Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series)
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Rising, Stark crossed the room to Kiri. He crooked one finger underneath her chin and tipped up her head to admire her. They’d cut her hair. Instead of waving wildly, it cupped her well-shaped head and framed her face in dark, silky tendrils, exposing the lower part of her shell-like ears. He’d buy her earrings, he thought absently, to go with that jeweled collar he planned.

He gazed down into her face. The same, but enhanced with subtle cosmetics, her eyes glowing in their dark lashes and smoky shadows. Her moist, plump lips bore a coating of rosy gloss that made them somehow more intimate, like another, private part of her.

She looked refreshed. The pampering had done her good.

Her winged brows rose. “Well? You’re staring at me as if I’ve grown a third eye or something.”

Stark chuckled, amusement and arousal blending in a heady mix. “Like an Occulan? No. You are … luminescent.” He set his hands on her hips, enjoying the feel of her through the thin, soft fabric.

“Like a pearl?”

It was his turn to arch an inquiring brow.

She chuckled, a husky, sound that cracked in the middle. “Haassea said I must ‘glow like a pearl in the oyster of your signature gray’. I certainly hope you think I do, because she insisted that I couldn’t walk out of here without at least two ensembles and a wrap. There are bags of things.” She widened her eyes at him, miming consternation. “She just kept adding things.”

Stark pulled her closer, inhaling her scent. Just a hint of some sweet, sensual fragrance that made him want to bury his nose in the curve of her throat and chase it to the source. Haassea had chosen well.

“I told her to go on adding things. I particularly want to see what you chose to wear to bed.”

She gave him a look that indicated she was worried about his sanity. “Logan, you have an entire closet full of women’s nightwear at your place.”

Ah, yes, she’d mentioned there were a few things in the room he kept for female guests. “Saving my credit for me?” He lifted one of her hands to kiss the inside of her wrist.

She watched, her lips parting. Not used to the more refined caresses, evidently. Good, he’d know how to keep her off-balance. He preferred her that way.

“Hmm?” she murmured, finally. “Well, yes, of course. Wouldn’t want you to waste credit.” She gave him a guileless look, and he had to bite back a chuckle.

“You don’t have to worry about the cost of things, little cat. While I appreciate your care for my credit, it isn’t necessary.”

“Of course it’s necessary,” she began.

The door of the room opened, and he looked up with a scowl, ready to speak sharply to whoever had interrupted them.

But it was Haassea’s prime assistant, Slidi, a slim redheaded Serpentian with full breasts and a smile that was surprisingly sweet for a Serpentian.

“Oh, Mr. Stark,” she said, stopping in the doorway. “I’m so sorry to interrupt.”

Since her eyes were wide with contrition, he nodded politely. “That’s all right. We were just going.”

“Of course. Haassea is with another client. I—I have a gift for you, sir.” The young woman held out a small package, wrapped in shimmering ribbon. She handed it to Stark with a smile. “Your favorite chocolate.”

He bowed. “Thank you.”

She dimpled. “My pleasure. I’ve scheduled Ms. te Nawa for a full spa day tomorrow, if that’s convenient.”

“It will be,” he assured her.

Chapter 11

Kiri glared at the Serpentian’s back. She had not liked the way the woman looked at Stark, as if she wanted to slither all over him and devour him.

But, she was the one leaving with him. She walked with Logan out to the docking bay, followed by two young men laden with bags. She settled back in the chair beside him with a groan, her eyes closing.

“I feel as if I’ll wake up any moment now, back in my coffee stand, or my apartment.”

“About your coffee stand,” he said. “I’d like to call in an employment agency, find you some help.”

She opened her eyes, instantly wary. “What? I run that stand—it’s mine. And I don’t have time for any spa day tomorrow. Thanks for the haircut and clothes, but that’s more than enough. I could do a lot of other things with the amount of credit you just spent on me.”

So she did want credit. He’d want details on that, later. “Kiri’s Kaffe is going to be overrun with gawkers and gossip runners the next several days. Let me find you someone else to handle that for you. Then when curiosity has worn off, you can return.”

“I run my business,” she insisted.

Ignoring Opal, who sat quietly on the other side of the cabin, Stark flipped up the armrests between them, took Kiri’s hand and tugged her across the smooth leather. He wanted her close where he could hold her hand in his and admire the silky texture of her skin and hair, even catch more of her intriguing scent.

“You’ll need an assistant eventually anyway.”


He smiled at the suspicious look in her golden eyes. Was she imagining him stealing her tiny business, or simply demanding her sexual favors day and night? Not a bad idea, actually. For example, right now he’d very much enjoy having her remove that little top so he could admire her pearly skin through the loose weave of her camisole. Then he’d pull her onto his lap and peel those leggings off. His cock hardened at the notion of having her here.

But his little cat wasn’t ready. She shifted uneasily, her rounded thighs pressing together. “I’m not abandoning all I’ve worked for to be your plaything. I can do both.”

He looked up into her eyes. He saw suspicion, but he also saw arousal there and in the pout of those soft, slick lips. “Of course you won’t abandon your business, which is why you need help. I travel a great deal, and I can’t work around your schedule. While you’re with me, you’ll have to work around mine.”

Then he slipped his arm around her, pulling her close so he could tip up her chin with his other hand. He bent his head to nuzzle her temple, inhaling her fragrance, enjoying the silky hair and skin brushing his nose and face.

“I can’t think when you do that,” she muttered, leaning against him. Possessiveness surged as she turned into his touch, not away. One day soon, he would have her here, in this seat.

“Good. Don’t think.” With a swift, decisive movement, he pulled her up across his thighs. Then he tipped his head to one side and kissed her. Her moist lips parted under his, and he delved into the peppery sweetness of her mouth. He flicked his tongue inside. To his supreme delight, her hand tightened on his arm, and she sucked on the tip of his tongue.

When he lifted his head, they were both breathing hard, and Opal had discreetly disappeared.

Kiri stroked her hand over his chest and under the edge of his open jacket, her eyes heavy. “You do that ... well,” she said. It sounded more like a complaint than a compliment.

He smiled, enjoying the feel of her in his arms and the knowledge that she would be there frequently from now on. “Do I? Perhaps you inspire me.”

“Perhaps you’ve had too much practice,” she shot back. When he stilled, she flushed, her gaze skittering away.

“I meant at getting your own way,” she said quickly, pushing herself away. “What you’ve done in the past—with other women—is certainly none of my affair.”

“No.” He let her go, knowing it wasn’t wise to hold her when he was angry. “Nor is what you’ve done any of mine. But while you’re with me, there will be no other men, or women, unless I say so. Are we clear on that?”

She plopped into the seat across from him, disgruntled as a cat that had been stroked the wrong way. “Are you sure about this?” she opened her hands, gesturing vaguely. “This whatever it is you envision between us?”

“A liaison,” he put in smoothly.

“Oh, very high-class term for fucking,” she shot back and then blushed, her gaze falling away from his as he raised his brows at her. “And that’s just what I mean. You’re used to ... expensive females who know how to dress and—and undress. I’m just a barista. I don’t want to expect more if you’re going to get tired of me in three days.”

“House calls your bluff.”

She stared at him. “What?”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “I can see your markers, Ms. te Nawa, and they don’t match your bet. You’re trying to color yourself as a poor slummer, when in fact you were raised as a lady.”

She drew her knees up on the seat and wrapped her arms around them, eyeing him suspiciously over her knees. “How do you know that?”

He smiled. She didn’t trouble to deny it, at least. “I’ve had several meals and sex with you. That was more than enough. When you’re not losing your temper like a Tyger kitten, you’ve lovely manners.”

She scowled. If she had a tail, it would be lashing. Interesting, that she wished to hide her gentle upbringing. Was she a runaway, either from autocratic parents or an abusive partner?

“Listen, where I live it doesn’t pay to put on a show. I may not be a slummer, but neither am I a courtesan.”

She’d find he was a bit harder than that to throw off track. He smiled at her. “Kitten, if I want a courtesan, I know where to find one. Everything I wish you to know about my sexual preferences, I will very much enjoy teaching you.”

Her golden eyes widened. He had no doubt that if they were anywhere but in midair, she’d bolt. And that he’d run her down. He was as aroused and edgy as a wild male beast himself. Oh, no, she wasn’t getting away.

“I’ve a business to run, remember.”

“So train an employee.” Great God beyond. He was ready to flashbomb her coffee stand himself, just to get her mind off of it.

Perhaps he’d punish her just a bit for making him wait. The thought of her luscious ass reddened from his hard palm amused him, allowed him to watch her frown with renewed equanimity. Later, when she’d lost that fragile look, as if one harsh word or loud noise would have her clawing at the hull to escape.

“I don’t know if I want someone else running my stand. And how am I going to pay them? I barely have enough credit to buy next week’s coffee. And yes, I know it’s my own fault. Sometimes I take foolish chances.” The look she gave him from under her lashes left no doubt that she considered him one of them.

Logan laid one arm across the back of her empty chair. He sighed. “I’ll compromise. You may have a week to train someone. And because I’ve insisted you hire someone, I’ll pay their wages.” And later he’d move her shop to a safer, more lucrative location.

Her eyes widened. She smoothed her hands over her knees. “Okay.”

Because disbelief colored the word, he soothed her. “I want to know you better, Kiri. I understand you feel rushed, but the chaotic nature of our relations so far stems from your life, not mine.”

“Hey—the riots aren’t my fault.”

“Of course not. But you were living in that area by choice. And you gambled by choice. There are consequences for all our actions.”

“So you’ve never gambled?” she retorted.

“Of course I have. Business is one big gamble. The difference between you and me is simply that I’ve won many more times than I’ve lost. And I don’t waste my credit on games—I save it for real opportunities.” He softened his voice. “I’m not judging you, kitten. I told you, I’ve been where you are. I’m simply stating facts.”

“I’ll need at least two weeks,” she said, watching him. “And a loan. As long as I’m going to have your help, I want to buy better coffee and other supplies for my stand. You can have one of your accountants do a contract.”

“Done.” He regarded her with satisfaction. “I’ll be leaving tomorrow, traveling to New Asia. Whether I’m here or gone, I want you at my penthouse. One of my men will take you to work and anywhere else you need to go.”

“Starry,” she murmured, her eyes dazed. “Who, this guy?”

Stark shook his head. “Giles and Opal travel with me. I keep the floor of apartments just below the penthouse for my staff. Natan, my chef and housekeeper lives there, and I’ll have the pilot bunk there as well. I’ll assign Rak to you. He’s old enough not to be beguiled into any mischief even by a lovely wild cat.”

She slid down in her chair, shoving at his knee with her slippered toe. He caught her foot easily in his hand and held her there, chuckling at her childish gesture. She stared at him, a smile dawning on her face.


“I’ve never heard you laugh,” she said. “I like it.”

Stark leaned forward and caught her by the waist, pulling her forward and onto his lap, so she straddled him. “You’ll like what I’m going to do with you when I get you back to my bed, too,” he said into her ear.

She shivered. “Maybe.”

But this time she kissed him, tasting his lips with hers, teasing him with their plush sweetness. Her slender arms slid around his neck, and her soft breasts pressed against his chest. He filled his hands with her firm, round ass and kissed her.

With her soft heat so close, his cock reacted swiftly and predictably, stiffening demandingly. He rocked into the soft notch between her thighs. “The moment I get you inside,” he said against her mouth, “I want you to walk into my bedroom, and wait for me there. Understood?”

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