Star Force: Headstrong (SF72) (11 page)

BOOK: Star Force: Headstrong (SF72)
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But Paul was a details man for a reason, and his moniker
of ‘The Admiral’ had stuck to this day partly for that reason. Star Force was
engaging on a level of warfare that no one could have imaged back when the
organization had been in its infancy, and with each upgrade they went through
Paul and the others had to basically write the book on how to do these
unprecedented things…and managing an interstellar war across thousands of star
systems was more than a 1-trick pony for sure.

Though his time was best served in the advanced
training group for the moment, he didn’t want to be out of the loop and made
sure to keep himself in it with these constant checks, that way he wouldn’t
have to waste hours going through new information if he only delved into the
updates every week, or month.

It took him about half an hour to get through them
all, but as he did so he began to feel a tingle of a headache. That wasn’t
uncommon, for his body complained in any number of ways when going through
training this intense, but this headache was a little bit different. It was an
internal pressure that stuck around until he was in the shower, then it altered
into something else, still light and in the background of his mind, with him
not truly paying attention to it until he was about to hit the drying sequence
and stopped with his hand midair.

He focused internally and caught a ‘whiff’ of
something familiar, as far as his internal senses went. He held still under the
falling water until he identified it, then with a raised eyebrow he sat down on
the shower floor in a naked meditative pose as his internal mental structure
altered and he pulled forth the faint trickle of an ascension that had somehow
been lingering in the background of his senses.

That was new, for every time an Archon had an
ascension it was loud and obvious, so he didn’t know what he was getting into
here but it was an opportunity that he wasn’t going to pass up. Reaching out
with his mind he telekinetically grabbed the biomonitor from the shelf outside
and flew it through a crack in the shower top that he made, then resealed the
panel and let the falling water continue as he attached it to his head and ventured
into the unknown, not sure what this ascension was or where it would lead, but
he’d be damned if he let it fade into the background again.


: "Headstrong"


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