Starfish Island (10 page)

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Authors: Deborah Brown

BOOK: Starfish Island
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Michael’s laugh brought more color surging to her face. “No one takes a swing at me and gets away with it. Besides, I have another score to settle with Templeton before I get to yours.”

“There’s nothing to settle for me.”

They went into the bar, and he swept her onto the dance floor. “I’m glad to hear it. We were made to dance together.”

She resisted the temptation to remind him they weren’t dancing, and that this was more like an intimate embrace. Then she remembered what Ellis said he’d told her grandmother, that he wasn’t interested. He certainly didn’t act like uninterested unless he was playing a game for his own amusement.
Or maybe
, she thought,
he wants the land after all.

He laughed. “You’re taking too long to answer.”

“You’re distracting,” she whispered. More words she couldn’t take back. She was angry with herself for being attracted to him so quickly. Instead of using this dance to begin her revenge by charming him, she’d let her emotions take over.
Every time I have an opportunity to give my plan a workout, I let it slip through my fingers.

He ran his fingers down her back. “Dinner, just the two of us? Explore this attraction?”

She wanted to say yes, but “Date?” squeaked out rather breathlessly instead, much to her disgust.
You know you want to jump into his arms. You just don’t want to appear too eager. Forget that stupid revenge plan.

The music ended, and Michael escorted her back to the table. As she sat down, Ellis greeted him stiffly. Michael nodded to him. “I’ll call you about our date,” he whispered in her ear and departed.

“You two seem to know each other quite well,” Ellis said, clearly not liking the idea.

“He came to the house with his sister this afternoon,” Nicole said vaguely. “The women investors, are they interested in the property?”

That changed the subject and his mood, as she was sure it would. He told her that he’d made an appointment for the women to meet with the exclusive agent he had handling the property in Tampa.

Ellis’s animated conversation suddenly came to a halt as he stared at something behind her, his cheeks turning beet red. Nicole followed his gaze to see Jake Edwards heading for their table. Apparently, Ellis disliked Jake just as much as he did his brother.

“Nicole, may I have this dance?” Jake smiled.

Ellis stood.

Now what? Another fight?
Instead, to Nicole’s surprise, Ellis’s reaction to Jake’s sudden appearance turned almost friendly.

“By all means, go ahead,” Ellis said. “If I bring the most attractive woman in the room, I expect to pay the price of competition. I see Greg has deserted his dinner companions.” He smiled at Nicole. “While you’re dancing, I’m going back to talk real estate. I’ll try to sell some property for you. The women told me that they also have some friends who are looking for legal representation.” He walked off.

“What’s gotten into Ellis?” Jake said, looking after him. “In all the years I’ve known him, he’s never spoken a single pleasant word to me. I wonder why he’s decided to start acting half-human. You must be a good influence.”

Nicole laughed. “Somehow, I find that hard to believe. I think it’s more likely that it’s the excitement of all the new deals he’s trying to negotiate.”

“Maybe so. I’m not a dancer,” Jake admitted. “I’ll give you a tour instead.” He led her into the hallway. Past the kitchen, he opened a side door leading to a set of stairs that took them to the pool area. A few minutes later, they sat side-by-side on a bench under a willow tree outside the gated pool.

“It’s awfully dark out here,” Nicole said. They only had the changing colors of the pool light for illumination. “One thing’s for sure, we’re assured of absolute privacy.” A little shiver ran up her spine.

“Are you cold?”

A slight sound in the distance caught Nicole’s attention. Her heart doubled its beat. A sudden foreboding descended on her, causing her to grab Jake’s arm for comfort and protection. “Jake, let’s go back inside.”

“It’s just the two of us out here,” he said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Nicole took a breath to calm her nerves. A pit of coldness formed in her stomach that wouldn’t go away. “Why are we out here?” she asked.

“There are a lot of strangers coming and going; no one’s paying particular attention,” Jake said.

“What does that have to do with me?” Nicole asked, confused.

“I want you to be careful. Michael and I have put our heads together and don’t understand why anyone would break into your home and then not bother to steal anything of importance. Not to mention the fact that we still don’t know who did it.”

Nicole was caught off guard. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Please just keep your door locked, common sense things. Even more importantly, I’d like you to keep an eye on the comings and goings at your house. If anything out of the ordinary happens, let either Michael or myself know. You know we don’t trust Ellis.”

A stack of pool chairs crashed to the ground and the sound brought them to their feet.

“He’s been listening,” she said, pointing.

Jake jumped up and took off in hot pursuit of a running figure. He returned after a few moments, breathless. “Disappeared,” he panted. “One minute I saw him, the next he wasn’t there. I wonder if he left any friends behind.” He punched the gate code and walked around the darkened pool area, looking into each of the changing areas.

“He must have been by himself,” Nicole said in a husky whisper as Jake returned to join her.

“The area’s deserted.” Jake’s voice was low and hoarse from exertion.

“Why would someone run if they were caught doing something as innocent as eavesdropping?” Nicole brushed leaves off Jake’s shirt. “You look a little disheveled for an upstanding club member.”

“I wonder if I’m getting close to something? I’ve had this uneasy feeling all day that I was being followed. Nicole, you must promise that you’ll be careful.”

“It looks like you’re the one who needs to be careful.”

“Maybe we should forget our conversation,” Jake began. “Michael would kill me if he knew I was sharing unfounded theories about the break-in and asking you to keep a look out at your own house.”

“This is my home now, and of course I want to do anything I can to help. Most of all, I want to feel safe. I’ll keep my eyes out and my ears to the walls,” she said.

“Come on, we’d better get back. You’re really something. Don’t do anything heroic. Remember, you have Michael and me to depend upon.”

“You and Michael have been so thoughtful, but I’m sure it’s nothing. I’ll be just fine.”
Note to self: Sign up for a self-defense class.

They went back into the clubhouse the same way they’d left; Jake had propped the door open with a piece of cardboard. There, they came face to face with Michael, Cecilia right behind him, her expression full of questions.

“Where have you two been?” Michael demanded.

After an awkward silence, Jake looked at his brother quizzically and laughed. “Would you believe me if I told you I’d been chasing a potential bad guy?”

“You can do better than that.” Cecilia slipped her hand under his arm and led him off. “I want to get a signed CD from tonight’s singer.”

“Dance again?” Michael looked intensely at Nicole.

As she glanced toward her table, he added, “Ellis has singled out the women who came with Templeton and set about charming them. I’m surprised he has any.”

Nicole could see Ellis flirting with one of the women by the bar. She made a sudden decision. “Instead of dancing, could we go somewhere and talk?”

He took her hand and led her back out the same door she’d just come in and down to the private beach. When they got to the sand, she kicked off her heels. She looked toward the bushes where Greg had landed earlier.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s probably gone back to his hole to lick his wounds. Let me grab a chaise; we can sit on the beach. ” The chaise easily fit two, and when Nicole was seated next to him, he put his arm around her shoulders. Shock waves of energy crackled between them. “Are you cold?” he asked.

“We won’t be out here but a minute.” Nicole averted her eyes to the water, which was a dark mass, the gentle lapping of waves on the white sand soft on her ears. Her voice low, she said, “You asked me to tell you if I felt threatened in any way.”

“I meant every word.” He pulled her into a tight hug, her head resting on his chest.

She raised her head to see his face as she told him about the voice in her room the previous night.

He looked thoughtful. “Are you sure it wasn’t just a bad dream? You must have would’ve been very tired after the long drive.”

“I’m very sure about what I heard.”

“Then I believe I have an explanation for how the trick worked, though not who did it. Chester put you in the bedroom that Caroline’s nurse occupied. On the wall behind the bed is a small box with buttons on it. Did you notice it?”

She nodded.

“You can communicate with any room in the house through it. I arranged to have the intercom system installed to create instant communication between Caroline’s bedroom and her nurse’s room.”

“An intercom system,” she said in relief. “You can’t imagine the fear I felt when I thought someone stood by my bed, close enough to touch me, and yet couldn’t see anyone. I lay there frozen, wondering how someone had snuck past Chester and into my room to scare me to almost death. But why try to chase me out of my own house? Suppose I went; the house would still be mine.”

Michael nodded, thinking. At last, he said, “Have you spoken to anyone about this? Anyone at all?”

Nicole shook her head.

“That’s good. Let this be our secret. Do you think you could recognize the voice if you heard it again?”

“It was a whisper,” she reminded him. “Hard to tell. I don’t even know for sure whether it was a man or a woman. Although one thing…” She hesitated.

“Go on,” he encouraged, keeping his eyes on her face.

“I noticed a slight stutter at the end of each sentence. It really did frighten me. I’m not sure I’d recognize the voice by itself, but if I heard the person talk that way again, I would.”

“If you hear that voice anywhere, do not let on that you recognize it,” he warned. “Call me. You won’t be leaving here tonight without my private number.”

“Do you really think I’m in danger?” She shivered. “Michael, we only just met; I don’t feel comfortable dropping my problems in your lap.”

“Even if I wasn’t attracted to you, which I am, I would insist on you accepting my help until we figure out who is doing this and why.”

“I don’t like being told what to do.”

He chuckled. “I never would have guessed. Fair warning: I’m a demanding bastard, used to getting my own way. I will keep you safe, even if I have to use unfair tactics.” He rolled her over and threw his leg across her body, trapping her beneath him. “Promise me,” he demanded. When Nicole didn’t answer, he pinched her butt cheek, hard. “I didn’t hear you.”

“You’re insufferable.”

“Do you need a harder pinch to your other butt cheek?” he asked, his hand sliding down her side, edging toward her bottom.

Her cheeks flamed. “I promise,” she said quickly.

“We better go back before I forget we’re on the beach and strip your clothes off.”

She made a little groaning noise and saw Michael smile in response.

“By the way, if you push the intercom button and it turns red, the current is on. Keep it turned off until I return. I’m flying to New York on business; I’ll only be gone a couple of days. Wait for me.” He stood up, leaned over to brush his lips over hers again, and pulled her to her feet.

“Wait for what?”

“For us to figure out just who is behind the threatening voice,” he said as they crossed the patio. “I promise we’ll solve this together.” He stopped outside the open door that led into the dining room. “Dinner when I get back? Something quiet, just the two of us.” His gaze roamed slowly over her body, as if devouring her. He pulled her into his arms. “It is mutual, isn’t it?”

Nicole felt her heartbeat accelerate as their bodies touched. She tried to hold herself away from him to prevent contact as much as possible but found it to be a losing effort. “Yes,” she whispered.

Just before they reached Ellis, who rose as they approached, Michael whispered, “I hope you feel the pinch I gave you all day tomorrow and think about me.”


Chapter Nine


THE NEXT MORNING, Nicole drew a deep breath as she walked along the strip of beach where her property met Michael’s and wiggled her toes in the white sand. Spotting a couple of seashells, she bent over and scooped them into the pocket of her sun dress. The hot weather would soon be back in full bloom. “I’m going to enjoy every day here.”

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” came a voice from behind her. She whirled around, not knowing what to expect.

“Oh,” Nicole said, startled.

“Didn’t mean to scare you,” Jake said. “What has you talking to yourself?”

“What are you doing wandering around by yourself so early?”

“I’m here to meet Cecilia. She runs the island every morning and finishes up by running on the beach.”

With a sudden shift of mood, Nicole asked, “Did you ever figure out who it was you chased or what they wanted?”

“No, but I did ask the club manager if he’d heard of anyone suspicious hanging around the club.”

“Had he?”

“No, but I’m not surprised. The crime stats out here on this pricey piece of real estate are low. It was probably some kid fooling around by the pool area, sneaking a swim. I used to do lots of stupid stuff as a kid, mostly to annoy Michael. But I fooled all the people who thought I’d never amount to anything. The defective Edwards seed, they thought. Besides, even if he overheard us talking, it wouldn’t mean anything.”

“I certainly hope you’re right.“ She looked out over the water and took a deep breath of the crisp air. “I plan to start early morning walks. They’re just what I need to clear my head.”

“Clear your head?” Jake teased her. “More going on than you’re sharing?”

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