Stalemate (32 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Thrillers

BOOK: Stalemate
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"I think in time I can forget the pain. It's the sound I keep hearing over and over. The sound of the stake going into--" He stopped. "You're crying. I didn't mean to make you cry." His lips lifted in the faintest smile. "It's not so bad. Though I won't be able to play the piano again."

"And the next line is that you never played before. That's a very old joke." She said unsteadily, "And if you want to play the piano, I'm sure Montalvo will make sure you're able to do it."

"Me too." His eyes closed. "He...feels sorry this happened. He won't admit it but he...likes me."

"I believe that's an open secret."

"And he doesn't want to let get Diaz." His words were becoming slurred. "Wrong. I have to do it."

"For pity's sake, you're wounded. You're not in shape to do anything."

"Didn't stop...Quinn."

"And Joe is being held by Diaz."

" Maybe it will stop the sound..."

"Miguel, your job is just to concentrate on getting well. There's nothing else that--"

He was asleep. His chest was moving steadily in and out, his breathing deep and regular. Montalvo had warned her that Miguel was sedated and her visit couldn't be for long and she'd probably exceeded that limit. She was torn by pity and anger and a kind of maternal protectiveness as she gazed down at Miguel. He was only a boy, dammit.

She gently tucked the sheet higher around him and moved toward the door.

Don't give in to Diaz.

Easy to say. The last thing she wanted to do was to follow any order from that beast.

Joe. What about Joe?

Yet Miguel had said Joe was dead whether or not she disobeyed Diaz.

He would not die. She would not allow that to happen.

Think about it. There had to be an out. Diaz was a dragon who was scourging all of their lives. They couldn't let him win. Although right now it seemed as if that was what was happening, she thought bitterly.

She closed the door and went down the hall toward her own room. Grab a shower. Change her clothes and then sit down and try to puzzle a way out for all of them.

Her cell phone rang before she reached her door.

"How did you like my messenger?" Diaz asked. "I thought it was quite a dramatic way to convey my wishes."

"It was hideous. You're hideous."

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never harm me. Isn't that the way the English saying goes? I didn't use words to break Miguel Vicente's bones. I gave my men a baseball bat."

"And then you crucified him."

"I thought it fitting. Rather biblical in flavor."

"Satanic in flavor."

"It's nothing to what I'll do to Quinn if you don't follow my orders to the letter. Did you know I boiled a man in oil once? It took him a long time to die. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be over in the blink of an eye." His tone hardened. "I want the skull in my hands by tomorrow night. I want assurance by tomorrow afternoon that Armandariz believes you to be a lying bitch."

"I'd be a fool to do all that without some proof that you'd release Joe. I could never trust your word."

"That's true. But I'm in control here. You'll do as I say or Quinn dies."

She hesitated, a hundred frantic thoughts cascading through her mind. What did she know about Diaz? Dammit, she wasn't prepared for this. Okay, go with instinct. "And I may die too. Why should I risk my life when you're not offering me any chance of a way out?"

"Because you're a soft woman and he's your lover."

That was the strongest wild card Diaz was holding. She had to take it away from him. "I'd hate to have anything happen to Joe for old times' sake but he's no longer my lover."

Silence. "You lie. He followed you here. He took a bullet for you."

"But why did he have to follow me here? Why did I take this job? Money? If you investigated me, you have to know money doesn't mean that much to me."

"Money is important to everyone." He paused. "Why else?"

"Montalvo. I was bored with my relationship with Joe. Montalvo is new and exciting."

"You're fucking him?"

"Every chance I get."

"I don't believe you."

"Believe what you like. I've tried to keep our relationship under wraps because I didn't want to hurt Joe before I could make a final break. But life is looking very good to me right now and I'm not going to toss it away for a man I'm going to leave anyway. If I decide to do what you wish, I'm going to walk away safe and sound."

"Back to Montalvo?"

"Back to Montalvo. I'll put Joe on a plane to Atlanta and wave him good-bye."

"You're making a bad exchange. Montalvo's not going to live longer than the next few weeks."

"You haven't managed to kill him yet. He's a survivor. That's one of the things that excites me about him."


"Beast. Find me a safe way out and I'll find a way to get that skull."

Another silence. "I'll think about it." He hung up.

But he'd call back if she'd managed to convince him. Toward the end of the conversation she'd thought he'd accepted the lie as truth. Jesus, she'd taken a giant leap and wasn't sure if she'd plunged Joe off that precipice. She hadn't had any option. Diaz was using her love for Joe as a weapon that could kill both of them. The only way to keep him from dominating the situation was to take that weapon away from Diaz.

And what would she do when he called her back? Listen to his deal and then try to find a way to save Joe. At best, it would be a stopgap measure. She had to do better than that. She had to take the control away from Diaz. Initiate instead of defend. And she had no idea in hell how to do that.

It had better not remain a mystery for long, she thought desperately as she went into her room. She had to have a counterplan ready to meet any trap Diaz was going to set for her.

Go on. Do what she'd been starting to do when that call had shaken her to the core. Shower. Change. Get something to eat. And during every minute she was doing those mundane tasks keep thinking, keep searching for a way out....

Diaz hadn't called back by the time she was ready to go downstairs. She hadn't really expected him to move fast. He probably had to consider whether there was truth in her words and then make a decision if he wanted to offer her what she'd told him she wanted.

She passed a mirror on the way to the door and grimaced. She had a right to look tired, since she hadn't slept in almost two days, but she was positively haggard. How pleased Diaz would be if he could see her now. Actually, she didn't feel nearly as exhausted as she looked. She was wired.

Montalvo glanced up as she entered the library. "Feel better? Miguel doesn't blame you for anything."

"Nor you?" She dropped down in the visitor's chair. "Though he may try to use his injury to manipulate you. He's capable of it."

"Yes, he is. And I fully expect to have to slap him down." He added, "After the bastard gets well."

"He wants to go after Diaz. He said you won't let him. That's good."

"Maybe. It might be better to give him a role. After what he went through he deserves to get some of his own back."

"I agree. But I'm more interested in getting Joe out of that castle than letting the two of you go after your revenge."

"Even if the one begets the other?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Has Diaz called you back yet?"


He stiffened. "And?"

"The same as before. A little added gloating about what he did to Miguel." She shuddered. "He enjoyed it."

"I don't doubt that."

"Neither do I." She straightened in the chair. "And I'm not letting him do that to Joe. So I've got to move quickly. He wants the skull. I'm going to give it to him. With all the embroidery that he asked me to tack on to the deal. Diaz wants me to convince Armandariz that I didn't tell the truth about the validity of the reconstruction. I'll need your help to intercede with Armandariz for me in both cases."

"You're going to tell Armandariz that you lied?" he asked harshly. "No way."

"Don't tell me that. I'll do whatever is necessary to get Joe away from him."

"I won't let you give him the skull."

"If you can think of any other way I'm open to suggestion."

"You're not going to give him the skull."

She sat there looking at him.

He muttered a curse. "He'll scoop you up and cut your throat if you go near him."

"I'm working on that. He's not totally in control any longer."

"The hell he's not."

"I told him that I wouldn't meet his terms unless I had an escape hole. That I wasn't going to risk my life for Joe's."

"And he believed you?"

"Perhaps. We'll have to see. I tried to make my holdout as reasonable as possible." She stared him in the eye. "I told him I was fucking you and that I was going to leave Joe anyway."

"Indeed?" he murmured. "Why?"

"I needed an excuse for being less than eager to get Joe out of his hands. It gave me more negotiating power."

"If Diaz believed you."

"I think he did. We'll see when he calls me back." She added, "And if he agrees, I'll set up the meeting place."

"No," Montalvo said flatly. "Forget it. It's not going to happen."

Despair tore through her. His refusal wasn't unexpected but she'd been hoping against hope. She stood up. "Is that your last word?"

He nodded and repeated, "It's not going to happen. I'm not going to cut you down from a crucifix, Eve."

She turned on her heel and walked out of the room.

Christ, she felt alone. She had desperately wanted Montalvo's help and it was clear she wasn't going to get it. She could see his viewpoint. He'd spent years bringing Armandariz to this point and he wasn't willing to give up the advantage. Okay, then she'd have to work through this by herself. She'd go back to her room and sleep for a few hours. She had an idea she wasn't going to get much in the foreseeable future. Then she'd sit down and try to puzzle a way out of this predicament.

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