Stalked For Love (5 page)

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Authors: KC Royale

BOOK: Stalked For Love
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“Um, hello, Professor Brennan.” That was all I could say to him, since I was still in shock.
What was he doing here? Was he alone?

“Hello, Jessica, how are you?” He asked smoothly.

“I am, fine,” I said, swallowing, and finding my eyes roaming once again over his body
I knew in that moment, that this was a very bad time to be tipsy.

“Are you here for the jazz being played tonight?” He waved his arm toward the music that could be heard from where I stood.

“I guess you can say that, since I was just getting a room,” I replied, before turning back to the lady. I handed her my credit card as she smiled, though I think it was more of a smile for him than me. He just seemed to bring that out of women, but I always found it be intimidating.


“Care to join me? I have a table reserved already,” he asked. I nervously looked over at the lounge, and then back at him, and he smirked.
Oh God a dimple!

“Professor, I don’t think—” He interrupted me.

“Come on, Jessica. I’m staying here tonight as well, and we can catch up.”

“Umm, I guess that’s okay, for a little while at least.”

I knew I didn’t believe the words I was speaking. I knew this was wrong, so wrong. But I couldn’t stop the desire clawing at me, to just be near him now. Since I wasn’t his student anymore, I wouldn’t be seeing him or talking to him about anything in the future. Truth be told, I missed his conversations, even if it was only about academia. I wasn’t a part of his fan club, but I appreciated a real man when I saw one. Besides, at this stage in my life, I’d only seen two so far. My father and Professor Brennan.

“Okay, professor, I’ll join you.” I confirmed again, but mostly to myself. It seemed as if I needed to answer the question again and again, to myself.
Jazz with Professor Brennan, is this right?

“Excuse me, Miss Moore?” The receptionist murmured. I then turned to her, and she handed me my room key and credit card. “So room seven thirteen is ready for you. Room service is open until midnight, and we have a free breakfast set-up from eight until ten, in the breakfast area to your left. If you need anything else, please call us,” she stated, and I nodded to her.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Excuse me, do you have any packages for room seven thirty six?” Professor Brennan asked her, and I felt the color drain from my face.
We were booked on the same floor?
What are the odds of
happening? I took a deep breath as she handed him a small envelope, which he’d then slid in his suit jacket, and then he turned to me with a smile.

“Shall we?” He asked.

“Sure,” I said.

“Great, and by the way, Jessica… I feel the need to reiterate that
are no longer
student, and I am no longer your professor. So with that being said, you can call me Thomas. My name is Thomas Vincent Brennan, and you, Jessica Moore, look very beautiful tonight.” He stated, as his eyes roamed over my pink and black dress and black heels.

He didn’t linger at my body too long, because his eyes were back on my face in seconds. I knew I was flushed and dazed, this was just all too much. I was only just thinking about him on the drive over, and now he’s here and we’re about to go to a hotel lounge together.

“Yes, I see. Thanks, you too,” I muttered warily.

What was I saying? Was I even making sense?
He then held up his forearm and I looked down at it for three long seconds, while his hand rested over his ribcage, as he silently awaited my compliance. I then entwined my arm into his and we then headed in the direction of the lounge. I didn’t know about him, but I knew what I needed right now, and that was a drink… or two.


Chapter 7


As we headed towards the lounge, the only thing that I kept repeating in my head was; this is
a date, this is
a date, this is
a date. The chanting was only a distraction, until I could make some sort of sense of my current predicament. Was this just a coincidence, or was it more?

Maybe this could just really be as simple, as a coincidence, us both being at the same place at the same time? Ugh, I sounded so stupid when I couldn’t think straight. So at that moment, I decided to not over-think things at all, not until I at least had a shot. The lounge was a nice size, almost the size of a medium-sized restaurant.

There was a small stage in the center of the room, near the back. There the band was playing and a nice looking African-American woman who stood in front of a mic, singing tones and melodies. The way she sang without actually using words, had me immediately entranced. She sounded so erotic, and the soft sounds of the live band flowed so lovely around her intoxicating voice.

The music overall was very enchanting, and I immediately knew that I’d enjoy myself tonight. I looked on as Thomas led me to his private booth near the front of the stage. Then and only then, did he remove his arm from around mine. He then placed his hand on the small of my back, ushering me forward as I nervously glanced up at him.

I entered the booth and scooted over, and he then sat inside the booth and moved closer to me. I glanced at him again and we both smiled at each other, as I set my purse on the table and looked around this place. It was a very nice setting, and had a romantic feel to it. It didn’t feel like a cheap looking hotel lounge at all. The ceiling had sparkling lights hanging down, and there were tables and booths surrounding a small dance floor in front of the stage, where a few couples were swaying to the music.

All the tables were filled, with people actively listening to the music. It was like a sold out concert in here, filled to capacity. They all seemed like they were almost in a trance, from the jazz they were hearing. The same kind of trance you’d witness at a poetry reading, the people were always so in-tuned with their surroundings, literally.

Just like they were tonight, in this place, with the soft jazz playing. I actually liked it here, and that was odd, because I never liked most of the clubs that my friends dragged me out to.

“I like it here, it has a very relaxing atmosphere,” I murmured, while looking over at him and suddenly realizing just how close he was, when he faced me. I’ve never been this close to him, I could actually smell his cologne. A long moment passed as we gazed at each other, with no words spoken.

“I agree. I come here when I need to do exactly that, relax and enjoy myself,” he murmured, as his eyes lowered to my lips and then back up to my eyes. “This group plays here once every month, and I try to make it each time,” he finally replied, after clearing his throat.

“I would too, if I had known about them. This music is so good, I really like it,” I smiled, ignoring the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 

“Maybe later you’d join me for a dance then?”

“Hmm, maybe, but I need a drink first,” I responded. He then leaned forward and pressed a button on the side of the table, and a waiter appeared shortly after.

“Mr. Brennan, nice to have you back, sir. What can I do for you tonight?” The waiter eagerly asked.
He really is a regular here.

“Is champagne alright, Jessica?” He asked me, gauging my answer.
Isn’t champagne for celebrating?

“Sure, but I would love to add a shot of whiskey though,” I stated. His eyebrows rose in surprise, and I smiled at him. He then nodded to me, as he turned back to the waiter.

“A bottle of Champagne, and
shots of whiskey.”

“Yes, sir, right away.” The waiter scurried off, as Thomas turned back to me. I could see the question written all over his face, without him even asking.

“My Dad always says that whiskey calms you down, and even though champagne sounds amazing, I knew I needed a shot of the
that only whiskey can deliver,” I offered.

“I see, well your father definitely knows what he’s talking about. But there are
ways of achieving that
you desire, without the consumption of alcohol, Miss Moore,” he stated, and winked at me. I knew now that he was indeed with me, yet again.

“So, how have you been, Professor?” I asked him as I tried to ignore the warmth I was beginning to feel between my legs.

“You aren’t going to stop calling me professor, are you?” He chuckled.

“I like it, actually. In and out of the classroom,” I’d stated, before I could catch myself.
What the hell.

“As you wish. To answer your question, I am doing well. I’m glad that the school year is over, and my academic vacation has officially started,” he replied.

“Wow, that’s great. So, are you traveling some, or are you staying close by?” I didn’t know why I asked him that, but I really wanted him to answer my question. No matter how invasive it was.

“A little of both, but that may change in the foreseeable future.” He smirked at me. I found myself taking a deep breath, to calm my nerves and unfiltered mouth.

“I wish I could have had more of a break, to at least travel a little, before I start my new job. Unfortunately I didn’t get much free time, but that’s partially my doing. So for me, I went straight from college, to working full-time. I start on Monday, and I’m so excited,” I beamed.

“That’s great, Jess, I am very proud of you.” He stated.

“Thank you so much, for everything, Professor.”

“My pleasure. So, if you
travel, where would you go?” He asked. The waiter then approached us with our drinks. He began to set down the bucket holding the bottle of Champagne, and the two shots of whiskey. Meanwhile, I was thinking of my answer to his question.
Where would I want to travel?

“Jessica?” He called my name, and I looked over to see him staring at me.

“Oh, sorry, I was still thinking of where I wanted to travel. There are so many places, I can’t narrow it down to just one,” I murmured.

“I understand. I was going to ask if you’ve eaten dinner.”

“Um, well, not exactly.”

“Okay, neither have I. So, we’ll eat then, okay?”

“Yes, I can eat.” Once the waiter returned with a menu, he then started to order a few dishes for us. It took me by surprise that two of the dishes he ordered, were my favorites. How was it that we had the same taste in food, when he seemed so worldly?

I always thought he probably ate raw fish and alligator, or something else exotic. But he actually liked chicken parmesan, and steak and potatoes, and so did I. He’d put in the order for those entrées, and then the waiter had left.

“That was amazing,” I murmured, while shaking my head at him.

“What was?” He asked.

“You chose two of my favorite meals without even asking me.” 

“Well, maybe it’s my lucky day,” he stated, as he winked at me.

“Maybe it is,” I giggled, as I reached for the two shots, handing him his. I held mine up, thinking of what to say. “Hmm… what shall we toast to, Professor?”

“How about we toast to a great future?” He offered.

“Okay, to a great future,” I repeated, and we clinked our shot glasses, as we both threw back the liquid fire. I then blew out a long breath afterwards, as it was surely needed.

“You okay?” He asked. Obviously the whiskey did nothing to his throat, since he was so calm as if he’d drank water.

“Yes, I am fine. I would like a glass of champagne now.”

“I never took you for much of a drinker, Miss Moore.” He chuckled, as he reached for the champagne bottle in the ice bucket, and started to fill both our glasses.

“I’m not. I mostly prefer a glass or two of wine periodically, but sometimes, a gal needs a shot of whiskey,” I teased. He chuckled at my playful demeanor as he handed me my glass, and I smiled at him sweetly.

“I’m guessing this is one of those times?” He arched a brow.

“Well, aren’t you clever? You don’t know too much about me, professor, so let’s not presume. I don’t presume to know you, but if I’m permitted, I can learn,” I admitted boldly, the liquor was already making me braver than I really was.

“Okay, I get it, but I can learn as well. Keep in mind that I am fully aware, of your learning capabilities, Miss Moore.”

“Oh, well you’d do well to keep in mind that, I am also fully aware of your teaching capabilities, Professor Brennan.”

“You’re very intelligent as well as entertaining, Miss Moore. In and out of the classroom,” he stated, and clinked my glass. We both then drank some of our champagne, while our eyes stayed locked on each other’s.

As much as I was trying to stay in control of things and not over-think this
with him, I felt as if I was completely out of my league. But I couldn’t deny that I was having a great time, just being with him, in this way. So, I sat back and got comfortable, as I let the sweet sounds of jazz take me away, and away I was taken, with my professor right next to me.

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