Stalk Me (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Stalk Me
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Ayden raced away from Nicole in the opposite direction, determined to beat her home. If he could sneak in through her second-story window in the back of the complex, he could give her what she needed right now. Fuck waiting for tonight. He’d waited long enough.

If they hadn’t been in the middle of the street in such a busy part of town, he would have bent her over the cruiser and buried his cock into her right then.

The sound of the siren echoed off the buildings while he raced through town. His werewolf abilities gave him the upper hand when it came to quick reflexes, so he wasn’t worried about harming anyone.

The adrenaline pumped excitedly through his body while thoughts of Nicole raced through his mind. She missed him. He almost couldn’t believe it. The declaration of her wanting to see other people stung quite a bit, but his plan to involve his best friend might work to his advantage. Trevor would know they were mated so a line would be drawn. In the end, if Nicole didn’t choose him, then at least he knew she’d be in good hands and close by.

Within minutes he pulled into the complex. Hiding his cruiser behind another building, stealthily he made his way to Nicole’s back window. Ayden surveyed the distance. He could jump high, but not that damn high. Using the air conditioning unit mounted into the ground, he jumped up, grabbing on to the windowsill.

Freeing one of his hands, he pushed the glass open and pulled himself into her room. There was no point in taking off his uniform, not yet. He had plans and every intention of playing police officer to her once she arrived.

Stalk Me


* * * *

“Don’t scream, please. I won’t hurt you, Nicole. I tried to tell you this morning, but you wouldn’t let me finish. Yes, I want to come home, but that’s not the big part. This man you’re seeing, you have to stay away from him. He’s…not human. I can’t explain it. His eyes…”

Michael shuddered behind her and slowly he dropped his hand.

Nicole could see that he looked just as drunk as he had this morning.

It was one of the main reasons she’d run him off. Michael’s brown hair was sticking out at odd angles. His business suit was a complete mess, wrinkled with the tie at half mast, sitting sideways across his chest.

“Michael, I think I should take you home. You’re drunk. I can smell you from here.” The fragrance of alcohol clung heavily to the interior. He never drank liquor. Something was definitely wrong.

“Nicole, don’t tell me what I am!” he yelled, pulling her hair, and causing her head to hit the head rest. She tried her best to focus on the road while he went into one of his tirades.

“I’m telling you, the man’s a fucking…thing. He’s not human.

And his strength. It’s unreal. Did you know he had the nerve to lift me over his head? The jerk threatened to throw me through the parking lot if I didn’t leave you alone.”

Nicole felt a chill go down her body. Hadn’t she thought the same thing about Ayden lifting her? She pushed it away trying not to think that her ex weighed twice as much as her.

“Michael, Ayden is strong, but that doesn’t make him a

“Then explain the way his face transformed, and his eyes began to glow, or maybe you can tell me why he suddenly grew claws. Tell me how that’s possible, Nicole!” Michael gripped her hair harder before letting go.

She almost laughed, ignoring the pain he caused. The pain, she was used to, but his words she couldn’t ignore. What he said was

Jennifer Salaiz


“I don’t know what to tell you.” As inconspicuously as possible, Nicole maneuvered her way down his street, trying to keep his focus on her so he wouldn’t suddenly freak out about her taking him home.

“Were you drinking when this happened?” Nicole glimpsed back at him in the rearview mirror, trying to keep eye contact.

“I was on my way to fucking work. I wasn’t drunk. It happened right in front of our apartment. It…” Michael trailed off, looking around at their location.

“Wait, what are you doing? I’m not going home. I thought we were going to go back to your place. I need to be there to protect you.” His words slurred as they sped up.

Nicole did laugh this time. Protect her from Ayden?
, like that was going to happen. Ayden would break him in two. Plus, she didn’t need to be protected from him. She needed to go and get ready to fuck him.

“Michael, get out of my car.” Nicole couldn’t help but laugh.

“And please stay away from me. I’ll be fine. Even if Ayden was some
, I’m sure I’ll be okay. He wouldn’t hurt me. Quite the opposite, actually.”

The pressure on Nicole’s arm caused her laughter to die off completely.

“Let go of me, or, so help me God, I’ll call the police this time.

You’re not going to push me around anymore. Plus, I don’t think you want Ayden coming over here since he’s on patrol.”

Michael let her arm go. His body falling over the console caused his legs to flail wildly as his head ended up on the passenger floor board. Nicole helped to pull him up. She leaned over and opened his door, glaring at him.

“Damn it, Michael, get out and sober up. And do us both a favor, and stay away from me.” Pissed that he almost kicked her face in the process of his drunken maneuvering, it took everything for her not to push him out of the door.

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“You’ll see, mark my words,” he said, getting out. The moment the door closed, Nicole hauled ass out of the parking lot. Clearly he was drunker than she expected, talking about glowing eyes and hands that looked like claws. Whatever.

She pushed the thoughts away and headed the five blocks to her house. If she was lucky, she’d be able to search through her clothes and try to find something sexy for Ayden to rip off.

Wetness seeped from her pussy at the thought. As if his cologne swept across her senses, she felt herself become increasingly turned on. She reached down, placing her fingers against her slacks. The urge to close her eyes while she teased herself was almost impossible to control.

Nicole gripped the steering wheel tighter as her hips began to rotate to the movement of her fingers. Faster and faster she rubbed around her clit until she pulled in her driveway and parked. The moment she didn’t have to concentrate on watching the road, she let the moans bounce off the interior as her stomach tightened and the delicious spasms erupted over her body.


Jennifer Salaiz

Chapter 8

It took a few seconds for Nicole’s vision to come back into focus.

Her body still trembled while she made her way up the stairs to her apartment. The key slid into the lock, and she shut the door and stripped off her clothes, throwing them on the floor as she made her way to her room.

A yelp broke through Nicole as a hand clamped over her mouth.

Whoever grabbed her stood behind, making it impossible for her to see who it was.

She opened her eyes wildly when she felt the large arms around her.

“Ayden,” she muffled through his hand.

The nibbling that began to trace down Nicole’s neck to her shoulder told her exactly who it was. Abruptly, Ayden pulled back, spinning her around. Off balance, she clutched him.

“You smell like alcohol.” He began sniffing around Nicole’s face.

He reached her lips and shook his head. “But you haven’t been drinking. What happened after I left you?”

She rolled her eyes at the thought of what occurred. “Next time you decide to watch over me, make sure you check my car. Michael was hauled up inside waiting for me. You should have heard some of the nonsense he rambled about. He was completely wasted.”

Ayden went rigid. “He was in your car? I swear I’m going to…”

“Do nothing,” Nicole finished, pulling against the belt around his waist. “I told him to stay away from me, but he’s convinced you have glowing eyes and claws for hands. He’s scared for me or so he says. I think he consumed one too many drinks.”

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Silence filled the room for a few seconds. “Fine, but if he comes around you again, I want you to call me or the station. Did he hurt you?” Ayden stepped closer to her.

Nicole reflexively covered her arm but shook her head. “No, not really. Can we just continue? I’m dying for you to use those handcuffs on me.”

Ayden was quiet but ultimately broke out of his thoughts. “Don’t you know cops don’t use handcuffs on bad girls? They hogtie them.”

He pulled out what looked to be plastic zip ties.

“Oh, yeah, well you know I’ve been a very bad girl,” she said, playing along with him. Excitement poured through her as he removed her panties and bra. Ayden paused, his face even with her pussy.

“Oh, yes, you’ve been a very naughty girl. I can smell it.” He separated her legs, running the tip of his tongue across her clit. Nicole jerked from the sensitivity.

“What did you do after you dropped off Michael? Did you rub your fingers against your pussy? Did you think of my cock going inside of you while you did it?”

Nicole moaned while Ayden’s tongue explored her pussy further, separating her folds.

“Yes, I thought about you. I couldn’t wait.” The truth of her words hit her. She’d never done anything like that before. It wasn’t like herself. Nothing she seemed to be doing lately was routine.

Ayden stood, lifting her. He placed Nicole on the bed, stomach down. Her legs were suddenly bent backward, and the cold plastic clicked around her ankles and secured them together. Her hands were also pulled behind her back and secured. She whimpered while she separated her thighs as far as they would go.

“Fuck, you smell so good. I missed this more than you’ll ever know.” Ayden buried his face into her pussy again, inhaling deeply.

The moment he shoved his tongue inside of her, Nicole screamed and instantly went into an orgasm.


Jennifer Salaiz

Fingers slid deeper at her peak and pushed against her G-spot. The sensation prolonged the intensity of the ecstasy until she thought the pleasure was going to be unbearable.

“Ayden, please, I want you in my mouth. Please,” she begged.

“You want
in your mouth? Tell me, Nicole.”

“Your dick. Please put your dick inside my mouth. I want to taste you, to feel you against my tongue.”

Ayden took off the belt that was holding his gun and other equipment, and tossed it on the bed. Slowly, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock. Nicole moaned, licking her lips.

* * * *

Just the sight of Nicole’s tongue caused Ayden to nearly lose control. He reached under her arms and lifted her so she could sit on her knees. Her head instantly lowered as she took his tip inside of her mouth. As she swirled her tongue around his width, his eyes felt as if they were rolling back.

A groan left Ayden’s mouth without him realizing he made the sound. Suction pulled him deeper, and his fingers searched for something to clutch on to.

Gently pulling Nicole’s hair out of her face, he held on to it and watched her lips caress down his length. He stared, fascinated, while she took her time pleasuring him. Tracing her lips along the side of his cock, she began kissing the hardness until she reached back to his tip.

“Fuck, Nicole.” He closed his eyes as she began working his length back into her mouth. Her pace quickened until every thought in his mind vanished. All he could feel was the way her tongue slid against his thickness.

He rolled her nipple between his two fingers, pulling at the nub gently. Her moan sent vibrations rushing through his cock. Ayden felt them to the tips of his toes.

Stalk Me


“Enough, I don’t have much time. I want to be inside of you. I
to be inside of you. Are you ready for me to fuck you?” he asked, pulling his cock out of her mouth.

“Yes,” Nicole breathed out softly. Pink covered her fevered cheeks. Knowing how badly Nicole wanted him made Ayden wild with desire. She was his. She just didn’t know it yet. She’d never be satisfied with fucking anyone else. He’d make sure of that.

Tonight, he planned to change things and make their bond stronger. She might like this, but what he wanted more than anything was to take his time and make love to her. He wanted to bask in her body and show her the difference between fucking and the passionate love he wanted to give her.

If all went well with his plan, she’d see the difference between the pleasure they shared now and the passion they, together, were both capable of.

* * * *

Ayden eased Nicole to the bed, resting her back on her stomach.

With her knees bent and her thighs spread wide, she waited for Ayden’s cock to enter her. Heat poured from her skin. She’d never been this turned on or desperate.

Two fingers slid inside of her and pulled out, rubbing her folds and clit. The bed dipped down, and she bit her lip anxiously. At the force of Ayden’s thick tip pushing into her, Nicole lifted her hips, allowing him to enter deeper. Indescribable visions and thoughts swam through her mind. She knew that somehow the actions transpiring between them were so much more than she understood.

Their chemistry, his touch, the feeling she got when he filled her, surpassed anything normal relationships or couples experienced.

Ayden wrapped an arm around her stomach and held her in that position as he plunged inside of her. Nicole screamed and tightened around him.


Jennifer Salaiz

“Don’t stop, oh, please, don’t stop. Fuck me,” she said through her screams.

Ayden pounded into her continuously, running his hand down her back. The multiple sensations coursing throughout her body made focusing on just one thing impossible.

“Are you going to be a bad girl anymore, or am I going to have to come and repeatedly punish you?”

“I like being bad so I guess that means you’re going to have to punish me,” she said in a thick voice.

“Oh, I will. I’ll be back tonight. Do you want me to come back while you’re sleeping? Do you want me to wake you up with my tongue inside your pussy?”

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