Star-Struck, Book 1 (16 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Star-Struck, Book 1
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“Oh my God, Josiah! What happened to your face?!” Sunny asked in shock.

“Maybe you should ask your boyfriend that. I can’t believe he didn’t tell you.” Josiah said in a bitter tone.

“He didn’t tell me anything. He
you?!” Sunny was incredulous.

“Yep. A real winner you’ve got there.”

Sunny stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say. She wanted to defend Gabe, but had no idea what happened between them.

“So…that was a nice little performance you gave earlier.” Josiah stepped into her personal space, making her uncomfortable and nervous.

“Um…I don’t think that’s really any of your business.” Sunny tried to step back, but was trapped by the trailer.

“Well sweetheart, you made it everyone’s business.”

He moved towards her again until they were toe to toe, his face only inches from hers. He raised his hand and traced his index finger down the side of her face and tried to caress her bottom lip. She turned her head away and tried to slide out from under him, but he caged her in with his arms and pressed his body against her. She could feel his erection. She wanted to scream and puke at the same time. And she realized in that moment that whatever the reason was that Gabe broke Josiah’s face, it was justified.

“When he gets tired of you…and he will, you should give me a call. I’ve never had black pussy before, but from what I heard earlier, I wouldn’t mind getting a taste.” Josiah said as he rubbed his erection against her.

“Josiah, you really need to back the fuck off!” Sunny yelled into his face.

One moment he
was in her personal space and the next he was gone. Sunny saw a flash of Gabe’s enraged face. And then all hell broke loose. The crew ran towards them as Gabe had Josiah shoved up against the trailer, his hands around the Josiah’s throat crushing his trachea.

“I warned you to stay the fuck away from her. And you put your fucking hands on her?!” Josiah just gurgled in response. “I’ll fucking kill you, you piece of shit!” Gabe’s face was molten red and shook with fury.

Several men were on Gabe, trying to pry him off Josiah. But nothing they tried could get him off, his rage giving him the strength of ten men. Tears that she couldn’t stop started to fall down Sunny’s cheeks. First, from the fear of what Josiah was capable of doing to her and no one being there to stop him. And second, from the fear of what would happen to Gabe if he killed this man.

The latter spurred her into action. Stepping close to Gabe, she gently placed her hand on his arm. “Gabriel stop. You’re killing him. Baby, please.” She pleaded with him softly, but firmly.

Finally her calm voice was able to do what none of the strong men could. Gabe released Josiah’s throat and the man fell to the ground gasping for air. Gabe stood over him with fists clenched, chest rising and falling harshly and jaw flexing. Sunny grabbed his arms forcing him to turn and look at her. His eyes looked so distant and bleak.

“Gabriel, it’s okay. He didn’t hurt me.” Sunny tried to get through to him.

“He fucking put his hands on you.”

She cupped his face in her hands, “Baby I’m fine. He’s a dick, but you shouldn’t have to go to jail because of him. He’s not worth it.”

Kyle came over to them, a grim look on his face. “Sunny what exactly happened?”

She looked at Gabe not wanting to piss him off all over again.

“Go ahead. Tell him, I’ve got it under control now.”

Sunny explained exactly what Josiah had said and did. As she told the story, Gabe’s jaw was clenched so tight, she thought he’d crack it.

“I’ve had enough of his bullshit. I’m done.” Kyle said fuming. He walked over to where Josiah was being looked at by the set paramedic. “Josiah, you’re done. You’re off the movie; I’d rather deal with the hassle of bringing in someone else to replace you, than to continue to deal with your shit.”

“What?! That’s bullshit!” Josiah exclaimed gravelly, his throat obviously still soar.

“You fucking heard me! And don’t even think about pressing charges against Gabe or I’ll have Sunny file a sexual harassment suit against you so fast your head will spin. Now get off my set.” Kyle said with deadly finality.     

Josiah glared at Gabe and gave Sunny an evil calculating look that made her shutter with dread. He stormed off swiping scripts, cups of coffee and other various items off a table as he passed it. Sunny prayed she’d never have to cross paths with him again.




When Gabe had rounded the corner, checking to see what was taking Sunny so long, never in a million years had he expected to see what was going on in front of him. At first when he’d seen Josiah pressing Sunny up against the trailer, running a finger down her face, he’d stopped in his tracks instantly thinking that Sunny didn’t want him anymore. Never having been loved before her, it was easy for him to doubt that it would last.

But then Gabe had seen Josiah rub himself against Sunny and her resounding yell to back off, her voice sounding angry yet shaky with fear. In that moment when he realized that the attention was unwanted, Gabe’s world went red. He really couldn’t even explain to anyone if they asked, what had happened between that moment of seeing red and the moment when he’d heard Sunny calmly telling him to stop. If it hadn’t been for her soothing voice, Gabe had no doubt that he’d have killed Josiah. 

After Josiah stormed off, he took Sunny into the trailer so she could have a break from the crazy commotion on the set. Gabe’s hands started to shake as he came down from the adrenaline rush. She turned into him, pressing her face into his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. He tried to hold onto her to control the tremors, but they started in his hands and spread through him, until his whole body was shaking.

“Aw baby, you’re shaking. Here, come sit with me.” Sunny led him to the couch, where they’d just had incredible sex only about an hour ago.

“It’s nothing. Just coming down from the adrenaline rush. I’m sorry Sunny. I didn’t mean to lose it like that. I’m not even sure what happened, I just saw red.” Gabe looked down at the floor.

“What did he do before, to make you punch him in the face?” Sunny asked curiously.

“He just said some insulting things about you, along the lines of what he said to you earlier. I warned him not to go near you again, but it’s as if he has some kind of vendetta against us or something.” Gabe looked honestly perplexed and Sunny didn’t feel any better.

“It’s not just him either. My friends at work read the tabloids and watched that video, and now they won’t leave me alone about it. I yelled at one of them, and now I’m some social pariah. And just like Josiah, one of them said that you’d get tired of me eventually. And the sad part is that I believe them.” Sunny’s eyes welled with tears again.

“God Sunny, they…
couldn’t be more wrong! And I have absolutely no idea what else I can do or say to make you understand that there isn’t or ever will be anyone else for me…ever.” Gabe said vehemently, grabbing her shoulders to turn her to face him. “Do you understand me…
no one
?! I have never loved anyone. And no one has loved me. Can you imagine twenty years of never being loved by a family, friends or the opposite sex? Rarely ever getting a hug or any sign of affection? And then spending eighteen years in the spotlight, where everyone claims to love you, but is only looking to get something out of you? The light and love you give me freely, without wanting anything in return, slays me! And I keep waiting for the bottom to fall right out from under me. Because there is no way that this beautiful extraordinary woman could love me as much as I love her.” His throat was thick with emotion.

“But I do.” Tears slowly running down her cheeks, Sunny crawled onto his lap, resting her knees on either side of his hips. “Just as hard as it is for you to believe, the same goes for me. I love you to distraction. And you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

Gabe clutched her face in his hands. He kissed every inch of her face finally stopping at her lips. He cherished her mouth, licking and biting and plunging his tongue into its deep recesses. She quickly unfastened his pants and without hesitation lifted her skirt and slid down his impressive length. The move made easier by the lack of panties she’d never put back on.

They tugged and pulled urgently at each other’s shirts until their bare chests made contact, their bottoms still on. Gabe kissed a damp trail down her jaw, neck and chest, until he finally latched onto her breast. He sucked the tender peak into his mouth swirling his tongue around her areola and puckered nipple. Sunny sighed and rested her cheek on top of his soft hair, their hips rocking together unhurriedly.

After showing her other breast the same loving attention, Gabe moved back up to her lips. This time around, their mouths caught the moans and pants from their lovemaking. As his cock continued thrusting into her, his tongue followed the exact rhythm, plunging in at the same time. The simultaneous stimulation of the walls of her mouth and vagina heightened her arousal. The intense waves of their mutual climax rose and washed over them, as his shaft pumped his seed into her and her pussy clenched and drenched him with her wetness. Their arms wrapped around one another, the embrace so tight they couldn’t tell whose heartbeat was whose. Gabe’s forehead pressed against Sunny’s, their breaths mingled in the space between their mouths.

They sat; still connected intimately at the hips, peering into the other’s eyes. Warm honey and brilliant blue, both conveying all the love they felt with no words.







Chapter 14





Sunny didn’t see Gabe for the two days prior to the movie premiere Friday night. And they were two days of hell.

Not just because she hadn’t seen him and she craved being near him every moment of the day, but because her life was spiraling quickly out of her control. Every day she was bombarded with more and more paparazzi that she couldn’t even go to the grocery store in her sweats anymore, not unless she wanted her big sweatpants-clad-ass splashed on the front cover of some gossip rag.

Her privacy had become a thing of the past. When she left her apartment for any reason at any time, they were waiting outside her apartment, flashes blinding her and questions thrown at her.

“Are you and Gabriel Wolf dating?”

“Is it serious?”

“Is Gabriel good in bed?”

“Does he have a big package?”

“Are you an aspiring actress and he’s helping your career?”

“Are you pregnant with Wolf’s baby?”

“Has he proposed yet?”

“What date is the wedding set for?”

“Does Gabriel have any weird birthmarks?”

“Is he kinky in bed?”

“Did he really ask you to go on a diet before he’d marry you?”

“Is Gabriel circumcised?”

“Has Wolf always liked black women?”

Sunny had no idea where they got this shit from. Did they just make stuff up to move magazines off the shelves or did they have a source that was feeding them this garbage?
‘Is Gabriel circumcised?!?’ Really?!
The questions couldn’t have been more invasive if they tried. And the race thing was throwing her for a loop too. She and Gabe had never even brought it up. It never even crossed their minds. They loved each other regardless of color. He was just Gabe. And she was just Sunny.

And these guys didn’t just stalk her at home; they also followed her to work. Most of them waited outside for her shift to be over. But there were those who were bolder and came inside and asked her co-workers questions about her. So now she had to worry that she was going to lose her job because the cameramen were intimidating the customers and the company was losing sales. Or that the property management of her apartment building would kick her out because of tenant complaints. She had already received warnings from both after only a few days of this.  

So the main reason she hadn’t seen Gabe was because she’d refused to leave her apartment any more than she needed to. Not even for lunch with him and the awesome cast and crew she had come to love.

All of the scrutiny and self-imposed isolation of the past two days already had Sunny going into a state of depression.
How am I going to keep this up?

Gabe wanting no argument,
had setup a spa day for Sunny. So that afternoon before the premiere, Sunny found the pampering she was receiving at the posh spa a welcome relief. Especially since not one single person had asked her about Gabe.
He must have paid them extra to shut the hell up.

She had been fed, dipped, exfoliated, waxed, massaged, buffed and now moisturized. It felt great to not have to do it herself for once. And after all that, he had even sent over a makeup artist and hair stylist to give her a fresh look. She had drawn the line though at having a stylist come with different designer clothes to choose from. She had told Gabe that she was wearing her favorite black and white polka dot dress with the hot pink accessories that she had worn the night he came to see her sing. He said that he thought the ensemble was perfect for the evening, and let her have her way in that one thing.

So after it was all said and done; her skin had a healthy glow, her makeup was flawless and natural, and her curly hair was somehow manipulated into soft sensual waves that framed her face shoulders and back. She felt like a different person, ready to make her debut and to take on the critics.
Yeah right!
But it was nice to dream.

Gabe was meeting her at the spa to take her straight to the famous
Chinese Theater
in Hollywood. Sunny fidgeted with her overnight bag as a sleek black limo pulled up outside the doors of the spa. She had to catch her breath as Gabe got out of the limo. He was dressed in relaxed fit, dark-washed jeans and all white leather
K-Swiss shoes
on bottom. And up top he had on a white button down shirt with the top buttons undone and over it a white tuxedo jacket with black lapels and black detailing on the pockets, with a black and white polka dot handkerchief in the top pocket that matched her dress. The casual on bottom and dressy on top, blended together perfectly to give that ‘bad boy on his best behavior’ look.
Lord have mercy! I wonder if I can molest him in the back of the limo without ruining our clothes.




Even though Gabe had seen her in the outfit before, Sunny took his breath away. It looked like his idea to give her a relaxing spa day had paid off. She looked composed and at ease…and stunning. Her skin had an extra radiant glow, a bronzed shimmer. Her makeup was perfection. Her hair was in long shiny waves, softly highlighting her face. And just like the previous time he’d seen her in it, the dress was sexy yet classy and the fuck ‘me heels’, taunted him as usual.
One of these days when she’s tired of wearing those, I’m going to display them in a glass case in my living room…with a spotlight.

“Jesus, Sunny! Once again you leave me speechless. I couldn’t be more proud to have you on my arm tonight.” He said earnestly, kissing her lightly on her glossy lips. She blushed prettily.

“Gabe, you look incredible. And I love this!” She said fingering the kerchief in his jacket pocket.

“I thought it would be cool to find a way to match you without being cheesy.” He smiled bashfully.

“Well you succeeded. You know, for someone who’s never had a relationship before, you’re awfully romantic. More so than guys who’ve had plenty.” Sunny laid her hand over his heart.

“I don’t know. I just try to think of the things that you’d like and I do them. If that makes me romantic, then so be it.” He shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it.

Gabe grabbed her overnight bag from her and escorted her to the limo. She was finally staying the night at his house. And he couldn’t wait to show her his home. He was planning to broach the subject of her moving in with him and quitting her job later tonight. He knew it was a little soon, but he didn’t like her being alone and dealing with the paparazzi. And her job sucked. If she quit, she could work full time on her screenplays.

Once they were settled in the limo and were on their way, Gabe pulled her into his side. He kissed the top of her hair, restraining himself, not wanting to ruin her appearance. 

“Are you ready to be introduced to the world?” Gabe whispered against her hair.

“Not since you put it that way!” Sunny exclaimed.

“Don’t worry you’ll do fine. I have every faith in you to win them over with your heart…your charm. You’ll have them wrapped around your pinky in no time.” He kissed her temple.

“One could only hope.” She said quietly.




As the limo pulled up in front of the theater, Sunny’s heart practically beat out of her chest. There were
people and lights everywhere. Cameras were already flashing and the limo door hadn’t even opened yet. And there was a crush of fans screaming at the top of their lungs.

Sunny’s chest started to rise and fall rapidly, her breaths shallow. Her vision was starting to blur and sounds became fuzzy. 

“Sunny? Baby, breathe!” Sunny tried to focus on Gabe’s worried face.

“I think I’m having an anxiety attack!” Sunny breathed in and out.

“I’ll be next to you the whole time. I’ve got you, Sweet Girl.”

“Okay…okay. Let’s go before I lose my nerve.” Sunny took one last deep fortifying breath.

Gabe opened the door and stepped out. The roar of the crowd rose to an unbelievable frenzy and the flashes from the cameras tripled in frequency, when they realized it was him.
Jesus! If I was epileptic, I’d already be having a seizure.

Gabe turned, reached into the limo and held his hand out to her. It seemed as if the world and Sunny held their breaths, the former waiting to see who he was with and the latter waiting to see how she’d be received.

Taking his hand, Gabe helped Sunny out the limo. Sunny stepped out; and the paparazzi converged on them, their cameras shoved in her face. She decided to go to her happy place starring
Gabe & Sunny’s Greatest Moments
and focused on his confident smiling face, instead of the blinding flashes. Her smile grew brilliant thinking about the island and his trailer.

Leading her forward onto the red carpet, Gabe entwined his fingers with hers. Leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You’re doing great baby. Are you imagining everyone in their underwear, because you have this happy faraway look on your face?” Sunny chuckled at his joke.

“Nope. I’m remembering hot movie trailer monkey sex.” Sunny smiled at him innocently.

Not having expected her to say that, Gabe burst out laughing. Sunny just giggled.

“You make me so happy. Do you know that?” Gabe kissed her temple and the camera flashes increased, if that were even possible.

“Ditto.” She said as they walked over to the section of the red carpet with the poster for the movie as the backdrop. Gabe shaking hands and high-fiving fans as they passed.

They stopped at the section where the stars of the movie would stand to get their pictures taken and have short interviews about the movie and who they were wearing. Getting out of the limo was the first big moment, now this would be the second but most important.

All of the entertainment news shows were there and they all had close to the same line of questioning.

“So Gabe, who’s the lovely lady?”

“This is my girlfriend Sunny.”

“Does she have a last name?”


“What is it?”


It took everything that Sunny had not to burst into hysterics at that one.

“You’ve been spotted together several times this past week. Is it serious?”

“It depends on what you consider serious? Are we getting married tomorrow? No. Are we in a loving relationship like any normal couple? Yes.”

“Are you an aspiring actress?”

Oh, it’s my turn now.
They finally directed the question to her.

“No I’m not.”

“She’s a very talented screenplay writer.”

Sunny raised an eyebrow at Gabe, to let him know she didn’t like him telling the media that piece of information.

“Oh! What kind of screenplays do you right? Romance? Comedy?”


Sunny said this with a straight face, but unfortunately she was unable to hold it because Gabe choked and then doubled over with big guffaws of laughter. She tried to rub and pat him on the back, but was laughing so hard she didn’t accomplish much, except smacking him too hard, which only made them laugh harder. Unable to even talk, they walked away giggling, leaving the last reporter speechless.

Just inside the entrance to the theater, Gabe stopped and kissed her soundly on the lips, not caring who captured the moment.

“You were phenomenal! I’ve never had so much fun at a red carpet event. But you know you’re going to pay for that porn comment. Now they’ll be saying you’re a pornstar.” Gabe smiled at her unconcerned.

“Hey, I was just trying to take my queue from you mister…Sunny Day!? Do you know how hard it was not to bust out laughing when you said that?!”

“Well I just wanted to keep your real name a secret for as long as possible. They’ll figure it out eventually, but I wasn’t going to be the one to say it, just so they can go digging into your background.”

“Oh Lord! Well thank God that they’ll only find that I was a bookworm and a prude.” Sunny rolled her eyes exasperated.

“A prude, huh? Well I think I’ve officially taken care of that. You’re a beast in bed now!”

Gabe stepped closer to her, caressing the bare skin of her back, from the easy access of the keyhole cutout of her dress.

“Gabe…” Sunny whispered breathlessly.

“Hi Gabe, who’s your friend?” A voice interrupted their moment.

Sunny and Gabe turned to see it was Sophia Morales, his drop-dead gorgeous co-star for the movie that was premiering tonight. Sunny had watched several movies with the stunning Latin brunette. Sunny felt as attractive as a dumpy old toad, finally seeing the actress in person. She was all tall willowy curves, as opposed to Sunny’s short compact large ones.

“Hey Sophia, this is my girlfriend Sunny”, Gabe turned to look at Sunny. “Sunny this is my co-star Sophia Morales.”

The women shook hands; Sophia’s a little limper than Sunny’s. Sunny wasn’t sure if she always shook hands like a limp dick or if it was just because she didn’t want to touch Sunny.

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