Stand of Redemption (14 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Williams

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Stand of Redemption
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In the very next moment, the opponent went in for a punch, but Ty was quick to dodge and get in an uppercut to the man’s chin, quickly follow
ing with a jab with his other hand.

Ria jumped when Melanie screamed
, “Nice combo Ty!”

Ria had to admit she agreed.
Ty was fast.

The rest of the round consisted of much of the same.
Melanie told her that Ty was more of a boxer, but had been improving on fighting while on the mat. She noticed Ty did look like a boxer with the relentless, punishing series of punches to his opponent’s head and stomach. The guy’s face was already starting to swell.

The bell rang to indicate the end of round one.

“This is an amateur fight,
so it will be three four minute rounds,” Melanie explained to Ria.

“That doesn’t seem like very much time

Melanie grunted
, “It seems like forever when you’re getting the shit knocked out of you.”

Ria grinned.
“Yeah, I can only imagine.”

Zane leaned over.
“That happens when you don’t listen to your coach,” he said while giving Melanie a look of disapproval, but obviously trying to contain a smile.

, God. Give it a break, Zane,” Melanie snapped then elbowed Zane in the ribs. Ria noticed Zane didn’t flinch. “It was one fucking time, okay! I still won the damn fight!”

They all laughed and Zane leaned in to kiss Melanie.
All of Melanie’s disgruntlement disappeared. Ria tried to hide her smile. Yep, Zane could handle her just fine.

he bell rang to begin round two. This time, Ty’s opponent’s coach must have told him to take Ty to the ground. As the opponent tried to sweep Ty’s legs out from under him, Ty surprised him by throwing all his weight and taking him down to the mat instead. Ty maneuvered his body where he was straddling his opponent, punching the crap out of him while the other man tried to protect his face. It reminded Ria of the night Ty saved her.

Eventually, the man on the mat was able to thrust up and throw Ty to the side.
Ty quickly rolled away before the man could get on top. Now both men were on their feet, and the opponent quickly threw Ty at the cage. Ria gasped when Ty lost his balance and fell back. His opponent quickly moved in and attacked with punch after punch, then pulled Ty’s head down and kneed him in the face. Ria cringed from the impact and shuddered when blood started dripping from Ty’s nose.

“Fucking move
, Ty!” Melanie screamed. Ria saw Nicholas yelling at Ty from behind, but the crowd was too loud to hear anything.

Fortunately, the bell rang, stopping the assault.

Melanie turned to Ria. “If it had reached a point where Ty couldn’t defend himself, the ref might have stopped the fight. Now, Ty has a minute to recover, and knowing him, he won’t let that happen again.”

Ria nodded her head, but she was tense.
She watched Nicholas coaching Ty, seeing the intensity on his face as he spoke quickly. Ria felt the nervousness, hoping whatever Nicholas was telling him would work.

The bell rang
, and the crowd’s roar became deafening again. This would be the deciding round.

She looked at Ty’s face
. He seemed determined and focused. It made her feel a little more at ease knowing that he was okay. She didn’t know how anyone could so quickly recover from a knee to the face.

Both fighters looked tired
, slowly circling each other, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Ty’s opponent moved in first, and Ria held her breath, waiting to see how Ty responded. Before Ria could blink again, Ty struck him with a kick to the side of his head. The opponent hit the ground and stayed there. Ty quickly moved in to try and finish him off, but the ref stopped him as he checked on the man lying on the mat. In a matter of seconds, the ref ended the fight.

He won by knock out,” Melanie cheered.

Ria responded.

The excitement of the crowd was contagious
. She couldn’t help standing to cheer and clap along with the rest of them.

She searched for Nicholas and saw him in the cage with Ty.
He was smiling, pride on his face. She smiled, too. She liked seeing him happy.

At that moment, he glanced toward her and their eyes met.
She mouthed the words congratulations, and he nodded his head then stood next to Ty as they announced him winner by knock out.

Melanie told her they were going to the back hallways to meet up with Nick and Ty, Ria followed them out. The crowd was still fired up, ready for the next fight. It took a lot of maneuvering to get around the fans, but they finally made it to the back where they saw Nicholas and Ty talking to some of the media outside one of the locker rooms.

“Nice finish
, Ty. Congratulations again,” a reporter said as they approached the men from behind.

reporter turned to Nicholas. “Nick, what’s the status on the arm? From the bruises on your face, have we missed that you’ve already returned to fighting?” The petite blond scooted closer to him, holding her notebook and pen in her hand as she gave Nicholas a clear view of her cleavage. Her intentions were obvious.

Ria felt herself taking deep breaths, doing everything in her power not to stomp over there
, jerk that skinny bitch by the hair, and throw her to the ground. She needed to quit going to these fights. If she wasn’t careful, she would be asking Melanie for lessons.

“I’ve only been out of the sling for a few weeks, but the doctor recommends waiting a couple more before I start training again.
I have a follow up appointment scheduled soon and will make a decision about training then,” Nicholas lied with a smoothness and polish that impressed Ria. He never let it slip that he was already fighting much sooner than the doctors wanted. She felt terrible he wasn’t following his doctor’s orders because of her.

She was starting to see why Nicholas was such a favorite
; he knew how to work a crowd, and especially the woman journalist who was practically drooling as she looked up at him. She hadn’t written a single word in that notebook.

“I would love to have a one
-on-one interview with you sometime. You’ve had a long, interesting career; it would be great to do a cover on your experiences,” the reporter tried to tempt him. “Maybe over dinner? My treat.” She blinked up at him in expectation.

“My story has been published numerous times
. I don’t think it would be that interesting anymore. We have several up and coming fighters that have a lot of potential, and their stories are much better than mine. Feel free to contact them for an interview,” Nicholas smoothly brushed her off as he stepped away.

“Oh, okay
. Well, thanks.” Her disappointed gaze followed his ass as he walked away.

, Ty. I’m proud of you, kid,” Zane said heartily and gave Ty a handshake.

, Zane. I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t taken me in and trained me.”

Melanie reached in and gave Ty a hug.
“Nice job!”

Ria took her turn
, giving him a hug. “That was great! Congratulations.” Ria grinned at Nicholas. “And congratulations to the coach, too!” she said cheekily.

Nicholas laughed
. “Thanks, Ria.” He turned back to Ty. “Way to come back. I knew you had him.”

, Nick.” Ty seemed uncomfortable being the center of attention.

Nicholas nodded for Ty to go on into the locker room,
and Ty did so, leaving the four of them in the hallway.

“Not one fucking member of his family came to watch the fight,” Nicholas said angrily. “His dad could have at least showed up. I guess
, unless he’s the one using Ty as a fucking punching bag, he’s not interested.

“I’m glad you came
, Melanie and Ria,” he continued. “At least he knows there are people that care for him and his success.”

“Of course
, Nick,” Melanie replied.

Ria nodded her head in agreement.
Ty had saved her, but he was wrong. Others had shown up to watch and cheer for him. She had caught a brief glance of Emiliano and Mitchell leaving when Ty’s fight was over. She was beginning to understand what Mitchell had meant by telling her about Emiliano. Ty was a minor member in his organization, yet he had taken the time to show up. He had earned his place back in the cartel.

“And congratulations to the future Mrs. Phillips
.” Nicholas pulled his sister in for a hug. “And all I can say is good luck to you, Zane.”

Melanie gasped
. “Nick!” She punched him, but he was far too strong, and she couldn’t make any headway.

“I’m happy for you both
. There’s no other man I would want you to be with, little sis,” Nicholas said sincerely, which calmed Melanie down.

, bro,” Melanie replied then went back to stand next to Zane.

Ria smiled
. They were a formidable couple, both strong and passionate. It was clear they belonged together.

Ty came out
, and they walked to the parking lot where they said their goodbyes and congratulations one more time. Nicholas drove her to her car, which she had parked farther away.

“What did you think?”
Nicholas asked.

“It was interesting,” Ria replied, not wanting him to know that it was painful to watch and she
’d had to turn her head several times.

Nicholas laughed.
“That’s a politically correct answer. Now tell me what you really thought.”

Ria sighed.
They were both good at reading one another. At least neither one of them would ever be very good at bull-shitting each other.

“I’m happy for Ty
. That was an awesome kick to end the fight. But I’m not used to watching a fight. I imagine the pain the fighters must feel each time they get hit, and it makes me cringe. And blood doesn’t bother me—I’ve seen plenty of it when I was out on runs—but watching a punch and then the blood… it’s hard for me to watch that for some reason.”

Nicholas interrupted her, “
Ria, it’s okay. I like that you’re not bloodthirsty and not just looking to be with the next big name in MMA. It’s why I like you. Thank you for coming to the fight and trying. Knowing you are doing something that is new and uncomfortable for me means more than you’ll ever know.” He reached over and squeezed her hand.

Ria breathed a sigh of relief
, smiling and squeezing his hand back, as Nicholas pulled up to her car. She noticed he frowned slightly when he looked at it, but figured he knew it was probably about to fall apart. He always seemed very protective of her, which she couldn’t help but appreciate, even though she knew she could take care of herself just fine.

“Is that car going to get you back to your apartment? Emiliano has a fight scheduled for me tomorrow night
. I need to go home and get some rest then get up early to run. I won’t see you until after the fight, if I win.”

“Is there any doubt?” she
asked, feeling like she took a punch to the gut. She had been looking forward to spending the night with him.

She looked into his eyes to see if he was trying to avoid her, but he seemed sincere.
She decided to believe he was telling her the truth while in the back of her mind she remembered how smoothly he had lied to the reporter.

“No.” His answer was quick
, but she felt he wasn’t telling her everything?


“Everything will be fine. I’ll see you after the fight.”

“Sounds good,” she replied, her hand going to the door handle, but then his hand curled around her neck and pulled her back to his face.

“Not so fast.”
He leaned in and slid his tongue between her lips, playing with her tongue for several seconds before he pulled back. “Now you can go,” he said arrogantly.

.” Ria rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help laughing. He had just put her mind at ease, and she was both dreading the fight for him while looking forward to spending time with him afterward.


“Goodnight, Ria.”

She was halfway back to her apartment before she realized he was following her. When she pulled into her parking lot, she saw him turn around and head back to the freeway. Nicholas might not come out and tell her he cared about her, but his actions were doing the talking for him.


Chapter 1


Nick gathered his clothes and packed them neatly into his duffel bag. He regretted not spending the night with Ria. His body was taut from the driving need it had been in since he had kissed her last night.

He took a deep breath.
He wanted to do right by her and help get her back on her feet, but each time he was with her, all he wanted to do was touch her. She had an effect on him that no other woman had ever come close to. They were so passionate together.

She would never believe him, but just talking to her on the phone had satisfied something that had been missing inside for a long time. No woman had inspired enough emotion out of him to care.
When the women became too attached, he was gone.

Damn it, he killed her brother and watched her other brother get shot.
She would hate him if she knew the truth. His intent was to help her get a better job and just be a friend once he realized who she was. However, he had been unable to prevent himself from touching her when she had looked hurt at the thought he wasn’t attracted to her.

He sat on the bed and raked his fingers through his hair.
God! Attracted?
Hell, he was on
for her.

Nothing was going as planned.
He didn’t want to develop feelings for any woman, and now he was in a fucked-up place he had always wanted to avoid. He could finally admit to himself that he had true feelings for Ria. He couldn’t fight his attraction for her. But what the hell was he supposed to do about the fact that he’d murdered her brother?

e heard his doorbell ring, not knowing who would come over at this time of the night. He walked down the stairs and looked outside, finding Zane.

Nick groaned to himself
. He was tired of Zane trying to help.

, man, what’s up?” Nick asked, trying to keep his frustration hidden.

“Not much.
I wanted to have a talk.” Zane let himself into the house.

“I was about to go to bed
,” Nick replied as he shut the door and followed Zane into the living room. As Zane sat down on the couch, Nick sat down on the adjacent loveseat.

“Nick, what the hell are you doing?” Zane asked.

“I have it under control,” Nick lied. He had been out of control since Ria went missing. Finding her had just made it worse.

“We fucking killed her brothers.
How do you think she’s going to react when she finds out?” Zane asked.

“She’s not going to find out,” Nick replied harshly.
“The cartel are grateful you killed Alejandro, and the only person that cared about Matthew is dead.”

Zane shook his head.
“This isn’t going to turn out well. The longer you’re involved with her, the more likely it’s going to get out. We’re both headed to jail when it happens.”

“Like I said, it’s under control,” Nick said with finality.

“Dammit, Nick, find somewhere else to stick your dick. There are plenty of willing women that you can throw to the side once you’re done with them.” Zane raised his voice. “It’s what you do. Don’t do the same with Ria. She’s had a rough time as it is.”

“I like her
, asshole!” Nick snapped back, regretting the words immediately.

Zane’s eyes widened
. “No shit?”

Nick rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.
“No shit,” he replied quietly.

“You’re in a fucked
-up place, man. I don’t know what to tell you except I don’t think it’s going to end well. I don’t see her being too accepting once she finds out. And I personally don’t want to serve time, but that will be the least of my problems. The cartel might change its mind and want revenge, and then Melanie might be in danger.”

“She isn’t going to find out
, Zane,” Nick promised.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep
. I never intended for Melanie to know about working for the cartel to protect your family, but secrets have a way of coming out, and that’s when the shit hits the fan,” Zane stated.

“She won’t find out
,” Nicholas repeated stubbornly.

Zane stood up to leave.
“I’ll tell Melanie the good news. She’s been waiting for a woman that could rip out your heart. And by the way, you’re going to be my best man.”

Nick grunted, “Okay.”

Zane let himself out and Nick locked the door behind him.

he yelled out loud.

Zane was right
; it wasn’t going to end well.

*  *  *

Nicholas woke up and ran the two miles he did every morning to clear his head, Zane’s words repeating in his mind.

He had seen the look of disappointment
on her face when he’d said it would be an early night, but the guilt had kicked in when he finally recognized her car. He’d known it looked familiar the first time he’d seen it. It was Matthew’s old car. He recalled Matthew getting out of it the day he and Zane had been waiting for him. He couldn’t believe the car was still running after all these years.

He’d instantly known
he had to get away to clear his head after recognition had dawned. He was aware that his judgment was clouded when he was with her. He was tired of the conflict of emotions; one moment wanting her, then the next trying to convince himself to end it. He had been in a deep freeze so long that he didn’t know if he was making the right choices anymore. Was he endangering Zane and Melanie? He didn’t want Melanie or Ria hurt because of his actions.

With Alejandro living
, he would never have released Zane, and he would have been a constant threat to Melanie. If they had turned him over to the police, their lives would have been worthless. They’d had no choice. Yet, would Ria see it that way?

*  *  *

Nick walked up to the pit wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The rules were simple: don’t step out of the pit, use your fists, and go for the KO.

The audience tonight was large. It was only a matter of time before word got out what he was doing. The last
two times, he had managed to tell everyone his face had been messed up sparring with Marco, and Marco had backed him up. Melanie had given them both hell. He didn’t think it would be so easy to lie this time when he looked at his opponent.

Ace Barros was a cutthroat fighter
who did what it took to get the win. Nick had actually seen him fight a couple of times before he had been banned for illegal maneuvers.

Nick took his t
-shirt off when his name was called. Raising his arms in the air, he stepped into the pit, walking around the small, circular space to the cheers and hisses of the crowd.

When Ace’s name was called
, he ripped his t-shirt apart before stepping into the pit. The hisses were louder above the cheers, but the response was just as deafening. He arrogantly strode around the pit, throwing murderous glares toward him.

Yep, this one is going to be hard to explain.

After the bell sounded, they went at each other. If this was a ring fight, Nick would be trying to take him down for the win. Here, he was going for the KO; thus he went for Ace’s head. He had spent the time since his last fight building his strength by lifting weights and using the punching bag. He felt the difference since his last fight, but the punch Ace landed nearly knocked him out of the pit. If it hadn’t slanted downwards, he would have.

He needed this win
. If he lost, Ria would be going out with another man during the next fight. That wasn’t fucking going to happen.

He managed to catch his balance
, only to be knocked off it again with another hard punch to his jaw. Ace wasn’t giving him time to regroup, and Nick was forced to fight defensively.

Nick regained his senses
. He brought his own fist up to hit Ace on the side of his temple. Ace staggered back, and Nick moved in, letting the fighting lust he always kept under strict control break loose, sending another vicious punch to the same sweet spot.

Ace’s knees almost gave out
, but his fist flew out, nailing Nick in the nose. Blinding pain nearly made him vomit as blood gushed out of his nostrils. Only willpower kept him on his feet as he fought the dizziness. He barely managed to jerk his head back in time to avoid what he knew would have been a knockout punch.

Nick breathed
through his mouth as he made a last-ditch effort, gathering what strength he had left and pretending to let his knees buckle. When Ace moved forward, Nick sprang back up, coming up on the underside of his jaw with a hard punch. Ace’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he dropped to the floor.

The crowd went wild
, screaming and yelling. Nick raised his arms in the air while praying he wouldn’t pass out. As soon as he stepped out of the ring, Mitchell helped him to another room where a doctor was waiting.

felt Mitchell’s cold stare as the doctor set his nose. After he left, he barely managed to get on his feet to take a shower. He felt like shit. He ignored Mitchell’s silent stare as he got dressed.

“Is the puta worth all this pain?”

Nick held onto the table as he tried to get his shirt on. His fingers were too sore to button his shirt. He had taken a painkiller, so when it kicked in, he would button it.

“I don’t know much Spanish, but I am familiar with that word. Don’t ever refer to her that way again
, or I’ll take you out.”

“You could try.”

“I would. I wouldn’t use my fists; I’d use something harder to knock some respect into you.”

’s laughter filled the sterile room. “Get dressed. You’re not threatening me with your dick hanging out.”

Nick managed to sit down and pull on his pants. It took ten minutes until his hands worked well enough to button his shirt and cover his junk by zipping
up his slacks.

If he
hadn’t felt like shit, he would wipe that smirk off Mitchell’s face. Instead, he followed him outside, sliding carefully into the limo.

Nick leaned his head back against the expensive leather. He should go home
. He was in bad shape, still seeing spots; however, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity of seeing Ria. He sure as hell wouldn’t be able to do anything, but he still wanted to be with her. He didn’t want to lose what time they had left.

He had a court date in two weeks to get control of his money. As soon as he had it
, he would pay for Ria’s freedom. By then, she should have her test results, and he could help her find a job in another city, away from Emiliano’s power.

had come to the conclusion last night, after Zane had left, that he had to let her go to protect Zane and Melanie. He was going to do the right thing by them, as he was by Ria. She would never have been with him if she knew the connection he had to her brothers’ deaths. He was trying to redeem himself by fighting for her freedom, but it meant nothing if she didn’t know the whole truth.

Redemption was fickle. It drove a person to do what was right
, despite the dark journey one had to take to achieve it. If it was easy to achieve, it would be worthless. But because it was so hard to win, it had become a prize to right the wrong committed. Did part of his redemption include telling Ria the truth and taking a chance that he would lose her forever?

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