Star Wars Missions 001 - Asault on Yavin Four (5 page)

BOOK: Star Wars Missions 001 - Asault on Yavin Four
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Roll the 12-dice to combat the first stormtrooper.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to combat the next stormtrooper, adding +1 to your confront#.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront

To kick the door open:
Your strength# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to kick the door open.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront until you have kicked the door open.

To shoot the lock off:
Your weaponry# added to your weapon’s low-range# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to shoot the lock off.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront, adding +1 to your confront# for your new confront#. Using that same confront#, repeat until you have shot the lock off.

To use Power to open the lock*:
Choose your Object Movement Power. Add your strength# and Jedi# to your Power’s low-resist# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to open the lock.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#,
add the difference to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total. Repeat this confront, subtracting 1 from your confront# for your new confront#. (Note: Your new confront# cannot be lower than 2.)

This counts as one of the two Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.

To hotwire the lock:
Your skill# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to hotwire the lock.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront, subtracting 1 from your new confront#. (
Your new confront# cannot be lower than 2.)

After the door is opened you may proceed inside the next chamber. It’s been quite a run for you. Add 20MP to your MP total (40MP for Advanced Level players).

You slam the door behind you and spot a metal beam on the floor. You lift the beam and brace it against the door so that no one will be able to push the door open from the other side. It wont take a stormtrooper long to blow up the door, but the brace will buy you some time. You must find another way out of the ruins!

“General Dodonna?” you speak into your comlink. But it’s no good. You can’t send a transmission from the inside of this fortress.

You take off your stormtrooper helmet and strap it to your back. You adjust your infrared goggles so you can see in the darkness. When you step forward, something snaps beneath your feet. You look down.

Bones. Bones. And more bones.

The floor of the room is littered with the crumbling remains of skeletons. Some of the skeletons are human, and some are alien. All of the skeletons are broken and scattered, covered by a thick layer of dust. It seems that a furious battle took place here countless years ago.

You pick up part of an ancient shield. What could have caused such a deadly mess?

You search the room to see if there’s another way out. There’s a vent in the floor. It might be an airshaft

There’s another door at the far end of the room. It’s an old door, and very heavy. You open it and reveal an ancient droid.

The droid is tall, lean, and covered with dust. It stands alone inside a large cabinet, with almost no space around it. The droid has three dark optical sensors for its eyes. Each of its three arms ends with a vibro-ax — a weapon that can slice through bones as if they were made of air! You wonder if the droid once guarded the room.

Suddenly, the droid’s eyes blink red. It’s operational! By opening the door, you have activated its defenses. It raises a vibro-ax menacingly and steps forward.

You fire a blast at the droid’s head, but this has no effect on its armor plating. If you fight this droid, you will have to dislocate each of its deadly arms.

You can choose to evade or fight.

If you choose to fight and you defeat the droid, you will gain one vibro-ax.

To evade (without Power):
Your stealth# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to leap down into the vent.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront until you have successfully evaded the droid.

To evade (using Power)*:
Choose your Evasion Power. Add your stealth# and Jedi# to your Power’s mid-resist# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to evade the stormtroopers.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront.

This counts as one of two Power uses you are allowed in this Mission.

To fight:
Choose your weapon. Add your weaponry# to your weapon’s midrange# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to disable one of the droid’s arms.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to disable the droid’s second arm using the same confront equation.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total. Now double your confront# +1 for your new confront#. Roll the 12-dice to continue to combat the ancient droid.

Once you have disabled all three of the droid’s arms, the droid falls to the floor. It has been drained of energy. You pick up one of its fallen vibro-axes. Now you may climb down into the vent. Add 10MP to your MP total (25MP for Advanced Level players).

If you have disabled the ancient droid, you do not have to roll any dice to enter the vent.

You are in the vent, in an airshaft below the droid room. It’s a low-ceilinged shaft and you have to crawl on your hands and knees. As you move forward, you wonder about the ancient civilization that built this place. You wonder about the purpose of this tower. Was the droid placed in the upper chamber to guard or protect something?

You are thinking about all of this when you hear a loud creaking sound. The shaft cannot support your weight. You try to back up, but it’s too late. The floor of the shaft breaks open and you fall into the darkness below.

You land hard on a stone floor. You are lucky: You are still alive, and you have not broken any bones. But you are also deeper within the ancient tower — perhaps even farther from finding your way out.

A loud humming sound fills the air. A strange blue light illuminates the room. You turn off your infrared goggles.

There does not appear to be any way out of this chamber. There are no doors and no vents, except for the broken vent hanging high above your head.

There is a round stone table in the middle of the room. A large, glowing marble floats in the air above it. Wondering if the marble might activate a hidden door, you reach out and touch its surface.

You have activated two secret doors. On either side of you, the walls slide up to the ceiling to reveal two more ancient droids. Their electronic eyes glow red, and they step forward.

There is no way out

You must combat the two droids to proceed.

If you defeated the droid in the previous chamber, you can use the vibro-ax to cut off the heads of these two droids. By cutting off their heads, you will shut down their circuits. If you do not have the vibro-ax, you must choose one of your own weapons to disable the arms of these two droids. Each droid has three arms.

To disable the arms of both droids:
Concentrate on one droid. Add your weaponry# to your weapon’s close-range# +1 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to disable the first arm of this droid.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, you may proceed to disable the droid’s second arm.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront doubling your confront# for your new confront#. Repeat this confront with the new confront# until you have defeated the droids.

Once you have disabled all three of the droid’s arms, you must follow the same procedure to combat the second droid. When you defeat each droid, they fall to the floor, drained of energy.

To cut off the droids’ heads:
Add your strength# to your stealth# +2 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to cut off the head of the first droid.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed to combat the second droid using the same equation.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total. Now add +4 to your confront# for your new confront#. Roll the 12-dice again to continue to combat the first droid. Repeat this confront with the new confront# until you have defeated both droids.

After you have defeated both droids, add 10MP to your MP total (30MP for Advanced Level players).

Both droids have been defeated. The humming sound in the air stops, and the round table separates in half. You walk around the table and see that it has parted to reveal a hidden stairway. The stairway leads even deeper into the ancient tower.

You go down the stairs. It is dark, and you try to turn your infrared goggles back on. Their battery is dead. You put the stormtrooper helmet back on It’s uncomfortable, but at least the helmet’s infrared lenses help you see.

At the bottom of the stairs, you reach a tunnel entrance. You walk through.

Your boots make squishing sounds on the tunnel floor. It is covered with water, and you feel as if you are walking through a very long puddle. As you move forward, the water becomes deeper. Soon, it is above your knees.

By the time you emerge from the tunnel, the water is up to your waist. You enter a large cave. High above you, stalactites dangle from the cave ceiling. You look around, trying to find a ledge so you can climb out of the cold water.

Your leg brushes against an object, and you think it might be a rock. But when you try to find it with your boot, it is no longer there.

Nearby, you see bubbles rise to the surface of the water. You realize something is down there. Something alive.

The surface of the water explodes as a giant wormlike creature rises out of the water. It opens its mouth to reveal dozens of small, sharp teeth.

Just beyond the creature, you see some rocks. If you can make it that far, you might be able to escape.

You can choose to fight or evade the creature.

To fight:
Choose your weapon. Your weaponry# plus your weapon’s close-range# -1 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to combat the creature.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#,
add the difference +2 to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront. Once you have defeated the giant worm you may continue to the rocks.

To evade (without Power):
Your stealth# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to evade the creature and escape to the nearby rocks.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference +3 to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total. Now double your confront#, for your new confront#. Roll the 12-dice again to evade the creature.

If your new confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, you may proceed.

If your new confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract 1 from your MP total and repeat this confront with the new confront# until you have made it to the rocks.

To evade (using Power)*:
Choose your Evasion Power. Add your stealth# and Jedi# to your Power’s low-resist# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to evade the creature and escape to the nearby rocks.

If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#
, add the difference to your MP total and proceed.

If your confront# is lower than your roll#
, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront until you have evaded the creature.

This counts as one of the two Power uses you are allowed in this Mission.

You climb onto the rocks. They form a natural bridge to the far end of the cave. You run across the bridge and arrive at a metal doorway.

The doorway is built into the wall of the cave. You enter the doorway and find yourself standing in some kind of turbolift

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