?"

"I'll let you know. I have to talk to Venable."

"He'll be full of warnings and gloom, but he'll go along with you. He's very concerned about Gonzales. For such an experienced agent, I found he has a conscience where innocent bystanders are concerned."

"You act as if that's rare."

"I appreciate those who have a code and stick by it. Most of us change with the winds."

"Speak for yourself. I don't. Neither does Joe. I'll call you when I firm up the flight with Venable." She hung up.


Fear. Uncertainty. Excitement.

And the excitement was growing, she realized. Facing the unknown, a challenge to be met, a chance to find Bonnie. She suddenly felt vibrantly alive. She hadn't expected this reaction. Now that the decision was made it was as if every facet of her mind and body were readying for a battle.

And that's exactly what it might prove to be, she thought ruefully.

Well, time to call in reinforcements. She looked up the number and quickly dialed Venable.

"It's my duty to try to dissuade you," Venable said. "You're putting yourself at risk and we're not in a position to help you if you need it." He added wearily, "I'd think you'd realize that. We haven't even been able to help Gonzales."

"I won't ask for help. This is my choice. If I get in trouble, it's up to me to find a way out."

"What about Quinn? What have you told him?"

"Nothing." She paused. "He's not involved with this."


"He's not going to know anything until I'm halfway to Colombia. He's going to be angry and he's going to try to get you to do something to get me out of Montalvo's compound. You're not to do it. If you come for me, I won't go with you. And you may lose men trying to make me. Do you understand?"

"Understood. But there's no way you'll get Quinn to understand. He may come after all of us."

"I'll try to explain--I have to do this. Try to keep him away from me and safe, Venable. You owe me for Gonzales. Pay me back by protecting Joe." She had to get off the phone. She was getting too emotional. "I'll be waiting for someone to pick me up at nine-thirty in the morning."

"I'll have a man there. You won't change your mind?"

"I won't change my mind."

She stood there a moment, fighting for control, after she'd hung up. Talking about Joe had brought the effect on him of what she was doing to the forefront. He would understand her going, he would not understand her not letting him go with her. He would regard it as a betrayal of their relationship.

So be it. She would worry about damage control later. She had done all she could to keep him safe. She just had to forge forward.

But that was not going to be tonight. She had Joe for one more night. The next days ahead would be for Bonnie. She would take tonight for herself.

"We have to make a trip to the village tomorrow, Soldono," Montalvo said as he turned away from the phone. "I'm going to have a visitor."

"She's actually going to come?"

"With many stipulations." He smiled. "She very wisely hedged her bet as much as she could. But the bottom line is that she's coming."

"God help her."

Montalvo's smile faded. "God helps he who helps himself. Eve Duncan is doing what she can to help herself. We must hope that she continues in that vein." He turned away. "Now go and tell Maria Gonzales and the children to pack up. I won't release her husband until the last minute before we leave for the landing pad. It won't hurt him to sweat a little more."

"You're releasing them?"

"A condition of your Ms. Duncan's. I expected it." He gave Soldono a cool glance. "You were wise not to make the attempt to get them out before this. I was a little worried you might not be as intelligent as I thought you to be. You might have set my plan back severely if you'd made me use violence when I'd tracked you down. I'm being forced to strike a very delicate balance with Eve Duncan."

Soldono met his gaze. "If I'd found a way, I would have done it." He turned away. "And I wouldn't have been as easy as Aquila."

Montalvo laughed. "Good for you. A break at last in your demeanor. I was getting tired of you being so diplomatic with me."

"There was a man's life at stake. I did what I had to do."

"And now the man is going to be freed and you can be yourself. It will be a relief to both of us." Montalvo waved his hand. "Go get the woman and children. Miguel will give you cash to set them all up far away from me."


"It may discourage me from obeying the rule I set up for the compound." He paused. "Or it might not. So don't tell me where you settle them."

"You're a strange man, Montalvo."

"Strange is better than ordinary. I swore when I was a child that I would never be run-of-the-mill. I've kept my word."

"That you have." Soldono was heading for the door. "There's no use me being here if you're releasing Gonzales. I'll be boarding the plane with them."

"No, I want you to stay here."


"Eve Duncan will feel safer here with you on the scene."

He hesitated. "I'll have to check with Venable."

"We both know there won't be a problem. Not only will you be providing security to a U.S. citizen, but you'll continue to be in a position to spy on my operations. After all, that's how all this started in the beginning."

"I have to warn you that I'll provide her with all the security of which I'm capable. I won't be a cardboard figure, Montalvo."

"Good. The safer she feels, the more productive she'll be."

Soldono shook his head and strode out of the room.

Montalvo stood up and moved across the office to the window to stare out at the jungle. Excitement was tingling through him.

She was coming.

It had been a hard fight but he had won. He had been patient and not reached out and grabbed. He had used his mind and not muscle.

Are you as excited as I am, Eve? I believe you are. I could hear it in your voice. I could sense it.

I'm getting closer, you son of a bitch. One step at a time, one person at a time. You can't stop me, Diaz.

She was coming.

Nekmon hesitated outside the bedroom door. Diaz had a new woman with him and he usually didn't like to be disturbed. Screw it. Diaz had told him to report as soon as he knew anything about Aquila. If he didn't do as ordered, he'd be in trouble anyway. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

He knocked. "Nekmon."

"Come in. Come in," Diaz said impatiently.

The scent of perfume and marijuana hit his nostrils as soon as he opened the door. "I'm sorry to bother you, but you said--"

"I know what I said." Diaz sat up, leaned back against the padded velvet headboard, and lit a joint. "Talk and get out."

Nekmon carefully avoided looking at the naked woman lying next to Diaz. "Aquila reported in night before last. He didn't have much. Montalvo has been very quiet lately and staying close to home. He did come up with one name several times during surveillance. Something about a job and an Eve Duncan."

"Who the shit is Eve Duncan?"

"I went to the Internet. If it's the same one, she's some kind of big-time forensic sculptor."

Diaz stiffened. "What?"

"My report's on your desk. I could get it for you now."

"No, not now," he said absently. "But I want to know if Aquila calls with any other info."

"We haven't heard from him in twenty-four hours. He should be calling every eight hours per your orders."

Diaz muttered a curse. "The idiot was probably clumsy."

"That's my guess. Do I send someone else?"

Diaz nodded slowly. "Send Duarte."

Nekmon's brows lifted. "You believe that will be necessary?"

"It can't hurt. I like to be prepared." He murmured, "Eve Duncan. The bastard must be getting close."

"Can I do anything else?"

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